08-405SUBSTITUTE 5/7/2008 Council F71e # 08-405 GreenSheet# 3�51771 RESOLUTION OF,�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Wf�REAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (NIN DNR), via the Shoreland Habitat Grant program, has made matching funds available to private organizations and local units of govemment to encourage the restontion of natural shoreland, and; WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation has a balance of $11,000 remaining in 2006 MN DNR Shoreland Habitat Grant funds, and; WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has a balance of $2,000 in matching funds for the 2007 MN DNR Shoreland Habitat Grant from the Capitol Region Watershed Dishict, and; WHEREAS, it is the Division of Pazks and Recreation's intention to seek a budget amendment in order to expend these funds by June 30, 2008, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation has a cooperauve partner in the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD), and; WIlEREAS, the CRWD has requested assistance from the City to water newly planted trees and shrubs on gazkland, coordinate volunteer events that engage the community in natural resource projects and initiatives, install native plant material, and provide maintenance for CRWD projects on City land, and; WHEREAS, the CRWD will reimburse the Division of Pazks and Recreation for services rendered, materials, and equipment costs up to $15,000, and; WIIEREAS, the CRWD has offered to enter into a$7,000 agreement with Parks and Recreation to be used to fund a natural resowce intern in 2008; and; WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation has a balance of $1,200 in funds for the 2007 CRWD natural resources intem position, and; WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul accepted compensation from the Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation ("MNDOT") for restoration work following construction activities on City of Saint Paul ("City") pazk land located along MN Highway 13 in Lilydale, Minnesota in 2007, and; WHEREAS, $7,800 of these funds are remaining to complete project work in 2008, and; WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.071 of the City Charter, certifies that there aze zevenues available for appropriation totaling $44,000 in excess of the revenue estimated in the 2008 budget; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as may be necessary to accept this grant on behalf of the City; and; BE TT FCJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these amendments to the 2008 budget. �: �. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 CURRENT BTJDGET CHANGES AMENDBD BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: 860-Parks and Recrearion Gzants/Aids 33196 - Environmental Stewardship 3408 - State Natural Resource Funds $25,000 $13,000 $38,000 The new revenues incZude remaining balances fi�om DNR grarzts that were awarded in 2006for shoreline habitat. The grant covers material and labor costs for thepraject. The grant funding has been awarded but is appropriated on a reimbursement basis. 6927 — Other Agency Share of Cost $0 $23,200 $23,200 These revenues include reimbursements from tke Capital Region Watershed District for City assistance for CRWD projeets that oecur on City Zand, zneluding funding far an intern and materi¢l and supply costs. 9830 — Use of Fund Balance $25,138 $7,800 $32,938 Revenue includes compensation from MNDOT for restoration work folZowing consinection activities that occurred on City parkland. The funding was received in 2007, and we are seeking 20Q8 spending authority for both materials and labor, SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreafion Grants/Aids 33196 - Environmental Stewardship 0132 — Temp / Seasonal — Not Certified 0133 — Capitol City Intern 0321 — Horticulture/Plant Material 0439 — Fringe Benefits $0 $12,000 $10,750 $15,401 $14,175 $7,600 $20,500 $1,725 514,175 $19,600 $31,250 $17,126 Yeas Nays Absent Bos�am � c�� � xazris ,/ Helgen ,/ Lantry ,/ Stark ,l Thune � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date //�j,j�„��1�/ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretar�� By: J. r Approved b Date '� � � V � By: Requested by Department oL Pazks & cieation _��_�� �.-0 By: Q AporovGEi b� �fiffiof F�ncial Services By: � Approved By: Approved BY� I � ����� �� �`�j � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green �t Green Sheet Green Sheet I� - �D� � DepaRmentlo�Celcouncil: Date Initiated: PR — PazksandRecrea4ou Ot-APR-08 Green Sheet NO: 3051771 ConWCt Person S Phone: Adam Robbins 632-2457 Doc. Type: E-DOCUment Required: N Document Contact: Contact Pnone: � ueaartmenc seni iorerson imnauvate 0 arks and Recrearion Assign 1 arks and Reerealion De artmeat DiceMOr �=_�-�� Number Z inanciafServices fSceFinancialServices For Routing 3 itvAttorue Order .y avor`s Office Mavor/Assis[ant 5 ouncil CiN Council 6 'tvClerk CiryClerk 7otal # of Signature Pages, (Gip All l.ocations for Signature) Provide spending authority in 2005 for carry-over funding receivad in 2007, provide approvai to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Capital Region Watershed District (CRWD) to receive funding for a natural resources intem, and to receive funding for pro�ect support services from the CRWD. Idatlons: Approve (A) or K Plannmq Commission GB Commiltee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contraCt for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Ye5 No 3. Does this personlflrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee7 Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaGh to gfeen sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Parks received graut funding ln 2007 and requires spending authority on the remaining fund balance in 2008 in order to fulfill grant requirements. Parks received funding in 2007 as a part of MN DOT project mitigation package, Parks will complete si[e mitigatSon work in 2008. The Capital Region Watershed Disfrict is willing to fund an intem position and pay for services rendered in 2008. Advantages If Approved: Parks wil] be able to expend funds received in 2007, hire an intem, and receive fundmg for services provided. Disadvantages If Approved: None. �4� ��� Disadvantages If Not Approved: Inability to implement restoration activites and loss of revenue. �s��� ����`,°"����"` � a , ��,�. �� Transaction: �44,�00.0� CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Punding Source: 6927 - Other AgenCy Share of Activity Number: g60-33196 Financial information: COS[S (Explain) April 1, 2008 1129 AM Page 1 08-405 City of Saint Paul Memorandutn To: Matt Smi[h, Director From: Scott Cordes, Budget Analyst Subject: GS# 305ll31 Pubiic Agency Costs on Parks Property Date: May 5, 2008 The attached resolution develops a spending and financing plan in the Parks & Recreation Grant Fund (#860) for grant dollars and other agency share of costs that have been committed to Pazks from several different agencies, including the MN DNR ($13,000) for shoreland habitat, Capital Region Watershed Distcict ($23,2�0) to assist the Aistrict with acCivities that occur on City property, and MN DOT ($7,800) for restoration work following construction activities that occurred on Parks property. The DNR grant and the Capital Region Watershed District contribution aze distributed on a reimbursement basis when the wark plan is developed. The MN DOT contribution was received in 2007 and rolled over to fund balance. Detail is provided on the attached resolution for each revenue line, as well as how the revenue will generally be used. OK to sign. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Council File # D�' `��_l Green Sheet # 3051771 RESOLUTION F Presented 1 WE 2 has 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 PAUL, M{NNESOTA the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR), via the Shoreland Habitat Grant program, tching funds available to private organizations and local units of government to encourage the ' natural shoreland, and; WHEREAS, the�ivision of Pazks and Recreation has a balance of $11,0�0 remaining in 2006 MN DNR Shoreland Habitat Grant func�s, and; WHEREAS, the Divisio of Parks and Recreation has a balance of $2,000 in matching funds for the 2007 MN DNR Shoreland Habitat Gzant fr the Capitol Region Watershed District, and; WHEREA5, it is the Division of ks and Recreation's intention to seek a budget amendment in order to expend these funds by Sune 30, 2008, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Divi`s�on of Pazks and Recreation has a cooperative partner in the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD), and; ''t WHEREAS, the CRWD has requested assistan from the City to water newly planted trees and shrubs on parkland, coordinate volunteer events that engage the comm rty in natural resource projects and iniUatives, install native plant material, and provide maintenance for CRWD ojects on City land, and; WHEREAS, the CRWD will reimburse the Division equipment costs up to $15,000, and; WHEREAS, the CRWD has offered to enter into a$7,000 natural resou:ce intern in 2008; and; and Recreation for services rendered, materials, and with Pazks and Recreation to be used to fund a WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has a balance of $1,200�unds for the 2007 CRWD natural resources intem position, and; WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul accepted compensauon from the Minnesot epartment of Transportarion ("MNDOT") for restoration work Pollowing construction activities on City of Sa t Paul ("City") pazk land ]ocated along MN Highway 13 in Lilydale, Minnesota in 2007, and; WHEREAS, $7,800 of these fu�ds are remaioing to complete project work in 2008, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials are hereby such agreements as may be necessary to accept this grant on behalf of the C1ty; and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul apprwes these budget. to execute the 2008 6 �i - �0� �� 4& PLAN: 49 '460 - Pazks and Recreation GrantslAids 50 �3196 - Environmental Stewardship 51 ��408 - State Natural Resource Funds 52 6�27 — Other Agency Shaze of Cost 53 692�— Other Agency Share of Cost 54 55 56 SPENDING P . 57 86� - Pazks and R reation GrantslAids 58 33196 - Environm tal Stewazdship 59 0132 — Temp / Sea�inal — Not Certified 60 0133 — Capitol City �em 61 0321 — Horticulture/PlanI Ma[erial 62 0439 — Fringe Benefits ��, 63 .. $82,151 Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET $25,000 $13,000 $38,000 $0 $23,200 $23,200 $0 $7,800 $7,800 $0 $12,000 $10,750 $15,401 $14,175 $7,600 $20,500 $1,725 $14,175 $19,600 $31,250 $17,126 By: Q Approved y By: �- Approved by City By: � � of: / '� 1 !02 (/ ���""" � `�' � c�al Services � v �b � o toCouncil� —�— a�-�o� City of 5aint Paul Interdepartmental Memorandum To: Matt Smith, Director From: Scott Cordes, Budget Analyst Subject: GS# 3051131 Public Agency Costs on Parks Property Date: 4l07l2008 The attached resolution develops a spending and financing plan in the Parks & Recreation Grant Fund (#860) to expend remaining grant dollazs that have been appropriated to Pazks from several different public agencies, including the NIN DNR ($13,000) for shoreland habitat, Capital Region Watershed District ($23,200) to assist the District with activities that occur on City property, and MN DOT ($7,800) for restoration work following construction activities that occurred on Parks property. In each case Pazks & Recreation does not receive the grant funds until it has a plan to expend them. The resolution is OK to sign. AA-ADA-EEO Employer