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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK W., - PR CO "4 Yeas a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUN)Z:X/RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 196838 COUNCIL NO. FILE . • •.f RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the plans and specifications for Projects 1,2 and 3 of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances for Improvement No.3 for the Village of Maplewood, Minnesota, authorized by Council Resolution C. F. 196792 approved April 21, 1960 and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the pending City of St. Paul Ordinance for the connection of the public sewer system of the Village of Maplewood with that of the City of St.Paul, prepared by the Consulting Engineers of said Village and approved by the Village Council of the Village of Maplewood on March 21, 1960, and heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer are in all things approved. COUNCILMEN Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Rosen (� Winkel �P�esitiea r 6M 7 -59 8 In Favor Against Council File No. 196838 —By Adrian P. Winkel_ Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the plans and specifica- tions for Projects 1, 2 and 3 of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances for Im- provement No. 3 for the Village of Maplewood, Minnesota, authorized by Council Resolution C. F. 196792 ap- proved April 21, 1960 and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the pending City of St. Paul Ordin- ance for the connection of the public sewer system of the Village of Maple- wood with that of the City of St. Paul, prepared by the Consulting Engineers'i of said Village and approved by the Village Council of the Village of Maplewood on March 21, 1960, and here - tofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer are in all things approved. Adopted by the Council April 26, 1960. Approved April 26, 1960. (April 30, 1960) APR 2 6 1960 Adopted by the Council 19 APR Approve 19 ®at j ng Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � COUNCIL � �8 `-'3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E N ER Adrian P. Winkel DATE fi� 1pril 96th- 1 9 R&WOLVED! By the Coundl of the City of St.Paul that the Plana and speoificationsU for Projeoti 1„g and 3 of Sanit=y Sewer and Appurtenances for IVroveaent No.3 for the Villaga of Maplewoodp Minnesota., authorized by Counoil Resolution 0. F. IN792 approved April 21, 1950 and subject to the provisionap terms and conditions of the pending City of St. Pain. Ordinance for the connection of the public sew e'r sssysten of the Village of Maplewood with that of the City of St.Pauls prepared by the Consulting Engineers of said Village and approved by the Village Counell of the 'Pjnage of Maplewood on Xa.rch 21, 19600 and heretofore subsssritted to and approved by the Coss mi.sbssionsar of Public Works and the Chief Engineer are in all things approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinsonv/" CZ Rosen Winkel on Mr .Second Vice Preside t 5M 7 -59 cIW8 Martinson Favor Against pP,261 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved In 19 Robert F. Peterson Acting Mayor .. ',i .• ' -�• "sue'• ••� `.• yfi, ..A ;. fo- set.`' � _- ^. - -�`'Y - r,'t v , - , ` .'.I , • ' _ may' .- i• r •. _ .' .s c. _ - a �.'� _ �' 41 1 - �� � •. �r19t tr}LS - pTOpg�al Qf *1k aa' (pit of S ''Pita,'fw. _ autl!A6d .&rtd oxplsin -d lt' & ` s,ttps date- 4pril 5 :' 1960, �..,. u0n' Johi�i. A. °DOs sut"ii# St: Paul.,Sow r s '.• r "dtgsaa& tq d 'd i i he -1, : o iil ing -& ginior- for plewood sevusi 'and ±41a_ t _tyb' poi•to s 6f. as tcya�x��ty�ev4yi #o '_�es�t(mai� lt�' on tea, s ] l tteU A-ie o fti r to be,,', r • • ~. _ ' WK.� W ''by Yat�i !ci ioth a it'y �Fi#t¢ o i7@ ©.LLi tjy_-'uB*&':tA ` `tiotli. v�ui,a pmjtties; s;4 ae sting forth the est3 iat aop to &W ,. thp iie fob, str b4i_ibi�L saw irs by s:;,,, ;" ';•f ,,r^ .. _ x F1.rtb*r Vw -:lei i � Saii hOi`f.'asG3 and diredt tb, .. fart to the 4tVr 4�'; St_ rat] "� • Publi ©lbrk$ �.�apst+los#i't�, "; �. {• :a 6617 df S. r®eollitipa Aok g latter• ad�,ii* '�# ' plewood .regt sts,. S ,'; Pmilr -to prepare the nsassser�r �I :.... ',� ' '; - .. '�- oY'd3.IIa�iQA ��.`t�'�''+^• E ' x 'r.s _ s - - - - - _ ._. .s '% Y•+• ry + I�r i� .s`r��'.•t -•`r �, .•s ••� �T }�' S •'yF, a. 'r '.e- V .. +'♦ , ♦ 'y. 'a. a.,, r- - - - �. '.. 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STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) VILLAGE OF MAPL ,OOD ) I, the undersigned, being; the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk, of the Village of Maplewood, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached extract of minutes of the April 7, 1960 regular meeting of the Maplewood Village Council relating and pertaining to: Sanitary Sewer Improvement #3 with the original on file and of record in my office, and the same is a full true and complete transcript of the same as it appears in the records. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Village this 8th day of April 196,, (SEAL) �f mes M. Hafner illage Clerk Village of.Maplewood •` � t • � , r •, 1 — 5', -• •' ,• -- I � •• -_ .1. •- /2 't: •� t ; • •rrja� ?• -•1F ~ �- - , �a•�. -�a= � _ - �� +• , ' ••., - h• - .. 1 ;r � r . •,~ '• - /__ ., fir, .. r-. �.r j' t- ... a•,f.i_ t•..y T• .,,, r. .. ; rA• I •'1 • _ _ - _ - -_ _ •3 't_1 ,rI n{'. .. 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