199146Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. L d C a IL 1. 44 An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the Standard Storage Company, 2305 Robbins Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to construct and maintain a sub - surface unloading pit and a pipe line in and across Robbins Street approximately 230 feet south - -vi'est of the southwest line of Manvel Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Council File No. 1$9140— Ordinance No. 11830 —By Milton .Rosen — An 'ordinance authorizing the issu- ance of a permit to the Standard Storage Company, 2305 Robbins Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to construct and maintain a sub - surface unloading 'pit and a pipe line in and across Robbins Street approximately 230 feet southwest of the southwest line-of Manvel Street. This is an emergency ordinance ren =' dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, heath and safety. Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Standard Storage Company to construct and maintain a sub - surface unloading pit and a pipe line in and across Robbins Street approximately 230 feet southwest of the southwest line of Manvel Street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Standard Storage Company for the.construction of a sub - surface unloading pit and a pipe line in and across Robbins Street approxi- mately 230 feet southwest of the southwest line of Manvel Street on said peT- mittee's compliance idfi the conditions, viz: 1. Said permittee shall construct said unloading pit and pipe line entirely at its own expense to the satisfaction, and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with plans and specifications approved by said Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer of the City of Saint Paul. • , 2. Said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made on any subject public street or alley, both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property, shall properly fill and tamp-'any subject street or alley to avoid settlement, and shall restore any subject street or alley to its original condition. 3. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously,;with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner of Public Works. 4. Said permittee shall furnish a surety company bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said. City of Saint Paul from all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damage or expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by or arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence, or removal of said unloading pit and pipe line. The Bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 5 -60 a8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE _ COUNCIL FILE NO. y� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Commissioner of Finance, and shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. 5. The permittee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. - 6. Said unloading pit and pipe line shall be removed by the said permittee whenever the Council shall so order. 7. Said permittee shall not proceed with the construction of this installation unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification as contained in the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction, dated April 1, 1959, Section 1.44, and found on pages 1 -13 through 1 -17 on said specifications applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications No.. 1.44 shall read as though the word "permitteell were substituted for the word "con- tractor ".wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1.44 -. Said Section 1.44 of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall be in'such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct, and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall, after submission to the Corporation Counsel, be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Pal.. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy H4lor,ri Loss Mortinson U Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Alter City Clerk IM s -so s —2— . OCT 9 ISM Passed by the Council Tn Favor 0 Against nnrnvcr� •A O CT .11 9 . Mayor . Saint Paul, Minnesota. Oct. 24, 1960. To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No., 199146, being Ordinance No. 11836, adopted by the Council on October 19th, 1960. STANDARD STORAGE CO. P By: ORIGINAL TO PAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT N9 1198 19 RECEIVED $ 100 CITY COMPTROLLER Soo 4-u ae BY 4 ,r_ls 2n Laid over to l� 3rd and app Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas �0 �� Nays DeCourcy DeCourly Holland — HoUand, Loss Loss Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson ill osett Rosen 2 ( Mr. President Yavoulis AW lo. k�D