196799ORIGINAL TO CI'T'Y CLERK PR Co CITY OF OFFICE OF Tt 11 RIA. OLLITI Council File No. 198799 —By Bernard T. Holland — Whereas, Under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August 14, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 9, has reported to the = GENER Council its findings and recom- >N.1aLh COUNCIL 9671191-1) FILE NO• TEr April 21, 1960 i WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August 14, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Sec- tion 9, has reported to the Council its findings and recommenda- tions in a letter dated April 219 1960, and WHEREAS, the Council has made a study of said report and recom- mendations of the Car Allowance Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that the, em- ployees listed below shall be entitled to and receive the mileage allowance provided for in Ordinance No. 11542, subject to the maxi- mum °set out and effective as set forth opposite each name. DEPT. OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Louise G. `Berven, Ref. Mgr. Plan C $15.00-Max. Eff. Apr. 16 Walter M. Young, Ref. Mgr. Plan C $15.00:Max. Eff. Apr. 16 Joseph G. Heinz, Asst.Mgr.Pk.Ref. Plan C $15.00jMax. Eff. Apr. 1 LEGAL DEPARTMENT Theodore J. Collins, Investigator, Plan B to Plan C, $75.00 Max. Eff. Apr. 1 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS��` "` John McGuire, Engr. Insp. Richard Brady, Instmn. Robert Gangl, Foreman Robert J. Bibeau, Foreman COUNCILMEN Yeas Na DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 Plan B to Plan C,;$65.00 Eff. Apr. 1 Plan B, $75.00 max. Eff. through November 30 Plan C. $75.00 max. Eff. Plan C, $75.00 max. Eff. Max. Apr. 1 Apr. 1 Apr. 1 APR 21196b Adopted by the Council 19 APR 9 60 21 Approved 19 Mayor + f Of I 5r °M low q� p P ALFRED H.SCHROEDER CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA City Architect ROBERTA. LOBDELL DEFY OF, PARES a RECREANOV MIX 1,01HRU General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner W.LAMONT KAUFMA WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner t Su t. of Parks � April 21, 1960 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Dear Council Members: In accordance with Ordinance No. 11542, the Car Mileage Committee on April 20, 1960 passed on the request of Commissioner Holland for the placing of the following employees on Lump�Sum Auto Allow- ance Plan C, subject to the maximum and effective date set out op- posite each name: I DEPT. OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Louise G. Berven, Ref. Mgr. Plan C $15.00 Max. Eff. Apr. 16 Walter M. Young, Ref. Mgr. Plan C $15.00 Max. Eff. Apr. 16 Jos. G. Heinz, Asst.Mgr.Pk.Ref. Plan C $15.00 Max. Eff. Apr. 1 t This Committee also approved the request of Louis P. Sheahan, Cor- poration Counsel for changing mileage allowance plan for Mr. Col- lins, who uses his car constantly in checking claims for all de- partments LEGAL DEPARTMENT Theodore J. Collins, Investigator Plan B to Plan�C $75.00 Max. Eff. Apr. 1 The request of Commissioner Adrian P. Winkel for the placement of the following employees on the various plans indicated was consid- ered and approved: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 John McGuire, Engr. Inspector Plan B to Plan C, $65.00 Max. Eff. Apr. 1 #2 - Hon. Council Richard Brady, Instmn. Robert Gangl, Foreman; Robert J. Bibeau, Foreman AHS .. A Plan B, $75.00 max. thru Nov. 30 Plan C, $75.00 max. Plan C, $75.00 max.r v t�ul, Al d H. Schroeder,'Ch. Car Mileage Committelke c Eff. Apr. 1 t Eff . Apr. 1 Ef f . Apr. 1 4 t