08-347GS 3050835 Return copy to: jmb Public Works Tech. Services 1000 City Hall Annex � CouncilFile# GL�-3�'f Green Sheet # 3050835 RESd�UTiON SAINT P�4UL, MINNESOTA Presented by 2 BE IT RESOLVED that,�t}�3y.i�etition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the 3 City of Saint Paul, Miimesota, as documented in Public Works Technical Services, Vacation File 4 Number 03-2008, the public right-of-way hereinafter described is hereby vacated and 5 discontinued as public property See Attachment A, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 and be it further RESOLVED that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the accompanying Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf oE Northern States Power d/b!a Xcel Energy - Gas Division, a public ufility; Ever-Green Energy LLC for District Energy Saint Paul, a private, non-profit Minnesota corporation; Saint Paul Regional Water Services, a municipal corporation; Comcast, a Pennsylvania corporation; made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated areas, described on Attachment A. This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: That the petitioners, their successors and assigns sha11 pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 2. That the petiUoner, their successors or assigns, will dedicate, as described in Attachment B, a public right-of-way easement to widen Otto Avenue. 3. That an easement shall be retained on behalf of Xcel Energy - Electric, for existing facilities. The petitioner or its successors and assigns sha11 provide new easements if required and the peritioner or its successor and assigns shall assume all costs of relocating facilities to the new easements. 4. That the peUtioner, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from a11 suits, actions or claims of any chazacter brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or properiy on account of this vacation, or the petitioners' use of this GS 3050835 08-3y7 39 40 41 42 43 413 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 4. That the petitioner, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or properry on account of this vacation, or the petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said pefifioners or because of any clauns or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with Public Works, City Real Estate, an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Yeas Harris � ✓ � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �' Approved b ay . Date `� 6 By: Requested by Departrnent of: � .,, :�/�/ ��� '� � / Form Ap C' o ey By: l r��fJ __._ ` . . Pozm A rov May or S ission to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � bf5-3y-? p�l�l —Public wo�ks Conhet Person & Phone: Jean Borgen 26fi8866 02-APR-p8 � � Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUmeM Required: N Document Contad: ConWCt Phone: Total � of Signature Page 07-MAR-08 y Assign Number For Routing Order All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3050835 0 1 2 3 4 5 ublic Works ablicWOr Z✓ 1 De entDirector N Attarnev Chad Staul a'or'sOffice Ma or/ASSistan[ ouncil i Clerk Ci Clerk PUBLIC HEAffiNG. Approve the vacation of portions of alley and right-of-way adjacent to Otto Avenue neaz Shephazd Road. Also approve dedication of additional ROW for Otto Avenue. iaauons: npprove �n� or rt Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has This personlfirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person(firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): FIRA and PED request vacation areas of alley and right-of-way adjacent to Otto Avenue near Shephazd Road in order to assemble a parcel for possible r�development. Advantages If Approved: HRA assembles a more mazketable, buildable pazcel. DisadvanWges If Approved: None foreseen. Disadvantages H Not Approved: HRA has a less mazketable, buildable parcel. �� Transadion: $600.00 Funding Source: FinanciallrHormation: Feeforvacation (Explain) Activity Number: GL-255-12363-2833 MAR 13 ?p08 CosfiRevenue Budgeted: March 7, 2008 9:12 AM Page 1 ��3y� t "A" oilow o8-3y� Otto Avenue to be Vacafed (Adjoining Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 598) That part of Govemment Lot 1, Sec6on 14, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying south of the North 38.00 feet thereof; lying east and north of the following described Line A, and its extensions; and lying westerly of the following described Line B, and its extensions: Line A Commencing at the northwest comer of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 598, said Ramsey County; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds East, along the north line of said Tract B, 184.87 feet to a comer of said Tract B, said point being the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence South 0 degrees O1 minutes OS seconds West, along the northerly line of said Tract B, 20.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds East, along said northerly line, 68.07 feet to a northeast comer of said Tract B and there temunating. Line B Commencing at the most Westerly comer of Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2, said Ramsey County; thence East along the North line of said Lot, 80.$2 feet; thence North at a right angle a distance of 20 feet to the•South line of Otto Avenue; thence West along the South line of Otto Avenue a distance of 80.82 feeY to the point of be° nning of Line B to be described; thence South at a right angle, a distance of 20 feet to said most Westerly corner of Lot 6; thence southeasterly to the most southerly corner of said Lot 6 and there terminating. ALLEY VACATION (IJNNAMED STRIP) Riverside Addition No. 2 That unnamed strip of land lying within Block I, Riverside Addifion No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies northwest of Lots 2, 3, 4& 5, said Block 1; southeast ofLot 6, said Block I; northeast of the southwest line of said Block 1; and southwest of a line which is 38.00 feet south of, and pazallel with, the north line of Government Lot 1, Section 14, T.28N, R.23 W, said Ramsey County, Minnesota. �8 — 3c�� Attachment "B" DEDICATION OF EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES _ Housine Authority of the CiTy of Saint Paul, Minnesota Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for right of way purposes on, over, under and across the following tract of land being situated in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: See attachment, Exhibit A; to have and to hold the same forever. The Grantor does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encutnbrances. That Grantor also covenants that Crtantor has quiet and peaceable possession of the property upon which the easement is granted. The Grantor will warrant and defend against all persons lawfully ciaiming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant rumiing with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the publia lt is fiutlier intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain in effect without limitation as to time. �-3�G� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this deed to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this day of , 2008. fTrantor: : Its STATE OF MII�INESOTA COUNTY OF ItAMSEY � ss The foregoing was acknowledged before me this by the This Instiument was drafted by: day of , 2008 City of Saint Paul Public Works/Technical Services—Real Estate Room 100Q, City Hail Annex 25 West Fourth Sheet Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��-3�1�7 Exhibit "A" Torrens Proposed Easement for the 8 Foot Widening of Otto Avenue on its South Side Those parts of the following described three pazcels of land that lie north of a line which is 38.00 feet south of, and pazallel with, the nor[h line of Government Lot I, Section 24, T. 28N, R.23 W, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Pazcel 1 Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 598, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Pazce12 That part of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 28, Range 23, described as follows: Commencing at the most Westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2; thence East along the North line of said Lot, 80.82 feet; thence North at a right angle a distance of 20 feet to ihe South line of Otto Avenue; thence West along the South line of Otto Avenue a distance of 80.82 feet; thence South at right angle, a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Parcel3 Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota Abstract Proposed Easement for the 8 Foot Widening of Otto Avenue on its South Side That part of Lot 3, Block 1, Riverside Addi6on No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota that lies north of a line which is 38.00 feet south of, and parallel with, the north line of Government Lot 1, Section 14, T. 28N, R.23W, Ramsey County; Minnesota. SAtxT PAUL � AApA PETITION TO VACATE CITY IN1'EREST v I(we), the undersigned, constituting a majoriry of [he owners (or their legally designated representatives) of the abutting properties, do hereby peution the Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interesis in the property(ies) legally descd6ed as follows: Please see attachm�nt. I(we) request this vacation for the following reason(s). (Indica[e whether you will be building on the site.) Site assembly for future housing project. I(we) have attached six copies of the site plans of any development intended for construcfion on the lands to be vacated. Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation Fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of Contact Person the vacation: Name: Joan Trulsen ' Phone: 651-266-6694 Name: Same Phone: Address: Address: 1200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St., Saint Paul, �5102 Email: Email: joan.trulsen@ci.stpaul.mn.us Alternate Contact Person Name: Cindy Carl Phone: 651-266-6608 Address: 1100 City Hall Annex Email; Nazne: Phone: Address: Email: ° g' 3 5�� Signatures of Owner(s)/Regresentative(s) of Property(ies) Described Below: �� Cec e orf ir` or af Planning nd Economic DevelopmenY � '`�� `��� � t , am the petitioner, ot one of the petitioners in the above matter; and I do hereby sweaz and verify that each of the signatures on this petifion was signed in my presence by the person described in the petiflon. °' Cynthia M Carlson.Hems - � NOTARYPUBLIC-MMNESOTA - MY COMMISSION "•+'� EXPIRESJAN 31,201p � � Pehhoner Subscribed and swom to before me this 3 ( day of � , 20 �P � • Not !� My commission exp'ues� � og' 3c�'7 Proposed Easements for the 8 Foot Widening of Otto Avenue on its South Side Pronosed Description 1f21f08 Those parts of the following described four parcels of land that lie north of a line which is 38.00 feet south of, and pazallel with, the north line of Government Lot 1, Section 14, T. 28N, R.23W, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Pazcel 1 Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 598, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Parcel2 That part of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 28, Range 23, described as follows: Commencing at the most Westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2; thence East along the North line of said Lot, 80.82 feet; thence North at a right angle a distance of 20 feet to the 5outh line of Otto Avenue; thence West along the South line of Otto Avenue a distance of 80.82 feet; thence South at right angie, a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Pazcel 3 Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota Parcel4 Lot 3, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. H:�ICochMobil\7 Acre Site\vacation-easement\Easements to Widen Otto 1 21 08.doc 08 -31j7 Otto Avenue to be Vacated (Adjoining Tract B, Registered Land Snrvey No. 598) Sue�ested Description (Januarv 21 2008) That part of Government Lot l, Section 14, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying south of the North 38.00 feet thereof; lying east and north of the following described Line A, and its extensions; and lying westerly of the following described Line B, and its extensions: Line A Commencing at the northwest corner of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 598, said Ramsey County; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds East, along the north line of said Tract B, 184.87 feet to a corner of said Tract B, said point being the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence South 0 degrees O1 minutes OS seconds West, along the northerly line of said Tract B, 20.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds East, along said northerly 1ine, 68.07 feet to a northeast corner of said Tract B and there terminating. Line B Commencing at the most Westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2, said Ramsey County; thence East along the North line of said Lot, 80.82 feet; thence North at a right angle a distance of 20 feet to the South line of Otto Avenue; thence West along the South line of Otto Avenue a distance of 80.82 feet to the point of beginning of Line B to be described;thence South at a right angle, a distance of 20 feetto said most Westerly corner of Lot 6; thence southeasterly to the most southerly corner of said Lot 6 and there terminating. H:�KochMobil\7 Acre Site\vacation-easement\Otto Ave Vacation.doc v8�3�� ALLEY VACATION (iJNNAMED STRIP) Riverside Addition No. 2 Su¢gested Descrivtion Qanuarv 21 2008� That unnamed strip of land lying wifhin Block 1, Riverside Addifion No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies northwest of Lots 2, 3, 4& 5, said Block 1; southeast of Lot 6, said Block 1; northeast of the southwest line of said Block 1; and southwest of a line which is 38.00 feet south of, and parallel with, the north line of Government Lot 1, Section 14, T.28N, R.23 W, said Ramsey County, Minnesota. H:�KochMobil\7 Acre Site\vacation-easement�Alley Vacation Riverside No 2.doc o8-3�f� Proposed Vacation of Part of the Otto Avenue/Shepard Road Intersection in its Southwest Quadrant Pronosed Description 1/21/08 That part of Lot 2, Block l, Riverside Addition No. 2, Ramsey Co�, Minnesota, lying southerly and southwesterly of the foilowing described line: � Begimiing at the intersection of the northwest line 38.00 feet south of, and pazallel with, the no� T.28N, R.23W, said Ramsey County; thence aste 6.89 feet to the northeast line of said Lot , thence radius, tangential curve, concave to southwest minutes 59 seconds, a distance of .52 feet; thenc gf'Lot 3, said Block 1 and a line ; of Government Lot 1, Section 14, ly, para11e1 with said north line, southeasterly along a 70.11 foot central angle 14 degrees 18 e South 75 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds East, tangent to said c e, a distance of 24.48 feet; thence southeasterly, along an 88.2Q foot radius gential curve, concave to the southwest, central angle 52 degrees 52 minutes 2 seconds, a distance of 81.40 feet, to the southeast line of said Lot 2 and there tefminatine. 1 ^ `� � \\ fA , �l ^ahf� 1\F' `V _ \��V �( V ti° �� ��� o � � .���\ H:�KochMobil\7 Acre Site\vacation-easement\Vacation of Otto_Shepazd Rd Insction 1_21_08.doc v�- 3�y�7 Legal Descriptions 000 Buttemut Lot 3, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2(abstract) Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2(torrens) 764 Otto Avenue Pazcel 1: Lot 6, Block l, Riverside Addition No. 2, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Pazcel 2: That part of Government Lot 1, Section 14, Township 28, Range 23, described as follows: Commencing at the most Westerly corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Riverside Addition No. 2; thence East along the North line of said Lot, 80.82 feet; thence North at a right angle at distance of 20 feet to the Sonth line of Otto Avenue; thence West along the South line of Otto Avenue, a distance of 80.82 feet; thence South at right angle, a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. jKoch parcel} Tract B, Registered Land Sutvey No. 548, files of the Registraz of Titles, Ramsey County, Minnesota. t,�-3c�� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONOR.ABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COLTNCIL OF T'F� In the Matter of: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 03-2008 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparhnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be Zegally described in future resolulion.) except as h2ra mote�: Northern States Power d/b/a Xcel Energy-Gas Division Its Gas Engineer �, - sTaTe oF Signatur MiNNESOTA � COUNTY OF _Ramsey_ The foregoing inswment was aclmowledged 6efore me this 26th day of Fe6ruacy 2008 65+�es Zakersln of under the laws of the State ofMinnesota. . Notary Public� My commission expiles RETURN SIGNEDlNOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CIT'Y HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4'" St., ST, ST PAUL NIN 55102 ��, t. � ° JESSICA IESt� N1NKlER !,,'��, � Motan Ribdc `. Minneso$ My Comm. Expires Aan 37, 2071 D��3�7 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF "I'F� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of: Vacation File # 03-2008 The undersia ed hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Part of arz alley off Otta Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be Zegally describecl in future resolution.) except as here noted: STATE OF MIIVNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY � �.��.,, , ,�.,:-_... Saint Pau1 Regional Water Services Its: General Manager ���\ �M�ttu Signature Stephen P. Schneider Theforegoinginatrumen[wasaclmowledgedbeforeme[his 13th dayof February pp�$ By Stephen P. Schneider, General Mznager o f5aint Paul Regional Water Services municipal corporation under Yue laws of the State of Minnesota_ `� AAoilie Jean Gagnelius No�,y p"b�`° 6° P P107ARYPUBLIC•MINNES0IG Mycomm�ssionexpires c3� C�C3 MY COMFe�P3S10N EXPIRE JAPP. t RETU TO 1000 CITY HALL X, 25 4�' St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102 0�'3�7 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COLJNCIL OF T'HE 7n the Matter of: CITY OF SAINT PALJL Vacation File # 03-20Q$ The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Part of an altey off Otto Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be legally described in future resolution.) except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL., INC. AND DISTRICT COOLINCs ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT 1N THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. .:,,,,.,�� 3�u•,��.._; .,p /� �. �+-P�✓ �n3z� Y.,h,04a �.[�.. �. b�--��. �;,��� zts ����.�_ �u:�-����� �, CaNerine S. Veitt�-Bruno .� NOTARYPUBIIC-MINMESOTA MY COMMtSSION � EXP4RESJAN 3M1.2p10 . �2z/'�tiJ/ STATE OF 1�TIa�UT'e � MINNESOTA � � TY OF l7� �S'f' 7'he finegoing mstrument was acknowledged before me this 20_� g of /.��1 �- dM1-@2 C�__ U d_ i�•!.-C i�� �- � � �� l under the laws of e Sta[e of Minnesota. . J / f ,� p/ I NotaryPublic j.�-I��-7-�—�,�il' �.�tT My commission expires e- 3l- a� �� RETUItN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4`" St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102 OX- 3�F� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAII3T PAUL In the Matter of: Vacarion File # 03-2008 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part ofShephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be legally described in future resolution.) except as here noted: except as here noted: Comcast STATE OF MINNESOTA COI7NTY OF Ramsey ( ss l Its: Consbnxction Mana�er Signature The foregoing inswment wu aclmowledged before me this 6 day of 2008 by Duane Carlson the Construction Manaeer of Comcast_ _ _ _ . a PennsvlvaniaCnm. under ffie laws ofthe State of Minnesota . ry ` � NotaryPubli� � U�` � 1 � _� My commission expires 7anuacv 31° 2009 ONCE SIGIVED- RETURN THIS ORIGINAL COPY TO 1000 CITY IIALL ANNEX ST PAUL 55102 '^"""""" J,�pRp K. 81RR - � Nota�v �blccMt�nne� � �����%" M • r� ro: Jean Borgen Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 03-2008 We have no objections to this vacation Ciry of St. Paul �/C� Public Works Technical Svcs Phone � 266-8866 Phone �� � F� n 266-8855 � F� � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY.• Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be Zegally described in future resolution.) o8-3�y� ■ � ■ Piease be informed that Xcel Energy has no objection to the referenced vacation action provided however, that easement rights in favor of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporat+on d/bfa Xcel Energy be reserved over, under and across that part of Otto Avenue subject to said action, lying adjacent to and northeasterly of B1ock 1, RIVERSIDE No.2. Existing electric facilities shown on attached. S' e ' Dat-� Reply ta Vacation Inquiry File # 03-2008 We have no objections to this vacation ro: Jean Borgen From City of St. Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Phone# 266-8866 Phonett F�x 2b6-8855 F�� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATESTREETRIGHT OF WAYONLY.• Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part of Shepard Road right-of-way and a smald portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be Zegally described in future resodution.) The petitioners sha11 dedicate an 8 foot wide streeUright-of-way easement as described on their survey, for the future widening of Otto Avenue. Ub'S�i' Colleen Paavola City of St. Paul Public Works 266-6104 � � � �e.� ��1L<--_ 2 z9 �� igned Date i�-3�'J ��� ����#`�f:t�"�r 2��v MCI Communications Services, Inc. 02/14/2008 CITY OF ST PAUL Jean Sorgen 1000 Citry Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN SS102 OSP National Support / In�'estizations Z300 North Girn«lle R3c6aidsonTX 75082 RE: 03-20(i8 — VACATIOi� OF SMALL PORTIONS OF ROW — OTT� AVE AND SHEPARD RD —Saint Paul, Ramsey, n2innesota MCI ID: 901-2008 Dear Sir or Mada�: MCI has been natified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been detennined that MCI does not have facilities within your project area. Ho«rever, it will still be necessary for you to contact the lacai One Call System at least 4$ hours prior to any const�vction. You shouid address correspondence concerning any future projeets to the attention of OSP National Support/Investigafions at the above address. If you need further assistance with ttris project, please do not hesitate to cail me. Sincerely, Seth Seubert OSP Nationai Support / Investigations {972)724-6016 No Facilities.doc �(2/2612008)�Jean Borgen _�RE Proposed Vacation 03 2008 _ _ ___ _ _„_ � � ,'��_� _ __ � �__ __ � Page 1'. bg� 3c�� From: "Larson, Ross" <Ross.Larson@qwest.com> To: "Jean Borgen" <Jean.Borgen@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 2/26/2008 1:59 PM Subject: RE: Proposed Vacation 03-2008 Jean, as usual, with humble apology, we sent this to you today. We had no objection. Ross -----Original Message----- From: Jean Borgen [mailto:Jean.Borgen@ci.stpaul.mn.us} Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 1:33 PM To: Kathleen Biomquist Cc: Colleen Paavola; Larson, Ross; Daniel Woehrle Subject: Fwd: Proposed Vacation 03-2008 Second Request! Please reply as soon as possible so this can be scheduled for public hearing. Thank you, Jean Jean Borgen Tech Svcs - Real Estate 25 W. 4th St., Ste 1D0� St. Paul MN 55102 Ph 651-266-8866 Fax 651-266-8855 »> Jean Borgen 2/12/2008 3:48 PM »> Attached is information relating to the petition of HRA to vacate smail portions of right-of-way at Shephard Road and Otto Avenue. The intent is to assembie property for possibie redevelopment. I'm showing also a proposed 8' easement for widening Otto Ave. That shouldn't affect anyone with utility rights, but city departments might want to be aware of that when you review the possible vacation. Thank you! Jean Jean Borgen Tech Svcs - Real Estate 25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000 St. Paui MN 55102 Ph 651-266-8&66 Fax 651-266-8555 This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. if you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy ail copies of the communication and any attachments. '(2113120Q8) Jeaii Sorgen -�Re Proposed Vacation 03 2008 _ " - -- page 1� �-3c�� From: Tom Beach Ta: Borgen,Jean Date: 2(13J2008 12:18 PM Subject: Re: Proposed Vacation 03-2008 DSI has no objections to the propo�d vacation. Tom Beach DSI 8 East 4th Street Suite 2�0 Saint Paul, MN 55101 651-266-9086 (phone) 651-266-9124 (far) tom.beachCo�ci.stoaul.mn us (email) »> )ean Borgen 2/12/2008 3:48 PM »> Attached is inPormation relating to the petition of HRA to vacate small portions of right-of-way at Shephard Road and Otto Avenue. The intent is to assemble property for possible redevelopment. I'm showing also a proposed 8' easeme�t for widening Ottp Ave. That shouldn't affect anyone with utility rights, but city departments might want to be aware of that when you review the possible vacation. Thank you! Jean Jean Borgen Tech Svcs - Real Estate 25 W. 4tlt St., Ste 5000 S[. PaUI MN 55102 Ph 651-266-8866 Fax 651-266-8855 � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 03-2008 We have no objections to this vacation io: Jean Borgen City af St Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Phone# 266-8866 F�� 266-8855 We will approve this vacafion, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: From ugie Leitner Fire Department Fae #228-6204 THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAYONLY: Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a sma11 portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be legally described in future resolution.) Signed �� 2/25/08 Date � � � To: Jean Borgen From: Reply to Vacation Inquiry Jody Martinez �' `� FiIE # 03-2008 City ofst. Pant pazks and Recreation Public Works Technical Svcs PhoneY. 266-8866 Phone# F�n 266-8855 F�� VJe have no objections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY.• Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be legally described in future resolution.) Jody Martinez 2/13/08 � � � U Signed Date - - -- - -------- --- - ------- -------- ---- ------ -- - ----- (2/13/2008) Paul Dubruiel - CINU.doc Page 2 � � 3 �7 To- Jean Borgen Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 03-2008 City of St. Paul Public W orks Technical Svcs Phone � 266-8866 phone � F�� 266 -88 5 5 F�'^ We have no objections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORM7S TO YACATE STREET RICHT OF WAY ONLY: Part of an a11ey off Otto Avenue, part of Shephard Road right-of-way and a sma11 portion of Qtto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be legally described in future resolution.) 4lLi�� �� s;gr,ea 2-z�-o Date � � � i � Reply to Vacation Inquiry Fife # 03-2008 We have no objections to this vacation ro: Jean Borgen F `°`" s�.Y=H c�-�.w�.�:.� 'T � Q crty of st, raul s'� i �o�t.e Public Works Technical Svcs Phane # Fac # Phone # 266-88551F�# We will approve this vacation, subject to the following condirions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY.• Part of an alley off Otto Avenue, part ofShephard Road right-of-way and a small portion of Otto Avenue, per map attached (and as will be legally described in future resolution.) s� , �� �-a�-osr Signed ��� � Date �, . . aS-3�� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAI2ING Notice is hereby given of the petition of Planned and Economic Development of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to vacate an alley and opening in the Otto Avenue and Shephard Road block, as more fully described on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floar of City Hall and Court House on the 2nd day of April, 2008, at 5:30 P.M. Dated: Mazch 6, 2008 Shari Moore City Clerk (March 11, 2007)