08-363Council File # D$- 3� � Gt'een Sheet # 3051435 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL�NIINNESOTA r��t�a � 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 2008 — 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement and 2008 — 2010 On Call Memorandum of Agreement 3 between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees, Association, Inc. Human Resources Adopted by Council: Date ��//,�/�p�6/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY• /9 - ic�YSc..� Approv a�y r: Date � Q p By. By. Angela I�lezny DireQtd�rU l� Approved 6e e ci ervices By' — Approved �,v i ttomey � By. j G �.�j� Approved y Mayor for Submis,sion to Council BY �t�N T � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 08 � 3[r 3 Departme�rt/oTficelwuncll: Date InFtiated: Hu -��Ra� �-���a Green Sheet NO: 3051435 ConWet Person & Phone: Jason Schmidt 26G6503 �► 0.ssign Number For Routing Order 9 nmanResources I atoauRetuaree5 D arfinentDireUor Z mandal Service5 m Fnaarisl Services � 3 Attorce � 4 or's Otfice Ma or/Assistant 5 ouneil ' Coancil b Qerk Ci Cierk DoaType: RESOLUTION WI$TRANSAC E-DocumeM Required: Y Document Contad: Sue Wegwerth CoMact PFwne: 26E6513 Total 0 of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Resolution agproving the attached Sanuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 201Q Collective Sargaining A@�eement and Memorand�an of Agreement regazding On Call between the City of Saint Paui and the Professional Employees Associadon, Inc. Pianning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a comract toe this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a cily employee? Yes Mo 3. Does this Qersonffvm possess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet InRiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Collective Bazgaining Agreement and MOA with the Professional Employees Associakion, Inc. has exQired. The City of Saint Paui is required to negotiate with this bazgaining unit. Advantages IfApproved: An agreement a¢d the continuation of the On call MOA reached through good faith bargaining wiil be in place through December 31, 2010. DisadvanWges NApproved: None. Disadvanqges if Not Approved: T1te City would be required to re-open negotiations with this bargaining unit. T1tis would strain relations and possibly lead to a strike. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial irtFormation: (Explain) Activity Number: CosURevenue BudgMed: March 25, 2008 11:45 AM Page 1 (��31n3 ATTACHMENT TO THE GREEN SHEET Professional Employees Association, Inc. 2008 — 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement Below is a summary ofthe changes in the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Professional Employees Association, Inc. DuraHon: Three (3) years, January 1, 2008 — December 31, 2010 WaEes: May 1, 2008 (closest pay period) April l, 2009 (closest pay period) January 1, 2010 (closest pay period) Health Insurance: 3.25% increase 3.25% increase 3.25% increase The insurance contnl�ution increases follow the Memorandum ofAgreement teached with the various bazgaining units for 2008-2010. Grievance Procedure The grievance procedure is znodified by elnninating a rotating panel of azbitrators and replacing it with a list of azbitrators from the Bureau of Mediation Services. Deferred Comoensation Increase City contnbution for deferred compensation match to $250.00. Milease Elnninate mileage reimbursement plans and convert to the IRS reimbursement rate, effective 2010. Other Laneua¢e Chanaes: Other language changes were of a housekeeping nature for clarification and cleanup. 08 �3l, 3 City of Saint Paul Interdepartmental Memorandum To: Matt Smith, OFS Director From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst Subject: GS #3051435 — Collective Bargaining MOA Date: 3/28/2008 There are no budgetary changes requested by the attached resolution. If approved it would simply approve the collective bazgaining memorandum of agreement between the City and the Professional Employees Association. AA-ADA-EEO Employez 08- 31a.3 � JANUARY 1, 2008 - DECEIVIBER 31, 2010 .. CULLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT . , . � � � BETWE�N � � � � ,.�� � _ � � _ . � � � �_ � �� �_ � � -� �H�"CITY�O�SAIlVT�PA�. ` � �� � _� � . �� � � �: � � 2iND� : � � ��; �� � �, . � ' FROFESSIOl�TAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. � - � � � � . _ � � � �_ . � � � . _ - � � � �_. _ �_ __ � . DS-3!o 3 ❑ ARTTCLE TTTLE PAGE Preamble .................................................................................................. ii � � � 1 Recognition ............................................................................................. 1 2 Maintenance of Standards ........................................................................ 1 3 Nondiscrimination ...................................................................................1 4 Management Rights ................................................................................. 2 5 Check Off and Service Fee ...................................................................... 2 6 Hours of Work and Overtune ................................................................... 3 7 Wages ......................................................................................................4 8 Vacation ..................................................................................................5 9 Holidays .................................................................................................. 6 10 Sick Leave ............................................................................................... 6 11 LeaveofAbsence ....................................................................................8 12 Insurance ................................................................................................. & • 13 Seniority .................................................................................................16 14 Working Out of Classification ................................................................17 15 City Mileage ...........................................................................................17 16 Licensing/CertificationRequirements .....................................................18 17 Safety Footwear ......................................................................................18 18 Discipline ...............................................................................................19 19 Grievance Procedure ...............................................................................19 20 Legai Services ........................................................................................23 21 No Stn7ce, No Lockout ............................................................................23 22 Severence Pay .........................................................................................23 23 Savings Clause .......................................................................................25 24 Deferred Compensation ..........................................................................25 25 Duration and Effective Date ....................................................................25 Appendix ......................................................................................... A-1 Appendix ..........................................................................................B-1 Appendix ..........................................................................................C-1 Appendix ......................................................................................... D-1 � 48-3(03 � PREAMBLE This Agreement is entered into between the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as either the "Employer" or the "Cit}�', and the City of Saint Paui Professional Employees Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Associarion", for the purpose of fostering and promoting harmonious relations between the City and the Associatian in order that a high level of public service can be provided to the citizens of the City. This Agreement attempts to accomplish this purpose by providing a fixller and more � complete understanding on the part of both the City and the Association of their respective rights and responsibilities. The provisions ofthis Agreement shall not abrogate the rights and/or duties ofthe u Employer, the Association or the employees as established under the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act, Minnesota Statute CH.179A, as it xnay be amended from time to tixne. ii 08�3(03 � �'c�I��,� 1— ��C)GNI'i'ION i.l The City recagnizes the Association as the exciusive representative for The Classified Professionzl Employees Bargaining Unit, as certified by the State of Minnesota Bureau o£Mediation Services, dated November 5,1485, CaseNo. 85-PR-77S-A. E�piovees shall be included in this certification in accordance with the Public Employment La�or Relations Act, Minnesota Stahxte CH.179A, as it may be amended �om time to tnne. • • 1.2 The City aiso recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative for non-classified employees in the City Attorney's Office, as certified by the State of Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services, dated August 12, 1999, Case No. 99-PCL-464. These employees aze not covered by the City's Civil Service Rules. It is recognized that temporary employees in the City Attorney's Office that are within the unit are covered by this Agzeement if they work for more than 67 days per calendaz year or aze anticipated upon hire to be employed greater than 67 days, and meet the hours requirements of Minnesota Statute 179A.03, subd. 14. A temporary employee, for purposes of tYris contract, is a person empioyed to fiil a position of a specific lnnited duration, not to exceed one yeaz. Temporary employees shall not be eligble for vacation accrual, holiday pay, sick leave accrual, health or other insurance premium contnbutions by the Empioyer, except as are specifically provided for elsewhere in this Agreement. ARTI�LE 2— MAINTENANCE OF STANDA.RDS 2.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employxnent relating to wages, hours of work, vacations, and all other general working conditions, except as modified by this Agreement, shall be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standazd as set forth in the Civil Service Rules ofthe City of Saint Paul (Resolution No. 3250) and the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement. 2.2 Notwitt�standing Article 2.1 above, Civll Service Rule 8.A.3, and Civil Service Rule 14 relating to pmmotions shall not apply to applicants and employees who transfer from Independent School District No. 625, effective 3anuazy 1, 2010. �I8"I'ICLE 3 — NONDISCRIMINATION 3.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement will be applied to employees equally without regard to, or dis�rivLnation for or against, any individual because of race, color, creed, religion, se� age, seaual orientation, disability, nationai origin, or because of membership or non-membership in the Association. 3.2 Employees will perform their duties and responsibilities in a nondiscriminatory manner as such duties and responsibilities involve other employees and the general public. ARTICLE 3 — NONDISCRIlVIINATION (Continued) 3.3 Employees covered by tlus contract will be covered by the City policy regazding • nondiscrimination and sexual harassment, as well as applicable locat, state, and federal laws. ARTICLE 4 — MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 4.1 The Association recognizes the right of the Employer to operate and manage its afFairs in all respects in accordance with appticable laws and regulatzons of appropriate authorities. The rights and authority which the Employer has not officially abridged, delegated, or modified by this Agreement aze re,tained by the Employer. 4.2 A public emploqer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent mauageriai policy, wtuch mclude, but aze not limited to, such azeas ofdiscretion or policy as the functions and programs ofthe Employer, its overall budget, utilization of tectmology, organization�l structute and selection and direction and number of personnel. •�' ' :� - ; .; •p . . 5.1 The Employer agrees to deduct the Association membership initiation fee assessments and, once each month, dues from the pay of those employees who individually request, in writing, that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to • the Employer by a representative ofthe Association and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the first of tl�e succeeding month after such deducrions are made or as soon tlzereafter as is possble. 5.2 Any present or future employee who is not an Association member shall be required to contnbute a fa3r share fee for services rendered by the Association. Upon notification by the Association, the Employer shall deduct said fee from the eamings of the employee and transmit the same to the Association. In no event shall the fair share fee exceed 85% oftfie regular membership dues. Tt is also understood fhat in the event the Employer shall make an improper fair share deduction from the eaznings of an employee, the Association shall be obligated to make the Employer whole to the extent that the E�loyer shall be required to reimburse such employee for any amount improperly withheld This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically provided bq Minnesota law and as otherwise legaL 5.3 The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer barmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments bronght or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this f�rticle. � 2 �'3�3 • ARTICLE 6- HOURS OF i�VORK AND OVERTIME 61 The normal hours of work for the employees shall be a minimum of seven and thre�fourtl�s (7'/<) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period and thirty-eight and three-fourtbs {38 3 /<) hours in a seven (7) day period excluding a forty-five (45) minute lunch period, fifteen (15) minutes ofwhich shall be paid. For employees on a shift basis this shall be constsued to mean a m;nimum average of thirty-eight and tl�ree-fourths (38 '/<) hours a week. 6.2 An employee working in a class title which is in Salary Grade 11 or below shall receive overtime compensation in accordance with the Fair Labor Standazds Act (FL5A). The method of this compensation shall be determined solely by the Employer. It is understood that the FLSA provides overtime compensation only after forty (40) hours worked (not paid). An employee working in a class title which is in Grade 12 or above and who, in other than noxmal circumstances, works more than their assigned normal work day or assigned normal work week shall receive compensatory time or pay on a straight time basis for the extra hours worked. The method of compensation shall be determin.ed solely by the Employer. • 6.3 It is understood by the parties that Section 28H — Overtime Compensation of Resolution No. 3250 shall not apply to this unit. 6.4 Notwithstaflding Article 6.1, employees may, through mutual agreement with the Employer, be assigned to a nomial work day of up to nine and three-quarters (9 '/<) consecutive hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period and a normal work week of th3rty-nine (39) hours in a seven (7) day period, excluding a forty-five (45) minute lunch period, fi&een (15) minutes of which shall be paid. Employees working more than their assigned hours shall receive compensation in accordance with Articie 6.2, above. 6.5 For employees who wish to share a position, the employer will attempt to provide options for implementing a sharing arrangement. Such an arrangement must be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the employees involved. Vacation, holiday, and sick leave benefits for employees who share a position shall be pro-rated based upon the percent of hours worked. Health insurance benefits shall be administered in accordance with the p:ovisions of Article 12 ofthis Agreement. In the event that one ofthe employees participating in the shared position is termuiated or temunates employment, the Employer shall post the job sharing vacancy for a period of ten (10) days. I� at the end of ten (10) days, such vacancy cannot be filled, the Employer shall have the option of increasing the remaining employee's work hours. 6.6 Article 6.5 shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 19 of this Agreement. � ARTICLE 6— HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME (Continued) 6.7 The Eznployer may provide flex-time for those employees who request it. Empioyees working more than their assigned hours shall receive compensation in accordance with Article 6.2. 6.8 The Professional Employee's Association shall receive up to eight (8) hours straight tune pay per day for tune spent in contract negotiation with the Employer. The president of the Association or hislher designee shall determine the employees and hours to be paid accordiug to the terms of this Article. 6.9 Library Employee Night/Sunday DifferentiaL Effective January 1, 2006, any Library employee who works on a shift beginning earlier than 6:00 am. or endiag latet than 6:00 p.m, provided at least four hours of the shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m and 6:00 am, shall be paid a night differential of four percenf (4.0%) for the entire shift. . Any Lbrary employee who works on a shift beginning earlier than 6:00 am. or ending later than fi•00 p_m,_ bnt les ha four hours ofthe shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m_ and 6:00 a.m shaI1 be paid a nigfit differentiai of four percent (4.0%) for the hours worked between 6:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m Any Lbrary employee who works on Sunday shall be paid a differential of four percent (4.0%) for alI hours worked. ARTICLE 7 — WAGES 7.I 7.2 73 Effective May 1, 2008 (or closest pay period), ail salary rates applicable to tities in this bargaining unit shall be increased by 3.25 percent (3.25%). Effective April 1, 2009 (or closest pay period), alt salary rates applicable to tit2es in this bazgaining unit sl�all be increased by 3.25 percent (3.25%). Effective 7anuary 1, 2010 (ox closest pay period), all salary rates applicable to titles ia this bargaining unit shall be increased by 3.25 percent (3.25%). 7.4 The wage schedule, for purposes of this contract, shall be Appendiz A, attached hereto. Both parties agree that the inclusion ofthe classifications and salary ranges in Append'vc A does not preclude the Employer from the following: i. Reorganizing 2. Abolishing 3. Establishing new classifications 4. Regrading classifications 5. Reclassifying positions • • 0 �8-31v3 AR'�'�CLE 7 — �e'AGE� (Continued) • 7.5 7.6 F.etrcactive wage ad}ustments shall only apply to employees who were employefl by the City as of :'�e date of signing this Agreement. ?'he ?anb age ofthis Article and Append'vc A shall supersede any conflicting language found in the Civil Service Rules and/or Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation AR�'IC�,� S — V�Cr�TION � � Years of Service Year one through yeaz four Year five through year seven Year eight through year fifteen Yeaz sixteen through yeaz nineteen Yeaz twenty and beyond . � T'�e following schedule will apply to all employees. Vacation Granted 17 days 20 days 24 days 27 days 28 days For purposes of this Article, yeazs of service shall be determined by calendaz years of service. The Departsnent Head may permit an employee to carry over into the following year up to fi8een (15) days vacation. The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, Section I, Subdivision H. 8.4 If an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess of one hundred eighty (180) days, he(she may convert any part of such excess to vacation at the rate of one-half day of vacation for each day of sick leave credit. No employee may convert more than ten (10) days of sick leave in each IRS payroll reporting year under this provision. 8.5 Employees may request compensation in cash for up to one week of unused vacation within each IRS payroll reporting year. Payment will be at the discretion of the Department Head and additioaally, limited by the availability of funds in the Department's Budget. Such election must be made in wrhing on or before December 1 of each IRS payroll reporting year. Ifthe employee elects to sell vacation, the payment for such sold vacation shall be made in a lump sum in the nearest full payroll period following the election date. The payxnent shall be in an amount equal to the number of hours sol� times the er.iployee's regulaz rate of pay in effect as of the date of such election, Article 8.5 shali not be subject to the provisions of Article 19 of this Agreement. • ARTTCLE 9 - HOLIDAYS � 9.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed as paid holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving* Christmas Day Etigible employees shall receive pay for each ofthe holidays Iisted above, on wluch they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday, Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday. 9.2 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eLigible for a holiday with pay, an employee pay period. The amount ofholiday time earned shall be based upon the number of non-holiday hours paid to the employee during that pay period (see proration charts in Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation). For the purpose of this section only, non-holiday hours paid includes hours achaally worked, vacation time, compensatory • time, paid leaue, and sick leave. It is further understood that neither temporary nor other employees, not heretofore eligible, shall receive holiday pay. 9.3 Employees required to work on a holiday shall be compensated in accordance with Section II of the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. 9.4 For all employees assigned to the Lbrary, the Day after Thanksgiving shall be considered a normal work day, and Christmas Eve Day shall be recognized and observed as a paid minor holiday. ARTICLE 10 — SICK LEAVE I0.1 Sick ieave shaII be earned attd granted in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. The accrual rate for eligibie employees shall be 0.0539 of a working hour for each full hour on the payroll (14 days per year), excluding overtime. 10.2 In the case of a serious illness or disability of an employee's child, parent, or househoid member, the Department Head shall graat leave with pay in order for the employee to care for or make arrangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be drawn from the employee's accumulated sick leave credits. Use of such sick leave shall be limited to forty (40) houxs per incident. • b8 �3103 AR'iTCLE 2Q - SICK LEAVE (Continued) S 103 Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted up to three (3) days ofsick leave to attend the funeral ofthe employee's grandparent or grandchiid. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shall be granted leave with pay for such time as the appointing authority deems necessary for any ofthe following reasons: 1. Sickness or injury ofthe employee. 2. Death of the empioyee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in- law, father-in-law, or other person who is a member of the household. Employees may be granted sick leave for such time as is actually necessary for the following: 1. Office visits to physicians, dentists, or other health care personnel. 2. In the case of sudden sickness or disability of a household member, up to four (4) hours for any one instance. An employee shall be paid under the provisions of tbis paragraph only for the number of days or hours for which the employee would normally have been paid if the employee had not been on sick leave. No employee shali be granted sick leave with pay foz treahnent of chemical dependence • more than twice. 10.4 Pregnant employees of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for the use of paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence in the same mauner as any other disabled or ill City employee. Such paid sick leave eligbility shall begin upon certification by the employee's attending physician that the employee is disabled in tetxns o f her ability to perform the duties ofher position. 10.5 The Department Head or the Human Resources Director may require a physician's certificate or additional certificates at any time during an employee's use of sick leave for the purposes stated in 10.2 above. All such certificates shall be forwarded by the appointing officer to the Human Resources Office. If an employee is absent because of the provisions ofArticle 10.2 above for three (3) or fewer calendar days he/she shall submit to the Departmern Head a certificate signed by the employee stating the nzture of the child, pazent, or household member's sickness. If the sickness continues for more than three (3) calendar days, no further sick leave shali be granted unless or until a physician is consuited. The sick leave may be continued from and include the day of consultation, but only if a certificate signed by the physician certifying to the nature and period of the person's sickness is submitted and approved by the Department Head and forwazded to the Human Resources Office. 10.6 No sick leave shall be granted for the above reasons unless the employee reports to his/her Departsnent Head the necessity for the absence not later thau one-half hour after • his/her regularly scheduled tune to report for work, unless he/she can show to the sztisfaction of the Department Head that the failure to report was excusable. 7 ARTICLE 10 - SICK LEAVE (Continaed) � 10.7 An employee shall be paid under the provisions of this paragraph only for the number of days or hours for wluch he✓she would normally have been paid if he/she had not been on sick leave. ARTICLE il - LEAVE OF ABSENCE 11.1 A twelve (12) month Parental leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a natural pazent or an adoptive parern, who requests such leave in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a child. Such leave may be e�ended an additional twelve (12) months by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer. Refusal on the part ofthe Employer to grant an extension of such leave shall �t be subject to the provlsions of Article 19 ofthis Agreement. Employees who retum following such leaves of absence shall be placed in a position of equivalent salary and tenure as the one held just prior to the beginning of their leave. - -- ,••� ... � . . . �. �.,� - - �. .- � . . ..� - � ... .. - I 1.3 In case of an employee adoption of a child up to five (5} years of age, employees shall be permitted to cazry over into the following fiscal yeaz up to eighty (80) additional hours of • accrued vacation time each year up to a total of two hundred farty (240) hours. Tfiis Article 113 shall apply only to one City employee in the event that both adoptive pazents aze City employees. 11.4 A£ull-time employee may be granted up to four hundred eighty (480) hours of voluntary leave of absence without pay during the fiscal year. During such leave of absence, the employee shall continue to eam and accrue vacation and sick 2eave, seniority credits and maintain insurance eligibility as though he/she was on the payrolL Any leave of absence granted undet this provision is subject to the approval of the Department Head. ARTICLE 12 - INSURANCE 12.1 The insurance plans, preiniums for coverages, and benefits contained in the insurance plans offered by the Employer shall be solely controlled by the contracts negotiated by the Employer and the benefit providers. The Employer will attempt to prevent any changes in the bene&ts offered by the benefit providers. FIowever, the employees selecting the offered plans agree to accept any changes in benefits which a specific provider implements. The Employer's Cafeteria Plan Document and IRS rules and regulations shall govern the Employer provided health and welfare benefit program. Employer contnbutions under this Article shall not be considered salary. u D$-3/o3 n LJ �t'g'ICI,E 12 - �TSi7I2A_NC� (Continued) 12.2 For the pur�ose of this Article, full-time employment is defined as appeazing on the pay,vll an average of at least thnty-two (32) hours per week for the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollments or the six (� month period preceding initial enrollment. Three-quarter time exnployment is defined as appearing on the payroll an average of at least twenty-sis (26) hours per week but less than thirty-two (32) hours per week for the tw�lve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollments or the six {6) month period preceding initial enrollment. Ha9f-ta�ae empioyment is define3 as appearing on the payroll an average of at least twenty (20) hours per week but less than twenty-six (26) hours per week for the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special em�ollxnents or the suc (6) month period preceding initial enrollment. • 12.3 Effective for the January 2008 insurance premiums, for each employee covered by this Agreement who is employed full-time and who selects single employee heahh insurance coverage provided by the Employer, the Employer agrees to contribute the following amounts: O�en Access with $1,500 Deductble: Prixnary Clinic with $500 Deductible: Distinctions: $427.25, plus $100 (to be deposited in an account detenniued by the LMCHI.) $525.51 $457.54 Effective for the January 20U9 insurance premiums, for each employee covered by this Agreement who is employed full-time and who selects single employee health insurance coverage provided by the Empioyer, the Empioyer agrees to contribute the following amounts: Open Access with $1,500 Deductble: Primary Ciinic with $500 Deductible: Distinctions: $467.84, plus $100 (to be deposited in an account detemuned by the LMCHI.) $567.93 $482.54 Effective for the January 2010 insurance premiums, for each employee covered by this Agr�ement who is employed full-tixne and who selects single employee heaIth insurance coverage provided by the Employer, the Employer agrees to contnbute the following amounts: Open Access with $1,500 Deductible: • Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible: Distinctions: $512.28, plus $100 (to be deposited in an account deternuned by the LMCHI.) $615.10 $507.54 0 ARTICLE 12 - INSURANCE (Continued) • 12.4 Effective for the January 2008 insurance premiums, for each eligible full-tune empioyee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contnbute the following amounts: Open Access with $1,500 Deducrible: $1,040.75 Primazy Clinic with $500 DeductY'ble: $901.86 Distinctions: $901.86 Effective for the January 2009 insurance premiums, foz each eIigible fu11-time empIoyee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contnbute the following amounts: Open Access with $1,500 Deductzble: $1,120.75 Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible: $926.86 Distinctions: $926.86 > who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contnbute the following amounts: Open Access with $1,500 Deduchble: $1,214.00 Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible: $951.86 Distinctions: $951.86 For ttuee-quarter time employees the contnbution shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the full-time single and family amount and for half-time employees the contnbution shall be fifty percent (50%) of the full-time single and family amount for health insurance coverage. 12.5 Notwithstauding Artictes 12.3 and 12.4, an emp2oyee covered by this Agreement who was employed at least twenty (20) hours but less than thirty-two (32) hours per week during the month of December, 1988, sha11 receive the same contnbutions as a full-time employee. This Article 12.5 shall continue to apply only as long as such employee remains continuously employed at least twenty (20) hours but less than thirty-rivo (32) hours per week. • 12,6 All benefits eligt'ble e�nployees (ie. 40 hrs per pay period or more) may participate in or waive participation in the City's health insurance program. Employees who opt to participate must select at ieast single health insurance coverage and emgloyee life insurauce in an amount equal to the employee's annuai salary to the nearest full thousand. Employees who waive participation shall be ineligible for any employer contribution but, shall be eligible to participate in optional coverages at the employee's eYpense if the employee is benefit eligzble for each of the preceding twelve months, • 10 p8-31�� • AR`TI�I.� 1� - I1d��TRANCE (Continued) For the purpose of this section, the employee's annual salary shall be based on the employee's salary as of the month prior to the annual open enroliment. The employer will contribute, beguming in 2004, life insurance in an amount equal to $50,000 for each benefit eligble employee. 12.7 rar employees who, after fifteen (15) years of service become disabled and are eligibie for a disability pension from a retirement fund to wluch the City of Saint Paul has contn�buted, the Employer shall contribute toward the hospital-medical insurance program offered by the Empioyer in accor@ance with the retiree insurance provisions of tYiis Agreement. 12.8 Employees who retire must meet the following conditions at the time ofretirement in order to be eligble for the Employer contnbutions, listed in Sections 12.9 through 12.19 below, toward a health insurance plan offered by the Employer: 12.8 (1) 12.8 (2) 12.8 (3) � 12.8 (4) Be receiving benefits from a Public Employee Retirement Act at the time of retirement, and Have severed his/her relationship with the City of Saint Paul for reasons other thau misconduct. Employment with Independent School District No. 625 will not be counted toward the service requirement for employees hired after October i, 1997, towazd years ofservice foz retiree health e]igbility. If an employee does not meet the yeazs of service requirements in sections 12.10 through 12.17, but does satisfy the conditions in 12.8 (1), (2), and (3) he/she may purchase singie or family health insurance coverage through the Employer's insurance program The total cost of such insurance coverage shall be paid by the retiree. 12.9 The definition of full-tnne, three-quarter time, and half-time shall be as per Section 12.2. Early Retirees 12.10 This Section applies to employees who: 12.10 (1) 12.10 (2) 12.10 (3) 12.10 (4) 12.10 {5) 12.10 (6) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and Have completed twenty (20) yeazs full-time with the City of Saint Paul, and Were appointed prior to January 1, 1990, and Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and Meet the temis set forth in Section 12.8 above, and Select a health insurance pian offered by the Employer. Until such employees reach siYty-five (65) yeazs of age, the Employer agrees to contribute a maximum of $350.00 per month towazd the cost of single or family health • insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. In addition, the Employer will contribute the cost for $5,000 life insurance coverage until the retiree attains the age of sixty-five (65). 11 ARTICLE 12 — INSURANCE (Continned) When such eazly retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 12.12 sha11 apply. 12.11 This Seerion shall apply to employees who: 12.11 (1) Retire on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and have completed twenty-five (25) years full-time with the City of Sa3nt Paul, and 12.11 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1990, and 12.11 (3) Have not attained age sixty-five (6S) at retirement, and 12.11 (4) Meet the conditions of Section 12.8 above, and 12.11 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such employees reach s'ucty-five (65) years of age, the Employer agrees to contnbute a maximum of $300.00 per month toward the cost of single or fauiily health insurance coverage. Any unused portion sball not be paid to the retiree. In addition, the Employer will contdbute the cost for $5,000 life insurance until the retiree attains the age When such early retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 12.15 shall apply. - Regular Retirees (Age 65 and over) 12.12 This Section shall apply to full-time employees who: 12.12 (1) 12.12 (2) 12.12 (3) 12.12 (4) 12.12 (5) 12.12 (� Retire on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and Were appointed prior to January 1, 1990, and Have completed twenty (20) years full-time with the Ciry of Saint Paul, and Haue attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and Meet the conditions of Section 12.8 above, and Select a health insurance plan offered by the Bmployer. The Employer agrees to contn'bute up to a maximum of $500.00 per month toward the cost of single or family healffi insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. No life insurance coverage will be provided. 12.13 This Section shall applyto tl�ree-quartertime employees who: 12.13 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 12.13 (2) Were appointed prior to January 1, 1990, and 12.13 (3) Have completed twenty (20) years with the City o£ Saint Paul and must have been aligible for benefits and enro�ed in the City's medical plan for the five (5) years prior to retirement, and 12.13 (4) Have attainad age suLty-frve (65) at retirement, and 12.13 (5) Meet the conditions of Section 12.8 above, and 12.13 (6) Select a health insurance p2an offered by the Employer. L� � LJ • fi�a 08-3(� 3 • Alt'd"I�LE 12 — �TSiT1�A1'�CE (Continued) The Er:igioyer agrees to contnl�ute up to a ma�mum of $375.OQ per month towazd the cost oFsing!v or fainily bealth insurance coverage. Any unused portion shali not be paid to the retiree. No life iusurance coverage will be provided. 12.14 This Section shali apply to half-time employees who: 12.14 (I) Retire an ar after January 1, 1996, and 12.14 (2} �Nere agpointed prior to January 1, 1990, and 12.14 (3) Haue wmpleted twenty (20) yeazs with the City of Saint Paul and must nave been eligible far benefits and enrolled in the City's medical plan for the five (5) years prior to retirement, and 12.14 (4) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 12.14 (5) Meet the conditaons of Section 12.8 above, and 12.14 (6) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. The Ernployer agrees to contn�bute up to a maximum o£ $250.00 per month towazd the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. No life insurance coverage will be provided. u 12.15 This Section shall apply eo full-tune employees who: 12.15 (1) 12.15 (2) 12.15 (3) 12.15 (4) 12.15 (5} 12.15 (6) Retire on or after January 1, 1496, and Were appointed on or after January 1, 1990, and Have completed twenty (20) yeazs fuil-tnne with the City of Saint Paul, and Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and Meet the conditions of Section 12.8 above, and Select a hea$h insurance plan offered by the Employer. The Employer agrees to contribute up to a maxiinum of $300.00 per month towazd the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. No life insurance coverage will be provided. 12.16 This Section shall apply to three-quarter time employees who: 12. i 6(i) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 12.16 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1990, and prior to January l, 1996, and 12.16 (3) Aaue completed twenty (20) years with the City of Saint Paul and must have been eligible for benefits and enrolled in the City's medical plan for the five (5) years prior to retirement, and 12.16 (4) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 12.16 (5) Meet the conditions of Section 12.8 above, and 12.16 (� Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. u 13 ARTICLE 12 - INSITRANCE (Continued) The Employer agrees to contribute up to a maximum of $225.00 per mottth toward the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion shail not be paid to the retiree. No life insurance coverage will be pmvided. 12.17 This Section shall apply to half-time employees who: 12.17 (1) Retire on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and 12.17 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1990, and prior to January 1, 1996, and 12.17 {3) Have completed twenty (20) years with the City of Saint Paul and must have been eligible for benefits and enrolled in the City's medical plan for the five (S) years prior to retirement, and 12.17 (4) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 12.17 (5) Meet the conditions ofSection I2.8 above, and 12.17 (� Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. • The Employer agrees to contribute up to a maximum of $150.00 per month toward the 'd to the retiree. No life insurance coverage will be provided. 12.18 In the event of reduction of hours of employment for budgetary reasons during the last twelve (12) months of employment, the eligibility will be determined by the previous O forty-eight (48) months before the reduction. 12.19 Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of full-time service with the City of Saint Paul and reduce to part-time prior to retirement and who aze eligible and enrolled in the Cit}� s medical plan continuously until rerirement sbali be eligible for full-time benefits at retirement. 12.20 The following list of employees is a good faith effort by the City and the Associatioa *o identify employees, as of this contract date, who were hired prior to 7anuary 1, 1990, and who have less tl�an twenty (20) years of service upon reaching the age ofsixiy-five (65). The icrtention of the parties is to include only those employees that are represented by the Association prior to January 1, 1996, and aze seill employed by the City as of the signing ofthis Agreement. 12.20 (1) The following employee will qualify for up to the following dollar amount at the age of sixty-five (65) with a minimum of ten (10) years of service. The requirements of Section 12.8 must be met by the empkyee. If Yhe following employee chooses to continue her employment beyond age stxty-five (65) with twenry (20) years of service with the City, she may qualify as provided for under this Agreement. Karen Koeppe $187.50 • iCf 08-3�3 • A�c'PICL.� 42 — INSITfZ�iNCE (Continued) Survfivor wsur�ace 12.21 The surviving spouse of an employee carrying family coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or illness, which was deteruiined to have axisen out of and in the course ofhis/her employment under worker's compensation law, shall continue to be eligible for City contnbution in the same proportions as is provided for retired employees. In the event of the death of an early retiree or a regular retiree, the dependents of the retiree shall have the option, within thirty (30) days, to continue the current hospitalization and medicai benefits which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer cotttnbution accorded to the eligble deceased retiree. It is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event of • • 12.21 (1) 5ubsequent remarriage ofthe surviving spouse ofthe deceased employee or retiree. 12.21 (2) The employment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health insurance is obtained through a group program provided by said employer. In this event, however, the surviving spouse or dependent shall have the right to maintain City health insurance for the first ninety (90) days of said employxnent. i 2.22 ?� r�tiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is also a City retiree or City employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the City health insurance program, 12.23 The contributions indicated in this Article shall be paid to the Employer's third party administrator. ? 2.24 Employees covered by this Agreement shail be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Account as offered by the Employer. The service fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. 12.25 Employees covered by this Agreexnent sha11 be eligbie to participate in the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account offered by the Employer. The service fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. 12.25 A retiree's participation in the City's health insurance plan must be continuous. The retiree must be participating in a City health insurance plan at the time o f retirement. If a retiree chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retirement or if a retiree discontinues his/her participation at a later date, such retiree will not be eligible for any future participation or for any Employer contnbution. 12.27 Additional dependents beyond those of record at the time of retirement may not be added to the retiree's health insurance plan at City expense after retirement. 15 ARTICLE 13 — SEiVIORITY 13.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows: The length of continuous, regutar and probationary service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class titIe covered by this Agreement, it being fiuther understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees aze appointed to the same class title on the same date, the seniority shall be determined by the employee's rank on the eligible list from which certification was made. 13.2 Seniority shall ternunate when an employee retires, resigns, or is discharged. 13.3 In the event it is detennined by the Employer that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid offby class title within each Department based on inverse length of seniority as defined ia Article 13.1 above. The Hutnan Resources Department wiil identify such least senior employee itt the ritle in which there is to be a lay-off in the Department reducing positions, and shall notify said employee ofhis/her reduction from the Denartment. If there aze an vacancies in Wat title in any other City Deparhuent the Human Resources Department shail place the affected employee in such vacancy. If two or more vacant positions aze available, the Human Resources Department shall decide which vacant position the affected employee shall fill. In cases wfiere there aze promotional series, such as Engineer I, II, III, etc., when the • number of employees in the higher titles is to be reduced, employees will be offered reductions to the Iughest title to wluch class seniority would keep them firom being laid of� before layoffs are made by any class title in any Department. If no vacancy exists in such title, then the least senior employee in the City in such title sfiall be idenfified, and if the empIoyee afFected by the original Departmental reduction is more senior, he/she shall have the right to claim that position and the least senior employee iu the City, in tha; title, sha12 be laid ofF. For the pi:ipose of tr.is Article, the Independent School District No. 625 is not considered a City Department nor is an Independent School District No. 62S employee considered a City employee. 13.4 Reca11 from laqoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights sball expire after two years of layoff. It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority date in any class that they previously held. I3.5 To the extent possble, vacation period shall be assigned on the basis of seniority. It is understood, however, that vacation assignment shall be subject to the ability ofthe Employer to maintain operations. I3.6 In the event the Employer beIieves it is necessary to merge, contract out or sub-contract any public work performed by employees covered by this Agreemern which may lead to layof� the Employer wi11 notify the Union no less thau forty-five (45) catendar days in advance. During the forty-five (45) days, the Employer will meet with the Union and • discuss possible oprions to contracting out or ways and means to *n;n;m;�e the elimination of positions. 5� 16 D�-3�a • �T'��?��� i�s — �'V��Il�G ai1T OF CLASSIFICATION 14. i Empt_oyer shall avoid, whenever possible, working an employee in an out-of-class assi�unent for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class assi gillli ent far a period in excess of fifteen (15) consecutive working days shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment m a higher ciassification not later than the sixteenth (16th) day ofsuch assignment. For purposes ofthis Article, an out-of-ciass assignxuent is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full-time basis, all o f the significant duties and responsibilities of a position different from the er_mploye;,'s regular position, and which is in a classification higher than the classification held by such employee. The rate ofpay for an approved out-of-class assignxnent shall be the same rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regulaz appointment to the higher ciassification. 1_ 4.2 Job Studies/�valuations (JAQ). Whenever possible, the Human Resources Department sY��ll attempt to complete the evaluation within ninety (90) days of receipt oi a petition. The evalnation will be considered received by the Human Resources Department when 8he appropriate supervisor has compieted their required analysis and submits the �valuation to the Human Resources Department. A13�t'IC'�.� 15 — CITY MILEAGE • 15.1 Autom�obile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 ofthe Saint Paul .4dministrative Code, as amended, pertaining to rennbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own automobiles in the performance of their duties, the following provisions are adopted. 15.2 1@'iethod of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers and employees must receive written authorization from the Department Head. Effective December 18, 2010 (beguuiing ofthe first payperiod ofthe 2011 payroll yeaz), employees shali receive the current IRS mileage reunbursement rate as modified from time to time by the IRS. The Type 1 and Type 2 reimbursement plans below shall be eliminated. Type 1 If an employee is required to use his(her own automobile OCCASIONALLY during employment, the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $4.00 per day for each day the employee's vehicle is actually used in perfornung the duties of the employee's position. In addition, the employee shall be reimbursed $0.20 per mile for each mile actually driven. Ifsuch employee is required to drive an automobile during employment and the Department Head or designated representative determines that an empioyer vehicle is available for the employee's use but the employee • desires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $0.20 per mile driven and shall not be eligible far any per diem 17 ARTICLE 15 — CITY MII,EAGE (Continued) • Type 2 If an employee is reqnire@ to nse his/her own automobile REGULARI,Y during employment, the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $4.00 per day for each day of work In addition, the employee shall be reimbursed $0.20 per mile for each mile actually driven. If such employee is required to drive an automobile during employment and the Department Head or designated representative detemvnes that an employer vehicle is available for the employee's use but the employee desires to use his/her own automobil�, then the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $0,20 per mile driven and shall not be eligble for any per diem 153 The City will provitde pazking at a location and manner of the Employer's choice within a reasonable distance ofthe work site for City employees on either ofthe above mentioned types of reimbursement plans who aze required to have their personal car available £or City business. Such parking will be provided only for the days the employee is required to have his/her own�ersonal car available 15.4 Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contaitt the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports indicating miles driven and shall file • monthly affidavits stating the number of days worked and the number of miles driven and fiuther require that they maintain automobile liability insurance in amounts of at least the minimums required by the state ofMinnesota These rules and regulations, together with the amendment thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk_ A.RTICLE 16 — LICENSING/CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 16.1 The City s]�all pay or reimburse the employee for all continuing education hution costs that are required for any employee to maintain his or her ticense or registrarion as mandated in the employee's job description. The minimum qualifications will determine whether the professional ticense or registration is a mandatory job requirement. ARTICLE 17 — SAFETY FOOTWEAR 17.1 For those employees required by the Employer to wear safety shaes or boots, the Employer agrees to contnbute $50.00 per calendar yeaz towazd the repair, replacement, or purchase of such shoes or boots. During the life of this Agreement, Employees may accrue a total of $150.00 for the purchase, replacement, or repair of such shoes or boots. 17.2 Fire Protection Engineers who aze required to wear a specified uniform shall receive an allowance of $394.25 per caleadar year from the Fire Deparfinent. � E�:3 D�-31�3 • ART�CLE 18 - DISCIPLINE 18.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in the form o� 18.1 {1) Ora1 Reprimand 18.1 (2) Written Reprimand 18.1 (3) Suspension 18.1 (4) Reduction 18.1 (5) Dischazge The listing above of 18.1 (1) through 18.1 (5) does not indicate that such forms of discipline must be progressive and in such order for any one employee. 18.2 Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form. 18.3 Employees and the Association will receive copies ofwritten reprimands and notices of suspension, reduction, and dischazge. 18.4 Employees shall have the right to examine all information in their personnel files. Files may be exaxnined at reasonable times under supervision of the Employer. • 18.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) working day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the employee and/or Association may request and shall be entitled to a meeting with the Employer representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) working day period, the Employer may affum, modify, or withdraw the suspension and discharge. 18.6 An employee to be qnestioned concerning an investigation ofdisciplinary action shall have the right to request that an Association representative be present. � ARTICLE 19 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 19.1 The Employer shall recogrvze stewazds selected in accordance with the Association rules and regulations as the grievance representative of the Bargaining Unit. The Association shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the names ofthe stewards and of their successors, when so named. 19.2 It is recognized and accepted bythe Employer and the Association that the processing of grievances, as hereinafter provided, is limited by the job duties and responsibilities ofthe employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours, only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The steward involved and a grieving employee shatl suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours, provided the stewazd and the employee have notified and received the apgrovai of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 19 ARTICLE 19 — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) � 193 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific tetms and conditions of the Agreement. It is specifieally understood that any matters governed by or excluded by tl�e Civii Service Rules or stahrtory provisions shall not be considered grievances and subject to the grievauce procedure hereinafter set forth. However, disciplinary actions (excluding reprimands) may be appealed to either the Civil Service Commission or to an azbitrator. If disciptinary action is grieved under the terms oftfiis Contract, tfie Union's step 2 written grievance must state whether the grievance, if still unresolved after step 3, will be appeated to the Civil Service Commission or to an azbitrator. Nothing in this article precludes employees from pursuing whatever recourse they may have under the terms ofthe Veteran's Preference Act. 19.4 A grievance shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedures: violation of t his Ap,reement, the employee involved shall attempt, with or without the stewazd, to resolve the matter on an informal basss with the employee's supervisor. Ifthe matter is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the informal discussion, the Association may refer the grievance to Step 2 by sending a written grievance to the Employer designated representative and a copy to the Office of Labor Relations. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the specific sections of the Agreement alleged to be violated and the relief requested. The Association shall refer the grievance to Step 2 within fourteen (14) work days of an alleged violatioa giving rise to such grievance, or tkte grievance shall be considered waived. Step 2 The Employer designated representative shall, within seven ('n work days following receipt of the grievance, meef wifh the Association steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. The Association may refer the grievance to the Office of Labor Relations for Step 3 under the following conditions: a) Seven (7) work days have passed since the Employer received the written grievance and no meeting has occurred; or b) Seven (7) work days have passed since the meeting and tfie Employer has not responded; or c) The Employer has responded and the issue remains unresolved. Any grievance not referred to Step 3 within fourteen (14) work days of the e�stence of any of the above three conditions sha11 be considered waived. � • F�C D�'-3l03 A�'�ICa,� ig — ���,�7�;'��� ,��pCE�IJRE (Continued) • Step 3 A reuresentative fram the Office of Labor Relations shall, within seven (7) work �ays following recaipt of a Step 3 grievance, meet with the H ssociution's representative and the grievant and shail attempt to resolve the issue. The Association may request arbitration of the grievance to Ster� 4 it any of the above conditions (a, b, or c) er.ist following the referral of ihe grievance to Step 3. If within fourteen (14) work days of the occurrence of the above listefl conditions (a, b, or c), the Association has faiied to give v✓ritten notice Yo the Office of Labor Relations of the Associa±ian's intent to refer the grievance to Step 4, the grievance shall be � co�sidezed waived. �p�i��at �Yiediatioa Step If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 3, either the Union or the Employer may, within ten (10) calendar days, request mediation. If the parties agree that the grievance is suitable for mediation, the parties shall submit a joint request to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services for the assignment of a mediafor. Grievance mediation shall be completed within thirty {30) days of the assignment unless the parties mutually agree to lengthen the time limit. • ?.,. Grievanae mediation is an optional and voluntary part of the grievance resolution process. It is a supplement to, not a substitute for, grievance arbitration. When grievance mediation is invoked, the contractual tune limit for moving the grievance to azbitration shall be delayed for the period of inediation. The grievance mediation pxocess shall be informal. Rules of evidence shall not apply and no record shall be made ofthe proceeding. Both sides shall be provided ample opportunity to present the evidence and azgument to support their case. The mediator may meet with the parties in joint session or in separate caucuses. 4. At the request of both parties, the mediator may issue an oral recommendation for settlement. Either party may request that the mediator assess how an arbitrator might rule in fhis case. 5. The grievant shall be present at the grievance mediation proceeding. If the grievance is resolved, the grievant shall sign a statement agreeing to accept the outcome. Unless the parties agree othenvise, the outcome shall not be precedential. • 21 ARTICLE 19 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) 6. If the grievance is not resolved and is subsequently moved to arbitraYion, such proceeding shall be de novo. Nothing said or done by the parties or the mediator during grieyance mediation, with respect to their positions conceming resolution or offers of settlement, may be used or referred to during azbitration. Step 4 If the grievance remainc ��olved at Step 3, the parties may azbitrate the grievance. �The arbitration pmceedittgs shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Association within seven (7) woxk days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutually agree upon an azbitrator within the said seven (7) day period, either party may request the Bureau of Mediation Services to submit a panel of five (5) azbitrators. Both tke Employer and the Association shall have the right to str�ke two (2) names from the panel. The parties shall flip a coin to deternvne which The process of striking names wi11 be repeated and the remaining person shall be • At any time prior to the opening of an arbitration hearing, the parties may mutually agree to utilize the assistance of the Bureau of Mediarion Services to attempt to mediate a resolution of the dispute. 19.5 The time limits established in each step of the procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Association. 19.6 The azbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue subxttitted in writing by the Employer and the Association and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shalt be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The azbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close ofthe hearing orthe submission ofbriefs by the parties, whicfiever is later, unless the parties agree to an e�tension. The decision shall be base� solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application ofthe express terms oftivs Agreement and to the facts ofthe grievaace presented. The decision of the arbitr shall be fmal and binding on fhe Employer, the Association, and the employees. • 19.7 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be bome equally by tfie EmpIoyer and the Association, provided that each party shall be responsble for compensating its own representatives and witriesses. I£either pariy desires a verbatim • record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. 22 68- 3G 3 � ���r�n�,� �o - �,��� s��v�c�s 20.1 Ex�e�;t in cases af maifeasance in office or w311fu1 or wanton neglect of duty, the Employer shall defend, save harmless, and indemnify an employee and/or his/her estate, against any claim or deman@, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurriug in the performance and scope ofthe employee's duties. 20.2 Votwithstanding ArticIe 20.1, the Employer shall not be responsible for paying any legal service fee or £or providing any legal service arising from any 1ega1 action where the employee is the Plaintiff. ART��I,E 2i - NO STRIKE, NO LOCKOUT 21.1 The Association and the Employer agree that there shall be no lockouts, strikes, work stoppages, slow-downs, sitdowns, stay-ins, or other concerted interference with the Ernployer's business or affairs by any of said Association and/or members thereo� and there shail be no bannering during existence of this Agreement without first using all possible means of peaceful settlement of any controversy which may azise. Employees engaging in same shall be liable for disciplinary action. E4It1'I�I.� 22 - SEVERANCE PAY • 22.1 The Employer shall provide the severance pay plan as set forth in this Article. Eligibslity I3equirements 22.2 To be eligible for the severance pay plan, an employee must meet the following requirements: 22.2 (1) The employee must be voluntarily separated from City employznent or have been subject to sepazation by lay-offor compulsory retirement. Those employees who aze discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason aze not eligibie for either of the severance pay plans. 22.2 (2) _ The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of Human Resources, which will cleaziy indicate that by requesting severance pay the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-employxnent (of any type) with the City. 22.2 (3) The employee must have accumulated a minimum of seventy-five (75) days of sick leave credits at the time of his(her separation from service. � 23 ARTICLE 22 — SEVERANCE PAY (Continued) 223 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility requirements set forth above in 22.1 attd 22.2, he/she wiII be granted severance pay in an amount equal to a maximum as shown below based on the number of sick leave credits accumulated and minimum years of service: with 10 years of service and accrued lzours of sick Ieave ofi severauce pay amount: 600 $6,000 700 $7,000 800 $8,000 900 $9,000 1,000 $10,000 1,100 $11,OOQ 1,200 $12,000 1,300 $13,000 1,500 $15,000 1,600 $16,000 1,700 $17,000 • 22.4 For the puYpose of this severance program, an employee who voluntarily sepazates from • employment with the City of Saint Paul for employment with Independent School Disfrict No. 625 shall be eligible for severance pay if the employee meets the eligbility requirements set forth above. 22.5 For the purpose of this Article, for those employees hired by the City before October l, 1997, employment in either the City or in the Tndependent School District No. 625 may be used in meeting the years of service requirement in Article 223. Employees hired by fhe City on or after October 1,1997, may not use employxnent in the Independent School District No, 625 in meeting the years of service requirement in Article 223. 22.6 This severance pay program shall be subjeet to and governed by the provisions of City Ordinance No. 16303 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this Article conflict with said ordinance, and in such cases, the provisions of this Article shall controL 22.7 For the purpose of this severance pay plan, the death of an employee shall be considered as separation of employment and ifthe employee would have met all ofthe requirements set forth above (at the time of his/her deaYh), payment of the severance pay shall be made to the eiuployee's spouse or estate. 22.8 For any employee who is eligible to receive severauce from the City under this Article, • the City will contnbute 105% ofthe full amount oftheir severance payment to a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP). 24 6$-3103 • AYtTi�LE 23 — SAVINGS CLAi7SE 23.1 This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota In the event any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose finai judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. ARTICLE 24 — DEFERRED COMPENSATION 24.1 Effective January 1, 2006, employees with at least one year of service will be eligble for a$100.00 Deferred Compensation match by the Employer subject to the criteria listed below. Effective January 1, 2008, the Deferred Compensation match shall be increased to $250.00 per year. 24.2 Eligibility and Implementation: 242 (1) For initial match, employees must have been employed for a minnnum of one (1) calendaz year. 24.2 (2) Employees must be a member of the bazgaining unit for a m;nimum of one • (1) calendaz year. 24.2 (3) Employees must have made their wmplete contn�utions by December 31 st of the previous calendaz year. 24.2 (4) City matches will be made by April l of the foliowing yeaz. 24.2 (5) Employees must be on the payroll as of the date of deferred compensation match. 24.2 (� If an employee takes a leave of absence to serve as a full-time union official, time served in such capacity, up to six (6) yeazs, wili be counted toward the years o f service requirement. ARTICLE 25 - DURATION AND EFFECTNE DATE 25.1 Except as herein provided, this Agreement shail be effective as of January l, 2008, and shall continue in full force and effect through December 31, 2010, and thereafter until modified or amended by mutual agreement ofthe parties. Either party desiring to zmend or modify this Agreement shall notify the other in writing so as to comply with the provisions of the Public Employxnent Laboz Relations Act, Minnesota Statute CH. 179A, as it may be amended from time to time. • 25 ARTICLE 25 — DURATION AND EF`FECTIVE DATE (Continued) 25.2 This wnstitutes a tentative agreement between the parties wluch will be recommended by the Labor Relations Manager, but is subject to the approval of the Administration of the Ciry, the City Council, and is also subjeet to ratification by the Association. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT Relations M ��N , Labor Relations Speciatist L �� V Date PRO IONAL EMPLOYEES ASS CIA ION, I�,C. i) 1, G�e�,� 3-a6-o� Dauid Peterson President Mike Wilda Legal Counsel Date • � LJ • � bg�3�� �� ������� � GYADE 001 407A CHILD CARE ENRICF�vIENT INSTRUCT 301B EDUCATION SPECIALIST O1(05108 04/26l08 03/28/09 01/C2/10 Stark A ��) 1,221.68 1,261.38 1,302.37 1,344.7(3 1-yr B �2) 1,322.61 1,365.59 1,40R.97 1,455.79 2-YI C (3} 1,386.66 1,431.73 1,478.26 1,52630 3-YL D (4} 1,456.24 1,503.57 1,552.44 1,602.89 4-yr E (5) 1,531.23 1,580.99 1,632.37 1,685.42 5-yr F �6) 1,604.82 1,656.98 1,710.83 1,766.43 10-yr G �7) 1,655.33 1,709.13 1,764.68 1,822.03 15-yr H �g) 1,724.01 1,780.04 1,837.89 1,897.62 GRAAE 002 496A ARCHlLAND ARCH/CIVIL ENG TRAIN • 01/05/08 04/25/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 5tart A ��) 1,258.48 1,�99.38 1,341.61 1,385.21 � -Y% B �Z) 1,362.11 1,406.38 1,452.09 1,499.28 2-YI C (3) 1,428.91 1,475.35 1,52330 1,572.81 3-yr D (4) 1,501.19 1,549.98 1,600.35 1,652.36 4-yr E (5) 1,574.84 1,626.02 1,678.87 1,733.43 5-yr F (6) 1,65533 1,709.13 1,764.68 1,822.03 10-yr G ��) 1,704.39 1,759.78 1,816.97 1,876.02 15-yr H � 1,777.35 1,835.11 1,894.75 1,956.33 GRADE 003 372A *LIBRARY SPECIALIST 408A CHILD CARE PROGRAM COORDINATOR 302B EDt3CATION COORDINATOR 697A LAW CLERK 693A LEGAL ASSISTANT I • OilOSl08 04/25/08 03128l09 Oi/02/10 Start A (1) 1,296.69 1,338.83 1,382.34 1,427.27 1-yr B �2) 1,401.65 1,447.20 1,494.23 1,542.79 2-3'r G (3) 1,472.56 1,520.42 1,569.83 1,620.85 3-yr D (4) 1,544.79 1,595.00 1,646.84 1,700.36 4-yr E (5) 1,623.94 1,676.72 1,731.21 1,787.47 5-yr F (6) 1,704.39 1,759.78 1,816.97 1,876.02 10-yr G ��) 1,756.15 1,813.22 1,872.15 1,932.99 15-yr H � 1,827.97 1,88738 1,948.72 2,012.05 I�1 APPENDIX A (Continued) GRAD$ 004 Start 1-yr 2-yr 3-yr A B C D �1) �2) �3) �4) Ol/OS/OS 1,334.84 1,443.90 1,514.82 I,592.56 04/26/08 1,378.22 1,490.83 1,564.05 1,64432 03/28/09 1,423.01 1,539.28 1,614.88 1,697.76 Ol /02/10 1,469.26 1,58931 1,667.36 1,752.94 4yr E (5) 1,672.95 1,727.32 1,783.46 1,841.42 5-yr F (6) 1,756.15 1,813.22 1,872.15 1,932.99 10-yr G �� 1,806.60 1,86531 1,925.93 1,988.52 GRADE 005 007A �LIBRARY SPECIALIST I 933 CITY PLANNER I 165A MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT I 263A VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR 15-yr x �g) 1,884.02 1,945.25 2,008.47 2,073.75 CJ tart - Yl' - 3'�' - 3'r - - A B C D E F G H �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) �'� �$) Ol/OS/OS 1,377.13 1,486.24 1,563,86 1,640.24 1,722.07 1,806.60 1,861.12 1,937.42 04/26/08 1,421.89 1,534.54 1,614.69 1,693.55 1,778.04 1,865.31 1,921.61 2,00039 � 03/28/09 1,468.10 1,584.41 1,667.17 1,748.59 1,835.83 1,925.93 1,984.06 2,065.40 Ol/02/10 1,515.81 1,635.90 1,721.35 1,805.42 1,895.49 1,988.52 2,048.54 2,132.53 GRADE 006 886 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST I 976 GRAPHTC ARTIST I Start A (1) Ol/OS/08 1,416.64 04/26/08 1,462.68 1 2-YI B C �2) �3) 1,532.57 1,610.28 1,58238 1,662.61 3-Yr D (4) 1,690.74 1,745.69 03/28/09 1,510.22 1,633.81 1,716.64 1,802.42 Ol /02/10 1,55930 1,686.91 1,772.43 1,861.OQ 4-yr E (5) 1,773.89 1,831.54 1,891.07 1,952.53 5-yr F �� 1,861.12 1,921.61 1,984.06 2,048.54 10-yr G ��) 1,918.37 1,980.72 2,045.09 2,111.56 15-yr H �$) 1,996.24 2,061.12 2,128.11 2,197.27 � A-2 � � • ar���a� � �cm��n�e�� Ol/OS/08 04/26/OS 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04(26/08 03/28/09 Ol(02(1Q Start � (1) 1,457.55 1,504.92 1,553.83 1,604.33 Start A (1) 1,502.53 1,55136 I,601.78 1,653.84 1-yr B �2) 1,578.94 1,630.26 1,683.24 1,737.95 1-yr B �2) 1,626.60 1,679.46 i,734.04 1,790.40 �g'3�3 GRADE 007 001 ACCOLTNTANT I 289B HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT I 581A LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR 012A PROJECT MANAGER I 038A PUBLIC INFORMATIOIV SPECIALIST I 392 RESEARCH ANALYST I Z-yr C (3) 1,656.61 1,710.45 1,766.04 1,823.44 3-yr D (4) 1,741.17 1,797.76 1,856.19 1,916.52 4-yr E (5) 1,828.48 1,887.91 1,949.27 2,012.62 5-yr F (6) 1,918.37 1,980.72 2,045.09 2,111.56 10-yr G ��) 1,975.67 2,039.88 2,106.18 2,174.63 GRADE 008 306A BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SPECIALIST 647A DESIGN ASSOCIATE I 249 LIBRARIAN I 328B PROJECT MANAGER PARKS & REC 220A VIDEO PRODUCTION 3PECIALIST 2-3n C (3) 1,707.10 1,762.58 1,81�.86 1,879.01 3-yr D (4) 1,790.22 1,848.40 1,908.47 1,970.50 4-yr E (5) 1,881.61 1,942.7fi 2,005.90 2,071.09 5-yr F (6) 1,975.53 2,039.73 2,106.02 2,174.47 10-yr G ��) 2,035.68 2,101.84 2,170.15 2,240.68 15-yr H �$) 2,056.45 2,123.28 2,192.29 2,263.54 15-yr H �g) 2,118.02 2,186.86 2,2�7.93 2,331.31 �j APPENDIX A (Continued) GRADE 009 128 CRIl�IINALIST I 908 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PLANNER 828 GRANTS ASSISTANT 9'77 GRAPHIC ARTIST II 575 HEALTH EDUCATOR I 896 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I 644A LEGAL ASSISTANT II 166A MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT II 520 WATER QUALTTY SPECIALIST I • Start i-yr 2-yr 3-yr 4-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr A B C D E F G H � � � � t � ��) � Ol/OS/08 1,546.13 1,674.34 1,757.58 1,846.15 1,938.90 2,035.68 2,094.29 2,179.59 Q4/26/08 t,596.38 1,728.76 2,814.70 1,906,15 2,001.91 2,102.84 2,162.35 2,250.43 03/28/09 1,648.26 1,784.94 1,873.68 1,968.10 2,066.97 2,170.15 2,232.63 2,323.57 Ol/02/10 , . , . , . , . , . , . , • , - GTtADE O10 684 ARBORIST 934 CITY PLANNER II 887 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST II 425A HEALTH & FITNESS SPECIALIST 633A LIBRARY TRAINING & ORG DEV COORD 113B NUTRITIONIST I- COMMUNITY EDUCATION 114B NUTRITIONIST I - WIC 013A PROJECT MANAGER II 393 RESEARCH ANALYST II airosios 04126l08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Start A (1) 1,595.29 1,647.14 1,700.67 1,755.94 1-yr B �2) I,722.07 1,778.04 1,835.83 1,895.49 2-Yr C (3) I,8093I 1,868.11 1,928.82 1,991.51 3-yr D (4) 1,900.68 1,962.45 2,026.23 2,092.08 4-yt E (5) I,996.I3 2,061.00 2,127.98 2,197.14 5-yr F (6) 2,094.29 2,162.35 2,232.63 2,305.19 10-yr G ��) 2,158.37 2,228.52 2,300.95 2,375.73 15-yr H �g) 2,246.69 2,319.71 2,395.10 2,472.94 \J � U I� � � �J �J ����� �. (cm�t����a� O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03l28/09 O1/02/10 O1/05/08 04/26/08 03/28l09 Ol/02/10 Start A (1) 1,641.65 1,695.00 1,750.09 1,806.97 Start A (1) 2,692.03 1,747.02 1,803.80 1,862.42 1-yr B �2) 1,776.61 1,834.35 1,893.97 1,955.52 i-yr B �2) 1,829.78 1,889.25 1,950.65 2,014.05 D�- 3� GRADE Ol l 002 ACCOUNTANT II � Ol l ARCHITECT I 105 CIVIL ENGINEER I 659 CIVIL ENGINEER I--WATER UTILITY SOlA CRIME PREVENTION COORDINATOR 339B EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 260B ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR 255A ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST I 292B HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT II 2-Yr C (3) 1,865.20 1,925.82 1,988.41 2,053.03 3-yr D (4) 1,957.93 2,021.56 2,087.26 2,155.10 4-yr E ts) 2,057.51 2,12438 2,193.42 2,264.71 5-yr F (6) 2,15837 2,228.52 2,300.95 2,375.73 10-yr G t�) 2,218.40 2,290.50 2,364.94 2,441.80 IS-yr H � 2,313.70 2,388.90 2,466.54 2,546.70 GRADE 012 395A HUMAN RIGHTS SPECIALIST 276B FiUMAN RIGHTS SPECIALIST - BILINGUAL 383 RECREATION DIRECTOR II 2-yr C (3) 1,919.79 1,982.18 2,046.60 2,113.11 3-yr D � 2,016.63 2,082.17 2,149.84 2,219.71 4-yr E (5) 2,117.49 2,186.31 2,257.37 2,330.73 S-yr F (6) 2,222.52 2,294.75 2,369.33 2,446.33 10-yr G ��) 2,292.00 2,366.49 2,443.40 2,522.81 15-yr H �$) 2,382.14 2,459.56 2,539.50 2,622.03 A-5 APPENDIX A (Contiaued) GRADE 12T 710A IS SYSTEMS CONSULTANT I � Start 2 yr 2.5 yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr 3.5 yr 4 yr 4.5 yr (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ('n (8) (9} 02/OS/08 1,692.03 i,829.78 1,874.78 1,919.79 1,968.I8 2,016.63 2,089.55 2,162.50 2,21636 5 yr S.S yr 6 yr 6.5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 15 yr (10) (il) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 2,270.24 2,326.'78 2,383.36 2,443.36 2,503.35 2,577.01 2,677.68 Start 1 yr 1.5 yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr 3.5 yr 4 yr 4.5 yr (1) (2} (3) (4) (5) (6) (7} (8) (9) 04/26/08 1,747.02 1,889.25 1,935.71 1,982.18 2,032.15 2,082.17 2,157.46 2,232.78 2,288.39 5 yr 5.5 yr 6 yr 6.5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 15 yr lo �11) (12) <13) (14) (ls) (1� 2,344.02 Start 1 yr 1.5 yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr 3.5 yr 4 yr 4.5 yr � � � � � � ��) � �� 03/28/09 1,803.80 1,950.65 1,998.62 2,046.60 2,098,19 2,149.84 2,227.58 2,30535 2,36 _ 5 yr 5.5 yr 6 yr 6.5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 15 yr (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 2,420.20 2,480.48 2,540.80 2,604.76 2,668.71 2,74723 2,854.55 Start 1 yr 1.5 yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr 3.5 yr 4 yr 4.5 yr �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) �'� �g) �9) Ol/02/10 1,862.42 2,014.05 2,063.58 2,113.11 2,166.38 2,219.71 2,299.98 2,380.27 2,439.55 5 yr 5.5 yr 6 yr 6.5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 15 yr (10) (11) (12j (13) (14) (15) (16) 2,498.86 2,561.10 2,623.38 2,689.41 2,755.44 2,836.51 2,947.32 � I:�� � . �����Dr� � ��o��►n�ea, Ol/OS/,�8 d?4/25/0$ �'3/28lfi9 i�llt32/10 Start A ��) l,'742.51 1,799.14 1,857.fi1 1,917.98 i-yr ?3 t2) 1,884.32 1,945.56 2,008.79 2,074.08 a8-3G3 GRADB Oi3 ;��A �: S1GN ASSOCIATE II 888 ECOI30MIC DEVELOPMEI3T SPECIALIST III 2>6A ENVIRONNIENTAL HEALTH SPECIALTST II 829 GRAI3TS SPECIALIST 695A LEGAL ASSISTANT III 167A MFiNAGEMENT ASSISTANT III 2�6A MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST 821 NUTRITIOIVIST II 9�4 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 8� HLTH ANALYST 039A PUBLIC INFORMATION SPECIALIST II 28EA SAFETY OFFICER 909 5ENIOR EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING PLNR 330A VIDEO PRODUCTION COORDINATOR 521 WATER QUALITY SPECIALIST II ? C (3� 1,979.76 2,044. fl 0 Z,lid7eSJ 2,179,12 3-yr D (4) 2,075.22 2,142.66 2,212.30 2,28420 4-yr E (5) 2,180.24 2,251.10 2,324.26 2,399.80 5-yr F (6) 2,292.00 2,366.49 2,443.40 2,522.81 10-yr G ��) 2,358.84 2,435.50 2,514.65 2,�96.38 GRADE 014 935 CITY PLANNER III 250 LIBRARIAN II 139A NURSE PRACTITIONER-OB GYN 565 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 394 RESEARCH ANALYST III 658 SOCIAL WORKER • qllOS/48 �4/25/OS fl3/28l09 �1/02/10 Start A (i) 1,79433 1,852.65 I,412.86 1,975.03 1-yr B �Z) 1,440.2Q 2,003.26 2,06837 2,135.59 2-3�r C (3) 2,�37.09 2,10330 2,171.66 2,242.24 3-yr D (4) 2,140.69 2,210.26 2,282.09 2,356.26 4-yr E (5) 2,245.68 2,318.66 2,344.02 2,471.83 5-yr F {6) 2,358.84 2,435.50 2,514.65 2,596.38 10-yr G ��) 2,428.35 2,507.27 2,588.76 2,672.89 15-yr H � 2,450.47 2,530.11 2,612.34 2,697.24 15-yr H �$) 2,525.79 2,607.88 2,692.64 2,780.15 � APPENDTX A (Continued) GRADE O15 003 ACCOUNTANT III 012 AR.CHITECT II 106 CIVIL ENGINEER II 199B CIVIL ENGINEER II-WATER 129 CRIlvIINALIST II 129A ENVIRON HEALTH ADM1N ANALYST 623A FLEET SERVICES COORDINATOR 229B HEALTH EDUCATION-ADMIN ASST 119B HISTORIC PRESERVATION SPECLALIST 295B HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT III 897 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II 530A PUBLIC EDUCATION OFFICER - FTRE Start A (1) Ol/OS/08 1,848.84 04/26/08 1,908.93 03/28/09 1,970.97 Ol/02/10 2,035.03 1-yr B 2-yr 3-yr 4yr C D E (3) (4) (5) 2,063.82 2,165.22 2,274.99 2,387.61 2,130.89 2,235.59 2,348.93 2,465.21 2,200.14 2,308.25 2,425.27 2,54533 LJ 5-yr 10-yz 15-yr F G H ( ��) � , • , • > • 2,507.27 2,584.71 2,687.02 2,588.76 2,668.71 2,774.35 2,672.89 2,755.44 2,864.52 • GRADE 026 1008 ADMIN ASST-DEPT OF HLTMAN RIGHTS 356B ARTS & GARDENING PROGRAM COORD 576 HEALTH EDUCATOR II 204A MANAGEMENT ANALYST 610A MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT N 088A PHYSICAL FITNESS COORDINATOR 776 PROGRAM COORDINATOR 014A PR07ECT MANAGER III Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 Start A (1) 1,904.76 1,966.66 2,030.58 2,096.57 1-yr B �2) 2,058.87 2,125.78 2,194.87 2,266.20 2-Yr C (3) 2,162.50 2,232.78 2,305.35 2,380.27 3-yr D (4) 2,270.24 2,344.02 2,420.20 2,498.86 4-yr E (5) 2,383.36 2,460.82 2,540.80 2,623.38 5-yr F (6) 2,503.35 2,584,71 2,668.71 2,755.44 10-yr G ��) 2,577.01 2,660.76 2,747.23 2,836.51 15-yr H � 2,677.68 2,764.70 2,854.55 2,94732 � � � ����� � �c�n������ O1i05/08 04/25/08 03/28/09 01/02l10 Start A (1) 1,962.04 2,025.81 2,091.65 2,159.53 1-3`r B t2) 2,121.56 2,I90.Si 2,261.70 2,335.21 08 -3�3 �xP.�� ol � 12iB ?3�.�TuTN/LEGiSLATIVE ASST-PBD 340B EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORD 517A PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT 2-yz C (3) 2,225.24 2,297.56 2,372.23 2,449.33 3-yr D (4} 2,335.62 2 2,489.90 2,570.82 4-yr E �$) 2,454.27 2,534.03 2,61639 2,701.42 5-yr F (6) 2,577.01 2,660.76 2,747.23 2,836.52 10-yr G ��) 2,656.07 2,74239 2,831.52 2,923.54 GRADE 018 143B ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC III 081A EPIDEMIOLOGIST 511� WATER QUALITY SPECIALIST III � U t31/��/�J8 �4126/08 03/28/04 01J02/10 Start A (1) 2,020.71 2,086.38 2,154.19 2,224.20 i-yr B �2) 2,182.95 2,253.90 2,327.15 2,402.7& 2_yr C {3} 2,294.68 2,36�.26 2,446.26 2,525.76 3-YI D (4} 2,407.94 2,48b.20 2,567.00 2,650.43 4-yr E (5) 2,530.62 2,612.87 2,697.79 2,785.47 5-yr F (6} 2,656.07 2,742.39 2,831.52 2,923.54 10-yr G �7) 2,736.50 2,825.44 2,917.27 3,012.08 15-yr H � 2,761.13 2,850.87 2,943.52 3,039.18 15-yr H tg) 2,839.13 2,931.40 3,026.67 3,125.04 GR�1DE 019 221� HEALTH INFORMATION ADNIINISTRATOR 803A LIBRARY INFORMATION RES. COORD. 336B WATER RESOURCE COORDINATOFt • Ol /(3S/G8 04l2b108 03J28/09 O11a2/10 Start A (1) 2,082.02 2,149.69 2,219.55 2,291.69 1-yr B �2) 2,24835 2,321.42 2,396.87 2,474.77 2-yz' C (3) 2,36i.55 2,438.30 2,517.54 2,599.36 3-Yr D (4) 2,480.16 2,560.77 2,644.00 2,729.93 4-yr E (5) 2,604.24 2,688.88 2,776.27 2,866.50 5-yr F (6) 2,736.50 2,825.44 2,917.27 3,012.08 10-yr G ��) 2,814.21 2,905.67 3,000.10 3,097.60 15-yr H �S) 2,925.27 3,02034 3,118.50 3,219.85 IQ] APPENDIX A (Continued) GRADE 020 013 ARCFiITECT III 591 CITY PLANNER N 107 CIVIL ENGINEER III 109 CIVIL ENGINEER III—WATER UTILITY 889 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST IV 117A ECONOMIC PLANNER 533A FIRE PROTECTTON ENGINEER 830 GRANTS MANAGER 898 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT T1I 395 RESEARCH ANALXST IV 444 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 03/28/09 O1/02/10 Start 1-yr 2-yc 3-yr 4-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr A B C D E F G H �I) � � � � �� ��) �$) 143.44 2,317.92 2,433.83 2,SS5.17 2,683.30 2,816.97 2,900.15 3,012.87 2,213.10 2,393.25 2,512.93 2,6 . , . , . , . , , 2,285.03 2,471.03 2,594.60 2,723.95 2,860.55 3,003.05 3,091.72 3,211.89 2,359.29 2,551.34 2,678.92 2,812.48 2,953.52 3,100.65 3,192.20 3,316.28 • • . A-10 � • �.����� a ��Q�����e�> Start (1) O1/OS/08 2,143.44 S yr ;10) 2,816.97 StarC {1} 04/26/08 2,213.10 5 yr (1oj 2,90$.52 Start 031281�9 2,285.fl3 5 yr (? �) 3,dt�3.G5 Start {i) Ol/fl2/10 2,359.29 5 yr (10) 3,100.65 i y: �2) 2,317.92 :0 yr (11) 2,900.15 1 yr �2) 2,393.75 10 yr :11) 2,994.40 1 yr 2, 7�>003 1� yr �� �� 3,091.72 1 yr �2) 2,551.34 10 yr (11� 3,192.20 �8 -3�3 GRADE 20T 709A IS INFO/TECH ANALYST V 711A IS SYSTEMS CONSLTLTANT II 1.5 yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr 3.5 yr �3) �4) �5) t� �7) 2,315.89 2,433.83 2,444.49 2,555.17 2,619.24 15 yr ��2) 3,012,87 l.s y7 (3) 2,453.11 2 yr (4) 2,512.93 2.5 yr (5) 2,575.56 3 yr (6) 2,638.21 3.5 yr ��) 2,704.37 15 yr (�2) 3,110.79 1.5 yr (3) 2,532.8d� 2 yr (4) 2,594.60 2.5 yr (5) 2,b59.27 3 yr (6) 2,723.95 3.5 yr 2,79 15 yr (12) 3,211.89 1.5 yr � 2,615.16 2 yr (4) 2,678.92 2.5 yr (5) 2,745.70 3 yr (6) 2,812.48 3.5 yr ��) 2,883.01 15 yr (12) 3,316.28 GRADE 021 � Start A (1) Ol/OS/08 2,206.12 04/26/08 2,277.82 Q3l28l09 2,351.85 Ol/02/10 2,428.29 1-n B �2) 2,386.12 2,463.67 2,543.74 2,626.41 2-yr C (3) 2,506.09 2,587.54 2,671.64 2,758.47 3-yr D (4) 2,631.55 2,'717.08 2,805.39 2,896.57 4-yr E (5) 2,765.12 2,854.99 2,947.78 3,043.58 5-yr F (6) 2,900.15 2,994.40 3,041.72 3,192.20 10-yr G ��) 2,987.37 3,084.46 3,184.70 3,288.20 4 yr t 2,68330 4 yr � 2,770.51 4 yr �g) 2,860.55 4 yr � 2,953.52 15-yr H � 3,103.16 3,204.01 3,308.14 3,415.65 4.5 yr (9) 2,750.15 4.5 yr (9) 2,839.53 4.5 yr (9) 2,931.81 4.5 yr (9) 3,027.09 A-11 APPENDIX A (Continued) Start A (i) O1f05/08 2,272.94 04/26/08 2,346.81 03/28/09 2,423.08 01/02/10 2,501.83 1-yr B �2) 2,458.37 2,538.27 2,620.76 2,705.93 Start 1 yr �1) �2) Ol/OS/08 2,272.94 2,458.37 5 yr 10 yr (10) (11) 2,987.37 3,077.38 Start 1 yr �1) �2) 04/26/08 2,346.81 2,538.27 5 yr (10) 3,084.46 Start (1) 03/28/09 2,423.08 5 yr (10) 3,184.70 Start ��) Ol/02/10 2,501.83 5 yr (10) 3,288.20 10 yr ���) 3,177.39 1 yr �2) 2,620.76 10 yr (11) 3,280.66 1 yr �Z) 2,705.43 10 yr (i l) 3,387.28 GRA]�E 022 660A GIS SYSTEMS DEVELOPER 879 PROJECT MANAGER N 294A PROJECT MANAGER N- PUBLIC VJKS 2-Yr C (3) 2,581.06 2,664.94 2,751.55 2,840.98 3-yr D � 2,'710.61 2,798.70 2,889.66 2,983.57 4 -3rz ' E (5) 2,845.55 2,938.03 3,033.52 3,132.11 5-yr F (6) 2,98737 3,084.46 3,184.70 3,288.20 10-yr G �� 3,077.38 3,177.39 3,280.66 3,387.28 GRADE 22T 712A IS SYSTEMS CONSULTANT III 1.5 yr 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr 3.5 yr � � � � ��) 15 yr �Z2) 3,194.84 1.5 yr (3) 2,626.78 15 yr ��Z) 3,298.67 1,5 yr t 2,712.15 15 yr (12) 3,405.88 1.5 yr (3) 2,800.29 15-yr x � 3,194.84 3,298.67 3,405.88 3,516.57 4 yr � 2 yr 2.5 yr 3 yr (4) (5) (6) 2,664.94 2,731.82 2,798.70 2 yr (4) 2,751.55 2.5 yr (5) 2,820.60 3 yr (6) 2,889.66 2 yr (4) 2,840.98 2.5 yr (5) 2,912.27 3 yr (6) 2,983.57 3.5 yr �� 2,86839 3.5 yr ��) 2,961.61 3.5 yr ��) 3,057.86 15 yr (12) 3,516.57 A-12 4 yT �$) 2,938.03 4 yr � 3,033.52 4 yr �8) 3,132.11 � 4.5 yr (9) • 4.5 yr (9) 3,011.24 4.5 yr (9) 3,109.11 4.5 yr �g) 3,210.16 � • r�P�+l�rT3�� A. (�ts�a�%nue�� CSRADE d23 OI/05/08 fl4/26/fl8 03/28i09 O1i02/10 2 C (3) 2,821.06 2,912.74 3,007.40 3,105.14 GRADE 024 • n � Oi/OS/OS 041?6/08 03%28/09 �l/02/10 Start A (1} 2,342.50 2,4I8.63 2,497.24 2,578.40 Start A (1) 2,410.66 2,489.01 ?,569.90 ?,653.42 1-yr B (2} 2,533.72 2,615.07 2,701.Oa 2,788.88 i-yr B 42) 2,506.99 2,691.72 2,779.20 2,869.52 2-YI C {3} 2,658.79 2,745.20 2,834.42 2,926.54 2-Yr C (3) 2,739.21 2,�28.23 2,920.15 3,015.05 GRADE 025 Ol/a5!{38 04/2b/�8 03l28/09 OU�2/10 01/05/08 04/26/OS 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Start A (i) 2,482.87 2,563.56 2,646.88 2,732.90 Start A (1) 2,559.26 2,642.44 2,728.32 2,816.99 1-yr B �2) 2,687.42 2,774.76 2,864.94 2,958.05 1-yr B �2) 2,769.21 2,859.21 2,952.13 3,048.07 3-yr D i 2,790.13 z,aso.si 2,974.44 3,072.11 3-Yt D (4) 2,875.58 2,969.04 3,065.53 3,165.16 3-yr D (4) 2,960.08 3,056.28 3,155.61 3,258.17 4yr E (5) 2,932.87 3,028.19 3,126.61 3,228.22 4-yr E (5) 3,018.74 3,116.85 3,218.15 3,322.74 4-yr E (5) 3,108.75 3,209.78 3,314.10 3,421.81 5-yr F (6) 3,077.38 3,17739 3,280.66 3,387.28 5-yr F (6) 3,171.46 3,274.53 3,380.95 3,490.83 5-yr F (6) 3,264.17 3,370.26 3,479.79 3,592.88 GRADE 026 236B DEBT ADMINISTRATOR 2-yr 3-yr 4-yr 5-yr C D E F (3) (4) (5) (6) 2,902.84 3,051.51 3,204.16 3,363.67 2,997.18 3,150.68 3,30830 3,472.99 3,094.59 3,253.08 3,415.82 3,585.86 3,195.16 3,358.81 3,526.83 3,702.40 OS- 3� 3 10-yr G ��) 3,171.46 3,274.53 3,380.95 3,490.83 10-yr G ��) 3,264.17 3,370.26 3,479.79 3,592.88 10-yr G ��) 3,363.67 3,472.49 3,585.86 3,702.40 10-yr G ��) 3,464.62 3,577.22 3,693.48 3,813.52 15-yr H �g) 3,291.99 3,398.98 3,509.45 3,623.51 15-yr x � 3,386.41 3,496.47 3,610.11 3,727.44 15-yr x � 3,489.02 3,602.41 3,719.49 3,840.37 15-yr H � 3,593.02 3,709.79 3,830.36 3,954.85 A-13 APPENDIX A (Con�nued) GRADE 027 OZ/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Start A (1) 2,634.24 2,719.85 2,808.25 2,899.52 1-yr B �2) 2,849.68 2,942.29 3,037.91 3,136.64 2-yr C � 2,992.84 3,090.11 3,190.54 3,294.23 GRADE 028 04/26/08 03/28l09 O1/02/10 Start A (1) 2,714.70 2,802.93 2,894.03 2,988.09 1- YI' 2- 5'r B C �2) �3) �35.62 3,Q82.85 3-Yr D (4) 3,141.44 3,243.54 3,348.96 3,457.80 4-yr E (5) 3,299.62 3,406.86 3,517.5$ 3,631.90 3-yr 4-yr D E (4) (5) �38.25 3,396.48 5-yr F �� 3,464.62 3,577.22 3,693.48 3,813.52 s-yr F �� 3,566.88 10-yr G ��� 3,566.88 3,682.80 3,802.49 3,926,07 io-n .� ��) 3,675.92 15-yr H �g) 3,702.06 3,82134 3,945.53 4,0'73.76 is- H �g) 3,811.94 3,129.54 3,286.49 3,452.15 3,620.84 3,802.49 3,918.74 4,063.74 3,231.25 3,393.30 3,56434 3,738.52 3,926.07 4,046.10 4,195.81 GRADE 029 O1/OSl08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Start A (1) 2,796.46 2,88734 2,981.18 3,078.07 1-yr B �2) 3,024.20 3,122.49 3,223.97 3,328.75 Z-YL C (3) 3,174.18 3,277.34 3,383.85 3,493.83 3-yr D (4) 3,332.34 3,440.64 3,552.46 3,667.91 GRADE 030 O1/OS/OS 04/26/OS 03/28/09 01/02(10 Start A (1) 2,879.71 2,973.30 3,069.93 3,169.70 1-yr B {2) 3,115.53 3,216.78 3,32133 3,429.27 2-Yr C (3) 3,269.67 3,375.93 3,485.65 3,598.93 3-yr D (4) 3,431.85 3,543.39 3,658.55 3,777.45 4-yr E (5) 3,50139 3,615.19 3,732.68 3,853,99 4yr E (5} 3,605.09 3,722.26 3,843.23 3,968.13 5-yr F t6) 3,965.92 4,094.81 4,227.89 4,365.30 5-yr F �� 3,785.03 3,908.04 4,035.05 4,166.19 IO-yr G ��) 3,785.03 3,908.04 4,035.05 4,166.19 10-yr G �7) 3,895.41 4,022.01 4,152.73 4,287.69 15-yr H �8) 3,925.44 4,053.02 4,184.74 4,320.74 15-yr H {8) 4,044.51 4,175.96 4,311.68 4,451.81 � 0 � A-14 � r1 1�J • ���rr�a� � (��n��uea� GRADE 031 OI/0�/08 04i26/08 03/28/04 O1r02!10 gt� a {1) 2,S66.93 3,063.36 3,162.92 3,265.71 `f -tfL' B �2) 3,208.25 3,312.52 3,420.18 ?,531.34 2-yr c (3) 3,369.14 3,478.64 3,591.70 3,708.43 3-yr D (4) 3,536.85 3,651.80 3,770.48 3,893.02 GRADE 032 Ol/05/08 04/2E/08 �J3/2�109 O1IO2/10 Start A (1) 3,055.60 3,154.91 3,257.44 3,36331 1-yr B �2) 3,302.37 3,409.70 3,520.52 3,634.94 2-Yr C (3) 3,470.06 3,582.84 3,699.28 3,819.51 3-yr D (4) 3,643.20 3,761.60 3,883.85 4,010.08 GRADE 033 O1i05/08 04l26/08 03/28l09 Ol/02/10 Start A tl) 3,145.87 3,249.14 3,354.74 3,463.77 1-yr B �2) 3,401.91 3,512.47 3,626.63 3,744.50 2-3'r C t3) 3,573.68 3,689.82 3,809.74 3,933.56 3-yr D (4) 3,752.28 3,874.23 4,000.14 4,130.14 GRADE 034 �:/�J5(08 04/26/08 03/28/09 ovaano Start A (1) 3,241.00 3,346.33 3,455.09 3,557.38 1-yr B �2) 3,504.15 3,618.03 3,735.62 3,8�7.03 Z C (3) 3,68137 3,801.01 3,924.54 4,052.09 3-yr D (4) 3,865.44 3,991.07 4,120.78 4,254.71 A-15 4-yr E (5) 3,712.74 3,833.40 3,957.99 4,086.62 4-yr E (5) 3,825.90 3,950.24 4,078.62 4,211.18 4-yr E (5) 3,941.81 4,069.92 4,202.19 4,338.76 4-yr E (5) 4,057.70 4,189.58 4,325.74 4,466.33 5-yr F t6) 3,898.15 4,024.84 4,155.65 4,290.71 5-yr F (6) 4,015.43 4,145.93 4,280.67 4,419.79 5-yr F (6) 4,136.82 4,271.27 4,410.09 4,553.42 5-yr F (6) 4,260.88 4,399.36 4,542.34 4,689.97 08-3�3 10-yr G ��) 4,015.43 4,145.93 4,280.67 4,419.79 15-yr H � 4,162.62 4,297.91 4,437.59 4,581.81 10-yr G ��) 4,136.82 4,271.27 4,410.09 4,553.42 10-yr G ��) 4,260.88 4,349.36 4,542.34 4,689.97 10-yr G ��) 4,387.71 4,530.31 4,677.55 4,829.57 15-yr H � 4,286.71 4,426.03 4,569.88 4,718.40 15-yr H �$) 4,416.69 4,560.23 4,708.44 4,861.46 15-yr H �8) 4,550.82 4,698.72 4,851.43 5,009.10 APPENDIX A (Continued) GRADE 035 Start A (1) Oi/OS/08 3,339.16 04/26/08 3,447.68 03/28/09 3,559.73 Ol/02l10 3,675.42 1-yr B �2) 3,b10.49 3,727.83 3,848.98 3,974.07 2-Yl C (3) 3,793.22 3,916.50 4,043.79 4,175.21 3-yr D (4) 3,979.98 4,10933 4,242.88 4,380.77 GRADE 036 4yr E (5) 4,179.09 4,314.91 4,455.14 4,599.93 5-yr F (6) 4,387.71 4,530.31 4,677.55 4,829.57 ro-y� G �7) 4,52131 4,668.25 4,819.97 4,976.62 is-n H �g) 4,684.91 4,837.17 4,99438 5,156.70 � Start 1-yr 2-yr 3-yr 4-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr A B C D E F G H � � � � � �� ��) �g) Ol/OS/08 3,440.05 3,718.19 3,903.67 4,099.97 4,305.88 4,519.40 4,654.98 4,823.07 > • � • � • , - , . , . , . , . 03/28/09 3,667.29 3,963.80 4,161.53 4,370.80 4,59031 4,818.47 4,962.47 5,141.66 Ol/02/10 3,786.48 4,092.62 4,296.78 4,512.85 4,739.50 4,975.07 5,123.75 5,308.76 GRADE 037 Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Start A (1) 3,539.61 3,654.65 3,773.43 3,896.07 1-yr B �2) 3,830.00 3,954.48 4;083,00 4,215.70 2-Yr C (3) 4,020.90 4,151.58 4,286.51 4,425.82 3-yr D (4) 4,221.34 4,358.53 4,500.18 4,646.44 � � 01/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 Start A (1) 3,650.09 3,768.72 3,891.20 4,017.66 1-yr B �2) 3,945.88 4,074.12 4,206.53 4,343.24 2- 3'r C (3) 4,142.25 4,276.87 4,415.87 4,559.39 3-yr D (4) 4,349.50 4,490.86 4,636.81 4,787.51 4yr E (5) 4,434.03 4,578.14 4,726.93 4,880.56 4-yr E (5) 4,566.28 4,714.68 4,867.91 5,026.12 5-yr F (6) 4,654.98 4,806.27 4,962.47 5,123.75 5-yr F (6) 4,795.38 4,951.23 5,112.14 5,278.28 10-yr G ��) 4,795.38 4,951.23 5,112.14 5,278.28 10-yr . G �7) 4,939.84 5,100.38 5,266.I4 5,437.29 15-yr H �g) 4,968.08 5,129.54 5,296.25 5,468.38 15-yr H � 5,115.83 5,282.09 5,453.76 5,631.01 � • A-16 • r � L_J • ��P�Nd3�; A (�s�nti�uQU�j GRADE 039 Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03l28I09 Ol�`02/10 Start A (1) 3,75637 3,878.45 4,004.50 4,134.b5 i-yr B t2) 4,063.31 4,195.37 4,331.72 4,472.50 2-Yr C (3) 4,26637 4,405.03 4,548.19 4,696.01 3-yr D (4) 4,479.06 4,624.63 4,774.93 4,930.12 •� ��� �1105/OS �34J26'(�8 q3/28/09 fl1102/10 Start A (1) 3,868.24 3,993.96 4,123.76 4,257.78 1-yr B �2) 4,185.94 4,321.98 4,462.44 4,607.47 2 C (3) 4,395.85 4,538.72 4,686.23 4,838.53 3-yr D (4) 4,615.40 4,765.40 4,920.28 5,080.19 GRADE 041 01/�5/08 �J4/26/08 03/28/09 01102(10 Start A (1) 3,984.10 4,113.58 4,247.27 4,3&5.31 1-yr B �2) 4,309.97 4,450.04 4,594.67 4,744.00 Z C t3) 4,526.76 4,673.88 4,825..78 4,982.62 3-yr D (4) 4,751.71 4,906.14 5,065.59 5,23Q.22 GRADE 042 Ol /L�5/08 04l26(OS 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Start A (1) 4,106.16 4,239.61 4,377.40 4,519.67 i-yr B ��) 4,440.83 4,585.16 4,734.18 4,888.04 2 C (3) 4,660.39 4,811.85 4,968.24 5,129.71 3-yr D t4) 4,893.51 5,052.55 5,216.76 5,386.30 A-17 4-yr E (5) 4,705.35 4,858.27 5,016.16 5,179.19 4-yr E (5) 4,843.08 5,000.48 5,163.00 5,330.80 4-yr E (5) 4,988.96 5,151.10 5,318.51 5,49136 4-yr E (5) 5,137.62 5,304.59 5,476.99 5,654.99 5-yr F (6) 4,939.84 5,100.38 5,266.14 5,437.29 5-yr F (6) 5,088.51 5,253.89 5,424.64 5,600.94 5-yr F �� 5,238.54 5,408.79 5,584.58 5,766.08 5-yr F (6) 5,395.31 5,570.66 5,751.71 5,938.64 6$�3G3 10-yr G ��) 5,085.81 5,251.10 5,421.76 5,597.97 10-yr G ��) 5,249.44 5,420.05 5,596.20 5,778.08 10-yr G ��) 5,404.80 5,580.46 5,761.82 5,944.Q8 10-yr G ��) 5,567.05 5,747.98 5,934.79 6,127.67 15-yr H �$) 5,270.48 5,441.77 5,618.63 5,801.24 15-yr H �g) 5,427.86 5,604.27 5,786.41 5,974.47 15-yr x � 5,587.94 5,769.55 5,957.06 6,150.66 15-yr H � 5,756.17 5,943.25 6,136.41 6,335.84 APPENDIX A (Continued) Start A (1) Ol/OS/08 4,226.80 04/26/08 4,364.17 03/28/09 4,506.01 01/02/10 4,652.46 1-yr B �2) 4,571.83 4,720.41 4,873.82 5,032.22 GRADE 043 2-Yr C (3) 4,802.16 4,958.23 5,119.37 5,285.75 3-yr D (4) 5,040.80 5,204.63 5,373.78 5,548.43 � �� 4yr E (5) 5,293.02 5,465.04 5,642.65 5,826.04 5-yr F �� 5,558.88 5,739.54 5,926.08 6,118.68 10-yr G ��) 5,734.81 5,921.19 6,i 13.63 6,312.32 15-yr H �$) 5,939.52 6,I32.55 6,331.86 6,537.65 . Start 1-yr 2-yr 3-yr 4-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr A B C D E F G Ii �i) � � � � �� �� �$) Ol/OS/08 4,353.63 4,709.43 4,945.38 5,193.52 5,453.92 5,725.23 5,906.59 6,106.44 � • , • � • , • > • , . , . , . 03/28/09 4,641.21 5,020.52 5,272.05 5,536.59 5,814.18 6,103.42 6,296.75 6,509.81 Ol/02/10 4,792.05 5,183.69 5,443.39 5,716.53 6,003.14 6,301.78 6,50139 6,721.38 GRADE 045 Start A (1) Ol/OS/08 4,483.16 04/26/08 4,628.86 03/28/09 4,77930 O1/02110 4,934.63 4-yr E (5) 5,614.45 5,796.92 5,98532 6,179.84 5-yr F (6) 5,895.68 6,087.29 6,285.13 6,489.40 10-yr G ��) 6,082.Sd 6,280.18 6,484.29 6,695.03 15-yr H �g) 6,288.46 6,492.83 6,703.85 6,921.73 • . � 1-yr B �2) 4,852.60 5,01031 5,173.15 5,341.28 2-n C (3) 5,093.93 5,259.48 5,430.41 5,606.90 3-yr D (4) 5,347.62 5,521.42 5,'700.87 5,886.15 : . • The pa itave an2mp±ed to i�aciude ail �'�ilernoranciums in A_ppendices B, C, and D, effective during part or all of this ccrtract. If an xrsting Memorandum was not included, it should not be construed as nz�?l,� or canceling the memorandum. _ . ,. ; l 1 . '.: �� �g�� �91GI°ar�R'��S �� A�dtEE3ViE1�IT ��3'W�l�i '�E ��'i`�' �F S.AIIV'd' �AUL a�1VD g'r��"��n�t �mp�oyees Asaocinxlon, In� Thc �City o#' Sai�t Faaai (heae"�a{�er `SGit3'"� aud the Pmfessiouat �'-snPloyees t�associatzoa4 Inc. {heteina$er "U�sn"} ag�e fo t�ae te�s aFt�us Memnraa3um ufAgreement (h�a°einad`ter "N6flA") fr�z the purposes o�establishing the Cit*,�s co�nbutions rates to iaetalth insuc�szzce pr��.�ms fnr Caty canpk�yees who are aLgbla far scach mxrtr��ttions. � • � • 1 ' vf �. �U' f �. � \ • t .•.♦ ~i� :el � � � • . E � 4' ..�Y !� ��11 :r♦ :i: � ' •;� ! :Y: w'. y�f. i �1' •.i t0• f{ '+tJ� i� . ...:� F � �0 i t1� %IC 4 . Or � � {i �. f �� �n Y�. . �er. : � � 1 � t �1 1 .� :� e �.�': .� .! �� . � 11 �1'oc��.w�: • �. �e �i4.;P bas acc�px�,� t.�+.c �.h�ICHE's rc�ommendxtion. *�. '� LMC]FSI's �mata�eridation docs ncsi e�guate ta a selecti�on �of6eeu��, LiYe s�fectio�i »� Fg5[ut� ta> tst: o�ed an sarbsequent 3reaxs, nor shall in any way* �e �nns�cued tra � fcsrtsa s��ue�atiatiqns.. 5. T}� oalleci9Ye lsasga.'nain� ;�reemeat b�wee.n the City aad Uxtion wi11 expitre on �?ecenxt��r 3], 2i?Q9. d. Sfnee ne�otyatioa csf a n,.w agracment �nay rxot be comptc#ed by Cf�II Emo4snant in CC3ceCOber ZOd7 #�ne Citq and 'CJaion �av� �#ered iuto thns 1+vI0A to establish oantdbution Iev��s for egchpian so 'nsdividragl ampkryc�s can raaTce an zsifarmad decasien re$�i�g fheir ftea�th insuranc�e. ..• . •. . ... ..,.�:. . , �. :. � .. c:� �a et� $. The Ci#y will �ke td� followia,g �nthiy contxibuYions �rn c�sIth insurauce in 2fl�: a ClpenAcxess w°sth 52,5€Hf DadacU7�le s�t�: saa�.zs +��ofl ���� ��.���a�.� ��, ��zy: s�,oact.as b. er�ry ct�� w� ssoQ �eanc��e s� �szs_si Psmitg: $941.8fi • c. Di�sti�tians Si�le� �457.5�# 6amity: �401_86 � APPENDIX B (Continued) t • • _, . � . - � ��,: ... :, �,.� � �. • �,,. w . �.•.•� . ,�:„ �, :� �.�: , � �t;• � . � . , � i.• s . �a c. � Access with �1,5pt1 D�� Smg�� �967.$4 t �IaQ �w��a��,�ae,�wt� m��aa�u) T�'�y: S1,IZtR?5 �ary +Glirtic tv�fh S5�ltt ��b� s� s�r.�� fia�y: $926.8t b� Sipgi� $�L.54 Faze�y: ffi32S.8�i lU. 2'he will maice #I�e �'oil4aing �oatE�ty co�►u#�rns &u S�alth insurance in 2Ulti: a C}pen Acce� uritb, $1,5�14ll�ic 3�sgt� 5522`ZS +$IU� �wbea�ca�„��ea�o�ea�r�t,�r� b. Fcimaty �tu;ic wi�$SfN Sissgte: $615.]U F�mity. $951.&G G. IhSti�pA3 si� $so7.sa �a��y: ��s�.$� 1 i. `]'4�e ci��s addicinrml compensstiou for siwgle cov�age �foyccs �ha �e'!�d the t3psu Aooe� �witEt:�i,5� Ile�duc3�ls p� ma�rbe r� hy S2S per r�oath if � �EBA ac��t is �ele�tedby t1�e I.MCHI that sIla�avs es�loy�estn dtauv upou tlrat m�tneywlu7e eatp,l��ed. f ' t � 1 :�y : � • :�t .N'V : 1f:' t' � 7 ` �F . ' { u� 1� . 4� k ! i� H� {IC •P: 6` �I 1 i p4 . l4' ul` 1 RE.' .I ' t bi 1.��i' tFK � 1 �� � x- 4Y: I IW �. 1 w' �� ilc i ti.P� a� f r,' � t4 � �'�'� t � f �/: .!t !i i { �:�F Y _.*�• - i4 '' x //�/ �'�/ ..l /�.. � - J-�lf�t'/ c.:t� uin-*� . � � .��.� r ar.: v • �l � ff. � ( I f . !: r v� .� e �u Aafe: !3 f �7�` II�: �' �a � � �`� I:�:] . • 0 8'3�3 • APPEi�'DIX C MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC This Memorandum ofAgreement (hereinafter "MOA") applies to the parties below until December 31, 2010, with the intention of incorporating it into the collective bargaining agreement if it is acceptable to all parties. Definition: Employees required by the Employer to be available to answer a page or call, and perform work if necessary during hours outside their normal work shift, shall be considered "on- call." The Employer will establish a written on-call schedule one month prior to implementation. Employees must provide notice of unavailability prior to the issuance of the schedule. Requirements: If assigned as on-call, employees must ensure they aze available to be contacted. Employees must return calls within thirty (30) minutes of receiving a page or voicemail message. If required to return to work, employees must be able to do so within two hours ofbeing contacted. • Compensation: Employees who aze on-call will receive $25 per day for each week day (Monday— Friday) they aze assigned on-call. A week day shall consist ofthe hours from 5:00 p.m unti17:00 a.m. the following morning, Monday— Friday. Employees who are on-call for each weekend day (Saturday or Sunday) or Holiday as designated by the collective bazgaining agreement will receive $50 per day. A weekend day and Holiday day sha11 consist of a twenty-four (24) hour period from 7:00 a.m unti17:00 a.m the following morning. In addition to the above compensation, employees who are on-call and aze contacted to resolve a critical information system problem shall be granted two hours minixnum compensation either in compensatory time or pay for their efforts per incident. An incident shail begin when the telephone or, page is answered and end when the problem is either resolved or fiuther efforts are deemed futile. This means multipie calls regarding the same problem are considered one incident. If the resolution of the problem takes less than two hours, the employee wiil be paid straight time for the two hour minimum. Scheduling: The City will ereate a list of volunteers who will be scheduled first for on-call status. If insufficient numbers of qualified employees volunteer, the City will assign employees to the list. The City will create an assignment mtation that distnbutes the on-call assignments as evenly and fairly as is reasonably possible. • C-1 APPENDIX C (Continued) This MOA shall apply only to employees in Information Services and wiil become effective on 7une 1, 2007. This MOA sets no precedent and shall not effect any other conditions or terms of employment. �a�� Date PR SIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOC. d ���„� David Peterson President `�� a6 -o� Date M�1ce Wilde Legal Counsel 3 �la108 Date CJ u • C-2 68 r • Y� r� ► IYiE?YLt3RA3t`D�t7�`vI Ol�' AG12EII1�NT �E'I`W���T '�`� £�'I'St (3F SAIlY'T PAUL ATii�€9 'I'� �'�t3i+'�+S�Y€}N� � V ASS(3C�ATTON T'he City oi 3ziat Pau2 (hzreinaicer "City"} and Professionai EmpIoyees Associatioa {hereinafter "Unio:i � entzr into this NiemorandLn af Agreemant (hereinaRer "MOA FOI USE niliDOSE O{ avoiding proble�s wi�x L�ce application of the seniorfity languags in iigttt af nossil3Fe layo(fa zu fhe classifica�in� of tiae Managamcn± Assistant job series. The pa.r�es agree so the fal9owiag: 1) In recflgnition of the City's maaagerie! r'sghts to create classi3lcations and orggnnizatrot�sal structura, the City has demonstrated ;he need for a newly created etassification of Proj�t Ma.nzger Parks & Recreatzan, which is a grofessioaal classaficaLion #hat wi71 be mdded to thc Unian's bargaining uniY upon appraval af thc Ciey CouaacnT. 3) {,Tpon review o� th� praposed ctassificatiou cTescription We Vnion has expzessed concem Yhat some o£tkta job duties and jpb e�ec#atians af tFte n�.vlp cseated�vosiGRn a£ 3'roject 3+tIanagzr Patks and Recaeation share similarities witfi ffie �.4auagemerrt Assis�xt II classfioatian thai is a13+aady i� the bzrGaining unit and ocnvpicd by sevetal LTztian nie�nbeCS. • 3} Fn raoog�ii#ia�n vf the City'x managariai righ#s to ideaLLtify whioh ciassi{'ication wauFH iccaur Fayoff's ciuzing buztget zeduetions, the Uuion., obje.cted to �tfie nevrly azeated class;fication that cc�uld passibly 6e imsaalated dur[�g ]ayr�#ks ad the expense of empiuyees in the Management Assistants lt classificaL?a� wha �ru�ht have more senioeity and who ihe CJnion believes do �ry aimiiar worlt A) In ordar Yo climinaee ti�at poss'bi2iiy, thc gaztirs agrc� that if the Maaagelnen# Assistant II elassificakion_ is idenEifi�d fax layof€s a# any time from the sigaya�g dato belovr through Yha en#'sre 2�07 catandar year, ths parties will then merge the sanfiotity Tisis nf the Projeet Manager Parks anc€ Recre�tio� c9assiRcation snd fhe aVtanagement Assistant li c3assificarion to deYermine wha wiU b� laid nff. If a Manag�xneri# Assistant I� c7assification is idcnti�ed as a po�ible classificalian ftm layoffs ac a:iy time dtuing �tte 2RD8 calendar year, tha parties agrec: to maz� and aonSee be#ore the City makts the y,ayoff decision fn openty di5cuss wlteFher Yhe senioriey lis#s for Fhe Managemtsnt Assis#aut II aad Proj�ct Mansger Parks and Rr�atxon eiassi.��fcons shctuld 6e merged, based on tha needs of the City and the assignments and sbilities of tha ivCa�agement �ssiseent I�. The seniority dtets for #he Manag�ment Assisianf II acid Project Managet Pa:ics and Itecreafion shaii oniy be merged in 2Q08 by mutual agreenent beiween the L7ni�n aud tba City. l J The remain3er vf Yiic CTiA, is unchanged. Z'QIt T�IE , on Sc , dt Labar Relafions Manager Daie: �_��,� Aio precedent is established by :lus MOA. F R L7�IION�: � Uavzd C. Pe#ers n �� � ` Pr�,sident, PEA Date: 1c3 • � ' C}� D-1