199654l d - _ - 199654 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COU IL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONE � DATE November 10, 1980 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the C ontract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the replacement of asphalt shingle roof on the Eazel Park Recreational Shelter Building, 1840 Case Avenue to U.S. ROOFING & SIDING CO. in accordance with City I speelf ications therefor hereto attached and the Informal Bid #2021 . of said U. S. Roofing & Siding Co. for the contract price of $778.00, such bid being the lowest and said U. S. -Roofing & Siding Co. being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City,officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf'of the City of Saint Paul. Informal Bid #2021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM s.60 a 2 Council Co File No. 199654 —By Frank L. . Loss_ l _'Xtesolved, That the Council hereby. approves the award of the Contract Golnmittee therefor and hereby awards cclitract for furnishing all labor, ma- terials, and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the replace- ment of asphalt shingle roof on the Hazel Park Recreational Shelter Build- ing, 1840 Case Avenue to U. S. ROOF- ING & SIDING CO. in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto at and the Informal Bid N. 2021 rtf _said_.TJ,, S. Roofing, & _ idinR _Co. �v lr ,Aov 1.51* Adopted by the Council 19— -. . "tefiWol 9 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER DATE 10 ! l"D 1.99654 XMLVW, Uat the Cotail hereby approves th aaird Of, the C QatrOcat Comittee tkorefor pad hereby wards witrMt for fU raishINIS all labor, aaterWo. and serviw a wwosary for sled sw*&Wy lWiden#aa: to that rapiaowat of asp3alt sbigle roof oa the IIaael Peft Deersatioaal abo ter 9aildi3ag, U40 Case to g. a. 1l00$ING b SIDING CD. is aoawdmm *It& City spebifioatlons therefor ber"o attaa]Md and the Informal. Did M21 of sand V. d. hoatiat a Siding +L'b. for the asatraot price of $MA09 sarab. bid being tb* lovest and said 'U. X. Xwf iW h Siding 46. bola a arw onaao aced r lfable bidder,, *ad #w Corporation CoiiIIInmel be Md hereby ile dimated tQ draw up the proper fora at efttraat tMr'efort OW the proper City off Wale hereby are astboised to .ate said ofttroot on behalf of tbo city of Daunt Pa". IafbrMl Did #2021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis EM E -s0 2 Tn Favor — L�Against jjQj 151951D Adopted by the Council 19 clov 15 !�!, V Approved -- 19— Mayor