199075ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • - .. 199075 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CSOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_BY__�,,I RESOLVED, that Commonwealth Nursing Home, Inc., be permitted to construct an addition to its ezi-sting nursing home located on the west side of Commonwealth Avenue between Como and Keston Avenues, more particularly described as Lots 7 through 11, inclusive, Block 38, St. Anthony Park North, in accordance with applicant's plans dated August 15, 1960, subject to compliance with the Building Code of the City of Saint Paul, with the require- ments of the State anal City Health Departments and of the State Fire Marshal'and the City Fire Prevention Bureau, and subject to payment of any license fee required by law. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy _21— Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 2 411t Council File No.. 199075 —By Frank L. Loss— Resolved, That Commonwealth Nurs- ing Home, Inc., be permitted to con - struct an addition to its existing nursing home located on the west side of Com- monwealth Avenue between Como and Keston Avenues, more particularly de- scribed as Lots 7 through 11, inclusive, Block 30, St. Anthony Park North, in accordance with applicant's plans dated August 15, 1960, subject to com- pliance with 'the Building Code of the City of Saint Paul, with the re- quirements of the State and City Health Departments and of the State Fire Marshal and the,, City Fire Pre - vention Bureau, and subject to pay- ment of any license fee required by: law. Adopted by the Council September 27, 1960, Approved September 27, 1960. (October 1, 1960) ' SEp 2 7 ISO «l Adopted by the Council 19- SEP 2 7 In Favor 0 Against Approved 19— Mayor OFFICE. OF CITY -CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Sept. 22, 1960. Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal and application of .Commonwealth Nursing Home, Inc., for permission to construct an addition to their existing nursing home on the property described in the attached letter of H. C. Wieland, in accordance with applicant's plans dated August 15, 1960. Very truly yours, City Clerk RECEIVE SEP 2 3 1950 CORPORATION COUNSEL MINNESOTA F I ........................... •': A...1'.: ............. RD OF ZONING, CITY t`•':A7i`'t'A}I.iilO2si:2 2.253 1313 CITY HAIL AND COURT NOUfI i Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL 2, MINNifbTA September 21,:1960 This is in the matter of the appeal of the Commonwealth Nursing Home Inc. to construct an addition to their existing nursing home on property located on the west side of Commonwealth Avenue between Como and geston Avenues. This would increase the capacity from 64 beds to 102 beds. The property is described as Lots 7 through 11 inclusive, -Block 38, St.Antbony Park North. This property'was rezoned to "C" residence in July 1958 for the purpose of establishing the existing nursing home. Lots 7, 8, and 9 are presently developed with a large three -story brick building which was remodeled in 1958 for the nursing home use. There is a vacant two -story brick building on Lot 10, and Lot 11 is part of the yard area of the nursing home. The applicant proposes to remove the two -story structure and construct a one - story addition to the existing nursing home. This addition will occupy portions of both Lots 10 and 11. It should be pointed out that the proposed addition is being designed for a possible second story in the future. The site has a frontage of 267 feet along '-Commonwealth Avenue and an average depth of 157 feet resulting in an area-of approximately-41,383 square feet. The entire surrounding area is developed residentially with the exception of the recently constructed Children's Home Society of Minnesota headquarters which is to the north and fronts on both Como and Commonwealth Avenues. Field investigation discloses no objections as the increased capacity of the nursing home should not create a detrimental effect on the residential development adjoining and in the area. The applicant's plans have been approved by the City Health Department, State Health Department, State Fire Marshall, St. Paul Fire PreventionBureau -,and the City Architect. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to construct an addition to an existing nursing home facility increasing the bed capacity from 64 beds to 102 beds in accordance with the applicant's plans dated August 15, 1960. Sincerely, H. C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning HCW :FGI Encl. A.F.4451 iy April 25, 1960 TO THE HONORABLE. CITY COUNCIL. OF THE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The undersigned is the owner of the following described, land situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to -wit: ,off fK0 G /_ o `4 The West One. -half of Lots 9,410, and 11, Block 38, St: Anthony Park North, also known as 2239 Commonwealth Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. This land is now zoned for "C." use. The undersigned desires authorization.to remove the present structure now located on said premises and to replace it with a new building, to be used as a. home for the aged. Preliminary plans for" said new building are submitted herewith. Respectfully submitted, COMMONWEALTH NURSING HOME, INC. By J.. S. Nemer E 'U" E � V E 0 APR 2 6 1960 CITY PLAMNIAG BOARD Saint Paul, Minnesota �I l'6J 0