08-362Council File # pg - 3(� a- Green Sheet # 3051171 OF rresenrea �, 1 RESOLVED, that the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 2008 - 2010 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance 3 Supervisors Association. Bostrom Carter Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date ✓ � ✓ ✓ ✓ / Request De �tm , of. By. Ange Nalezny, Dir r, Huwan Resources Approved by the Office of Financiat Services By. Approved by ty A�tt m�ey BY• ��y���/'9i9¢� Adoption Cerrified by Councii Secretazy gy; BY _�✓��� `/LS�is Approv or: Date + "f 1J� O S By. RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Mayor fo�ubmission to Council � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 08 � 3!� a- HU - 3iumanReso�aces 1 S�u1AF2-08 Green Sheet NO: 3051171 CoMact Person R Phone: Jason Schmidt 2666503 Must Be on Council Agen Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TR4NSAC E-0ocumeat Requ(red: Y Document CoMaet: Sue Wegwerth � Assign Number For Routing Orc1er CoMact Phone: 2666513 I � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 uman Recoonev 1 umau Resources D artme¢t Diiector Z inancal Services ce Fnandal Services 3 Attoroe 4 a or's Otfice Ma or/Assistapt 5 ounul C' Council 6 ' Cierk C Clerk Resolution approving the attachad January 1, 2008 througti December 31, 2010 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Association. �aauons: Hpprove �H� or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 'I . Has this perso�rm ever worked u�der a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person�rtn possess a skill not normaity possessed by any curtent ciry employee? Yes No Explain atl yes answers on separete shaet and attaeh to green sheet Initiating Pro6lem, luues, Qpportuaity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Labor Agreement with the Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Association has expired. The City of Saint Paul is required to negotiate with this bazgaining mmit. Advantages IfApproved: An ageement reached through good faith bazgaining will be in placed through December 31, 2010. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. Olsadvantages If Not Approved: T'he Ciry would be required to re-open nego6afions with this bargaining uni[. This would strain relations and could lead to binding azbitration. Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial I�ormatfon: (Explafn) ActiWty Number: CosURevenue Budgeted: March 19, 2008 2:45 PM Page 1 bg�3�� ATTACHI��NT TO THE GREEN SHEET SAINT PAUL MANUAL & MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION Below is a suttmlary of the changes in the collective bazgainuig agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors Association (SPMMSA). Duration: January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2010 Wa�es: May 1, 2008 (closest pay period) 3.25% April l, 2009 (closest pay period) 3.25% January 1, 2010 (closest pay period) 3.25% Health Insurance: The iusurance contnbution increases follow the same pattern as previously negotiated agreements with other bazgaining units for 2008 through 2010. Overtinne and Premiums: Agreed that employees may through mutual agreement with the City, work alternative schedules and that overtime for such schedules would be based on the provisions of the Fair Labor Standazds Act. Sick Leave: Effective January 1, 2010, the sick leave accrual rate will be reduced from 13 days per year to 12 days per year- Agreed to base sick leave-to-vacation conversion on the IRS payroll year not the calendaz year. Vacation• Agreed to clarify years of service as determined by an employee's original employmettt date in order to simplify record keeping. A previous MOU regarding accrued but unused vacation was incorporated into the agreement so when an employee retires such amounts will be contnbuted to a Post Employment Health Plan account. Effective 7anuary 1, 2010 the vacation schedule willbe reduced by'/z day per year. Severance• Effective January l, 2008, eligibility for severance is reduced to twenty yeazs of service from twenty-five years of service. Green Sheet Attachment Saint Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors Association Pg 2 Maintenance of Standards: Effective I?ecember 31, 2010, agreed to apply pmmotion preference only to those members aiready represented by the bargaining unit for promotion to classifications represented by the bargaining tmit. Other Lan¢ua�e Chanees: Other language changes (unifortns, vacation, holidays, and sick leave) were of a housekeeping nature for clarification and cleanup. ev.xconaHOx+m�xnciv.m�suevnnzaa�amo nu.i�tc�-,ota� ti��3loa � 20Q8 = 2410 � � � � � I;ABD1� AGREEMENT � BETWEEN � THE ,CITY :OF SAINT .PAUL � �. �� _ �� � - ",: �n _. � � ,� �_ : � -_ ,- � � - TFIE SAIN�' PAUL .MANU�L & lY1AINTENANCE � � � � " �.SUP�RV�SORS �AS�OC�A�':ION . � . � _� � � �� , �. _ � � • INDEX r1 L I ARTICLE TITLE 1 Purpose of Ageement......... 2 Recognition ......................... 3 Maintenance of Standards... 4 EmpIoyer Security .............. 5 EmployerAuthority............ PAGE ............................-----...................---................I .................................................. .......................1 .........................................................................2 .........................................................................2 .............. ...........................................................2 6 Association Security .......................................... 7 Employee Rights — Grievance Procedure .......... 8 Savings Clause ................................................... 9 Seniority ............................................................. 10 Discipline ........................................................... 11 Overtime and Premiums .................................... 12 Uniforms ............................................................ 13 Vacation ............................................................. 14 Ho}idays ............................................................. IS Insurance ............................................................ 16 City Mileage ......................................................... 17 Severance Pay ...................................................... 18 Working Out of Classification ............................. 19 Sick Leave and Pazental Leave ............................ 20 No Strike, No Lockout ......................................... 21 Right to Subcontract ............................................ 22 Deferred Compensation ....................................... 23 Wage Schedule ..................................................... 24 Terms of Agreement ............................................ Memorandnm ofUnderstanding (WOOC} On-Call Letter ..................._........._...._....... ...............................3 ................................4 ................................7 ................................7 ................................8 ...........................................9 ......................................... I 0 .........................................10 .........................................11 .........................................12 ....................................16 ....................................17 ....................................18 ....................................18 .................................... I 9 ......................................20 ......................................20 .....................................20 ......................................25 ...............................26 ..............................27 i �S-31po • ARTICLE 1- PiJRPOSE OF AGREEMENT 1.1 This Agreement is entered into between the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the Emptoyer, and the Saint Paui Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Association, hereinafter called the Association. Place in written form the pacties' Agreement upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration ofthis Agreement_ ARTICLE 2 - RECOGNITION 21 The Employer recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative, under the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1984, as amended, for all personnel in the following classifications: All manual maintenance supervisors who aze employed for more that fourteen (14) hours per week and more than sixty-seven (67) works days per year by the City of Saint Paul, excluding all other Employees. Titles included: Anima] Control Supervisor Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I Bridge Maintenance Supervisor II • Building Maintenance Supervisor — Fire Departrnent Building Maintenance Supervisor — Libraries Building Maintenance Supervisor — Parks & Recreation Custodian Engineer (Public Safety Bui]ding) Dispatcher Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Forestry Supervisor I Forestry Supervisor II Golf Course Superintendent Marina Services Supervisor Meter Operations Supervisor Park Maintenance Supervisor I Pazk Maintenance Supervisor II Public Works Field Supervisor Public Works Supervisor I Public Works Supervisor II Public Works Supervisor III Senior Zoo Keeper Sewer Supervisor I Sewer Supervisor II Sewer 5upervisor lII Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I Traffic Maintenance Supervisor II Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor II Water Maintenance Supervisor Water Plant Production Supervisor Water Service Supervisor Watershed Supervisor I Watershed Supervisor II Water Utility Mains Supervisor Zoo Supervisor 2.2 In the event the Emp2oyer and the Association are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue sha11 be submitted to the Bureau of Mediatian Servaces for determination. It is understood that this provision shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as by law are under its jurisdiction. 2.3 The Employer shall not enter into any agreements covering terms and conditions of employment with the employees of the Bargaining Unit under the jurisdiction of this • Agreement, either individually or collective]y which in any way conflicts with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except through the certified representahce. ARTICLE 2 — RECOG1vITION (Continued) 2.4 Neither the Association nor the Employer shall discruninate against any Employee • because of Associarion membership or non-membership, or because of his/her race, color, sex, religion, nafional orign, or political opinion or affiliations. 2_5 A22 existing CiviI Service Rules shalI app2y excepf those superseded by this Agreement. ARTICLE 3— MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS 3.1 The City agrees that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime differentials, vacations, and general working conditions shalI be maintained at not Iess than the highest minimum standard as set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul and Saint PauI Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and the conditions of employmeat shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this Agreement. 3.2 Notwithstanding Article 3.1, effective December 31, 2010, Civil Service Rules 8 and 14 s a unless the applicant is a member of the Association. ARTICLE 4 — EMPLOYER SECURITY 4.1 The Association agees that during the life of this Agreement it will not cause, encourage, • participate in, or support any strike, slow-down, or otl�er interrupAon of or interference with the normal functions of the Employer. ARTICLE 5 — EMPLOYER AUTHORITY S.Y The Employer retains the so}e right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities, and equipment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. 52 Any terms and conditions of employment not specifically established or modified by this Agt shall remain solely wiUun the discrerion of the Employer to modify, establish, or eliminate. 53 The exercise by the Employer of, or iis waiver of, or its failure to exercise its fu2t right of management or decision on any matter or occasion, shall not be a precedent or be binding on the EmpIoyer, nor the subject or basis of any grievance not admissible in any arbitration proceeding. � 2 ARTICLE 5— EMPLOYER AUTHORITY (Continued) � 3 � � • 5.4 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy which inciude, but aze not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and progratns of the Employer, its overall budget, utilization of technology and organizational shvcture, and selection and direction and number of personnel. A.RTICLE 6 — ASSOCIATION SECURITY 6.1 The Employex shall deduct from the wages of the employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Association dues. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the Association. 6.2 The Association may designate Employees from the Bazgaining Unit to act as stewards and alternates and shali inform the Employer in writing of such choices and of changes in the positions of stewards and/or alternates. It is further understood that the number and locations of stewazds shall be limited and confined to numbers and locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer the provisions of this Ageement. 6.3 The Employer shall make space available on the empioyee bulletin board for the posting of Associatiori notices and announcements. • 6.4 The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the EmpIoyer harmless against any and all cIaims, suits, orders, ar judgments brought or issued against the Emptoyer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. 6S The Employer agrees that on the Employer's premises and without loss of pay the Association stewards shall be allowed to post official Association notices of the designated representatives, to transmit communications authorized by the Association or its officers under the terms of this Agreement, and to eonsult with the Employer, its representative, Association offcers, or the Association representarive concerning the enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement, so long as such action does not interfere with regular employee duties and is reasonable and necessary. 6.6 Stewards are authorized to perform and dischazge the duties and responsibilities which are assigned to them under the terms of this Agreement and any supplementary Agreements. The EmpIoyer agrees that there shall be no restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination against a steward because of the performance of such duties. 6.7 Any present or future empIoyee who is not an Association member may be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the Association. Upon notification by the Association, the Empioyer shail check off said fee from the eamings of the employee and transmit the same to the Association. In no instance shall the required contribution • exceed a pro-rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered by the representafive in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance procedures. ARTICLE 6 - ASSOCIATION SECURITY (Continued) Tfus provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota • Faw, and as othenvise legal. It is atso understood ihat the Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer hazmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments bmught or issued against the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provisions ofthis section. ARTICLE 7- EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7. t Definition of a Grievance — The procedure established by this Article shall be the sole and exclusive procedure for the processing of grievances which are defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the speci&c terms and conditions of this Agreement. It is understood by the Association and the Employer that if an issue is submitted aud determined by this grievance procedure, that issue shall not again be submitted for azbitration uader the provision of the Rules and Regula6ons of Civil Service. It is further understood that if an issue is submitted and determined by the grievance pmcedure under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, it shall not again be 7.2 Association Representatives — The Employer wiil recognize Representatives designated by the Associarion as the gtievance representatives of the Bargaining Unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Association shall nofify the Employer in writing of the names of such Association Representarives and of their • successors when so designated as provided by Article 6.2 of this Agreement_ 7.3 Processing of a Grievance — It is recognized and accepted by the Association and the Employer that the proeessing of grievances as hereinafter provided is Iimited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during norma2 working ho�s only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibiliries. The aggrieved Employee and an Association Representative sha11 be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours provided t}iat the Employee and the Associarion Representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has deternvned that such absence is reasonable and woald not be detrimental to the work prograzns of the Employer. 7.4 Procedure — Grievances, as defined by Section 7.1, shalt be resolved in conformance with the fo�lowing procedure: Step 1 An Employee claixning a vio3ation conceming the interpretation or application of this Agreement shaIl, within twenty-one (21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the Employee's supervisor as designated by the Employer. r� �J Lf 6 � �3��- ARTICLE 7— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDiJRE (Continued) • The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such 5tep I grievance within seven (7) calendaz days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step I and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing setting forth the nature ofthe grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2 within seven (7) calendar days after the Empioyex-designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Step 2 If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Association and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The Employer-designated representative shall give the Association the Employer's Step 2 answer in writing within seven (7) ca]endar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within seven (7) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final Step 2 answer. Step 3 If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Association and discussed with the Labor Relations Manager or his/her designee. The Employer-desigiated representative shail give the Association the Employer's answer in writing within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 gievance. A grievance not resolved an Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within seven (7) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's • fina2 answer in Step 3. Optional Mediation Step If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 3, either the Union or the Employer may, within ten (10) calendaz days, request mediation. If both parties agree that the gievance is suitabie for mediation, the parties sha11 submit a joint request to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services for the assigunent of a mediator. 2. Grievance mediation is an optional and voluntary part of the g� resolution process. It is a supplement to, not a substitute for, grievance arbitration. When grievance mediation is invoked, the contractual time limit for moving the grievance to arbifa shall be delayed for the period ofinediation. Either pazty may at any time opt out of inediation at which time, the Union may then proceed to arbitration. 3. The grievance mediation process sha11 be informai. Rules of evidence shall not apply, and no record shall be made of the proceeding. Both sides shal] be provided ample opportunity to present the evidence and argument to support their case. The mediator may meet with the parties in joint session or in separate caucuses. � ARTICLE 7— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDiJRE (Continued) 4. At the reqnest of both parties, the mediator may issue an oral recommendation • for settfement. 5. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the outcome shall not be precedential. 6. If the grievance is not resolved and is subsequently moved to azbitrarion, such proceeding shall be de novo, in that, nothing said or done by the parties or the mediator during gievance mediation witfi respect to their positions conceming resolurion or offers of settlement may be used or referred to during arbih Step 4 A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the Association shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. The selection of an arbitrafor shalt be made in accordance with tUe "Rules Goveming the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Bureau of Mediation Services. 7 5 Arbih Authority — A. The arbitrator shall haue no right to amend, modify, nultify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Ageement. The arbitrator shaIi consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in wriring by the Employer and the Associafion, and shall have tto authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. � B. The azbih shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way the application of Iaws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The azbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30} days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, untess the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Association and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or appHcation of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of tYie grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be bome equally by the Employer and the Association provided Yhat each party shalI be responsible for compensating its own representativ�s and wimesses. If either parEy desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing tt pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings the cost shall be shared equally. 7.6 Waiver of gievances/missed timelines. If a grievance is; (1) noY presented within twenty-one (21) calendar days oF its occurrence by the empfoyee as described in Step 1; or (2) arbitrarion has not been requested by the Association within sixty (60) calendar days of the Association's &ling of its written grievance in Step 2, it shatl be considered `�vaived". • �"is� 3(� a- • • • ARTICLE 7- EMPLOI'EE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) ff the Employer does not answer a grievance or an appeai thereof within the specified time limits, the Association may elect to treat the grievance as denied at the step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Employer and the Association in each step. ARTICLE 8 - SAVINGS CLAUSE 81 This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to ]aw by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shali be voided. AII other pmvisions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. All other provisions of this Agreement shall coniinue in full force and effect. ARTICLE 9 - SENIORITY 9.1 9.2 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows: A. "City Seniority" — The length of continuous, regulaz and probationary service with the Employer from the last date of employment in any and all class titles. B. "Class Seniority" — The length of continuous, regular and probationary service with the Employer from the date an Employee was first certified and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood that class seniority is confined to the current class assigunent held by an Employee. Seniority shail terminate when an employee retires, resigns, or is discharged. 93 Seniority shall not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when such leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendaz days; is ganted because of i]Iness or injury; is granted to allow an Employee to accept an appointment to the unclassified service ofthe Employer; or is granted to take an elected or appointed full-time position with the Association. 9.4 In the event it is determined by the Employer that it is necessazy to reduce the work force, employees will be laid-offby class title within each division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority". Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recalI rights shaIl expire after two (2) years of layoff. In cases where there aze promotional series, such as Supervisor I, Supervisor II, Supervisor III, etc., when the number of employees in these higher titles is to be reduced, empIoyees who have held lower tiUes which are in this Bargaining Unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which class seniority would keep them from being 3aid off, before layoffs are made by any class title in any department. 7 ARTICLE 9 — SEI�TIORITY (Continued) It is furtIier understood that a laid off employee sha11 have the right to pIacement in any lower-paid class title, provided said employee has been previously certified and appointed in said lower-paid class ritle. In such cases, the employee shalT first be placed on a reinstatement register and shatl have "Ctass Seniorit�' based on the date originalty certified and appointed to said class. Employees may also apply for positions in a lower class but may, nevertheless, return to original class as provided in paragraph (A) above. 9.5 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the basis of "City Seniority," within each class, by division. It is however, understood that vacation assignments shall be subject to t}�e abilit}r of the Employer to mainYain operations. 4.6 Promotions shalt be handled in accordance with current Civi1 Service Rutes and pracrices. Civil Service Rule S.A.3 and Civil Service Rule 14 shall not apply to applicants and employees who transfer from Independent School District No. 625. 9_7 The Employer shall post a seniority list at least once every six (6) months. 9.8 Norivithstanding anything in this Ageement to the contrary, no empIoyee in a position outside this Bargaining Unit may bump into a posifion in this unit, excegt as described here: 9.8 (t) an employee outside the unit may return to a vacancy in this unit if selected foilowing prescribed procednres; 9.8 (2} an empIoyee outside the unit may bump the most junior employee in a position previousiy held by the retruning employee if a bumping right has been provided under the Tri-Council agreement to members of tYris unit; and if provided, the rights of employees attempting to bump back into this unit shall be the same in every respect but shall not exceed those rights given to members of this unit by the Tri-Councii contract. ARTICLE 10 — DTSCIPLINE 10.1 The Employer wi11 discipline employees for just cause only, Discipline will be in the form of: a) Oral reprimand; b) Written reprimand; c) Suspension; d) Reducrion; e} Discharge. 102 Suspensions, reductions, and discharges wiIl be in written form. • r 1 LJ 103 Employees and the Association will receive copies of written regrimands and notices of . suspension and discharge. ARTICLE 10 — DISCIPLINE (Continued) D��3(e �- • 10.4 Empioyees may examine all information in their Employer personnel files that concems work evaluation, commendations, and/or disciplinary actions. Files may be exanuned at reasonable times under the duect supervision of the Employer. No documents concerning work evaluation or discipline of an employee will be piaced in the Employee's personnel file unless it contains the signature of the Employee acknowledging the Employee's receipt of the document prior to placing it in the fiIe. 10.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (S) day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the Employee and/or Association may request, and shall be entitled to a meeting with the Employer representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) day period, the Employer may affirm the suspension and dischazge in accordance with Civil Service Rules or may modify, or withdraw same. 10.6 An Employee to be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action shall have the right to request that an Association Representative be present. ARTICLE 11— OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS i l.l Employees (with the exception of those covered in Section 11.2 hereo� shall be paid one and one-half (1.5) times the regular rate of pay for work performed in excess of the regular wark day and/or the forty (40) hour work week. • 112 Employees in classifications in salary grade 42 or above shall be paid straight time for work performed in excess of the regular work day and/or forty (40) hour work week. 11.3 An Employee who is called back to work following the completion of his/her reguIar work day shall be guaranteed four (4) hours pay at his/her regulaz straight time rate. 11.4 An Empioyee shall be compensated in either compensatory time off or overtime payment in cash. Emp]oyees may express a written preference for the method of overtime payment, cash, or compensatory time. 1 I.S A night differentiai of five percent (5%) shall be provided to employees who wark night shifts as defined herein. A night shift wil] be considered to be a regularly assigned shift beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m., or ending tater than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of said shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. It is further understood that in case of regularly assigned shifts beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:OQ p.m. which involve less than five (5) hours of work, an employee shall be eligible for the night differential only for the hours actually worked during night shift hoars. 11.6 Employees may decline to carry city celi phones, pagers, or beepers during non-working hours. In the event that the City directs an employee to carry city cell phones, pagers, or beepers to standby for non-working hours, the Employer and the Association shall • establish a premium for such duty. L'7 ARTICLE 11— OVERTIME AND PREMIUMS (Continued) 11.7 Notwithstanding Article 11.1, employees may, throngh mntual agreement wiYh the Employer, work schedules other than schedules Iimited by the normal work day and work week as set forth in Article I 1.I. Overtime compensation for employees working under such agreements shall be subject to the provisions, for same, as set forth by the Fair Labor Standazds Act. ARTICLE 12 - UiVIFORMS 12.2 The City shall fiunish a uniform or required equipment to any employee who is required by the City to weaz the uniform or urilize the equipment as condition of employment. After providing, at its expense, an initiat uruform fo emptoyees required to weaz a uniform, the City wil] reimburse these employees for necessary replacement parts of the uniform annually per calendar year beginning the year after the employee's inirial issue of uniform. Employees must present receipts to be reunbursed. � 122 The followuxg shall govern the payment of safety shoes. The Employer agees to required by the Employer to wear protective shoes or boots. This contribution will be made for employees on the payroll as of January t s `. Emp}oyees hired after 3anuary 1�` will receive one-half the normal aIIowance for that payroll year. 123 The Employer shall provide each employee in the title of Golf Course Superintendent who is required to wear a specified uniform with four (4) uniforms for full-time employees and two (2) uniforms for part-time employees. The unifoim will consist of either a shirt or sweatshirt selected by the Employer. Employees will be required to weaz the uniform while on duty and wi11 be responsfbte for the care and upkeep oftheir uniforms. ARTICLE 13 — VACATION 13.1 Each fult-time emp�oyee shatl be granted vacation according to the folIowing schedule: Years of Service Q tttru 7` year 8� yeaz thnt I S` yeaz 26�' year thru 23`� year 24�' year and thereafter Vacation Granted 17 days 22 days 26 days 28 days Effective January 1, 2010, each feill-time employee sha]] be granted vacaYion according to the following schedu}e: Years of Service Vacation Granted �� �Zh Yeaz 16.50 days 8�' year thru 15 yeaz 2l .50 days 16�' year thru 23` year 25.50 days 24�' year and thereafter 27.50 days U I ` LJ 10 ARTICLE 13 - VACATION (Continued) b$�31e a� • 13.2 Employees who work less than full-time shall be ganted vacation on a pro-rata basis. • 133 The head of the department may permit an empioyee to carry over into the following fiscal year up to one hundred twenty (120) hours of vacarion. The vacation cap of 120 hours shall be applied on the last work day of the calendar year. 13.4 The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to Resolution No. 6446, Section I, Sub. H, unless the Agreement provisions directly conflict with the Salary Plan. In such cases, the language of the Agreement shali supercede/replace tbe conflicting language of the Salary Plan. 13.5 For the putposes of this Article, years of service shall be defined as the number of years since the employee's origina] employment date. This shall not include years of service prior to a resignation. 13.6 For the purposes of this Article, qualifying years of service shall be determined based on employment date. This shall apply to both part-time and full-time employees. 13.7 Any employee who is eligible to receive Severance from the City under Article 17 (Severance Pay) shall have hislher accrued but unused vacation contributed to a Post Empioyment Health Plan (PEHP) in lieu of cash payment to the employee. Such amounts shall be made at the time of retirement. 13.8 Effective January 1, 2008, accrued but unused Compensatory Time shall no longer be contributed to a Post EznpIoyment Health Plan (PEHP}. ARTICLE 14 - HOLIDAYS 14.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed as paid ho3i@ays: New Years Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day • 14.2 Labor Day Veterans' Aay Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day Eligible employees shall receive pay for each ofthe holidays listed above, on which they perFozm no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays tisted above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday. Floating holidays have been incorporated in to the vacation schedule. Ii ARTICLE 14 — AOLIDAYS (Continued) 143 Eligibility Requirements: In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employee � must be employed as of the date of the ho2iday and have paid hours on the payroll far that pay period. The amount of hoIiday time eamed shail be based upon the number of non- holiday hours paid during that pay period (see pro-ration charts in Salary Plan and Rates af Compensation). For the purpose of this Secrion, non-holiday hours paid inc2udes hours actuaIly worked, vacation time, compensatory time, paid leave, and sick leave. It is further understood that neither temporary, emergency, nor other employees not heretofore eligibte shail receive holiday pay. 14.4 Major holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include a11 holidays listed in Section 14.1 above. An employee working a major holiday as de&ned herein shall receive tune and one-half (1.5) hislher regular rate of pay for all work performed on such holiday, it being understood that all payments for holiday work shall be in addition to regular hofiday pay. ARTICLE 15 — INSURANCE 151 The insurance plans, premiums for coverages, and benefits contained in the inswance plans offered by the Employer shall be solely controlled by the contracts negotiated by the EmpToyer and the benefit providers. The EmpIoyer will attempt to prevent any changes in the benefits offered by the benefit providers. However, the empIoyees selecting the offered plans agree to accept any changes in benefits which a specific . provider impiements. 15.2 Effective for the January 2008 insurance premiums, for each eligible empIoyee covered by this Agreement who is employed full-time and who seiects health insurance, the Employer agrees to make the following conhibutions per month: a. Qpen Access with $I,500 Deductible SIRg12: $427.2$ t$] ��.QQ (to be deposited m an account detemtined by the LMCHI) Family: $1,040.75 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible Single: $525.51 Family: $901.86 c. Distinctions SingIe: $457.54 Family: $901.86 • I2 U�'3 � a- ARTICLE 15 — INSURANCE (Continued) • Effective for the January 2009 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed fuii-time and who selects health insurance, the Empioyer agrees to make the following contributions per month: a. Open Access with $1,500 Deductible SIIlg10: $467.84 f$1 ��.�� (to be deposited in an account determined by the LMCHI) Family: $1,120.75 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible Single: $567.93 Family: $926.86 a Distincrions Singie: $482.54 Family: $926.86 Effective for the 7anuazy 2010 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered by this A�eement who is employed full-time and who selects health insurance, the Employer agrees to make the following contributions per month: a. Open Access witti $1,500 Deductible Slrig10: $$12.2g -1- $]QQ.Q� (to be deposited in an account determined by the LMCHI) Family: $1,214.00 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible • Single: $615.10 Family: $951.86 c_ Distinctions Singie: $507.54 Family: $951.86 15.3 The Employer agrees to contribute the cost of Life Insurance in the amount of $50,000. This contrfbution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Retiree Insnrance 15.4 Employees who retire must meet the follo�uing conditions at the time of retirement in order to be eligible for the Employer contributions, listed in Sections I5.5 through I5.15 below, towazd a heaith insurance plan offered by the Employer: 15.4 (3) Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act at the time of retirement, and 15.4 (2) Have severed his/her relationship with the City of Saint Paul for reasons other than misconduct, and 15.4 (3) Have completed at least twenty (20) years service (or fifteen (15) years if receiving a disability pension) with the City of St. Paul. Employment with the Independent School District No. 625 will not be counted towazd the yeazs of • service requirement for emptoyees hired after January 1, 1997 for purposes of retiree health eligibility. 13 ARTICLE 15 — INSURANCE (Continued} Eariy Retirees 15.5 This Seetion shall apply to full-time employees who: 15.5 (1) Retire on or af�er January t, 1996, and 15.5 (2) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1995, and 15.5 (3) Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and t 5.5 (4) Meet the terms set for[h in Section 15.4 above, and 15.5 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such emptoyees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the Employer agrees that for retuees selecting single coverage, the Employer will provide the same contribution as is provided for active employees selecting single coverage under this Ageement. This amount, however, shall not exceed $350.00 per month. For employees selecting family health insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. In addition, the Employer will contn�bute the cost for $S,OOO life insurance until the retiree attains tiie age of sixty-five (65}. When such early retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 15.7 shall appty • 15.6 This Section shall apply to full-rime employees who: 15.6 (1) Retire on or after 7anuary l, 1496, and 15.6 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1996, and 15.6 (3) Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at rerirement, and IS_6 (4) Meet the conditions set for[h in Section 15.4 above, and 15_b (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such retirees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the Employer agees to contribuie a maximum of $300.00 per month toward the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. In addi6on, the Employer will conh�ibute the cost for $5,000 life insurance until the retiree attains the age of sixYy- five (65). When such eazly retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section I5.8 shail apply. Upon such retiree reaching the age of sixty-five (65), such Employer contributions toward snch early retiree coverages shall terminate. The Employer will also contribute the cost for $5,400 of 3ife insurance coverage for such early retiree until the early retiree reaches age sixty-five (65), at which time the life insurance coverage shall terminate. • � 14 �� - 3� a- ARTICLE IS — INSURANCE (Continued) . Regular Retirees (Age 65 and over) 15.7 This Section shall appiy to full-time employees who: 15.7 (1) Retire on or afterJanuary 1, 1996, and 15.7 (2) Were appointed on or before January 1, 1996, and 15.7 (3) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 15.7 (4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 15.4 above, and 15.7 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. The Employer agrees to conh a maYimum of $550.00 per month toward the premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered by the Employer to regulaz retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. This Section shall also apply to early retirees who retired under the provisions of Section 15.5 when such early retirees attain age sixty-five (65). 15.8 This Section shall apply to full-time employees who: 15.8 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 15.8 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1996, and • 15.8 (3) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 15.8 (4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 15.4 above, and 15.8 (5) Setect a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. The EmpIoyer agrees to contribute a maximum of $300.00 per month towards the cost of sing]e or family health insutance coverage offered to regular retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. This Section shall also apply to early retirees who refired under the provisions of Section 15.6 when such early retirees attain age sixty-five (65). 15.9 If an employee does not meet the conditions of Section 15.4 (3), but does satisfy the conditions in 15.4 (1) and (2), heishe may purchase single or family health insurance coverage through the Employer's insurance progy�am. The total cost of such insurance coverage shall be paid by the retiree. 15.10 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is also a City retiree or City employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the City's health insurance program. 151 I Any cost of any premium for any City offered employee or family insurance coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stated in this Article 15 shall be paid by the Employee. 1512 The contributions indicated in this Article shall be paid to the Employer's Third Party • Administrator. IS ARTTCLE 15 — INSIJRANCE (Continued) 15. f 3 The Employer will provide a system whereby the employee's contribution toward • premiums for the employee selected health insurance coverages can be paid on a pre-ta�c basis_ Emp�oyees covered by this Agreement witt be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Account as offered by the Employer. The service fee charged to participating Employees shall be paid by the Employer. 15.14 Employees covered by this Agreement shall be eligible to participate in the DependenY Caze Reunbursement Account offered by the Employer. Ttte sezvice fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. Survivor Insnrance I5.15 The surviving spouse of an employee canying family coverage at the rime of his/hez death due to a job connected injury or illness which was determined to have arisen out of and in the course of his/her employment under worker's compensation law shaIl continue to be e2igibie for City contribution in the same proportions as is provided for retired In the event of the death of an eazly retiree or a regular retiree, the depettdents of the rettree shall have the oprion, within thirty (3Q) days, to continue the curtent hospitalization and medical benefits which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer contribution accorded to the eligble deceased retiree. It is filrther understood that coverage shalI cease in the event of• I5.15 (1) Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse of the deceased employee or retiree. 15.15 (2) The employment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health insurance is obtained through a group program provided by said employer, In this event, however, the surviving spouse or dependent shall have the right to maintain City health insurance for the 5rst ninety (90) days of said employment. ARTICLE 16 — CTTY MILEAGE 16.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Administrative code shall be superceded for members of this bargaining unit by this Articie. 16.2 Method of Computafion: To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers and empioyees must receive wriiten authorization from the department head. When an employee is required to use his/herpersona] automobile to conduct authorize@ City business, the City shall reimburse the employee at the fhen current Federal I.R.S. mileage reimbursement rate on the most direct route_ � • 16 ARTICLE 16 — CITI' MILEAGE (Continued) � 3 � � • 163 The City will provide parking at a]ocation and manner of the Employer's choice within a reasonabte distance of the work site for City employees on the above mentioned type of reimbursement plan who are required to have their personal car available for City business. Such parking wili be provided only for the days the employee is required to have his or her own personal car available as authorized by the department head. ARTICLE 17 — SEVERANCE PAY 171 For any empIoyee who is eligible to receive severance from the City under this Ar[icle, the City wili contribute the full amount of their severance payment to a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP). 17.2 The following severance plan sha11 replace all other plans applicable to members of this Bargaining Unit. 17.2 (a) An employee must meet the following requirements to receive a benefit under this plan. (1) The employee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or have been subject to separation by layoff or compulsory retirement. Those empioyees who are dischazged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetence, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the City • severance pay program. For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as separation of employment and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth at the time of his/her death, payment of the severance pay shall be made to the employee's estate or spouse. For the purpose of this severance program, a transfer from the City of Saint Paul employment to Independent School District No. 625 employment is considered a sepazation o€employment, and such transferee shall be eligibie for the City severance progam. Far the purpose of this Article, service requirements for severance eligibility wii] not include yeazs of service with the Independent Schooi Dishict No. 625 for employees hired by the City or transferred to the City after December 3I, 1998. (2) The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Human Resources Director, which will clearly indicate that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re- employment (of any type), wiih tbe City. (3) The employee must have a minimum of twenty (20) years of service and eight hundred (800) hours of sick leave credits at the time ofhis/her separation of service from the City. � 17 ARTTCLE 17 — SEVERANCE PAY (Continued} (4) If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the • eligibility requirements set forth above, he or she will be granted severance pay as shown betow. Minimum twenty (20) years of service and Severance accrued sick leave credits o£ 800 ....... ................................$10,000 1300 ........ ...............................$ l 2,500 1800 ... ................................. ... $ I S,ODO ARTICLE 18 — WORKING OUT O� CLASSIFICATION 18.1 Any employee worlflng an out-of-class assigrunent for a period in excess of fifteen (15) working days during any fiscal year (of the Employer) shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classificarion not Iater than the sixteenth day of such ass�gnment. orpurposes o �s ic , �e full-time performance of all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a classificarion by an individual in another classification. For the purpose of this Article, the rate ofpay for an out-of-ctass assigument shall be ihe same rate the employee would receive if he was promoted to the t�gher classification. ARTICLE 19 — SICK LEAVE AND PARENTAL LEAVE 19.1 Sick leave sha11 be earned and granted in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. The rate earned shall be thirteen (13) days per year. Effective 7anuary 1, 2010, the rate eamed shall be twelve (12) days per year. ] 9.2 In the case of a serious illness or disabitity of an employee's child, pazeni, or household member, the head of the department shall grant leave with pay in order for the employee to caze for or make arrangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be drawn from the employee's accumulated sick leave credits. Use of such sick leave shall be limited to forty (40) hours per incident. 193 Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as provided in the Civil Service Rutes, may be granted one day of sick leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent or grandchi2d. 19.4 If an employee has an accumularion of sick leave credits in excess of one hundred and eighty days, he/she may convert any part of such excess to vacation at the rate of one-half day's vacation for each day of sick teave credit. No employee may convert more than ten (10) days of sick leave in each IRS payroll yeaz under this provision. • C� � 0�3U 2- ARTICLE 19 — SICK LEAVE AND PARENTAL LEAVE (Continued) • 19.5 Parental Leave: Pregnant employees of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for the use of paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence in the same manner as any other disabled or ill City employee. Such paid sick leave eligibility shail begin upon certification by the employee's attending physician that the employee is disabled in terms of her ability to perform the duties of her position. A twelve (12) month Parental leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a natural parent or an adoptive parent, who requests such leave in con}unction with the birth or adoption of a child. Such leave may be extended an additional twelve (12) months by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer. Refusal on the part of the Employer to grant an extension of such leave shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 7(Employee Rights — Grievance Procedure) of this Agreement. Employees who return following such leaves of absence shall be placed in a position of equivalent salary and tenure as the one held just prior to the beginning of their leave. 19.6 Leave for Schooi Conferences: An employee shall be granted up to a total of sixteen (16) hours during a school year to attend conferences or classroom activities related to the employee's child, provided the conference or classroom activities cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. When the leave cannot be scheduled during non-work hours, and the need for the leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide reasonable prior notice of the leave and make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to unduly disrupt the operations of the Empioyer. An employee shall be allowed to use vacation or • compensatory time for this leave; otherwise, this leave shall be without pay. 19.7 Voluntary Unpaid Leave of Absence: Effective upon the date of the signing of this Agreement, a fuil-time employee may be granted a voluntary leave of absence without pay for up to four hundred eighty (480) hours per fiscal year. During such leave of absence, the employee shall continue to eam and to accrue vacation and sick leave, seniority credits, and shall maintain insurance etigibility as though he/she was on the payrolI. Any leave of absence granted under this provision is subject to the approval of the departrnent head. 19.8 Jury Duty: Any employee who is required during his/her regular working hours to appear in court as a juror or witness, except as a witness in the employee's own behalf against the Employer, shall be paid his/her regutar pay while so engaged. Any fees that the employee may receive from the court for such service shall be paid to the City and be deposited with the Employer. Any employee who is scheduled to work a shift, other than the normal daytime shift, sha}I be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such time as helshe is required to appear in court as a juror or witness. ARTICLE 20 — NO STRIKE, NO LOCKOUT 201 The Association and the Employer agree that there shall be no strikes, work stoppages, slow downs, sit-downs, stay ins, or other considered interference with the Employers' business or affairs by the Association and/or the members thereof, and there shall be no • bannering during the existence of this Agreement without first using ail possible means of peacefui settlement of any controversy that may arise. 19 ARTICLE 21- RIGHT TO SUBCONTRACT 21.1 The Employer may at anytime during the duration of this Agreement contract out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. Tn the event that such contracting wouId result in reduction of the work force covered by this Agreement, the EmpIoyer shall give the Associarion a ninety (9Q} catendar day notice ofthe intention to subcontract. ARTICLE 22 - DEFERRED COMPENSATION 22.1 Employees who have completed ten (10) years of service shatl have $440.00 for Deferred Compensation paid by the Employer on a dolIar for dollar match. Effective January 1, 2006, this amount wiil be raised to $650 per yeaz. 222 Employees who $ave completed iwenty (20) years of service shaI2 have $640.00 for Deferred Compensation paid by the Employer on a dollaz for dollar maYch. Effecrive January 1, 2006, this amount will be raised to $850 per year. 22.3 For each year of the Agreement the emptoyee wi11 have the futI amount of the contributions made by the paycheck closest to October 1 of the plan year_ For each year of the Agreement the Employer will match contributions by the last payday of November of the plan year. ARTICLE 23 - WAGE SCHEDULE GRt1DE Q1U 481 DISPATCHER 20-yr �i) �2) 01lOS/08 24.82 _-- 04/26/08 25.63 --- 03/28/09 26.46 27.06 01/02/10 27.32 27.93 GRADE 02U 20-yr �1) �Z) Ol/OS/08 24.97 -- 04/26/08 25.78 --- 03/28/09 26.62 27.22 01/02/20 27.49 2810 � U • � 20 • � • ARTICLE 23 — WAGE SCHEDI7I.E (Continued) O1/05108 04l26/08 03/28/09 O1/02110 GRADE_04U 137 CUSTODIAN ENGR (PUB SFTY BLDG) �i) 25.02 25.83 26.67 27.54 � 25.96 26.80 27.67 28.57 20-yr (3) 28.29 29.21 GRADE_06U 20-yr �I) �Z) 01/OS/08 23.05 --- 04J2b108 23.80 --- 03/28/09 24.57 25.12 Ol/02/10 2537 25.94 GRADE 08U Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/04 Ol(�2110 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 19.40 20.03 20.68 2135 GRADE_030 (1) 1,755.90 1,812.97 t,871.89 1,932_73 20-yr t2) 2115 21.83 �2) 1,803.21 1,861.81 1,922.32 1,984.80 20-yr (3) 1,965.57 2,029.45 GRADE 033 304A MARINA SERVICES SUPERVISOR (1) O1/OS/08 1,918.77 04/26/08 1,98I.23 03(28(09 2,Q45.52 O1/02/10 2,112.00 �2) 1,972.47 2,036.58 2,102.77 2,17111 20-yr (3) 2,150.08 2,219.96 21 b8�31� �- ARTICLE 23 - WAGE SCFLEDULE (Continued} GRADE_034 (1) 02/OS/08 1,963.59 04/26/08 2,027.41 03l28l09 2,09330 Ql/02l20 2,16133 ZO-yr (3) 2,200.55 2,272.07 �2) 2,018.78 2,084.39 2,152.13 2,222_07 GRA.DE 035 338A SEIVIOR ZOO KEEPER • 20-yr �1) �2) �3) Ol/OS/08 1,995.58 2,04930 --- 04/26/08 2,060.44 2,115.90 --- Ol/02(10 2,196.54 2,255.67 2,306.42 GRt1DE 597A FORESTRY SUPERVISOR I 208 GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT 591A PARK MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I 368 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR I 416 SEWER SLFPERVISOR I 172A "I'RAFFIC MAINTENANCE SUPV I 525A WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 528 WATER SERVICE SUPERVISQR S32 WATERSHED SUPERVISOR I S36 ZOO SUPERVISOR 2Q-yr ��) ( � O1lOSl08 2,081.90 2,13839 --- 04/26/08 2,149.56 2,207.89 --- 03/28/09 2,219.42 2,279.65 2,330.44 01102/10 2,291.55 2,353.74 2,406.70 GRADE_037 20-yr � f�) �3) OI/OS/08 2,089.63 2,146.21 --- 04/26/08 2,157.54 2,2I5_96 --- 03l28/09 2,227.66 2,287.98 2,339.46 Ol/02/10 2,300.06 2,362_34 2,415.49 • • 22 68�3/ �- ARTICLE 23 — WAGE SCHEDULE (Continued) • GItADE 038 268A BRIDGE MAINT SUPERVISOR I 230A METER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 369 PUBLIC WORKS SUPEI2VISOR II 804 SEWER SUPERVISOR II 964 VEHICLE MECF3ANIC SUPERVISOR I 194 WATER UTTLITY MA1NS SUPERVISOR 542 WATBRSHEDSL3PERVISORII 354 ANIMAI. CONTROL SUPERVISOR 20-yr �I) �2) �3) Ol/OS/08 2,147.50 2,260.58 --- 04/26/08 2,268.92 2,334.05 --- 03/28/09 2,342.66 2,409.91 2,464.13 01f02/10 2,418.80 2,488.23 2,544.22 GRADE_039 173 EQUIPNIENT MAINT 5UPBRVISOR 20-yr ��) ��) � Q1/OSI08 2,253.76 2,316.83 --- • 04l26l08 2,327.01 2,392.13 --- 03/28/09 2,402.64 2,469.87 2,525.44 Ol/02/10 2,480.73 2,550.14 2,607.52 GKADE_040 103 FORESTRY SUPERVISOR II 592A PARK MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR II 620 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE 5i3PV II 394A VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR II 557A WATER PLANT PRODUCTION SUPV 20-yr ��) ��) ��) Ol/OS/08 2,32637 2,39730 --- 04f26108 2,401.98 2,47521 --- 03(28(09 2,480.04 2,555.65 2,613.15 Oi/02/10 2,560.64 2,638.71 2,698.08 • 23 ARTICLE 23 — WAGE SCHEDiJLE (Continued) GRADE 269A BRIDGE MAIN'T SUPERVISOR II 233A BUILD MAINT SUPV-LIBRARIES 622 PUBLIC WORKS SUPETZVISOR III 623 SEWER StIPEKVISOR III 20-yr (1} (2) (3) O1/OS/08 2,397.30 2,465.67 --- 04/26/08 2,475.ZI 2,545.80 -- 03/28/09 2,555.65 2,628.54 2,6&7.68 Ol/OZ/10 2,638.71 2,713_97 2,775.03 GItADE_043 079 BUILD MAINT SUPV--FIILE DEPT �1) �2) �3) 01/OS/08 2,532.68 2,606.24 -- 04/26/OS 2,614.99 2,69Q.44 --- 03l28/09 2,699.98 2,778.40 2,840.91 Ol/02/10 2,787.73 2,868.70 2,933.24 GRADE 044 624 PIIBLIC WORKS FIELD SUPERVISOR 20-yr � ��) � Ol/OS/08 2,6I0.23 2,687.77 --- 04/26/08 2,695.06 2,775.12 --- 03l28/09 2,782.65 2,86531 2,929.78 01l02/10 2,873.09 2,958.43 3,025.00 GRADE_045 680 BL7ILD MAINT SUPV--PARKS & REC 20-yr �1) �2) �3) 011OS/08 2,689.07 2,769.26 -- 04l26/OS 2,776.46 2,859.26 --- 03/28/09 2,866.69 2,952.19 3,018.61 61/OZl10 2,959.86 3,048.14 3,116.72 u • • 24 68 �31��- • • • ARTICLE 24 - TERMS OF AGREEMENT 24.1 This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 2008, and shali continue in effect through December 31, 2010. This Ageement shall remain in effect and full force until modified or amended by mutual agreement of the parties. 24.2 It as understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the Manager of Labor Relations, but is subject to approval by the City Council. 24.3 The Empioyer and the Association acla�owledged that during the meeting and negotiating which resulted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportunity to make proposals with respect to any subject concerning the terms and conditions of employment The Agreemenis and understandings reached by the parties after the exercise of this right are fully and completely set for[h in this Agreement. Any and all prior Agreements, resolutions, practices, policy, or rules or regulations regazding the terms and conditions of emp]oyment to the extent they are inconsistent with this Agreement are hereby superseded. CITY OF SAINT P Labor Relations Manager 3� Date THE SAINT PAUL MANUAL AND MAINTENANCE ERVISORS ASSOCIATTON ary Ko President March 7, 2008 Date 25 68-�� �- � �,� �r. s�„ . e s - ,I BETWEEN THE CITY QF SAINT PAIIL Ss THE SAINT FAI7I. MA,N7JAL dG MAINTEN�CE SUPERVISORS A3St3CIAfiION Ti�e City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paui Manuat & Maintenance Supervisars :lssaciauon agree to the iollowing. ARTiCLE 19. i Working out 4f Ciassificalion, states; Any �mployee worfcing an ou#-af-class assignment /or � period in e�ce�,s of �e$n (7 5} worJvng days during �ny fiscat year {�t� the EmPJal'er� st�afJ recer've the rate of pay for rite out-af-ciass assignmenf in a higtser classifrcati�n not late� than the srx#eenth day af svch assignment • � i'he language states tiiaz an empioyee holding an flut-of-classification position in �csss o{ r�teen {I5} urQrkin$ days wiil roceive the rat� of pap for Lhe aut-of-ciass"s�cation po$ition. ?i is unde:�sit�od, rhat indivi�Fual B���rtmcnts have astablished diffe;enz tsractices :�gasding where ira thc fute;.n days LT�e auc-of-ciass�aation pay begi�s. The Dep� wzl� �onLnue co e�ercise t.�eir is>aaviduai d'zscretian rcgzrding the day tc3 irii:ate t�:e out-cf-c?assuication rate of F3aY as tong �s i2 EaecgisZS an, gr befor�, ti3e sixteenth (16) ciay- i�IT�tEES�'a ES: Ft��z rH� ci� z `.-,,{�' Q �o� ���a �,�a�n �,�w� s�.�zrr'r ��ut a�axu�u, a� �r��xarrc� sv���tvrso�s �ssac�.�� � � �t�� a�nr: �i�t BATE: � ° � '�( � nAr�: �' � �'i 26 � a ' • • __ J o�ce oF i..aeoR xtu,nors Xnthe�uie L Sfeg�ry Dvecrw CITY OF SAINT PAUL h'orm Cdeman. 3fayor IABOd RELfT/0,4$ i00 Gry� Nall An�ees 15 weu fm.nh saeer SointPauCbfinrtexola ±S(0?-1631 Tetephpx G3t-IGb�d4% Facs�mJe. b5t- 2666645 Mr. Dan Palumbo President, SPMMSA PO Box 11275 St, Psui, MN 55717 Mr. Roq Rt3ifins T,egal Counsel, SPb9MSA 310 Groveland Ave. So. Mpls., MN 5541 D Dear Da� and Ron: Juue7i,2001 This Ietter confirrns our und�rsTandin� made az the 2001-2002 roond af 6argaining regarciing On Calt Pay. Article I1.? af the cpilcctive bargaining agrezmeai bet�veen the City and the SPMMSA makzs Si clzar that empioyees may decline to aarz3e city CeII phanes, pagers w bee}�ers duriog non-wor};ing haun. The contrac[ alsa indicates �hat, should the City begin dir�Yuaa emp3oyas to carry celi phanes, pagers or beepers dnring nc�n-worRing hours, ths Cit7� and the SPMMSA must estabiish a premrum for such dvty. lt is fhe City's underst�ndinQ that, currentty, there ase ns� SF?vtMSA emp4oyees being re�uired to carry phoneslpagersPoeepets duxiflg non-waking hours. As suc0, na pretniuins have becn negoiiaied. "f7eere are a number of ernpioyecs' who vuiuntarily cern� phone'pagets/t�eeper:t during non-wprking houts, andor snswer their own honie telephone rrs rhey are able. When sifch empio}'Qes ane actually catled back to ��ork, they are compensated according to t@e CaI1$sck provisiems uf the cnntract W"hiie managemenk retains dte right to dzscuss issues uf availab�l'rty with an individua] emplo��ee, it is understc�at that feo�n-exempt siaff w�hfl do noi votuntarily ansuer the phone should not be disciplined in sny �vay for ihat decision. Sineerely, 1 f n � u � �� IRatherme L, h3egarry � Labor Refations Directar CG: Ntgotiapion< fiie 2�