199266Council, e File No. 199266— Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improverneht, viz..- Improving MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOU. LEvARD from Dayton Avenue to Mar- shall Avenue by repaving the existing PROPOSAL FOR IMP shall with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing where structurally unsound or not to proper and alignment and rade;, widening the i roadbed by grading and paving the widened ­ areas with new C()ncrete base '­­ _­ , - _uj 'I- A fA (3266 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingof thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: rom ip, Avdhue to Marsha 11, Avenue -_by -Imp.-roving MtSSISSIPPI -AR6"i r'evavihci' the exi �!i.Rq'roadbed With n' -ng ...... ...... Oohdtetia base—and.-asohaltic concretej­s,urfacI truct iif u ly unsound or not to proper alignment and grade; widening the roadbed b..y-�gradi,tig,.and.,paving..tbe--w-f•dene.d�-are'as;--Wi-tli---new,,conarete?'4i3s!6" arid" asp,lia"lfl'e"di6Hceiiij pavin.g.street and drfve�ay­returns; by constructi new curbs ... a wa-lkgl'7b�l-"tt-COnst-rud-tt'h*g"�;'tdfd Iti es;''by reco'ns t ruct 1 64, the',paving, c u r b ljqq'4,t rL J_^ q�rAj ddWhil ks t�ho.. 1" ' Y -notf]r:n'16o6f6._mIty.3vIth said improvi�me'nt,�'-.by,'i'W�"i:�;�ovaI .-of 'the existl:ng J[Jhting S,/Sttr6-,the-,the-•con'str"uct,f,o-h",Of a ,new,ornamental lighting �-ysteuf; by oonstr4tt-i,,rig'',con-du-its,,,awd- U-Fii traffic'. control system and bly doing all other work ,which f s,, necessary and incidental to said ,Jmprdyement. L! PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............. . ....... Improving hv . tlssi?Pt AWK $01ULEM D� from Dayton Avonwto !1#0a]-I_A�ehOb by On;Mte Vase-a where structurally unsound 0 opor., lignme nt.and..- adet. _wl-dentng­tha�.,roadbed grading ng and pav I ng, the, W I dened rea a at with .new concrete bate aino ieljpha1 tic concrete ... tetvrnsj,-by­cons -iructhts ftew­'dUrb9"4ii'd"9'I-dd--;, p --wa[ter -dr by recbnttrU I Oti-PS the PaVingL* d1k6j,by recohjtr�dtI1nj,,j' 6. �f tll%'. %,4 -1 ON4 . A U T ng conform, ty .Mi th iaj.o ' Vj by the removal of the ex icing if4htlng syttem and tho'consttuction of a newgKn i pent m) ugh) y tru future.. t raf is pontp I as and t�y'r doing n0dental to fmprove en 2. To investigate L1 fmture,.cxteoiand e8timsted wst,of 4imd improveinentj and thz toW teat then of. -&--Tofurnish-apian I t,—p—rot - i re - or- —sRUch of said improVeffinent. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. J "" ' 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the I- -- Co""M or of Finance. OC Adoptedby the Council- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS "NAYS Councilman DeCourcy OCT 111960 Holland Approved ............................ . .................. . .............. LOSS Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mayor. 7-54 /C)