196815• •.,,_'�•� '�""�'' FINAL ORDERS Council File No. 196815 — In the Matter of improving Jackson Street from East Acker Street to Rose �. Avenue by regrading cur ing and paving the same with 8" concrete FINAL 0:�:� K In the Matter of improving Jackson Street from East Acker Str by regrading, curbing and paving the same with 8" concrete pavem paving street, alley and driveway returns ;,,by reconstructing the sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not-: in:aonformity wi by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections where n storm water drainage facilities and by doing all other work nece complete said improvement under Preliminary Order ---------- 19_?±679_ approved Intermediary Order ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved ------------------- - -: - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon ,d having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, a the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natu provement to be made by the said City is. improving Jackson Street froi Rose Avenue by regrading, curbing and paving the same with 8" co: grading and paving street, alley and-driveway returns; by recons- curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in cl improvement; by constructing sewer, water and gas service conned by constructing storm water drainage facilities and by doing all and incidental to complete said improvement and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authori2 ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. • g 1960 Adopted by the Council ----- AP-- R__ 2----- -- ----- ---- ----- ------- - - - - -- -- J -1,J, li Approved---- - - - - -- -APR- 2 -6 1960 File 11+810 Councilman DeCQAZY Councilman Hoffime _ Councilman MMORUNSC*4 Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN ,_ WANKEL' Councilman, ice Presi&& 2.55 2M 2 6-0 r _­6 et to Rose Avenue nt; by grading and paving, curbing and ,h said improvement; cessary; by constructing sary and incidental to ,_172:J959 --------------------- notice, and the Council ('having fully considered extent and kind of im- Sycamore- East 'A'c� Street to Crete pavement; by ructing the paving, nformity with said ions where necessary; other work necessary hereby instructed and Mme to the Council for and directed to pro- - - - -- -- ' City Cl er .� ------------------------- Act�nO Mayor. i f - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 7,A"-� In the matter of improving Jackson Street from East Acker Street tolRose Avenue by regrading, curbing and paving the same with 811 concrete pavement; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructting sewer, water and gas service connections where necessary; by constructing storm water dr�.inage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order approved November 17, 1959. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance �hereby uureports as follows: Cityls �iar°ealoPf'gtGostelCounty Aidf b915l�,cx�2.d0 Estlima.ted Property Asse; The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improveme each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: X226, 7ho.00 . $32,738.00 - $See P. W . letter and the assessed valuation of Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 I Y IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I I LAND VALUATION BLDG. II I 11 2 I Drake's 2nd Addition to the 110 450 $ 2,600 II 121 2 I City of St. Paul II 300 II I 3 12 I do I II 300 II 4 2 I do I II 300 150 I5I 2 I do I 325 1, 900 II 161 2 I do I 400 2,150 ,Except east 33 ft. for Courtland Av$. I I II knd north 30 ft. for Magnolia Ave; I I I I li 11south 1 of southeast 1 of northwest) I I I II1 also northeast 1 of southeast 1of 1 I I (Continued on next page) I Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 I Y CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (BI IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I I LAND VALUATION BLDG. _ Continued from preceding pag northwest a; also except Sycamore I I I II II and Cortland St.; northeast 4 of I I I I II IIsouthwest 1 and north 1 of south- I I I II IIeast a of southwest 4 in Section I I I II II wn 30, Township 29, Range 22 I I 10akland Cemetery (Plat) of) X353,400 30,350 I. Lots 27 and 128 I lFlintfs Rearrangement cf C. C. 475 2,250 IILots 29 and 130 I M Subdivision �of part 450 1,300 II131 I I of Weide and Dawson' s GI rden 250 II Lots 32, 33 and south 11.45 ft. of 134 I I Lots ! 625 6M0 IIExcept south 11.45 ft.; Lot 34 I I I II IIand all of Lots 35 and I36 I I do I 625 6,750 II I37 I I do I II 250 1 2 I I IRansomts Rearrangement of 1 Lots 11.9 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, of II 425 850 II x.00 1,250 III 3 I lWeide and Daws on t s Garden, Lots II 400 2,000 I. 14 I I do I II 100 1,000 II I 5 I do 400 1,600 6 I I do (� 825 1,300 7 I I do I (II II Lot 1 and east 2 of I 2 I lReinets Rearrangement I II 625 5, 050 II 16 I I do I II 625 4.,250- 2 lRansom's Addition to St. Paul 400 1,550 II 12 I 2I do 375 2,500 II 13 12 I do II 375 II 14 I 2 I do II 375 1, 000 IILot 5 and except south 8 ft.; I 6 I 2 I do I II 675 4,500 II I TOTAL I II IOII4 ■.9.II 900 3•18 S I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f (B) I IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCK� ADDITION I II LAND ALUATIONBLDG. II South 8 ft. of Lot 6 and all of 1 7 1 2 IRansomts Addition to S�. Paul II 00 2,450 11 1 11 31 do I1 425 1,000 11 1 21 31 do 11 400 1,400 11 I 3 I 3I do I II 400 200 II 1 4 1 31 do I II 400 i1 151 31 do 1 400 2,250 IiExcept east 45 ft.; Lots 6 and I 7 3 1 do 1 550 1,650 I1 1 1 41 do I 575 II 121 4 1 do 11 500 1,950 Ii1 11 2 1 Magnolia Division 11 500 3,950 11 112 1 2 1 do I 500 3,950 II 113 1 2 1 do I 11 525 4,850 11 1 11 1 2 lWhittier Division 1 II 400 1,050 II 112 1 21 do I 11 350 800 11 I13 1 21 do , 11 300 300 I1 114 1 2 1 do I 11 325 II 115 I 21 do 350 II 116 1 2 1 do 1 400 1,500 li 111 1 2 V Division 1 11 400 100 11 112 1 21 do 11 350 900 I1 1 13 1 2 1 do 11 350 ' 4, 350 11 114 1 2 1 do 350 950 Except east 60 ft.; Lots 15 and 116 1 2 1 do 350 4,000 i!Except east 9.50 ft.; Lots 11 and 11-2 1 2 IDeer Park Division 1 I1 700 3,600 11 113 1 2 1 do 11 350 1,200 11 1141 21 do II 350 11 1 TOTAL I 11 p011M ■.0.11 .OD ] -.. 8 , �i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE c ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I (B) J IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED 1 15 1 21 Deer Park Division �I IIII 750 1,900 !I 1 16 1 21 do I III IILot 11 and except south 40 ft.; 112 1 2 I Elbra Division '_�_. 11 47 1,300 II1 12 I 2 I do II hoo 900 13 21 do II 00 2,900 II 14 1 2 1 do II 400 20300 II . I 15 I 2 I do I 400 1,000 11 1 16 I 2 1 do I 125 2,900 11 West 99.47 ft. of Lots 8 and I 9 I 2 Edmund Rice's Third Addition to 11 700 100 II1 10 1 2 1 City of St. Paul I II 500 2,150 II 1111 21 do I 125 2,500 11 Except east 50 ft.; Lots 12 and 1 13 1 2 I do I II 1,000 1,900 I! 1 81 31 do i II 525 1,450 19131 do I II 500 350 1I 110 1 31 do I 11 500 1,500 II Ill 1 3 1 do II 500 1,900 II Except east 50 ft. 112 1 31 do I 11 400 200 II Except east 50 ft.; 1 13 I 3 I do I 125 1,150 I; West 4 of 18 I 6 I do I II 175 1,500 IExcept east 4 of 1 9 I 6 1 do I 11 125 1, 200 11 110 1 6 1 do I II 500 1, 900 II 111 I 6I do 500 II 1121 61 do 500 950 II 1 131 6 I do 1 II 525 900 11 1 8 1 3 IEdmund Rice's Second Addition II 525 700 I11 91 3 Ito the City of St. Paul I II 500 1, 200 ,1 1 I TOTAL i FOMM ■..AI wo a -u 8 k I�i ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. 110 13 I Edmund Rice's Second AdIdition II $ 500 $ 1,100 11 111 1 3 I to the City of St. Paull 11 500 1,600 II 112 1 3 1 do 11 500 2,750 11 Patt west of a line run from point I I I II II on north line of and 69.32 ft. westl I I I I1 Ilfrom northeast corner of Lot 13 to I I I I 11 point on south line of and 69.48 ft1. I I I II 11west from southeast corner of said 113 1 3 1 do l 400 800 !lExcept south 60 ft.; Lots 9 and 110 1 4 1 do I 11 675 1,600 korth 30 ft. of south 60 ft. of I I I I 11 I 11 Lots 9 and 110 1 4 1 do I 225 1,550 ilSoutheasterl-Y 30 ft. of Lots 9 and 110 1 4 1 do I 11 225 1,650 I! 1 11 1 4 1 do I II 475 1.,450- 11 Lots 6 and 1 7* I 9 I do 11 900 14000 1I 8t 1 9 I d o 11 525 1,150 II. I I I II Il I I I 'I I II Il I I I 111 11 I I I Il TOTAL I 3922250 $186,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date � •�� a� /96 0 Ae- Commissioner of Finance. sl, Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 8 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE S February, 16th To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: . / / 41 a 19 60 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 194679 , approved November 17th 19 59 , relative to F. Impro�i:cigw,Jackson,trp�t ,, Om, ast Acker Street to�Rose- Avenue b rearading� V`� -fr -... ._a,._.�.�r. ,.,T.,a+. .riM 4.... ,._,e -,w� �,. ., _�. .,a .t�m.s..r�. curbi.ng - and paving the same,:w.i.th,,8 "concrete pavement;. by grading and paving street;r 3'-a1.1ey and . drivewa.. y._r. eturnUcons.tructin_g_ the paving_, curbing .and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improv ment; by con- structdng sexue.c,awater ary�gas service connections where necessary; by constructing_ storm water drainage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete s-q-Ld improvement. � I � invest! �.,,. :as«z�s arm .;ys c.:„v a ,..o..,.I reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary a'd (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 226,740.00 , -'and the total cost (See Letter Attachedi) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . 4. 11 Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three o more f property, subject to assessment for said i rovement. t D FEB 71960 DP7; OF Commissioner of Pub l i c Works GEORGE M. SHEPARD Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capifal of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner i 234 City Hall & Court House February 16, 1960 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: EUGENE V. AVERY i Chief Engineer I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving JACKSON STREET from East Acker Street to Rose Avenue by regrading, curbing and paving the same with 8" concrete pavement; by grading,Iand paving street, alley and driveway returns; by reconstructing the paving,,curbing and side- walks on the intersecting•streets where not in conformity Lith -said improve- ment; by constructing sewer; water and gas service connectlions where neces- sary; by constructing storm water drainage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement't under Preliminary Order C. F. 1.94679, approved November 17, 1959. j Estimated Paving Cost $i02,445.00 Engineering t�_ , Inspection 14,295.00 Water Department Changes 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $226,7 0.00 Estimated Property Assessment 32 738.00 - 3 City's Share of Cost (County Aid) $19 ,002.00 - Z Estimated property -share of cost is "based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: Paving Commercial 244 ft. 0$5.50 $1,342.00 lResidential' 7185 ft. 0$3.00 = 21,555.00 Curbing 7873 ft. @$1 `. 25 9,841.00 Estimated Total Property Assess. $32,738.00 Driveways, where necessary, $5.00 per sq. yard. { 6" Sewer Service Connection, $165.00 each, where necessary. i 4 rkw L} 17 796,9 1 - a. t Como. Adrian P. Winkel - Page 2 - Feb. 16, 1960 t Water Service Connections as per following schedule: 3/411 Water Service Connection, $125.00 each, where necessary 111 tt u u $138.00 " n tt 1 1/211 tt tt tt $188.00 n tt at Water services of 2t1 or larger will be estimated by the City Water Department. An additional fee of $3.00 is charged; f the meter is moved or a new one installed. Storm sewer estimated construction cost will be reported under a separate preliminary order. 1 Yours very truly, I 3 v Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner f FFiinance aL Adj-3-1 Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works gk60 Fig 1? JU PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE JACKSON STREET FROM East Acker Street to Roso Ave. REVISED TO East Sycamore Street to Rose Ave. Present Conditions This portion of Jackson Street is presently unpaved; there is no curbing, and drainage is inadequate. The existing oiled surface is rogh and requires excessive maintenance costs. Puddles and mud in and around the gutters and boulevards are illustrative of the generally unimproved naturelof the street. Jackson is an important connecting route to Ramsey Cou ty as well as being an important artery for St. Paul residents. The increas ng use is demonstrated by the increase in traffic volume from 2344 to 60 2 vehicles per day between 1949 and 1959. Because of the direct connection t Ramsey County and anticipated future development in the northerly portion of St. Paul, con- tinued substantial use of Jackson by the general public as well as local residents is anticipated. Jackson Street is not a truck route but does carry a major bus line. The abutting land is mostly residential in c�aracter, except for the cemetery extending on most of the west side. A hort distance to the south, east, and north the area is zoned industrial as s own on the attached location map. Proposed Improvement it is proposed to install drainage and storm sewer fact sties, curb and pavement to a 40 foot width to which curbing, where it exis s, is presently set. No property acquisition or tree removal is cont' plated. Because the roadway south of Sycamore is presently named officially Cortland Place, it is recommended that the southerly limit of the project be set at Sycamore, which being a main cross artery at the south end of tli cemetery would constitute a reasonable project terminus. The proposed improvement is similar to and a continuatio of the Jackson paving during 1959 between Maryland and Arlington. The rk proposed is expected not only to provide better service for the general p blic, but also to improve local appearance and amenities. This is particularly true of the curbing, drainage and storm sewer work. A more detailed Description of the proposed work is found in Preliminary Orders C.F. 194679 a d C.F. 194774 as follows: "....regrading, curbing and paving the same with 8" concr to pavement; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by reco.structing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets wheile not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing sewer, water an, gas service connections where necessary; by constructing storm water drainage',facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement." - 1 - "Construct a public sewer in Jackson Street from Rose Street to York Street; and 'in,Jenks Street from- Jackson Street to an exisiting 3' -2" sewer in an easement on Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault St. Marie Ry. property which property is easterly of Agate Street." Proposed Financing The total cost of the project with limits revised is estimated at $272,722.00, which includes storm sewer and curbing as well as paving and related work. Of this amount the Finance Department has proposed assessing $31,002.00 and financing the balance of $241,720.00 from the County Aid Fund allocated to St. Paul by Ramsey County for expenditure on such designated county extensions as Jackson Street. The division is about 12.8% local assessment compared to about 87.2% paid from funds of the g neral public. The assessment rates recommended by the Finance Department �or paving are $3.00 per foot and $5.50 per. foot for residential and coemerlcial properties respectively. The rate for curbing would be $1.25 per foot. No assessment is proposed for the storm sewer. Driveway paving and sewer nd water con- nection work where requested or necessary would, of course, . e an additional cost to the property owner affected. I Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer April 25, 1960 a . z rn c - - - . �" _ o�PELHA `.: �3 .: .... EUSTIS �% � u ,�jI1111uutI1u1111 :�.2 Q ...:•... " ?_, .mm�nmtiummmnl *Immq �uu" :';.', �•D MT• CURVE Ri �jls�nmu+u" ::,'•. 3x �1 N G7 N CLEVELAND G7 D 74 X I(/) C en T) ® ys 0 r O n Z M .4 z DGCUMBE 33 m z': n m, x CVO ' !y 33 D pPAVE. n I rn ?MO q < 2 E q�j � 333 SNELLING !�' "� yy,,��� I 3 C dd° pp gg. f .. :. Z 0 M ® o 'n �� m rn m 4rn :.,..: HAMLINE : :. rn L. .\ AIII r �.�..0. �I MBE RD. ° Ul 00 6/9 ��. LEXINGTON ..........::`�� :�, r 1 6`� zv On 6 rr°n 3 cl 'a r •• = p �� f < —zi M ,\ 5 DAL :::: '.: ST. ']� z MM MACKUBIN -�C S•CC ;ply n-< 9y s o z 0 0 0 0 n n �DY :.• O D D n ; n cn D �CK i m _ m o c-i o 3 3 .' '. •. ,9L +••;� (<T� m f g O gp v r nu11v.K... m r n - -TI ,u,o.rer•..:.. 9 RICE` ST. r � 1 � -a 1 rm r m r c c 0'0 0 00 p .. z N N y r n n D 71111q'. m Z 'GX ?. ��+ r ' i :SYLVAN SMITH '•y Z m z M a c c coi -C .< O Z 9 n Z y m £ f x x x O O N o m n i z D �� r ti mo m o o m N 'v r 2 2 ...I N Z �' .: i .. ............: ...•....; .: ` Z i<Tl r. z r Fi m m N rn 9p x fib.:; .,; ......... 51?T!t:.: ST. E rn Z °n -n STRYKER ° m r$:•;.. ': ::. :'_ ' . :::..::':: # .m.... F• y N rD D U) S. ROBERT ILE m m < o m m c m p ` `'': �: 'C>q; ?:. :'i!.`• :.;.`...... AVE. o _ _ Zr `�, y ARCADE ST. N r ii 0 r n n c. y m ,°v r m m m Z (\� ° m m o o in �Q .: RUSSELL < =3 0 \\ 1' z 33� O rn :..,: 0 m °x_ 0 +* VJ / .a155 5 Q ✓Oy DULUTH 9n 90 NSON :....T. i c I. N BARCL PIGS WHITE IBEA AVE. Cj 'e�:•�•: 9 ^ I RUTH •. ;•:� Fa M MT. CURVE , i lkaap/ ° . '----'- ' GLEVEL ND rn INE Irn 7< SNELLING AVE. co RD. oh m se a AGATE G) RUSSELL o U) s DULUTH ow Cl) BA YE WHI Co WA7 RUT 19 9 01 n PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE JACKSON STREE FRO14 East Acker Street to Rose Ave. REVISED TO East Syca ;pore Street to hose Ave. Present Conditions 196�is This portion of Jackson Street is presently unpaved; there is no curbing, and drainage is inadequate. The existing oiled surface is rough and requires excessive maintenance costs. Puddles and crud in and around 1the gutters and boulevards are illustrative of the generally unimproved nature of the street. Jackson is an important connecting route to Ramsey C�unty as well as being an important artery for St. Paul residents. The increasing use is demonstrated by the increase in traffic volume from 2344 to 6062 vehicles per day between 1949 and 1959. Because of the direct connection to Ramsey County and anticipated future development in the northerly portion f St. Paul, con- tinued substantial use of Jackson by the general public as will as local residents is anticipated. Jackson Street is not a truck rou p but does carry a major bus line. The abutting land is mostly residential in character, except for the cemetery extending on most of the west side. short distance to the'south, east, and north the area is zoned industrial as shown on the attached location map. Proposed Improvement it is proposed to install drainage and storm sewer facilities, curb and pavement to a 40 foot width to which curbing, where it exists, is presently set. No property acquisition or tree removal is co templated. Because the roadway south of Sycamore is presently named officially Cortland Place, it is recommended that the southerly limit of the proje t be set at Sycamore, which being a main cross artery at the south end of he cemetery would constitute a reasonable project terminus. The proposed improvement is similar to and a continua on of the Jackson paving during 1959 between Maryland and Arlington. The work proposed is expected not only to provide better service for the general public, but also to improve local appearance and amenities. This is parts ularly true of the curbing, drainage and storm sewer'work. A more detailed description of the proposed work is found in Preliminary Orders C.F. 194679 and C.F. 194774 as follows: , " ..regrading, curbing and paving the same with 8" concrete pavement; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing sewer, water nd gas service connections where necessary; by constructing storm water drainage facilities and by-doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement." 1�- \ 1 ' "Construct a public sewer in Jackson Street from Rose Street to York Street; and in Jenks Street from Jackson Street to an existing 3 ,L211 sewer In an easement on Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault St. Marie Ry. property which property is easterly of Agate Street." Proposed Financing The total cost of the project with limits revised is estlimated at $272,722.00, which includes storm sewer and curbing as well as paving and related work. Of this amount the Finance Department has proposes assessing $31,002.00 and financing the balance of $241,720.00 from the County Aid Fund allocated to St. Paul by Ramsey County for expenditure on such designated county extensions as Jackson Street. The division is about 12.81 local assessment compared to about 87.2% paid from funds of the general public. The assessment rates recommended by the Finance Department for paving are $3.00 per foot and $5.50 per foot for residential and commercial properties respectively. The rate for curbing would be $1.25 per foot. No assessment is proposed for the storm sewer. Driveway paving and sever and water con- nection work where requested or necessary would, of course, be ari additional cost to the property owner affected. I Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer April 25, 1960 r. . I' • . � r u M q,e YL An/o '. . J. GZPA /UM '- - - -- ------ - - - - -, - Rl- Co IN Axe r . 1 s/ /Vs � 1 - h N j r 4 Yc,.z► Mo�E G � 1 � o V • S7- h �h sr. ST- I i y :.t . t .a 0 s — ------------ Co o K. A v�..� -� • I . lot . I •I L A. W-T i7,%/ R ✓� .' r A:V Yo,eit .e cA Y0614 W . Q Mo%F'E q, 0 z ' o ' j F , I r 0 V r l 1 , � h h h ' I I h � S7: i I k /• / / . t .a 0 s — ------------ Co o K. A v�..� -� • I . lot . I •I L A. W-T i7,%/ R ✓� .' r A:V Yo,eit .e cA Y0614 W . Q Mo%F'E q, 0 z ' o ' j F , I r 0 V r l 1 , � h h h ' I I h � S7: i I k /• / /