196876Orl¢inel to City Clerk - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE t" CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�Url)Il ESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM 1_961876 COUNCIL FILE NO. Council File No. 196876 —By Adrian P. Winkel - licivshah Commissioner a dh is he hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extentions to be constructed at the locations listed be- low by PEDERSON BROS. under their annual sidewalk contract known as Comptroller's Contract L No. 5999, at a cost not to exceed ;275.0t0 bas, -0 on,3he RESMVEDp That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk exten- sions to be constructed at the locations listed below by PEDERSON BROS. under their annual sidewalk contract known as (Comptroller's Contract L No. 5999, at a cost not to exceed $275.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch monolithic concrete sidewalk which cost is to be charged against the P. I. R. FUND - TAX EXEMPT PROP1iRTIES. Southeast corner of Albert St. and Hartford Ave. - Triple apron Southeast corner of James Ave. and Finn St. - Triple apron Northwest corner of Scheffer Ave. and Pascal St. - Triple apron Southwest corner of Scheffer Ave. and Pascal St. - Triple apron �sy>' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel SM 6.56 ead�enc iPe Tn Favor Against 0 i APR 2 710 Adopted by the Council 196 L. APR 2 71960 Approved 19liiQ �Qf111� Mayor Duplicate to Printer �# � 6876 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 1,96876 NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLM* That the Coiiesioner of Public Uorks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary aidemak exten- sions to be constructed at the locations 11stsd below by PEMMSM BROS,, under their annual sidewalk contract known as Comptrollerts Contraet L No. 5999, at a cost not to exceed $275.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch monolithic concrete sidewalk which coat is to be charged against the P. I. R, FWD - TAX EXROT PROpMTI&9. Southeatt corner of Albert St. and Hartford 094 Triple apron Southeast corner of James Ave. and Finn St.. Triple apron Northwest corner of Schaffer Ave. and Pascal St. - Triple apron Southwest comer of Schaffer Ave. and Pascal: St. - Triple apron COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland - *Rpffimi - Mortinson _f ff Ri5ii___4 Rosen winkei Mr: Presi en —DiZIon t_ . D._. z.. - -.v M1. til �c 2 resit, nt (PetarrAW, 8M 8.68 gR 27 Adopted by the Council 1910_ APR 2 7 1550 Approved 1Q_ Tn Favor I Mayor Against