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and M 4 Q Pe po�€ 90 C Taq iaLf �� Y t )RDk R. e U o; T91tq to 41 � tTq;p 21 g o �: YTaQ C0UgGr0 eUT f sFa g c_r � �r: 9 Seri F Xot 0OU0*L C A U 'Chpim-= .re,9neu lti.. i�-o;y..ses. ?oa li- ,jryttbef , : "F �58pit, ir, ,Arrove . � 4$ rys gp0AG geocLTpoq b01361i OT, Am "I s1} •fir ��.�•7d-�prJ tfa aC'Xq �`C3�� 3 5,e i2t yyyii3 'c �'�'�yTa;L v�y/� �'1.'. �.�ia.�d� - •�a�- '/� "��'/y ���ryryry,�i ITT* F •,�i.4 }`I,ix'�.t 'f +.[-.�iY.h7 }✓. �.:i� J ��. -, y11'....., .` •,.� , �. F •,, ,.t1f1 . +v,.' .iG ..� .F l• 4 1 Vl i Dated this ..... 2 ?d_ ......... day Council File No ... 1-968~ 4 1 A`: c:u. :s Al�k'F+ Councilman. PREL:f?t•I. NAKY ODDER. o 'I i if a o1'-q a,q ze_ .b °s1su© r� s ezusfAF( , �„ n u�c5 arc rs o ouq empeLTX oT, 1�Uq 50 �,�° au jATq•p11' 29Tq .Pe o aat�1.r�u !� q� 0.30 COAg0IDA * :T �5K6 9 .�emboLIVL � Cs20WGU} JOT. 0OU2.PL5CPTOU "b"Ge OA 9 s.p# 8 9�oasg2CL7' pegb 'sT.��.i��•''C5�'2eu�`fiLT.�e: �!t',,.i:t� �,.�, ��., � .4,.,�ti.. -<.A 'fli? f- i-,..y,•,,, Q TAq_S ? Tq F asTq�sru£ss.7�4e�ez�enpi,p gg��_ �ts� .a�q �r72o Cis' ernJ such BKa , g ' sw of .�e a�z►i�;�T o.z. cc� � a having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul___________________________________________________ _________ ___ ___________________ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To Investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said Improvement,; and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. I 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters-to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 2 2 Adopted by the Council ........ ............. . . .. ......... YEAS NAYS Councilman Gmmmxx DeCourcy APR Holland Approved ..... ............................... HOmamm Mo rtin f0ei � Rosen a arson Mmmmma= Winkel PANIMFIN -- _ ....... -- ..... _.. ... -- - - - - -- MR. PRESIDENT DILLON 3000 7-54- c O® \ 2 1960 Mayor.