199676Council File No. 199676 —By Robert F,
Original to City Clerk – Peterson-
� 199676 Whereas The Detention and Work -
CITY OF S ,lyadvertised for biCommission or grading and. IL NO. I
OFFICE OF THE ( excavating for farm buildings, and the
} construction of one pole type farm -
?0P, NCIL RESOLUTION bi�� at zlc�i oe�u o'i
PRESENTED BY 3IirL �' zvb r
WHEREAS, the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission has
properly advertised for bids'for grading and excavating for farm buildings,
and the construction of one pole type farm building at the new Workhouse
facility, in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by the
office of the City Architect; and
WHEREAS, bids were formally opened on October 28, 1960 for the
grading and excavating, and on November 3, 1960 for the construction of a
pole type farm building; and
WHEREAS, the low bidder for the grading and excavating was the Dahn
Excavating Company of 995 South Robert Street at a price of $2,870.00, and the
low bidder in the case of the pole type farm building was the Great Plains
Supply Company at 1667 North Snelling Avenue at a bid price of $8,974.00; and
WHEREAS, the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission considered
the bids properly received on these two projects at a meeting held November 10,
1960 and recommended the award of contract to these low bidders; and
WHEREAS-, the Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting held
November 14, 1964 concurred! in the recommendation of the Detention and Workhouse
Facility Commission and awarded the contracts to these two firms; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul concur in the
recommendation of the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission and the
Board of County Commissioners in awarding the contract for grading and
excavating for farm buildings at the new Workhouse Facility to the Dahn
Excavating Company, and for the construction of the pole type farm building
to the Great Plains Supply Company, at their bid prices of $2,870.00 and
$8,974.00 respectively; and be it
the proper city officials to affix their
in the two instances cited above.
Yeas Nays
Mr. President,
5M 2 -57 2
In Favor
- n Against
Council, City of Saint Paul, instructs
signatures to the contract documents
Nov Is IV
Adopted by the Council 195—
NOV 15 1960
Approvers 195 —
COtIIttptiDttOr' "f i;C-- �r COUNTY BOARD
St. Pant lll����� '.� file No 1636
Jq (yr-r �'
.h.. In i� Rtsoluuon
�' ` 9 -57
NnV 61960 V ei
�Ig19itolit iIcomassion .i`�l�l � er 15, 19' 60`/
The attention of �� i`ro a Deters io & or us 211t - t c 3, t n w kho y city, Council
Mr. Eugene A: Ilonick, County Auditor, Attention; W, Peters
City Comptroller.
is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board ,, of ' County Commissioners of Ramsey
County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on November `14F 1960
By Comnussio' ner:
Ze t
WJ AS Tkie eiitiori, Bind .Workhouse Facility Commission of the City of
Stv Pai i, aria tfie• Couh:4 o$ )Rj=ey has duly advertised for bide for excavating
and gradin4.in preparation for the uew farm buildings at the Workhouse Facility
and also -for the construction of a cattle loafing shed, plans and specifications
for which two. items • were prepared. ,at the request ,Qf ,the Cornission bar the City
Architect's office,
W ,S .The avid Commissiou consid7� xi ok 1 Ids azid recom ended
award_ of 'coiactxact .on November 10, 1960; Now,t Therefore, Be, It,
RESOLVED y the 16ard oi" county, Comzni.s iq"ners,, that the action_,of the ,Detention
and Workhouse Fac .1..ty. Co nission,,is `cgr4eurred :W and that, the awaia' of contract in
the cage �f ,the ex averting to Dew Excavating Gbn. on them, low bid. of $2,870.00;
and the award -of- contract fog the cattle loai`1ng shed to the Great Plains Supply
Company on,their low bid .of is approved and the execution or,said con-
tracts by the �OAirman of the Board, of Renspy, County_ Cgp#ssioners ia, hereby
EUGENE A. MONICL County Auditor
B eputy.
Form Aod. 200 �