196832.QA ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 96832 FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL L NO. t J FILE � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESO — GENERAL FORM PMortinsil No. 196832 —By Severin A. Resolved, That the Saint Paul Junior PRESENTED By-, Chamber �� of Commerce is granted the COMMISSIONER/ DATE ,� ipal the Arena Saturdahe Ma 21, 1960, for its , "Miss =esotay= Pageant, at a cost not in excess of the cost of the use of the Theatre section RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Junior Chamber of Commerce is granted the use of the Arena.Section of the Municipal Auditorium on Saturday, May 21, 1960, for its "Miss Minnesota" Pageant, at a cost not in excess of the cost of the use of the' Theatre section had it been used for such occasion, the Arena use 1s eing granted in lieu of the use of the Theatre section due to its use the entire week of May 16, 1960, for the fourth Theatre Guild Show. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Winkel Against aR,. • i 1 T,•„ 5M 7 -69 QM.8 �,QR 2 6196 Adopted by the Council 19 APR 2 6 IM Approved 19 ®C$ing Mayor