199623I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/�� �� / ' 1 • &�t�D C OMMISSIONER 72 i "`o ATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves and � U�� authorizes Supplement No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. C -2464 between the City of St. Paul, acting in the premises by and through its Board of Water Commissioners, and the State of Minnesota, acting in the premises by and through its Commissioner of Highways, pertaining to the relocation and adjustment of watermains in connection with the construction of Dale Street Bridge No. 9387 located on Interstate Highway No. 94, and hereby approves of and concurs in the resolution of said Board pertain- ing to said matter, dated October 26, 1960, and authorizes and directs that said Supplement No. 1 to Agreement No. C -2464 be executed in behalf of the City by the proper City officers. Council Pile No. 199623 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- o1mr - y Of . ault hereby approves and { Cit authorizes e tiveAgreement No. C -2464 between n a the City of St. Paul, acting in thel premises by and through its Board of Water Cbmmissioners, and the State of Minnesota, acting in the premises by and through ,its Commissioner of High- I ways, pertaining to the relocation and' adjustment of watermains in connec- tion with the construction of Dale Street Bridge No. 9387 located on Interstate Highway No. 94, and hereby approves of and concurs in the reso- lution of said' Board pertaining to said matter, dated October 28, 1960, and authorizes and directs that said Supplement No.' 1 to Agreement No. C-2464 be executed in behalf of the City by the proper City officers. Adopted by the Council November 10, 1960. Approved November 10, 1960. (November 12, 1960) 10 1960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council "M 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Vertinsun Peterson (, ) Against Mayor Rosen 6M a -60 A1J0,2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � 9623 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE vm', That t1e Coun l of the City of St. Paul hereby approves and ,authorizes .. 3 Jena ft. X to Cooperative Agreow0nt No. C-A& between the City of .8t. RmAj ecting in the premises by and tAmough its Board. of Water Comisetonere, em$ the State of Xirmeso+A.$ meting in the prodse s by an through Its Coessimsionler of Hips, pertaining to the relocation and *Quatm000t of wat®zmaine in connection vrith the construction of Doles Street Brie Ho. 93$7 locatesd. on Ynterattate Hi& y No. 9$, and hereby onrores of and concurs in the resolution of said Board pertain- ing to said matter, dated. October 26, ig6o, and authorises and aireects that said 04plement Ha. 1 to Agreement Ho.. C-M& be omi ted in behalf of the Ctty by the prow City office", COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Loss Mnrti n a an Peterson Rosen an+ a•eo OQW2 `-✓ Tn Favor a Against Adopted by the Council t, 0V IQ 196 19— Approved 19— Mayor