Council File No. 199076 —By Milton
Rosen —
Whereas, J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc.,
a Minnesota corporation, was the high
bidder on certain parcels of land
offered for sale by the City of Saint
Paul, which lands are described as
Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Battle Creek
Heights Plat 1, according to the plat,
on file and of record in the office
of the Register of Deeds in and for
Ramsey County. Minnesota, and _
WHEREAS, R. Walker & Sons, Inc., a Minnesota
corporation, was th'e.high bidder on certain parcels of land
r . offered for sale by the City of Saint Paul, which lands are
x described as Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Battle Creek Heights Plat
t= 1-, according to the plat on file and of record in the office
of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota;
. .. R a hd.
WHEREAS, the said J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. are
prepared to enter into contracts for deeds with the City of
Saint Paul with reference to the purchase of the aforesaid
} .} properties from the City in accordance with the terms and
provisions of Formal Bid No. 7900, a copy of .the form of
contract for dried with reference to one of the parcels being
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference; and
WHEREAS, the J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. corporation
has requested permission to assign the aforementioned contracts,
after execution thereof, to the R and W Realty Co., a corpora-
tion affiliated with J.- .-R. Walker &. Sons, Inc.,
Now, Theref ore, be it
-RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officers to
execute on its behalf contracts applicable to the aforesaid
Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, upon acceptance of the terms and condi-
tions hereinafter set forth by both J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc.
and R and W Realty Co.:
1. A certified check from the R and W Realty Co.,
1116 No. Snelling Ave., drawn on the Northwestern National
Bank of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the sum of $36, 333.32, payable
to the City of Saint Paul, is to be accepted as the initial
payments from J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. under and pursuant to
the terms of the aforementioned contracts for deeds.
2. The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
Yeas Nays
Loss In Favor
Rosen Against
Mr. President, Vavoulis
5M a•60 offlpo 2
t '
Adopted by the Council 19—
Approved 19—
xC /r Mldwa 6-7336
l/ �o MIDWAY D5-4868 —HUMBOLDT 9 -2541
�► ' �• 111�ELLING AVE. ST. PAUL 13
Octobzbeh, 1960
City of St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul,
Attn: Mr. Robert O'Connell
We are in receipt of a copy of that
resolution of the Council of the City of
Saint Paul, Council File Numer 199076
dated September 27th, 1960.
Please be advised that we herewith
acknowledge, agree to and accept the
terms and conditions therein set forth.
Very truly yours,
J. R. WALKER & SONS , INC-.- = �
Hy: ,;,t
e��4 41-
Warren Walker
Page 2.
authorizes and consents to assignment of th
the City and the J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc.,
execution of said contracts, to the R and W
ever, no other or further assignment of any
aforementioned contracts is to be permitted
to by the Council of the City of Saint Paul
said body duly adopted.
contracts between
after proper
Realty Co.; how -
or all of the
unless consented
by resolution of
3. The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
authorizes and consents to the filing of a bond which is to
be in the nature of ari additional security to the City guaran-
teeing payment of public improvement assessments to be levied
by the City with respect to property within Blocks 5, 6, 7 and
8, Battle Creek Heights Plat 1, according to the plat on file
and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and
for Ramsey County, Minnesota,.- -such bond to be in the principal
sum of $5,000 and to be executed by both J. R. Walker & Sons,
Inc. and R and W Realty to, as principals; and to be in form
satisfactory, to the Corporation Counsel; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the
City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to
execute the aforementioned contracts for deeds pertaining
to Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, Battle Creek Heights Plat 1, according
to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register
of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, upon the filing
by J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. and the R and W,Realty Co. with
the City Clerk of a letter executed by a duly authorized
officer of each corporation agreeing to and accepting the
terms and conditions of this resolution herei;nbef ore set
forth; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That all future payments of principal
and interest, made to the City of Saint Paul pursuant to the
terms of the aforementioned contracts, shall be made to the
Commissioner of Finance and shall be paid into Fund No. 1048,
Detention and Corrections Receipts Fund; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That moneys placed in escrow with
the City pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid agreements,
to cover the cost of public improvements assessed or to be
a _
Page 3.
assessed against any lot within the aforementioned Blocks 5,
6, 7 or 8, shall be paid to the Commissioner of Finance and
shall be set up in the,suspense account of the Public
Improvement Revolving Fund, 3001, until proper final alloca-
tion with respect to such assessments can be made by the
Commissioner of Finance.
. a
Yeas Nays
—In Favor
Mr. President, Vavoulis
SM 15.60 Q80.2
SEP 27
Adopted by the Council 19—
SEP 27
Approved 19-
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