196787G-562 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 196787 Council File No ................... ...... Council File No. 196787 — whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Flandrau Street from Third St[eat tn, -(', wa_ Street aXjna.he�^ f The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: _ _ Grade Flandrau_ Street from Third_ Street to Conwav Street ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Dated this ........ Oth...... day of Councilman. t PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ° ,1 ................... ..to - -- Qt ------------------------------------- - - - - -- -- � 4 ----------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------------------------------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ..................... - --------------- --- -------------- ------------ -- ----- ------ - - - - -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improve t ment. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. n 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 2 0 1960 Adopted by the Council-----------------------------------------•---------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman GNA44XX DeCourcy APR 2 p 1960 Holland APProved. -------------------------- - NP6199pf-w Mortinson , x%M@pqM Peterson 1 iampaw Rosen 1 Winkel •------------------- ----- - - - - -- MR. PRESIDENT DILLON Mayor. 3000 7-64