199625I , Original to City Cler4 r �ORDIN r i PRESENTED B tV , Council File No. 199625 — Ordinance NoJ 11864 —By Milton Rosen — An Ordinance Amending Ordinancei No. 11061 entitled: "An ordinance granting permission, NO. and authority to the Village of Maple -I wood to connect the public sewer' system of said Village of Maplewood to' the public sewer system of the.r+t-s;_e- NO. ��r.• `oifl An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 11061 entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Maplewood to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul 'and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer ,system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions ", approved July 26, 1957, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 11061, approved July 26, 1957, as amended, hereby is further amended in the following particulars,- to -wit: (1) That hereby there is inserted therein Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland " Loss . Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) _ Attest: r City Clerk 1M 6 -60 8 r Passed by the Council Tn Favor , Against r ' Approved: Mayor fI V - immediately after Section 19 thereof, an additional Section 20 which Aall read as follows: "Section 20 I "That despite any contrary.provision hereof, said Village hereby Is authorized to cause or permit the establishment, maintenance and use hereunder, of a sewer connection for sanitary and industrial waste sewage drainage and disposal purposes between the following described real property situate within the corporate limits of said Village, to -wit: ilAll that part of the south one -half of Section 36, Township 29, Range 22 which lies northerly of the center line of Trunk , Highway No. 12, also known as Hudson Road, according to the U. S. Government Survey ,and the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds i } Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland " Loss . Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) _ Attest: r City Clerk 1M 6 -60 8 r Passed by the Council Tn Favor , Against r ' Approved: Mayor fI V t ' 399625 in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, except the following parcels located within the SEC of Section 36, Township 29, Range 22: Lots 1, 2, 15, and 16, Block 1, Tanners Lake Out Lots (replatted as Ellen Grove); tract described as follows: except the south 266.6 feet, Lots 15 and 16 and except the north 240 feet, Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Tanners Lake Out Lots; the North 127 feet of the south 266.6 feet of Lots 15 and 16, Block 49 Tanners Lake Out Lots; and Lots f 1 and 2, Block 8, Tanners Lake Out Lots; and said public sewer system of said Village, subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: (a) that such duly authorized sewer connection shall be for the drainage therefrom and disposal of sanitary and industrial waste sewage which shall accumulate on said hereinabove described real property,and the same and every other sewer connection for any such or comparable sewer service purpose now or hereafter established between said above described real property and said Village or said City public sewer system shall ki`e`W and hereby are made subject to the exclusive control and regulation, in respect of installation, main- tenance and operation, now or herea_f ter prescribed under and by any and all pertinent Ordinances or Resolutions enacted or adopted by the Council of sa City of Saint Paul and Rules and Regulations established pursuant to the same; (b) that all _r Annual Charges,_Sewer Rental Charges and other sewer service charges for or on account of any such or other sewer connection between said above described real property and the public sewer system of said Village or that of said City, now or hereafter estab- lished for any such or comparable purpose, shall be and hereby are limited and restricted to charges prescribed and imposed and to be prescribed and imposed therefor by and for the sole and exclusive benefit of said City; (c) that none of the provisions - -o this Ordinance shall be deemed to impose any obli- gation.on said _Village f or. the payment of any annual charge,- sewer rental charge or other sewer`sdrvice charge for or on account of any such sewer connection between said hereinabove described real property and 4� the public sewer system of said Village or that of said City; and (d) that such hereby authorized sewer service connection 'b'etween said above described real property and -said Village public sewer system shall - be established at a point in or adjacent to the south line' of Trunk Highway No. 12, also known as Hudson Road, a distance of approximately 1000 feet east of the east line of McKnight Road, and that upon the establishment of such sewer connection and at any time thereafter during which the same shall be maintained hereunder, said City hereby reserves all necessary rights theref or'and may, at its option, by resolution of its Council, provide therefor and require Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, owner of all of said hereinabove described real property except the west 50 feet of the east 411.74 feet of the south 86 feet of the north 221.49 feet and except the west 123 feet of-the-east 361.7 feet of the south 201 feet of the north 336.49 feet of the SW V4 i of Section 36, Township 29, Range 22, �- Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. S- ORDINANCE NO. or said Company's successor in interest in respect of the same, at said Company's own cost and expense or at its successor's own cost and expense, to construct and complete a suitable sewage meter chamber and to install therein and thereafter maintain a suitable sewage meter equipped with efficient remote registering and recording mechanism for the constant and accurate measuring, registering and recording of the volume of sewage, as the same shall be discharged from said sewer connection into said Village public Sewer System hereunder, at the site of each said sewer connection or at a site adjacent to the same, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor approved by the Chief Engineer and Commissioner of Public Works of said City; and that, in the event of such requirement and the imposition of the same, by the City, these provisions therefor shall operate .as a permit by said - Pillage for said purposes." Sec. 2 That this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for its'operative effect upon the acceptance thereof and concurrence therein by said Village of Maplewood, evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village Council or governing body and the filing of a certified copy of said Village ordinance with the City Clerk not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance: Sec. 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas J Councilmen Nays DeCourcy J Holland Loss Mortinson J Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) r Attest rt r City Clerk 1M 5 -60 8 'DEC 11960 Passed by the Council Tn Favor i L ` Against Approved DEC 1196 Mayor Duplicate to Printer ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. % 9 9 6, Z S" ORDINANCE NO. or said Company0s successor in interest in respect of the same,, at said Companyta own cost and expense or at its successoros, Own cost and expense, to construct and complete a suitable sewage meter chavlber and to install therein and thereafter maintain a suitable sewage meter equipped with efficient remote registering and recording mechanise, for the constant and accurate measuring, registering and recording of the volume of sewage$, as the same shell be discharged from said sewer connection into said Village public Sever System hereunder, at the site of each said sewer connection or at a site adjacent to the same, in accordance with plans and specification$ therefor approved by the Chief Engineer and Commissioner of Public Works of said City; and that# in the event of such requirement and the Imposition of the same, by the City# these provisions therefor shall operate as a permit by said Village for said purposes." Sec. 2 That this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for ito operative effect upon the acceptance thereof and 'concurrence therein by said Village of Mapiewoods evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village Council or governing body and the filing of a certified copy of said Village ordinance with the City Clark not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance. Sec. �* This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. See, 4i This ordinance shall, take effect and be in force upon Its paesgge, approval and publication, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M a -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Original to City Clerli ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 199625 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO -3- or said Company's successor in interest in respect of the same, at said Company's own cost and expense-or at its successor's own cost and expense, to construct and complete a suitable sewage meter chamber and to install therein and thereafter maintain a suitable sewage meter equipped with'efficient remote registering and reeording mechanism for the constant and accurate measuring, registering and recording of the volume of sewage, as the same shall be discharged from said sewer connection- into-said Village public Sewer System hereunder, at the site of said sewer connection or'at a site adjacent to the same, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor approved by the Chief Engineer and Commissioner of Public Works - of said City,; and that, in the event of such requirement and the imposition of the same, by the City, these provisions therefor shall operate as a permit by said Village for said purposes. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 111d a -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Triplicate to the Compttolkr . ORDINANCE PRESEN'T'ED BY COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. 1,99625 or said Comparw o * *uopossor in interest in respect of the , at said company's owl's cost expense or at its swt osixbr's om *bst and *xpensos to Construot and aonpiete a tabs.* sewage aster phambor and to Instal therein and thoroo for intain s suitabl* sewer meter oguip with efriol*At ro to registering and r000rdinS mchwAsm for the aostant and soauumto aossuviogp rtgi*terinj; anal r000rdD.ng of the vol=* or sewmae's as the *me shall be discharod from said sower connootioin Into sold VillaV public der Olsten berow*40rp, at the site of Maid sewer onneotion or at a tit* ad agent to tho 1 ,► i aoa n orfthoo with VIM * and specifications therefor approvod by the Chian' Engineer and Conmissloner or Public Works or said City; and thato In tbo ordnt of such requirement and the U- MoS .tiob of tbo saxes by the City# these provisions therot -or WWI oporato *s A permit by said Village for said purpo ses. Section 2, This ordinance to hereby d &olar*d to be an *per enoy ordinanoo rondored noaes"ry for th* preservation Of the pueblo poaae, health and 0Afotys Section 3, 'phis or lrawoe sha11 tam effect and bey in Forcer tin its passtg*s appmlal and publia4t % ono Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk ins s -so QDs Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against QaadrapHate to Depmrtalni i PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. �_996— ORDINANCE NO A.,to5 or "U f o r In tox in ro "t 0 tbo SOW* at "" oftow's own scot 0XV04" or at its O"W'S om 0941; is smatrt *091*tf a .6"t "s soww motor *b&xb*r wA to inst4l thorola w4 ' 4UP W10 sI`, 1404t moto V090to re"rdift baplon for t 0+ of the YOB of sn*v,# *0 tbo 0 lus earls" rrm 6"t fix► wwwtion Int t UU40 VKW4 sIr syst4m r " r# at titer sit* of WA mr►r wawotl or at 4 s3.' "Int to uo ,tb � mod "Ift"Viom tholoolor appro"la t' AW MA s *tr of to r of � r �e I9 #rA tWo in 'fit tit Olt 0"k ,uiromost I ItIon -of tho sow* by tho .ty's se r U twror, owl *"rat* Vrt VUUV ftr #sdA popmos,, ftatIgn 20 'tM seas to bovew u"4 to bo t0 s us V00"4VO 00"00847 err tb► Pr*"Vftti= Of 3L $""# ""tai a Vitro 8"tim so, Thu orb 11 to" 0 ""t to its pums",* sOV41t4 04 owaloationo Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk im 6 -60 v Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against aFilr Ts' a - .�. •. °Y -.t -a .t• f. ; ...y�• _...',. 1: ". - ,,. .,. 4� • ml STATE bF MINN A) 6 UNt'�C; OF RAI SAY) VILLAGE, OP RAVUWOW) I- tiia 11At�ez*s�lgtied�',bai g the dul�r gt*lLfied is acting c�,exk ei .thd Village' of Maplew4", Wituit"ta# -4e 3 er b '�oftU*y that - I, h ave ciia u l7i es"rod the attaalad -and = f*i*:e9ebig- 'e*tiv,6t :bf- mjnutjs of a sregtilsr weetin 'Of- jh* Villas of Wwlaitood,: _held on the first 4i4,4- f Dsaawbor 1960 rrith;_the ss'iginU • 0, file .'; in, oEfise, Risol tCs- sieve lair uti,'tfue aasd"ite franarlgC.;rr+rfs' ' - • Sr is. th* *&me selites to, aanitary ,, e.0"r. -Witness at 1 asid -lei ,such clerk 'arid t4a- �s'posiate gal. ��' the = Viiiigw ex -VT go CIO tx Village of:Maple� sod,_ kinneaetL . ' y i :r Li ,� =` ., ' - ,- e'a,. • fit- �'�;h � r;� - �,cl . • ' 'r•,• :.! . - _�' - . .: , s - .. _. y ,' is - - '!�t' - _ � '�' - _ `. '�, • _ - _ ' � • e -,• .. ... r. �• ,.- �.. A% Vk i., , - .•- , - t• r-. ham'" "I _ • - • _ .r- • _ ,ram` - _ �._ �' r.': �' - _ - - _ _ - - Is '` , 2n / / 7 Laid over to / 3rd and app Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas / Nays DeCourcy !i6e rcy Holland oll Loss Loss Mortinson ' on Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis J s /99�C2