199269Council File No. 199289 — In the matter of changing the grade of the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights, from 220 ft. West of Mendota } Ave. to Arcade St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Dept. of Public Works; Also grading and surfacing the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights, from Pd . Mendota St. to Arcade St. to the pro - +E NO posed change of grade; Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 220 ft. West of Merldgta St. to a. mint 15916 .%t. vw�st 1 � INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of _ changing the grade of the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights, from 220 ft- ` West of Mendota Ave. to Arcade St. to conform to the grade as shown on the -ts. profile on file in the Dept. of Public Works; '� i•' "` •' +' ' also grading and surfacing the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights, from- Mendota St. to Arcade St. to the proposed change of grade; also constructing a sewer in the alley from ,a point 220 ft, West of Mendota un&� 'Prte°iituit.z°r rt1a5r8.15 ft.l weEt +of Mendota St.;ApprovedJuly g6+ 19 als-0. const- aixatthg Q,itseVer ",tiTfan ie-adement:crLo- tbehob: tray.a bcl) foLhtheoZeste'lirr4offEi',nance upcof totlt26-p BI pth7tgg. eEhs; tvzi lil: e: iHe 3ghts;erfroma�d'esspmi:ne'i4Lve Itolothe.:alley in the rear of said lots 1. `l�nat tue sa°d report and the same is hereb�approveci and adoptedx an said i_m_p ve n± _ is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends,,..',,, ,. to change the grade of the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights,. from 220 ft. West of Mendota Ave. to Arcade St, to conform to the grade-as shown on the .•T profile on file in the Dept. of Public Works; ^ ' also • ��, grade and surface the alley in Block 91 Eastville Heights, from Mendota St. to Arcade St. to the proposed'change of grade; also construct a sewer in the alley from a point 220 ft. West of Mendota St. with °no aiou utaiiAt- ; c ilaye�8�t. oft;M� dotaxBtfj, reof is 5 71i 1-1 also construct a sewer in e.n easement to be obdtaieUd .on h stem` LQte,26,et13 ob'l h9r,. sttv"i�ll'ett$eig i s,b"from o ,fessamfne Aver to�ethe alley of thle°rear of Of sai� 1ot�s,r 0 196Q 1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hall B • ":ng : h a , of =St, Paul. _'That the Commission of Finance ve notice of _ House tilla City nail 17Ullllllis'in' tta2 Cat3 said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. File 15022 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays OCT 11 Adopted by the Council OCT 11 Approved In Favor Mayor Against