199632FINAL ORDER s � • ` 199632 Council File No. 199632 In the matter of improving Montreal Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Snell- ing Avenue by regrading the center 19 foot wide strip and paving the --------------------- - - - - -- same with asphaltic, concrete surfacing on new seven (7) inch concrete base �j /� U S. P ti P. side Ftl irc a 1 MAL O ' 0Ef ±ke Xja �9r )4:,o r rl•B o aI o A •q r 'o1 In the Matter of improving Montreal Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue by regrading the center 19 foot wide strip and paving the same with asphaltic concrete surfacing on new seven (7) inch concrete base and surfacing the existing side strips of concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order -------------- 9_Q421 ------------------ approved - _- _-- _ - - - - -_ December -- 307- -1958- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to improve Montreal Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue by regrading the center 19 foot wide strip and paving the same with asphaltic concrete surfacing on new seven (7) inch concrete base and surfacing the existing side strips of concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by reconstruct- ing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be -and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counc il NOU 15 1960 j'� ---- - - -_�U NOV 15196® City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------ D File 14387 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY •r Councilman HOLLAN !� Councilman MORTINS Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman Mayor a 2.55 2M 2 I __ • _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER9 11 In the matter of Improving Montreal Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue by regrad the center 19 foot wide strip and paving the same with asphaltic concrete surfacing on new seven (7) inch concrete base and surfacing the existing side strips of concrete pavement wi asphaltic concrete; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, ty �� under Preliminary Order approved December 30, 1958 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - _ _ $673393.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 3.75 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATIONBLDGJ 1 I 3 I Hampshire Park Plat 2 II Al -87cc 96.7gO II I 2 I 3 I do II 1-P700 4p2QQ l !I I 3 I 3 I do II 1.700 4T900 II II15 I 4 I 3 I 3 I do I do II VIM— 11, 900 1, 77 o00 II 16 I 3 I do 1,700 6000 17 I 3 I do II lg,700 69000 II I 8 I 3 I do �I 1.700 59800 II 19 I 3 I do 1.700 1�7 50 lEast z of walk vacated ad oinin an 10 3 do 1,65o 0 r Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -58 8 r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) I t II DESCRIPTION LOT I I BLOCK ADDITION I II VLUT AA ON LAND 1 BLDG. IlWest ? of vacated walk ad joining anfl 11 l h I Hampshire Park Plat 3 II 31,650 00 II I 21 41 do II 1 1,650 6.950 III 3 I 4 I do II 1,650 7.5I 00 II 14 I 4 I do II 1.650 9.300 II 151 4I do II 1650 6,000 11 I 61 4I do fl 1,650 6.000 II 71 4I do II 1,650 6,000 II I 81 4I do 160 620 II I 9 4 I do II 1,650 6j200 II 1 10 4 do II 1,825 6,150 II West 4 of Lot 17 and West 5 feet of I I I 1 ilEast 3/4 of Lot 17, and all of I 16 128 I Lane's Highland Park II 1,650 8,6501 I!West 42 feet of Lot 18, and except I I I II 11west 5 feet; East 3/4 of I 17 128 I do II 1, 925 6,900 ilExcept East 37 feet; Lot 20. Excep� I I II liwest 42 feet; Lot 18, and all of 119 128 I do II 1,450 5,250 ilExcept East 28 feet; Lot 21, and I. East 37 feet of I 20 128 I do 1,450 4,850 East 28 feet of Lot 21, and except I I I II ilEast 19 feet; I 22 128 I -do II 1,450 6000 kast 19 feet of Lot 22, and except I I I II II East 10 feet; I 23 128 I do 1,450 5,150 I IlEast,10 feet of Lot :23, and all of I 24 128 I do 1,475 5,050 •II IlExcept West 9 feet of Lot 26, and all of West 9 feet; Lot 26 and Westl 125 128 I I do II I II 1,450 43600 II 18 feet of 127 128 I do II 12450 42850 II I TOTAL II ', FORM o.s.11 goo 7 -51 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT (BLOCK ADDITION II LAtyDVALUATIO BLDG. II East 16 feet of Lot 28 and all of 1 291 28 lLnne's Highl and Park II 91-695 8 RKO_ IIExcept West 18 feet; Lot 27, and I I I II V I1 except East 16 feet; 1 281 28 1 do 1I x,475 1�_ �� nn IIWest 16 feet of Lot 17, and all of 1 161 29 1 do II 650 7 nn x IlExcept East 9 feet; Lot 18, and i I 11 I 11 except West 16 feet; 1171 29 1 do II 1 9K iiExcept East 34 feet; Lot 20. East I I I }750 119 feet of Lot 18 and all of 1 191 29 1 do 1.750 6 0 !lExcept East 26 feet; Lot 21, and 1 II s i!East 34 feet of I 201 29 1 do II L425 80 llEast 26 feet of Lot 21, and except I I I ilEast 17 feet, 1 221 29 1 do II 1.45o 4o850 liEast 17 feet of Lot 22 and except I I I II I IlEast 8 feet; 1 231 29 1 do II 1,45o 4,800 ilEast 8 feet of Lot 23, all of Lot I I 1 11-- 1124 and, except East 43 feet; 1 25 29 1 do II 1,450 4 0l IlEast 43 feet of Lot 25, and, except) I I I. East 34 feet; 1--26 1 29 1 do 1,450 4,250 Except East 18 feet; Lot 27, and 1 1 1 II II East 34 feet of 1 26 129 1 do 11 1.9650 5 950 ]East 18 feet of Lot 27, and except I I I II ilEast 11 feet; 1 28 129 1 do _)Ioo 1G}$, I 6ast 11 feet of Lot 28, and all of 1 29 129 1 do �_K iiSouth 2 of vacated alley adjoining 1 1 1 II ,qnn_ lland West 113 of Lot 18 and all of I 17 130 1 do II II I I I II I TOTAL II ►o�u a.e.n tqo a -u 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) II< DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LANDVALUATIOVBLDG. IISouth ; of vacated alley adjoining I 1 I II I iland West 2/3 of Lot 19 and East I 1 1 II 112/3 of 1 181 30 1 Lane's Highland Park 11 $1.650 $5.850 llSouth 2 of vacated alley adjoining 1 I I Il liand East 113 of Lot 19 and all of 1 20d30 1 do I1 1,650 6,450 kouth z of vacated alley adjoining I I I II I iland West 113 of Lot 22 and all of 1 211 30 1 do 11 19650 6,350 IlSouth 2 of vacated alley adjoining I 1 1 iland West 2/3 of Lot 23 and East_ 2422 130 1 do ll 1,650 69100 ilSouth 2 of vacated alley adjoining I I 1 11 !land East 113 of Lot 23 and all of 1 241 0 I do � 1.650 6 0 ilSouth 1 of vacated alley adjoining I I I Il liand West 113 of Lot 26 and all of 1 25 130 I do Il 1.65o 6 6 0 IlSouth a of vacated alley adjoining 1 I I Il 1 !land West 2/3 of Lot 27 and East 1 1 ( 11 112/3 of 1 26 1 30 1 do 11 1,650 720001 IlSouth z of vacated alley adjoining I I 1 1 ll and East 113 of Lot 27 and all of 1 28 130 1 do 1,650 6,150 (;South a of vacated alley adjoining I I I 11 iland West 5 feet of Lot 30 and all o� 29 130 1 do ll 1,375 4,9500 (South 1 of vacated alley adjoining I I 1 11 hand except West 5 feet; 1 30 130 1 do 11 1,375 5,900 11 1 15 131 1 do 1,450 6,,550 Ii i!West 11613 6 feet of Lot 18 and all of 1 17 11 131 1 do II do 11 1,450 5,650 1,175 li II 1 I I II � 11 1 TOTAL l ►onw m.a.tt moo a -so 8 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II, DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION (Except West 6 feet; Lot 18, and I I I II i1except East 32 feet; 1 19 131 1 Lane's Highland Park II $1,375 $5,100 IlEast 32 feet of Lot 19 and West 18 1 I I i li 1 !!feet of 1 20 1 31 1 do 11 1,375 5, 40 IlExcept West 18 feet; Lot 20 and Wes I I 11 ii26 feet of 1 21 1 31 1 do 1,1125 59700 kxcept West 26 feet; Lot 21, and I I I I IlWest 2 of 1 22 131 1 do 2 075 5 500 ilEast 2 of Lot 22 and West 13 feet o� 23 131 1 (!Except West 13 feet; Lot 23 and alll 24 131 1 do 2,075 6,6501 !! 1 25 131 1 do 2,100 50001 1 11 1261311 do II 1075 I!Except Avenues; the Northeast 4 of Nort4astl4 of Southeast 4 of Section 16, II IlTownship 28, Range 23 1 1 I 1 38,925 8222500 1 IlExcept Avenue; the East z of North4st 41 of Northeast 4 of Southeast 4 of 1 IiSection 16, Township 28, Range 23 1 1 392700 138,200 IlExcept Avenues; the West 2 of Northeest of1Northeast 4 of Southeast 4 of I IlSection 16, Township 28, Range 23 1 I I II II I I I 11 H II TOTAL 1$179,900 $1,329,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated d-i, /95,� ..CL Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 3-58 QW8 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS / REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I February 10th , 19 59 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 190421 , approved December 30th 19 58 , relative to mlir ov i ng - Mont r'e'a l: Avenue - f- r -om-Fa i ry i ewiAvenue-to Sn 11-i= ng3sA_venue by�_regrrad%na center 19 foot wide strip and paving the same with asphaltic concrete surfacing on new seven (7) inch concrete base and surfacing the existing side ,strips , ofcon„- Crete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity__w_ith _ s_aid improvement and by doing all -other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 67,393.00 , and the total cost (See Letter Attached) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three owners of property, subject to assessment for said d� i Nl i i ii i u. -)sion� of Publ;7 V� Conwilss i oner rovement. re Tom wl� FAIRVIEW AVERIV AVZ - �F VA! 0 4 . t I� r-n Co c 0 cr) 7-1 Co 7a tR F=A 4L �{ t ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINE! HERBERT S. WEST PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELM BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT e TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC' WORKS - ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner . . . CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway ,Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer February 10, 1959 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul' Dear Si r: b � c PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE, E RICHARD L. WHEELEI BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Sup BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPM ARTHUR H. KOCH PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLTCEK I transmit herewith,a preliminary estimate of cost for improving Montreal Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue by regrading the center 19 foot wide strip and paving the same with asphaltic concrete surfacing on new seven (7) inch concrete base and surfacing the existing side strips of concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete and by doing all other work which is necessary to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 190421, approved December 30, 1958. Estimated'Paving Cost _ '!$61,266.14 Engineering & I nspFct- ion --tip 6,126.86 Estimate otal Cost,; w. $67,393`0 _Estimated Property Paving Assessment_ ��� =.�=�- 8 450AO 3- `} °" City's Share of Cost (Mun. State Aid) $48,943.00 Estimated property assessment is based on making the following assess- ment rate per front foot: 4920 lin. ft. 0$3.75 ® $18,450.00. Yours very truly, A ur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance A i an P 'Wi !r Commission 'o7 r 044 �1_ , PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE We the undersigned persons residing on Montreal Avenue, between Fairview and Snellling Avenues, do hereby join in this Petition of Remonstrance, for the purpose of objecting to the proposed public improvement set forth in communication of the Commissioner of Finance, dated March,.6, 1959, and pertaining to Order No. 190+21, concerning paving to be done, as set forth therein, on Montreal Avenue from Snelling to Fairview Avenues. The consecutive levies and current obligations arising by reason of. assessments for sidewalks, ally on North side of street, and increase in taxes render the proposed assessment for further improvement unjustly burdensome. Name and Address Lineal Front Footage - Legal Descrip- tion ��lo•�ti -c �:.e �P� ���' 1 "�� 3 Homestead �If 179-,7 �- fV1 I � , pl- el,6 I, JP one of the signers on the page hereon do hereby certify'',under oath as to the signatur s on this page. \, "N Subscribed \.and sworn to ,beBdre meti this 2.13.rtd.ay of March, 1959• - Notary Pu, i amsey County, Minn. My_ commission expires ocl.;E- (go 1 ILI � i J ti a . y Names and Address . f�d /4/ FBI ME Lineal YFront .Dootage~ Legal Descr &n -- t i orli� p Homestead �13 17i�i��• p�� /1�u�v n . 3 a 177 17x i i OF s, 1 t� aww� 5 �•i, Ye, tA l rt, �O (k, ?,% ay / 1- � I, T A-1 WA•i" A—Lrone of the signers on the page hereon do hereby certify under oath as to the signatures on Kthis fr pa ge, /// /V-/ �/ Subscribed and sworn t,o before me this *- ITJ,\day of March, 1959• t Notary' Publi• , R;�)nsey County, Minn. My commission exppires A • �/fillt iamea an„c , Address , Lille-al FLgnt ao t age - Legal r inme t J. vv 1r►�e�t '�`� �, (��� iii e' west s; I=, -'�q 0 n 8( k, 2 s J lvta LOT _ 13 LO C_z qtl A )v 177' 9 2 t 4-t-11 W /.I V t -- i 7 1// � rF 6 31� dot /7� 6Coci� :2, 2, LA,��� F �Rv irw . F/I &9k,4NW ' RK. � rid J - � 3 t. W 2-9, 1_6.1-1_e5 Ind.. M1 r - • y t Lot vp one of the signers on the page hereon do hereby certify under oath as to the signatures on this p" g s Subscribed anti. sworn to before me this day of March, 1959. �aotary Pol i Ilamsey_Cou. ty Winn. Icy commission exppires c • l I I go r , 7 � ��n� ���Z�- �`' �3Q� �a alp ��. �• 4/S w �s Zkodw Jo �Gq+vES �rG'lr,[�4nro p,�� `SXoy oT y A&A 'Y3 �.o T .t-t 04uk 30 6; 51e Flames and Address Lineal Pont Boota e Legal Des. r. r q ft') L-dt Lpl t/ t Homestead 70 1,2z9 Q y 4v _ 3 � T �. v ����✓ ?% CL ta " !� e 5 ` �, �� � %� < � • !/�u.. tea'- ��-�L(- �is.�,.+�� /" �i..:� � X ,has Co--,,,;, ,jci.one of the signers on the page hereon do hereby �- certify under oath as to the signature�on this pa e - - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2�,,rkday of March, 1959• Notary PtibliA, Ramsey County, Yinn.i My commissioll exppires n c,t . i% V ; °1 �, /