196613ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 4 ". i" CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.- COUN L R OLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRE$i:NTED BY G-a�... COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the request of Merriam Park Church of God for the withdrawal of its petition for the rezoning of the south 75 feet of Lot 6 and the south ?5 feet of the West One -half of Lot 5, Block 159 Merriam Park, at 330 North Prior Avenue, is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to James C. Tarbox, attorney, on behalf of said Merriam Park Church of God, the sum. of 030.00 filing fee paid in said matter, as evidenced by Receipt No. 3146. Council File No. 199613 —By Frank L. Loss — Resolved, That the request of Mer- riam Park Church of God for the with- drawal of its petition for the rezoning, of the south 75 feet of Lot 6 and the' south 75 feet of the West One- half'of Lot 5, Block, 15, Merriam Park, at 330 North Prior Avenue, is hereby granted, ' and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to James C. Tarbox, attorney, on behalf of said Merriam Park Church of God, the sum of $30.00 filing fee paid in said matter, as evidenced by Receipt No. 3146. ` -,- Adopted by the Council November 10, 1960. Approved November 10, 1960. (November 12, 1960) COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss ' . Favor ZI44inson Peterson Rosen Against Mr �inn+ Vavoulls sM a -so Q0.2 N 0V 10 1960 Adopted by the Council —19— NOV 10 1960 Approve 19— Mayor ?UPLICATE TO PRINTER • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVEDg that the request of Merriam Park Church of God for the withdrawal of its petition for the rezoning of the south 75 feet of Lot 6 and the south 75 Feet of the West One -half of Lot 5, Black 35','Merriam Park, at 330 North Prior Avenues is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to James C. Tarbox, attorney* on behalf -of said Merriam Park Church of Godp the sum of $30.00 filing fee paid in said matter, as evidenced by RQceipt No. 3146, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss MnrtinanTn_ Peterson Rosen SM 5 -60 2 n Favor y Against N OV 10 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— Nov 10 last Approved 19— Mayor ,O`F,FICE OF °CITY, CLERK BUR' EAU OF RECORDS ,386 City HaN and Court House St. Paul Z, Minnesota of i .j November 3, 1960 ECRIyED NOV 4- MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder �y Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel CORpQ i RA'FlON COUNSEL Building . Dear Sir: Y The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached request of Merriam Park Church of God for withdrawal of their petition to rezone the S. 75 ft. of Lot 6 and the S. 75 ft. of the W2— P of Lot 5, Block 15, Merriam Park, at 330 N. Prior Ave., and for refund of the $30.00 filing fee paid therefor by Receipt No. 3146, refund to be made payable to James`C. Tarbox, Attorney at Law, W -1569 First National Bk. Bldg.! E Very truly yours G � ` City Clerk C\ r a r r 0 MINNESOTA K Y P P i r i F To The Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota c/o The City Clerk -Court House and City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Madam and Gentlemen: The Merriam Park Church of God recently filed a Petition for the rezoning of the following described property, to -wit: South Seventy- five--(75) feet of Lot Six (6) and the South Seventy -five (75) feet of the West one -half (Wk) of Lot Five (5) of Block Fifteen (15), Merriam Park, Ramsey County, Minnesota. This property is otherwise known as 330 North Prior Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota and is the present location of the house of worship. This application was made in view of a prospective relocation f of the church building. However, the proposed sale of the above described property has fallen through, and the specific reason for the rezoning no longer exists. The church wishes, therefore, to withdraw the Petition for Rezoning, which is now pending before the Zoning Board, and requests the refund to it of the filing fee of $30. Respectfully submitted MERRIAM PARK CHURCH OF GOD By ha man of Its Board of Trustees WAG: j �j s� JAMES C. TARBOX ATTORNEY AT LAW ' W.1569 FIRST NAT'L BANK BUMDING • ST, PAUL 1, MINNESOTA CArrT,w 7.8821 November 2, 1960 The City Clerk Court House and City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Harold Riordan Dear Mr. Riordan: Enclosed please find letter to The Honorable Mayor and City Council asking to withdraw Petition for Rezoning and for the refund of the filing fee of $30 paid by the Merriam Park Church of God. As appears in the letter, the proposed sale of the church property fell through, and the situation out of which the Petition for Rezoning was made no longer exists. Will you please submit the application for with - drawal of the Petition for Rezoning and for the refund. Yours very truly, J . TARBOX JCT:js enclosure 1 K e i t y a i c fe i x CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 September 29, 1960 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: i9yGl3 ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer ; CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier j L E f Y R E a I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning South 75 ft.-of lot 6 and the south 75 ft. of West 2 of Lot 5, Block 15, Merriam Park from a "Bii Residence District to a Commerical District. Property located on the east side of Prior south of Roblyn and north of alley in 15 Merriam Park. from a "Bit Residence District to Commercial District, and find than said petition is sufficient. p• CH: cp c.c. - Mr. Schroeder City Architect Yours very truly, �� Bernard�T': "Holland Commissioner of Finance i E 3 Y f A E F Y R a a TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA c/o The City Clerk y J' Court House and City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Cn noG s Q r- -n -n Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of the real estate situate& wi�hin oU' hundred (100) feet of the real estate affected by this Petition, whit'h is: South Seventy --five (75) feet of Lot Six (61v a& theuSouth Seventy . five (75) feet of the West one -.half W of" Lod, Five'(5) of 133:0ck = Fifteen (15),- Merriam_Park,.Ramsey, County, Mi *esota� accordi to the recorded plat thereof on file and of recorr in tae officecmf the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minn9sota, do hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone this property from Class B KI residence district to commercial district. This property is now used by Merriam Park Church of God, a Minn9 sota religious corporation, for its house of worship. The Church is moving to a newjlocation, and it is necessary for it to sell this property. In order to complete the proposed sale, it is necessary to rezone it as requested in this Petition. This property fronts on Prior Avenue between Roblyn and the alley. The adjoining property on the North is an office building occupied by doctors. It is under-4- stood that all property lying North of this to the railroad tracks will be taken by the State for a freeway. It is proposed to use the church property in the following manner: For the sole purpose of constructing a neat and attractive one - story, brick, fire proof office building. MERRIAM PARS CH OF ,G/OD� s BY: _ — unairman or.. boara -or -_,rrustees.,. or boara or Trustees The North 75 feet of the of Lot 5, and the N. 75 Wk feet: Isabel Ryan and John J. Ryan 2 ,�� :.a l ;:A .. ...:.1. .. of Lot 6, Block 15, Merriam Apparent record owners I 1 Ry Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. Lot 4 and E- of Lot 5, : Enoch J. Sandberg & Block 15, Merriam Park, : Clemency M. Sandberg, K-M�ch ....... Ramsey Co., Minn. husband & wife(as joint J. Sandberg'' / tenants). j)-Y: • Apparent record owne :........ : .V4'0 Clemendbar Lot 3 and the of Lot 2 : Robert Blahoski & Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. : : Marcella C. Blahoski, husband & wife(as :i ........................ Robert Blahoski - joint tenants) - i s Apparent record owner :i ........................ s s Marcella C. Blahoski GJ qq �r LOT, BLOCS & ADDITION Rl Lot 7, Block 15,' Merriam : Cl�.ude C. Payne & Park,.Ramsey Coc, Minn. ! E. Payne, husband :i ....................,r.... s =w1 ife(as joint S Claude C. Payne : teimmts). l: Apparent record owner :22. 00.....0 .. �, :::: ` 3 Mabel E. Payne Lot 8, Block -15., -. Merriam_ : , Vera V. Peak.,-,_ ' }• Park, Ramsey Co., .Minn. S '`J `� ou44.v. .: Apparent record owner s Vera V. Peak Lot 9, Block 159 Merriam Nola W. Erickson & '� ./�"° Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. : Anne C. Erickson, his Si ........................ S wife(as joint tenants) Nels W. Erickson „ .-........... ....... .......:....................... Apparent record owner 0000: ! . . 0000 A .. 000001 Annar ckson Lot 10 and the O of Ray M. •Sauber & Laura S Lot 11, Block 15, Merriam Park, Co., M. Sauber; husband & S •yyam�// Ramsey Minn. :, wife (as joint tenants):: .. ;... ........;.ti M. Sauber • Apparent record owner s Laura M. Sauber - The S. 100 feet in length = : of Lots 8 & 9, Block 16, : Harold S. Dalton :., ...................a...'.. Merriams Rearrangement of S Harold S. Dalton Merriam Parkas- to -Blocks Apparcnt rccord - 79 8, 9, 10 and 16) ... ..........:.... ........i...................... 0000.. ;........................ Lot 1 and the E. 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 16, S H. S. Call Merriams Rearrangement of S H. S. 0 811 Merriam Park (as to Blocks: Apparent record owner 7,8,9,10 &'16) amen . • _ De t$r ps� er, Contraci • s STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss: COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) i HENRY M. WILLIAMS, JR., being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says, that each of the parties described above is an owner respectively of the lots described immediately after his signature. That this Petition.was signed T P--2#;* 1 by each of the said owners in the presence of this Affiant, and that the signatures abo4e are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the t parties so described. Z? � HenrYV Williama,Jr* Subscribed and 'sworn to before me 'this *&VZ•*,•'•day ofjg4�.. 1960 id James C. Tarbox, motary Public Ramsey County, Minnesota My Commission expires•March 23, 1965, sr 1TATE OP MIMSOTA) (SS.' COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 21st day of September, 1960, before me, a Notary •Public within and for said County,personally appeared Willard A. Good and Mabel E. Wolleat, to me personally known, who, biing each by me duly sworn, did s4-., that they are respectively, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Merriam Park Church of God, a religious Corporation named in the' foregoing Instrument, and•that said Corporation has no corporate seal and that said instrument was signed ind'iealed on behalf 'of said Corporation-by author- .ity of its Board of Trustees and by authority of said religious corporation and the said Willard A. Good and the said Mabel 1. Wolleat acknowledged said Instm ment to be the free act and dead of said Sorporatione dames C. Tarbox- Notary Pub�lc, Ramsey Co., Minnesota, My commission- expires March,23, 3.965-0--' —3- _ f TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AHD CITY COUHOh OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIRNDSOTA c/o The City Clerk Court House and City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota _ • ., ; Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of the real estate situated within one hundred (100) feet of the real estate' affected by _this Petition,,wh ich is: South Seventy -five (75) feet of Lot Six (6), and the South Seventy - five (75), feet of the ',West one -half` (Wi)•_of Lot Five (5) of Block F fifteen (15)., ; Merriam Parrk,.' Ramsey' County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, do hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone this property from Class B :- residence district to commercial district* This property is now used by Merriam Park Ch=ch of God, a Minnesota religious corporation, for its house of worship. The Church is moving to a new location and it.is necessary for it to sell this property. Ea order to complete the_; proposed sale, it is necessary to rezone it as requested in this Petition. t This property fronts on Prior Avenue between Roblyn and the alley. The adjoin- ing property on the North is an office building occup led by doctors. It is . understood that all property lying North of this to the railroad tracks will be taken by the State for a freeway. It is proposed to use the church property; in the following manner: For the sole purpose of constructing a neat and attractive one - story, brick, fireproof office building. MERRIAM PARK CHURCH OF GOD Lot 10 and the WJ of : Lot 11, Block 15, Mer-: riam Park, Ramsey Co. : Minn. : STATE OF MIMSOTA) BY Chairman of Board of Trustees Secretary of Board of Trustees r Herbert Merkel and 2 .... .. 0000.. .. of Ella Merkel, husband ! Herbert Mar 1 and wife(as joint ten-: ants) !i 2 ...................... 0000. Apparent record owner 2 Ella Merkel (SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JAMES C. TARBOK, BEING first duly sworn upon oath, de- poses and says that each of the patties described above to an owner respectiv, lg of the lots described immediately after his signature. That this Petition ' d was signed.by each of the said owners in the presence of this Affiant, and th the signatures above are the true and corr t signatures of each and all of parties so described. - signature Sv ribed and sw rn_ V, befo a me t day of ,C ",41A96 . Notary Public, sey Co" MI ..00M00. commission expires ���� 00009. 190 .0 ./ e + A- is ' .� 7 c •M17 i _. STATE OF MINNESOTA). ( a' 5Si , COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) = On -this 21st'day of September, 1960, before me, 'a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Willard -A. Good and .Mabel E. Wolleat, to me personally - known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say-that they are respectively, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Merriam Park Church of God, a religious Corporation named in the foregoing Y x - instrument, and that said Corporation has no corporate seal and-that said instrument was signed and - sealed on 'MhUf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Trustees; and by authority of said "religious corporation and'the said Willard A. Good and the said -Mabel E. Wolleat acknowledged said instrument to be the free;' act and deed`of said Corporation. , awes C. Tarbox— Notary Public, Ramsey County Minnesota. My commission expires March 23, 1965. b x. The South 75 feet of Lot 6 and the South 75 feet of the West z of Lot 5 of Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. ------------------ - - - - -- THE ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY does hereby certify that from an examination of the records in the office of the Register of Deeds and /or Registrar of Titles in and for the County of Ramsey ; and State of Minnesota, it appears that the apparent owner or owners of the property within a radius of 100 feet of the above property which is to be rezoned are as follows: 1. The North 75 feet of the W.2 of Lot 5, and the N. 75 feet of 1 Lot 6 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. Apparent record owner: Isabel Ryan -and John J. Ryan 2. Lot 4 and E.� of Lot 5 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co: Minn. - Apparent record owner: Enoch J. Sandberg & Clemency M. Sandberg, husband & wife (as joint tenants). �� r Uo Lo"t 2 il:ock L 5� f�Meirram Park Ramsey o. Minn. - 3. Lot 3 and thueTS1� z;r ►;;1!li� L1� ! ►� �i' +uK :! ��Y, ' y Apparent record owner -: Ro ert �B ahoski &Marcella C. Blahoski, husband & tvf �(LLL 'o li�1 ��.�rtj�� p ,11 4. Lot 7 Block 15, Merriam l4�JPark, Ramsey Co. Minn. - T Apparent record owner: Claude C. Payne & Mabel E. Payne, husband & wife (as joint tenants) . 5. Lot 8 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. - Apparent record owner: Vera V. Psak. 6. Lot 9 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. Apparent record owner: Nels W. Erickson & Anne C. Erickson, his wife (as joint tenants) . ,7. Lot 10 and the ZY.J of Lot 11 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn.-- Apparent record owner: Ray M. Sauber & Laura M. Sauber, husband & wife (as joint tenants) . 8. The S. 100 feet in length of Lots 8 & 9 Block 16, Merriams Rearrangement of Merriam Park (as to Blocks 7,8,9,10 and 16) - Apparent record owner: Harold S. Dalton. 9. Lot 1 and-the E. 20 feet of Lot 2 Block 16, Merriams Rearrangement of Merriam Park (as to Blocks 7,8,9,10 & 16) - Apparent record owner: H. S. Call. Taxes, Judgments and encumbrances not examined. Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company and its corporate seal this 26th day of July, 1960 at 8 A.M. ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY BY An on ,ed Signat1fre For Mr. James C. Tarbox W. 1569 -1st National Bank Bldg. 2 1 x. The South 75 feet of Lot 6 and the South 75 feet of the West z of Lot 5 of Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. ------------------ - - - - -- THE ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY does hereby certify that from an examination of the records in the office of the Register of Deeds and /or Registrar of Titles in and for the County of Ramsey ; and State of Minnesota, it appears that the apparent owner or owners of the property within a radius of 100 feet of the above property which is to be rezoned are as follows: 1. The North 75 feet of the W.2 of Lot 5, and the N. 75 feet of 1 Lot 6 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. Apparent record owner: Isabel Ryan -and John J. Ryan 2. Lot 4 and E.� of Lot 5 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co: Minn. - Apparent record owner: Enoch J. Sandberg & Clemency M. Sandberg, husband & wife (as joint tenants). �� r Uo Lo"t 2 il:ock L 5� f�Meirram Park Ramsey o. Minn. - 3. Lot 3 and thueTS1� z;r ►;;1!li� L1� ! ►� �i' +uK :! ��Y, ' y Apparent record owner -: Ro ert �B ahoski &Marcella C. Blahoski, husband & tvf �(LLL 'o li�1 ��.�rtj�� p ,11 4. Lot 7 Block 15, Merriam l4�JPark, Ramsey Co. Minn. - T Apparent record owner: Claude C. Payne & Mabel E. Payne, husband & wife (as joint tenants) . 5. Lot 8 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. - Apparent record owner: Vera V. Psak. 6. Lot 9 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. Apparent record owner: Nels W. Erickson & Anne C. Erickson, his wife (as joint tenants) . ,7. Lot 10 and the ZY.J of Lot 11 Block 15, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co. Minn.-- Apparent record owner: Ray M. Sauber & Laura M. Sauber, husband & wife (as joint tenants) . 8. The S. 100 feet in length of Lots 8 & 9 Block 16, Merriams Rearrangement of Merriam Park (as to Blocks 7,8,9,10 and 16) - Apparent record owner: Harold S. Dalton. 9. Lot 1 and-the E. 20 feet of Lot 2 Block 16, Merriams Rearrangement of Merriam Park (as to Blocks 7,8,9,10 & 16) - Apparent record owner: H. S. Call. Taxes, Judgments and encumbrances not examined. Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company and its corporate seal this 26th day of July, 1960 at 8 A.M. ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY BY An on ,ed Signat1fre For Mr. James C. Tarbox W. 1569 -1st National Bank Bldg. 2