08-343coun�u Fae u l.� - 3cf 3 Green Sheet# 3050351 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, has'received a Cold Case L3nit Grant &om the United States Department of Justice, for the period of May 1, 2008 through October 31, 2009; and 3� W HEREAS, this grant is for the Cold Case Unit which is designed to review unsolved cold case homicides for the last 35 years to determine whether evidence exists that could yield DNA.; and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into the attached grant a�eement on February 8, 2008 (council file #08-98); and WHEREAS, a 2008 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this grant; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $259,976 in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2008 budget: 436-Police Special Projects Fund CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 34219 - Cold Case Unit Federal Grant 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants In Aid 0 259,976 259,976 Total Changes to Financing 2 9,976 SPENDING PLAN: 34219 - Cold Case Unit Fedexal Grant 011 1- Full Time Certified 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 0251 - Transportation 0252 - Lodging - Meals 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits Total Changes to Spending 133,414 72,000 4,000 4,000 2,188 43,874 � 34 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Cily Council approves these changes to 35 the 2008 budget. Veas �� Nays �� Absent Carter SYark Thune Adopted by Council:Date: ry�jf���j/p,� AdopSon Certified by Coancil Secretary: By� �,r JT1r,��s�� Approved by D��or: ate: `I By: ' Coltl Case Umt Fetleral Grant Spentling antl Financing 20o8.xls By: Department of: for Submission to Council: 133,414 72,000 4,000 4,000 2,188 43,874 3 ���/�� Form� ov d by City Att r��: ) By: � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C�5�3�3 PD - Pol;ce Depazm�rnt Contact Person & Phone: Chief John Harrington 266-5588 Must Be on Council Aqen Doc. Type: PUBLIC HEARING (RESOLU'1 E-Document Requiretl: Y , Document Contact: Evette Scarver � ContactPhone: 2665541 Green Sheet NO: 3050351 0 � otice� ', Police Deparlweot ' 1 � Wice Deoa�ent Police Deparhnent 2 ;City Attorney ' City Attm�ne9 � �� . 3 �Yiayor's O�ce Mavor I 4 Comcil CouucO ' 5 itv Clerk City Clerk 6 i olice Deoa��ent I Police Departrnent Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) � ncnon rcequestea�: �� Signa[ures on [he attached council resolution establishing a 2008 financing and spending plan for the Cold Case UniE grant. ioanons: npprove (n) or r Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 7. Has this persoMfirm ever worked under a contract for ihis department? Yes No 2. Has this personttirm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. pces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (V✓ho, What, When, Where, Why): � I The Cold Case Unit is designed to review unsolved cold case homicides for the last 35 years to determine whether evidence exists that ,I could yield DNA. The city council authorized the City of Sain[ Paul to enter into the grant agreement on February�, 2008 (see ' atCached}. ' Advantages If Approvetl: i Opportunity to use grant fimds to help solve cold case homicides. I _ or {�./���{�- I Disadvantages If Approved: -- ���t N C6J � i None. ' � FEB 2 8 2008 �! '� �tTY �T7"�RNE� � ' Disadvantages If Not Approved: ,; Lost opportunity to use grant funds [o help solve cold case homicides. ' : Toial Amount of $z59,976.00 � Transaction: I Funding Source: 436 �'. Financiallnformation: �� (Explain) February 22, 2008 11:40 AM 22-FEB-08 �► j Assign � Number � For � Routing i O�der CosURevenue Budgetetl: Activity Number: 34219 Page 1 ��-3�3 2007 — NIJ —1601 St. Paul Police Cold Case Unit Budget Narrative — (revised 1-29-08) The St. Paul Police Depariment is requesting a total funding amount of $ 259,976.82 for: 1. Personnel salary and fringe benefits costs for a Sergeant position to staff a Cold Case UniY in the St. Paul Police Homicide Unit for 18 months. ($ 177, 788.32) 2. Consultant fees for up to 19 retired Homicide Detectives for 18 months. ($72,000.00) 3. Travel, lodgfng, and meal costs to interview witnesses and suspects or gather evidence out of the immediate azea. ($ 8000.00) 4. A dedicated computer and software package for the Cold Case Unit ($ 2188.50) SEE ATTACHED BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET s o£� �3�f 3 - DepanmentofJUSRce - Office of Susrice Progran�s N3t10R81lIIShfIltCOf.TllStiCR P�+�iE 1 OF fi Cooperative Agreement '- I. RECIp��7' NAh¢ AND ADDRFSS QncludfngZip Cade) ' 4. AWAA9 N{7MBEA 2001-DN-SX-KUlB — - — - — Ciry OfSaint Paul PoGce Depaxm�rnt 367 S.PROIEC7PERIOD:fROM OS/01l1008 TO 70/37/2009 �t pa4 `�dh` 551ot BUDGETPERIOD:FROM OS/012008 TO !Ol31/2009 6. ANARD DATE 09/O6/2007 7. ACTION IA GRAtJ'iEE IR$/VENDOR NO 8. SWPGEh4TTC NUMBER Inieal 41b005530 pp 4.PREVIOl1SAWARDAMOUN'C $0 3. PROJECT TITLE 10. AMOUNT OF TEIIS AWARD S 259,97] SPPD Cold Gau Umt Grnnt 11.70TALAWARD S 259.977 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE C�RANT PROSECT IS APPkOVED SUBfECT TO SUCH CONDIT[ONS OR LN1[TATLONS AS ARE SST FORTkI ON THE ATTACAED PAGE(Sj. I3. STAILTORY AUTHORCIY FOR GRANT ihia pxgect is supponedun8er FY09(Nll -DNPJFOrensms) Pub L. No. I10.5, emb. secs. 107-106; Pub. L. No. 109d08, I19 SU[.2290, 2302; 28 USC 530C I5. METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS — AGENCYAPPROVAL — GRAN'I'HEACCEPTANCE 76. SYPEDNAME AND 17TLE OF APPROVING OFFlCIAL 18, TYPED NAME AND TfTLE OP AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICL4L ReginaB Schofield TimoNyLMch AssismntAttomry Genernl ���� ll. SIGNATURE OF APPROVMG OFFICIAI, t9, S G OF AVCHO AEC14I OFFSCIAL 19A. DAT£ �'�"`�.'� �'�`�� ��. �� (� ACENCY S ONLY 20. ACCOUN'fING CLASSIFICATtON COD£S . DNO7S00202 FISCAL FUND BUD. DN. Y£AR COOE ACC. OFC. REG. SUB. POMS AMO X B DN 60 00 00 ZS9977 OJP FORM 40002 (AEV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDIT[ONS AP.B OBSOLE7E. OlP FOFtM 40002 (REV. 488) D�S�3�F3 Depa�ent ofJusiice - � Office of Iustice Rogams NationalInstitute of - Justice PROlEC7NUMgER 2007-DN-HX-KO18 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement AWAADDATE 09(p6/Ldp'/ SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAGE 2 OF 6 1. Ihe recipient agrees to comply with the 5nancial and adminisharive requirements set forth in the cumnt edition of the Office of 7us[ice Pro�ams (O.IP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submi[ an accepfable Equa! Employment Opporiunity Plan (if xecipient is required to submit one pursuan[ to 28 CF.R. Secrion 42.302), ihat is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Asswances and may result in suspension or terminalion oFfunding, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 3. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Cacutaz A-I33, Audits of States, Local Govemmen[s, and Non-Profit Organizatiops, yc {�� described in the cvnent edition of Yhe OJP Financiai Gmde, Chapter 19. 4. Recipient understands and agrees t6at it cannot use any federal funds, either directiy or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repeal, modificaAOa or adnQtion uf any 1aw, regulation or policy, at any (evel of govemment, without tUe express prior written approval of OJP. 5. Due to the substantial Federat involvement contemplated in completion of this project, t6e National Institute of Jusrice (NI.n hu elected to enter into a cotlperative agreement nther than a grnnt. T}us decision is based on NU's ongoing tesponsibiliTy to assist and coorclinate prpjects t6at deal wit6 DNA ana7ysis and capacity enhancement. NU wil] provide input and re-direction to the prog[am, as needed, in consultation with the Recipient, and will ac[ive(y moniwr the project by methods including but not l'vnited W ongoing contact vrith the Recipient. In meeting progammaRc responsibilities, NU and the Recipient will be guided by the foilowing principles: ResponsibiliTy for the day-to-day operaROas of this project rests with the Recipient in implementa[ion of Yhe Recipient's approved proposal, the RecipienYs budget (as approved by OJP and NS.�, and tFte terms and condinons specified in this award. Respoosibihty for geneml oversigh[ and redirection of the prqect, if necessary, resis with NLi, [n addirion to its progmmmatic reporling requirements, the Recipient agrees to provide necessary infomiation as requested by OJp and NII, 7'hese information requests atay indude, but are �ot limited to 5pecific submissions re�ated to: performance, including measwemen[ of project outputs/outcomes; mee[ing perfptmance specifications; developmental decision points; changes in project scope or personnel; budget modificarioqs and/oi coordinabon of related projects. 6. Unless otherwise authorized by NL(, expenses charged to this awazd must directly relate to: (s) idendficatioa, review, and prioritization ofUniform Crime Report (UCR), Part 1 Violent Cnme "cold cases" (cases £or wluch ail siguFicant invesUgative leads have been exhausted) ffiat have the potential ro be solved through DNA analysis; (b) idenpfication, collection, retdeval, or evalvation of biologicat evidence from such cxses that reasonably is expected to contain DNA; or (c) performance of DNA analyses on such biologicai evidence. OJPFORMG00p2(REV 488) \ ;• . , �t 6�-3�3 e`" . ' G, U"�.e Depamuent of lustice Office of Sustice Progzams National Insritute of 3ustice AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperai9ve Agreement PAGE i OF 6 PROIECTNUMBER 200].DN-BX-K018 AWARDDATE 09/ON200] SPECIAL CONDlIIONS 7. (a) Accreditalion andPrivacy Requirements; CODIS; No Research The Recipient shatt ensu=e that each DNA analysis conducrrd under ttsis awazd wi11 be perfoem� eithu (1) by accredited govemment-ovmed taboraYOries, or (2) through an accredited fee-for-se�vice vendor. 1'Le accreditaROo must be by a nonprofit professional association of pexsous ac4vely involved in foiensic science thaz is narionally reco�ized within ihe forensic science communiTy. The laboratory must undergo �temal audits noT less than once every 2 years that demonstrate compliance with the DNA Qualiry Assurence Standazds established by ihe D�rector of the FBI. 'I'he Recipieat shall maintain each DNA aoalysis conducted undec this awazd, a¢d each stoied DNA sample that Tesults from this award, m accordance with the privacy requirements and restricaons op disclosure described in 42 U.S.C. secUOn 14132(b)(3). The Recipient agrees to notify NLi immediately upon any change in the accreditation staNS of any of its forensic science labontories, if appiicable. The Recipie�t sFtat1 ensure tttat all eligibte forensic DNA pcofiLes o6tained with funding under titis awazd vritl be entered into the Combined DNA Index System (COD[S), and, where applicable, uploaded to the Nadonal DNA Index System (NDIS). The Recipient shall ensure that none of the funds provided under [his award are used for research or statisUCal projects or activiries as defwed by 28 CFR Pazt 22 or For research u defined by 28 CFR Part 4b. Any questions conceming Hus provision should be directed to t6e NLi Program Manager For the awazd. (b) Nonsupplanling of State or Local Funds 7'he Recipient shall ensare that Federet funds made available through this awazd wil] not supplant Siate or locai &nds, but instead will be used to increase the amount of funds that would, in the absence of Federnl funds, be available from State or local sources for activities funded through this award. The Recipient agrees to nofiFy NU immediately if ttie Recipieni receives new State or local funding for any of the purposes included in the approved application for this award (c) Data coliecrion The Recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluation efforts, or infrnmation or data collection requests, including but not limi[ed to, the provision of any informa5on required for the assessment or evaluafion of any activities within this project. 8. The recipien[ agrees to submit quarterly financiat status reports to the Office of JusRCe Programs using Standard Form SF 269A on the Intemet at https:i/gianis.ojp.usdoj.gov . Tnese reports shail be submitted on-line uot later tLan 4i days after the end of each calendar quartez. The final report shall be submitted not later Ihan 90 days following the end oF the grant period 9. The recipient shail suhmit semiannuat pmgces� reports, Pcogcess reports shatl be submitted within 30 days aRer the end of the reporting penods, which aze 7une 30 and December 31, for the life of the award These reporrs wil] be submitted to ihe Office of Jusdce Programs, on line-through the Intemet az https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/, O1P FORM 4000/2 (REV.6-88) J � D8 Deparmirnt of Justice - - OffceoflusticeProgams - NationalInstituteof Jnstice 4ROSECPNUMSEA 2007-DN-SXdC018 AWARD CONTINUATION SIiEET Cooperative Agreement AWARDDATE 09fM✓2007 SPECIAL CONDT170NS PAGE 4 DF 6 10. The Recipient shall submit a report within 90 days of the end of [he awazd period that, at a minimum, (I) includes a summary and assessmeni of the progam carried out w�th the funds made available under Ihis Fiscal Year 2007 award and (2) cites the number of additional violent crime cotd cases reviewed for DNA evidence, the n�ber of such cases In wlilch Motogicai evidence stili existed, the number subjected to DNA analysis, the number that yielded DNA profiles, Yhe number of resulting profiles rnfered inW CODIS, and ihe number of CODIS hirs as a result of ihe Fiscal Yeaz 2007 awazd. The Recipient shall ensure that ait data and informalion necessary for the repoxt is collected thmughout the awazd period 11. Patents and Invennons. The clauses ffi 37 C.F.R section 401.14 (Wgether, the "Patents Rights Clause") aze incorpota[ed hy reference, wiih Ihe following modifications (l) Where italicized, the tersns "contract," "co�hactor;' and "contrac8ng officer" aze replaced, respectivelg by the temvc "aw�d,"'awazd recipient," and "OJP program maqager"; (2) Patent Rights Clause paragraph (� is modified by adding the following at the end: "(5) The award recipient agrees to provide a report prior to the ciose out of the awazd lisring all subject inventions or staiing that there were none. (� The awazd recipient agrees to provide, upon request, the filing date, patent applicafion number and tiUe; a copy of the pateni application; and patent number and issue date for any suU,}ect invenlion in any counlry in wluch the awazd recipient haz applied for a patent"; (3) Patent Rights Clause paragaph (g) is modi5ed to read as follows: "(g) Subawards and Subcontncts "The awazd recipient will �nclude this Patent Rights Clause, suitably modified to identi£y t6e paities, in all subawacds and subcontracts, regazdless of tier, for experimental, developmental, or research work. The subawazd recipient or subcqnhactoc wilt xetain ali dghrs provided foc+he award cecipient in this clause, and ihe awacd ceciQient will not, as a part of the consideration for awazding the subawazd or subcontracy obtain rights in the subaward recipient's oz subcontractor's subject imenfions.' ; and (4) Patent Rights Clause pacagiaph (I) is modified w read as follows: "(I) Communicatio�s "Cc� u��urica�or,s on rr,atten reinting m mis Faze¢[ Iughts Clause should be direc[ed to Che Genexal Counsel, Oti�ice of Justice Progtazns, United States Depattment of Justice.". With respectta any suUject invention in wtuch the awazd recipien� or a subawardcecipient or su6conuactor, retains title, the Federal go�emmen[ s6a11 have a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license W pzac6ce or have pracliced for or on be6aif of Ne United Siates ihe subject invention tku�oughout the world 12. The recipient shall transmit W the gapt monitor copies of all official gcan4related psess releases az least ten (10) working days prior to pubtic release. Advance nolice pecmiu fime for coordination of release of infotmahon by NLi where appropriate and to respond to pmss or public inquities. OJPFORM4000/2(REV 4-88) . �8� 3�3 4. ou.A� �} Depaztment af Justice Office of 7usrice Pro�ams NationalInstitute of .IUSIiCE AWA.RD CONT'INUATION SHEET PAGE 5 OF 6 PAO]ECS'NUMB£R 2007AN-BX-K018 Cooperative Agreement AWARDDATE �Af062Wi SPECIAL CONDITTONS 13. TLe Project Director and key progmm pexsonnel desiguated iu the apptiption shall be replaced only for compeiling reasons and wiit� iLe concunence of OJP. OIP witl not unreasonably withhold concacrence. NI successoxs to key pecsonne! must be appro�ed, and such approval is contingrnt upon submission of appropriate �nformatiou, including, but not limited to, a resume. Changes in other progrhm personnel tequue only nofiScaeon to OJP and submission o£ resumes, unless othenvise designated in the awazd dowment. 74. 1'he Recipient agrees to Comply vrith all Federnl, State, and local environmental laws and regilarions applicable [o the development and implementation of the activities to be funded under this awazd Cate�*orical Exclusions: Based upon t6e inFormarion provided by ihe Recipient in rts applicahon for these funds, NSS hu determined and the Recipient undeistands that the proposed activilies meet Ihe definilion of a categorical exclusion, as deSned in the Departmen[ of Justice' Ptocedures for ImplemenUng the Naiional Environmentat Policy Act found at 28 CFR Part 61. A categorical exclusion is an action that because of the proposed activities' very limited and prediclab(e potential enviroumental impacfs, both on an individuai and a cumulative basis, does not have a sig¢ificant impact on the qualiTy of the human environment Consequently, no further environmeatal impact �alysis is necessazy under tt�e requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, A2 U.S.C. 4321, for these categorically excluded acRVities. Modifications: "Chroughout the tertn of this award, the Recip�ent agrees that for any activifies d�at are the subject of this categorical exclusion, it will infoxm NIS of any change(s) that it is Considering making to the previously assessed acrivities tfiat may be relevant to the enviroomrnial impacts of the activities. The Recipient will not implement a proposed change unN NU, witl� the assistance of the Recipient, has completed any applicable environmental impact review tequirements necesstated by the proposed change and NLi has concucred i¢ rhe proQosed change. This approval will not be unreasonably witLhetd as lang as any reques[ed modifica[ion(s) is consistent with eligible progrem purposes and found acceptable under an NU conducted environmental unpac� review process. 15. Recip3ent acknowledges that the Office ofJusece Prog�nms reserves a royatty-&ee, non-exclusive, and ilrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and authorize others to use (in w6ole or in part, inciuding in connection with derivafive works), for Fedeial putposes: (1) the copytight in any work developed under an awazd or subaward; and (2) any righis of copyright tA which a recipient or su6recipicnt pucchases ownership with Fedecal suppoa. Recipient actmowledges tha[ the Office of Justice Progrems has the right w(1) obtain, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use fhe data first produced under an award or subaward; and (2) authorize othecs to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such data for Fedeml puiposes. It is the responsibility of the recipient (and of each subrecipient, if applicable) to eusure that this condiGon is included m any subawazd under ihis awazd ] 6. To assist in inforsnatlon sharing, the gantee shail pmvide the g�ant manager with a copy of all interim and final repor[s and proposed publicadons (including those plepazed For conferences and other presentadons) resuiting from tLis agreement Submission of such materials prior to or sunuitaneous with their public release aids NU in responding to a¢y inquiries that may arise. Any publications (writtea, visual, or sound) - excluding pcess releases and newsLettecs - whether published at the gcantee's or govemmenfs expense, shall contain the following sta[ement: This project was supported by Award No. awazded by the National Insfitute of Justice, Office of Susrice Progrnms, U.S. Depazhnent of Sustice. The opinioas, findings, and conclusions or recommendations espressed in this publication/progrem/e�ibi¢on are those of the author(s) and do not necessazily reflect those of ihe Depaznuent of Sustice. MJ defines publicatlons as any planned, written, visval or saund materiai subsffinlively based on the project, foimatly prepazed by the gzant recipient for disseminapon to rhe public. OJP FOBM 400Qr1(REV.488) 0�-3�3 Departmept of Iustice OH'ice ofJustice Programs - �`" NarionalInstituteof Justice AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement PAGE 6 OF 6 -- - - -�---- PRO]EC7NUMgpt 20D9-DN-BX-K018 AWARDDATE 09/Ofi2p07 -- — � — ' � � ' � — SPECIAL CONDI770NS I7. Pursuant to 28 C.F.R Part 18, OIP may suspend or temunate funding under this award, az any tixne before ihe complerion of the project fimded by this award, for ihe iecipienYS faiWce to comply with these special conditions or with the projeczs goals, plans and methodology set forth in fhe approved applicarion. Ihe recipient wit] be unable to draw down funds until OJP determines that the recipient is in compliance. 18. The Recipient may mt commence acfiviUes under this award, and may not to obLigate, expend or dcaw down any funds, unlil: (a) the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, O�ce of Jusfice Programs, has issued clearance of the application budget and budget nairntive; (b) NI7 has vertfied that the RecipienPS proposed use of funds meets the requiremrnts set forth m the progrnm amiouncement and in tttis award; and (c) a Gra¢t Adjustrnent Nolice (GAt� has been issued removing this condition. OJP FORM 40002 (REV.45a) � :; $���" OfSce of the Assistant Attomey Genernl September 6, 2007 Commander Tssnoihy Lynch City Of Sain[ Paul Police Department 367 Grove Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Deaz Cammac�der Lynch: Department of Jas�ce Office of Justice Progrnras Waskmgors, D.C. 20531 � q D8-3�,3 /„ N lL/ ��� � On behatf of AKOmey Generzl Alber[o Gonzales, it is my pleasute to infocm you that the Office of 7usbce pxogrems has approved your applicano� for funding under the Solving Cold Cases with DNA Solicitation in the amount of $259,977 for C�ty Of Saint Paul Police Deparhnent. This fitnding is for the project 6tled, "Sotving Cold Cases wi[h DNA." Encbsed you will Fmd the Gran[ Award and Special Condidons documents. TFus award is subject [o ait adtninistrative and financial requirements, including the timely submission of all financial and programmatic reports, resolution of al{ intenm audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum level of cashon-ha�d. Should you not adhere to ihese requimmenis, you will be m violation of the tenns of this agreement and Ihe award will be subject [o temvnazion for cauu or other adminiskatrve action as appcopriaze. If you have questions regazding this awazd, please contact: Progrnm Questions, Chazles Heurich, Progrnm Manager a[ (202) 616-9264; and Financial Quesfions, the Office of the Comptroller, Customer Service Centez (CSC) at (800) 458-0786, or you may contact the CSC ai uk.oc@usdoj.gov. Congratulahons, and we look fonvazd to working with you, Sincerety, �- � � J � d � ' Regina B. Schofield Assistan[ Attomey General Enc(ozures _/� � �`1�' ��` ��'�>�' � � ��3�G3 �� � ?c Department oi3ustice Office of Sustice Programs Office for Civil Rigpts _'_" _—_ __ __'_ ___ __' __ _ ___ '_ ____Wmhing�on.AE 105}�_ _ ___ _ "'_ September 6, 2007 Commander Timothy Lynch Ciry Of Saint Paul Potice Department 367 Grove Street Saint Paul, NIN 55101 Deaz Mr. Lynch: Congrarula[ions on your iecent awazd Ln esfablishing financiat assisfance programs, Congress linked the receipc of Fedezal funding to compliance with Federal civil rights laws. The Office for Civii Righfs (OCR), Office of Justice Pro�ams (OJP), U.S. Depar[ment oFJustice is responsible for ensunng that recipients of financial aid from OJP, its component offices and bureaus, the Office on Violence Against Women (OVV�, and the Office of Community Onented Policing Services (COPS) comply with applicable Federn( civii ngh4s statutes and regulatioas. We at OCK aze avaita6le to help you and your orgauization meet the civil rights requuements thaz come with Iustice Department funding. Ensuring Access to Federally Aasisted Pragrams As you know, Federal laws prohibit recipients of financiai assistance from discriminazing on the basis of nce, color, national origin, reLgioq sex, or disability in funded programs or activiries, not only in respect to employment practices but atso in the delrvery of services or benefits. Fedeial law also prohibits funded progmms or activiGes from discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery of se[vices or benefits. Providing Services to Limired EnglisH Proficiency (1,EP) Individuals In accordance with Deparhnent of JusUCe Guidance pertaining to Titie VI of the Civil Rights Act oF 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 200�d, recipients of Fede21 financial assishance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs and activifies for persons vrith limited English proficiency (LEP). For more informafion on the civil aghts cesponsibilities that recipients 6ave m providing lan�age service5 W LBP individuals, plea5e see the website az http://wwwlep.gov. Ensuring Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organization5 The Depar�ent of Justice has pubiished a regttla[ion specifically per[aining to the funding of faith-based organizations. In geneial, the regulation, Pariicipation in Justice Deparhnent Programs by Religious Organizations; Providing For Equat Treatrnent of all Iustice Departrnent Prog[aztt Participants, and lmqwn as the Equal Trea4nent Regulafion 28 C.F.R. part 38, requires Shte Adminisiering Agencies to treat these organizations the same as any other applicant or recipient The tegu(atton pmhibits State Administering Agencies from making awazd or grant administration decisions on the basis of an organization's relig�ous character or affiliation, religious name, or the retigious composition of its boazd of ditectors. The regulation also probibits faith-based organizations from using financiai assistance from the Department of Iushce to fund mherently religious activities. While faith-based organizatioos can engage in non-funded inherendy religious activides, they must be held sepazately from the Depariment of Justice funded progam, and customeis or beneficiaries cannot be compelied to participate in them. The Equal Treatment Regulation atso makes clear that organizations pazticipating in programs funded by the Departrnent of 7ustice aze not pemutted to discriminate m the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. For more infoimaUOn on the regulation, please see OCR's website at http;//www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/ettbo.hmi. b8� 3�3 State Admimstering Agencies and faith-based organizatio� shouid also note thatifie Safe SKeets Act, as amended; the Victims of Crime Act, u amended; and ffie Juvenile Juslice and Delinqueuty Prevention Act, as amend�, contain pmhibiaons agains[ disc[imination on the buis of celi8on in employment TLese employment provisioas have been specifically incorpotated inw 28 C.F.R Part 38.1(� apd 382(�. Coasequently, in maay circ¢mstances, it would be impecmissible for faiih-based organi.�tions seeking or receiving funding authorized by t6ese snmtes to have policies or prutices tLat condition hiring and odier employment-related decisions on t6e ___ _ ___ Ieligioa of applicants or cmplo�ees. Programs subject to these oondiscnmination provisions may be fouud on - — OCR'swebsiteatbttpl/www.ojp.usdoj.govlocr/. QuarionsabouttheleguletionorlaeslatutestLatprohibit� -----�-- -- -- -�- — -- - discrimination in employmeat may be directed W this Office. Enforcing Civ7 Rights Laws All recipients of Federal5nancial assistance, regardless of the particWaz funding source, the amount of ihe g[ant awazd, or the number of employees in the workforce, aze subjeM to the prokubitlons against unlawful discrimination. Accordingly, OCR investigates recipients that are the subject of discamination complaints from boiki individuals and groups. In addiaon, based on regilatory criteria, OCR selects a number of recipients each year for compliance reviews, audis Ynat require recipiems to submit data showing that they aze pmviding service5 equitably to all segments of their service population and �hat t6eir empbyment prac[ices meet equal empioyment oPPorNniCy standazds. Complying witH the Sefe Streeks Act or Program Requirementa in addition to these general prohibitions, an organization which is a recipient of financial assistance subject to the nondiscrimination provisions of the Omnibus Crime Contml and Sa£e Streets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c), or other Federal grant program requizements, must meet two additional requiremenis:(t) complying with Federnl cegularions pertaining to the development of an Equal Employmeni Opportunity Plan (EEOP), 28 C.F.R § 42.301-308, and (2) submitting to OCR Findings oFDiscrimination (see 28 C.F.R. §§ 422a5(5) ac 3L202(5)� ]) Meeting t6e EEOP Requirement In accordance with Federa( regulafions, Assurance No. 6 in tt�e Standard Assurnnces, COPS Assurmce No. 3.B, or cer[ain Federal grant progiam requirements, your organization must comply with the foliowing EEOP reporting requirements: If your organization has received an awazd for $50Q000 or more and k�as 50 or more employees (countlng both full- and part-time employees but escluding political appointees), then it has to prepare an EEOP and submit it to OCR for review within 60 days from the dace of this letter. For assistance in developing aa EEOP, please consult OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov(ocdeeop.hhn. You may aiso request technical assistance finm an EEOP specialist at OCR by dialing (202) 6163208. If your organization received an award between $25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or more emptoyees, your organization still has to prepare an EEOP, but it does not have to submit the EEOP to OLR for review. Iastead, yow organizaAOn 6as to maintain the EEOP on file azxi make it available for review on request. In addition, your organizaHon has to complete Section B of [he Certification Foim and reNm it to OCR The Certification Form can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/oa/eeop.htrn. If your organization received an awazd for less tBan $25,OQ0; or if your organization has less than 50 employees, regazdless of the amount of the awazd; or if your organizarion is a medical institution, educafional ins[itution, nonprofi[ organization or Indian tribe, then your organization is �empt from tk�e EEOP requirement. Howe�er, your organization must complete Sectian A of the Certificarion Foim and ceturn it to OCR. The Crnificntion Focm can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. 2) Sabmitting Findings of Discrimination In the event a Federal or State court or Federal or State administraave agency makes an adverse finding of discriminaaon against your organization after a due procus hearing, on the gromd of rnce, color, reli�on, narionat origin, or sex, your organiaarion must submit a copy of the finding to OCR for review. otS- 3 cl3 Ensaring tLe Compliance oi Subrecipients If yoiu ocganizadoa makes sabawacds W othez agencie5, you ace tespunsibte for assi¢ing that subrecipients also comply with all of ihe applicable Federal civil rights laws, inciud"mg the requirements perhaining to developing ac�d submitting ao EEOP, reporting Findings of Discriminatioo, and providing language services to LEP persons. State agencies that make subawards must have in piace standard gant assutances and xeview procedures to __ _ _ _ —_ — demoast2te that they ue eff_ecqvely monitoring the civil �ts com�ance of sub�ec�ients.,_ _ . _. — __ ___ __ - __ - — — - If we can assist you in any way in fulfilling your civil rights responsibilities as a recipient of Federzl funding, please call OCR ac (202) 307-0690 or visit our website az hup://www.o}p-usdoj.epv/ocd. Sincexely, �n�-/ a. �---- Michael L. Alston Di2ecWt ca GrentManager Fipancial Analyst �'3�f� _ Department of Justice ` �' Office of Justice Programs Nationallnstilute ofJustice Washingron. D.0 20531 Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Chazles Heurich, Program Manager Subject: Categoricai Exclusion for City Of Saint Paul Police Department The Recipient agrees to comply with all Federal, State, and iocal environmental laws and regularions applicable to the development and implementarion of the activiries to be funded under this award. Categorical Exclusions: Based upon the information provided by the Recipient in its applicafion for these funds, NU has determined and the Recipient understands that the proposed activities meet the definition of a categorical exclusion, as defined in the Department of Jusrice' Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act found at 28 CFR Part 61. A categorical exclusion is an action that because of the proposed activities' very l'united and predictable potential environmental impacts, both on an individual and a cumularive basis, does not have a significant impact on the quality of the hutnan environment. Consequently, no fiirther environmental impact analysis is necessary under the requitements of the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, for these categoricaIly excluded activi6es. Modifications: Throughout the tertn of this award, the Recipient agtees that for any activiries that are the subject oF this categorical exolusion, it will infozm NU of any change(s) that it is considering making to the previously assessed activities that may be televant to the environmentai impacts of the activifles. The Recipient will not implement a proposed change unril NU, wiffi the assistance of the Recipient, has completed any applicable environmental impact review requirements necessitated by the proposed change and NLT has concurred in the proposed change. This approval will not be unreasonably withheld as long as any requested modificarion(s) is consistent with eligible program purposes and found accepfable under an NIS conducted environmental impact review process. �-3u3 Depurment of Iustice GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDIJM� PT. I: ot��ofJ�riur�og�s PROJECT SL3MNIARY Natioaal Insrtitute of Jusrice Cooperative Agreement fF.OJECtNUMSER PAGE i OF 1 2007-DN-BX-K018 77us projeCt is supporced wda F1'07(NU - DNP✓Foxensics) Pub. L. No. I lU-5, emb, sas. 101-104; Pub. L. No. 109-108, 119 Stat 2290, 2302; 28 USC 530C i. STAFE COiJTACT (Name & ulephone number) 2. PRO7EC1' DI[tECfOR (Name, address & tetephove numbcr) CLarlesHe�mcL TimotfiyLynch (202) 616-9264 Senior Commsnder-Hom�ciduCrime LsbPrope*ty 367 Grove Srceet Saint Paul, MN 55101 (6S1)266-55t0 3a TLLLE �F THE PROGRAM � 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSIRUCISONS M] FY 07 Solving Cold Cases With DNA ON REVERSE) 4. TTTLE OF PRO7ECT SPPD Cold Case Una Gtant 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANfEB 6. NAME & ADRESS OF SUBGRAN'fEE City Of Saint Paul Police Depamnent 367 Crrove Sueet Sainx Paul, MN SSID 1 7. PROGRAM PERIOD 8. BUDGEf PERIOD FAOM� 05/01/2008 TO: 1N31/2009 PROM: 65fOV2008 TO: 50/31f2009 9. AMOUM OF AWARD 10. DATE OF AWARD $ 259,977 04l�62007 ❑. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET L. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 13. TI3II2D YEAR'S BUDGET PERI09 1a. THSAD Y£AR'S BUIIGEL AMOUNT 15. SUMNGIRY DESCRIP'CION OF PROIEC'C (See inswcuon w reverse) Thc Sc Paul Police Departtnevt will use this grant funding to establish a Cotd Case Umt wder the direcaon oftLe Semor Cmnmander. The Unit w�➢ review unsolved / cold case homicides for ihe last 35 yeazs (approximately 104 unsolved cases) ro dereanine whetha evidrnce exists r6at could yie7d DNA. The Sergeant w�tl submit any evidence m the MN Bureau ofC[iminal Apprehensiovs BCA) DNA Lab for rosring, and do any follow up investigaxion on [hase cases wiN viable DNA evidence. The Cold Case �mit woWd also uelize the funding ro Lrte retired Homicide invesngatoisto condmt casereviews, Socate evidencec+ith DNAiwtential, submicevidenceto cbe MN BG Iab (where allowa6le), and covduct ream mv�ews of cases. ca/ncf OJY FORM 4UVUl1l�v. o-36) D8-3c�3 i��7-�i�-1a�1 S�. ��Z:l �r�ee � ea�d ��se ��� I� - - Program Narrative - 1. Abstract: t i ne grant iunding wiii ne used to estabiish a Coin i,ase i mit in ihe iiomicide vni2 of the 5t. Paul PoIice Department under +.he direcfion of the Senior Commander. We will �'li:c a i:liiieZ� S8:�o2Li i�vi�l S 7:13:litTiliffi Gi iEF.t yZ4iS �:i�2ic..�i:.�c ?S a"L C��', :*i� Si i�t three years as an investigator, to review unsolved ! cold case homicides for the last 35 years (appro�mately 104 unsolved cases) to detemiine wheiher evidence exisis ihat could yield DNA evidence. The Sergeant would submit any evidence to the MN Bureau of �riminal Apprehensions (BCA} I�iNA Lab ior iesting, and do any follcw uy investigarion on those cases with viabie itNA evidence. Z'�70 i Oi2i �3SE llllli WOtI�a 8i50 US8 SOTYi� Oi �'i8 iu�i�'iitg i0 iiuc i2ui2u �i6iuiCiuB investigators as consultants on an hourly basis to conduct case reviews, locate evidence with DNA potential, submit evidence to the MN BCA Lab (where allowable), and conduct team reviews of cases. St. Paul has 13 recen�ly refired (in the last 7-8 years) homicide investigators with a wealth of knowledge and experience that would greatly increase our capabilities to soive old, cold homicides. Some of these investigators have knowledge of these old cases, and srill have informant contacts with the "piayers" from the time periods azound tiie iaomicides, which we believe couid help greatiy in soiving and charging these cold cases. If the Sergeant and retired investigator group finish the review of the homicide cases and investigations prior to the expiration of the grant period, they would also review and in�restigate nnsolved aggravated assaizlt cases ?nvolving-a gun (wi_th DNA evidence) for the past four years (a total of 533 cases) with the goal of redueing gun violence in St. Paul by chazging and incarcerating the most active violent gun criminals in St. Paul. Funding would provide a dedicated Cold Case computer with access to all our databases and our report writing sofiware package to allow the critical functions ofreport writing and updating old files to prepare them for prosecurion. Additional funds would be iravel and traiuiug related to Cold Case investigation and DNA evidence. Finally, we wi11 work closely with the MN BCA DNA Lab, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office, the Ramsey County Medical Examiner's office, and the Victim Intervention Program Incorporated to insure tilat these cold cases aze cazeiully reviewed in concert with ourpartners to bring these cold cases to closure and prosecution. �' _ _ �.. f BafC 6{ �Ci'i�Qu�S A. Main narrative, including items "a" tnrough "d" B. Appendixes, including items "e" through "k" C. 4 aftached lefters of support from parmer agencies �. G fl�'3Ch.P.� sf�- E. Attach� list cf 19 retired Hcmicide Betectives F. Required forms ("k'� in "other attachments" , 3. Narra�ve Maiu Body a. Pv:pase, goals and abiectives '£he purpose of starting a Cold Case Unzt in the St. Pau1 Police Department is to solve "old, cold" homicides by reviewing ail 104 onen homicides from the last 35 years using DNA evidence as the catalyst for the decision to move forward with an investigation. If the homicide cases get completely reviewed, and all DNA evidence is submitted for testing, and homicide investigafions are completed, then the remaining funds would be used to work on "fresh" aggravated assault with guns (2003-2006 — approximately 533 cases) having DNA evadence (should the funding and grant period allow after the homicide cases aze compieted) with the overall objective of making St. Paul saier by charging ar.d iacarceratiz:g 3ange:�:as perserLs �ha havP co�stte� �tr3er z_-�d aggravated assa�.�lts with guns. We know that DNA evidence is powerful. It can cause suspects to confess, juries to convict, and families to both gain hope and accept investigatory results. The Iviinnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (IvIN BCA) has a top notch DNA Iab, and in addition to the standazd PCR testing, it is one of the few labs in the country with mitochondrial DNA testing capabilities. We know that in some cold homicide cases, the evidence may be very slim or deteriorated, and mitochondriai DNA may be the onty auenue available to identify a suspect. We are fortunate to have this capability on a couple ofmiles away , from our unit, and feel confident that we haue access to the latest technology through the BCA DNA Lab which wi11 help in our effort to solve old cold homicides. A secondary goal is to provide closure for affected family members of homicide victims (and gun assault vicrims, should the funding a11ow). We receive calls on an aimost daily basis from surviving relatives asking for our help in finding out who killed their loved ones, and asicing us to bring Ene guiiiy to jusiice. The Victim intervention �rogram Incorporated (VIP� was fot:nded at the St. PaLl PaIice Department in 1995 and serves svrviving-fasnily_membersDfShe victims ofhomicide, snicide, and accidental death. They constanfly receive requests to ask us to reopen cold homicide cases. We simply do not have the resources to respond to all these requests, many of which invoive cold case homicides. A dedicated Cold Case Unit with a focus on DNA evidence would greafly help us to serve the citizens affected by fhese tragedies, and heip VIPI to serve these families by giving them equal doses of hope and resolufion. 2 ��3�3 --- ,-- -- It :s otLL expect�o� ihai �isistg DNA tes' as a;�a�e�stone _fcr : old case �vesfi gatiens -- will also iesult in some suspecfs being exonerated or cleared oi suspicion in some cases, wluch we feel is also a valuable and important function that BNA tes�ing provides. It not only removes suspicion, but also helps us refocus our investigative eiforts, and consider aitemative suspects and theories which may help in solving these violent erimes. T'sus �rec�s ?�so he?ps cru i`,i`i auti v:u u�&uilCii� =3iIl I.°.S�P�."� ^uII'� 2'?:�1tiCIl.'.1 C:�riihilit� in the community. We are lucky to have a mosfly supporCve community, but there aze some u azeas and groups that simnly do not believe the police aze serving the best interests of � some of the community. DNA cold case evidence is powerful in helping to insure that we get th_e right suspects and helps restore faith in the police an the community. Our ultimate gaal is to get the City Council and Mayor to see the ualue of a Cold Case Ura± and fiand it ir the ?olice Dep�� base budget. We believe that with a few successes, that goal will be attainable. If the City admiiustrafion does not fund the continuation of the unit after the funding neriod has run out, we will ask the Chief to fund the posi6on within his budget to continue the work. In any case, we will have seen and used many investigative techniques in the Homicide Unit which will be of value in the fi�ture when we endeavor to work cold cases. We have worked several cold cases in the past, one of our unit members flas attended the Re�onal Coid Case Training put on by DOJ, and we conrinue to work towards having all the staff trained in how to work cold case homicides to make thexn expert at cold case investigation as well as increase tlieir skil? leve? i:� ce4d��c+.ira a. and agg�avzted assault inves�ga±ier�. :;. Revdew af : elee�a:at �ite: a±�rre The NU Report "Using BNA to Solve Cold Cases" published in 20Q2, and the BJA Bulletin "Cold Case Sguads: Leauing No Stone Untiuned" pubiished in 2G03 aze bou'� -- — - valuable resources in preparing to start a cold case sguad. The case for using DNA to � work cold cases is cleazly and forcefully made in those publications. A good, non- technical explanation of how DNA "works" and advancements in the field is given in the 2002 publication. Several practical suggestions are given on now io nnd and use resources outside of the traditional law enforcement community are noted in the 2003 publication. The value of DNA evidence cannot be overstated when considering cold case homicides as well as other coid case crimes. ivlany of ihe chatieages fo: a cold case squad are also addresseci in both of these pubIicafions. All of the staff (including the Senior Commander) in the St. Paul Police Homicide i3nit 113VE 3LCCRQP.Q �OT' Wltl �13VE 3�EllQCQ Dy �IC CIl�t Gi J iIIlE t",��'/7j Z'��iiS.iiil �iP.v°�.1"�iu'S D22C� " Hamicide Investigation �er.inar ��d have read h?s " Practicat FIomicide Investieation: Tactics, P-rocedures and Forensic Techniaues" textbook, either the 2 or 4�` edition �_ depending on when they attended the class. This c2ass and book have a wealth of investigative tips and techniques which anply to cold case investigation. Basic homicide investigato.y techniques are in the book along with many sldlls znd tips gleaned from his 40 years of experience and over eight thousand homicide investigarions. In St. Paul, we �"3�3 consider G berth's book as a very valuabie resotiT: :, — some investi�ators, both here aad ia c4her ageuc�es, ��ve refer�sd ie ii as i�e "�o�iei�?e T�ible". -- -- -- -- - More recenf pubIications inciude Richard Walton's new book "Cold Case Homzcides: Practical Tnvesti¢ative Techniques" published in 2006. Fiis focvs is specincaliy on cold case homicides. The first parE of the book deals with the working of cold case int�_c?iagtiCnc� �c_'• t3�c �c=!; ui.ii��ui �cii��'ieS Oi Su.:.C�::.�5 2^4� .TM..°,*�'03S R�hiCh ,r,an he used. There is clear va?ne in not attempting to *nake eve_ryone $t the same "one size fits all" system to do this tyoe of worlc� One point from the book showed his experience in cold case homicide investigation— he states that not only does a coid case investigator have to have an open mind and be careful about accepting prior theories put forth by the original investiga±ors, but 2?so the co7d case investigator must be awaze of the concept of "framing" which is when an �riginal detective may nave wri±ten a report in a manner which suppo*_ts h�s own theory of the erime. Walton's book is a valuable one £or the cold case detective, as well as the current homi cide detecrive. In " Justice Servetl Cold: The Nation's First Of&cial Cold Case Squad Teaches the Bad Guvs 'T'hat There's no Statute of Limitations on Murder" published in Police magazine in October 2004, t1�e author Ramesh Nyberg covers the first "official" cold case squad —the "Pending Case Squad" in the Miami Homicide Unit later dubbed the "Cold Case Squad" by a reporter. 'I`he unpetus for this squad was the death of an innocent 9 yr old girl raped and shot to death in her bed. The squad decided to work the case fill it was solved. The szme gro=.:� of de±s�v�s ��as ass=_gned to work together on some other cases that o�her teams could not work due to *_he press of work. "r'he cold case unit became a reaIity, and letters began to came in �em inmates znd zr.�y ex- wives and g+slfriends. Several cases were solved thzough these methods and some were solved from tips from retired homicide detecrives. This helped in our consideration to use retired homicide 3etectives from St. Paui in our proposed coId case unit. T"nis article may have a soiriewhat overly - - optimisfic view of what can be done, but is inspiring in its success stozies. --- In the February 2005 issue of the FBI Law Enforcement Builetin, an article by Vivian L,ord titled "Implementina a cold case homicide unir a chalien�in� task" f1 auihor outlines a number of issues involved in establishing a cold case unit. Some of those involved prosecutorial challenges, a lack of resources and the prioritizafion, selecrion, review of cases, analysis of evidence, and even the structure oi tha ar�it. She s`,ates the unit 3s still undergoing revision, but is moving forward in the pursuit oi justice. It apgeazs to be a balanced view of the challenges in starting a cold case unit. Ei recent ar�icie, "i.oid Case i owbovs" by 3oe Treer, pub;isued ;u �: e 1V�ay/� ��e 2QQ7 issue of t'�e At`zP.P magazine (I know — it provided a laugh for our bosses too) provided some_of the iaspiration for the structure and ideas in this grantproposal. Douglas County, Oregon formed a cold case squad with retire3 homicide investigators. They solved three cases, and aze working on their fourth. Other police deparfinents have modeled tkeir cold case units on this exau�ple, and we felt the idea had merit, and fhat we could try some form of it in St. Paul on a paid basis at first, with the goal of either getting to a volunteer investigaYor crew, or having the city recognize the value of the squad and fund the costs 4 08- 3�r3 in our base budget. Some of the ideas in �he article were mirrored ia the twa goverament ___ p�blica�o�, a;,d so�e we:e �ew a.- �'�'.ffer�t. We haue a lot ef hepe far "�e i�eas a•^.3 theories put forth in the article, and hope to be able to fry them out inSt Pau1. --- " We know there are many other sources and resources available, even including the ,watching of the television show "Cold Case Files" on the "A & E" network that can help � t��° �� �P/`,�� i�a F �RI l MPC 11 {i l.lp«. M � w$ uv�Y' �4u v�(�iauuL w � ..� .`ei ir��_� ..� f_J WPi�? �QS 11i jll(�lLivlt:$ Pi'St'i.V'v_c� and how to overco�e theia to get the case finished and suspe.,�t charged, but time a.nd sgace in thTS �GnYl ica±ion l,�;t our ability to cover additional resources. . �,, im r��g Qt:r glan is fzirly snr_p1e. We w?11 hire a Sergeant / Investi�ator with at least tea years experier.ce as a polic� officer �ad a r_:ir.im�,zm ef thsee �ears as an investigator to lead the investigative effort. We will do extensive work to make sure that the appropriate person is hi*�� fo: ±be gesi??en. "I'he Sen_ior C�mmander and the entire Homicide Ilnit will have input into the process to insure we hire the best person for the job. We will explore the best praetices for e�sting cold case units, and find out what type of person thrives in the difficult environment of cold case investigations. We will make sure this person has a good knowledge of DNA and evidence, supervisory experience, and we will provide training both within and outside the Homicide Unit, to insure this person is qualified to review cases, locate and submit DNA evidence, supervise stafi, work homicide cases, and pu:sue c.'�.zrges ;��.k.eae�e: Ycssib?e. The mosi iike2y scenaro is tt we V✓it: hire a cu.-rent sergeaat �ora with.in the St. Paa�l Palice Department and get City Council apgroval to raise our authorized complement df Sergeants to insure that supplanting does not occur. That has been a routine matter in the past when funding has come for specific positions. VII'I and Executive Director Margazet McAbee have had great success in getting and maintaining cooperation from families of both victims and suspects. Her help has been invaluable in getting critical information and cooperafion from victims' families which has moved many of our cases to successful prosecution and convietion. All homicide investigators know that cooperation of families and witnesses can make or break a case and is one reason our homicide cIearance rate in St. i�au7 is much iugher rchan the national average. We believe that VIPI will add a lot to our Cold Case Unit because of their people skills, and their record of keeping faznilies and witnesses on our side during the difficult investigations and prosecutions that will result from these cold case � investigations. The Cold Gase-Unitwil� be esiablished andhoused in the St. Paul Police Homicide Uni� - - — - -- - -- pace e�sts to house an additional three to four full time investigators, so a new work cubicle with a new dedicated computer for the new Sergeant will be easy to add. The Sergeant will (with the assistance ofthe Homicide Un:t secreta�ry) catalog and set up each cold case homicide with our new standard "Murder Sook" format, and make case files for each cold case homicide. _ 08 - 3cy3 __ _dae have a pooi oi ai�eteeu recenuy : e�red ko�icide. �^. �es�gate:s s�me �:` ��?:o� we expect will be very interested in coming back and wozking coldhomioide cases. We have spoken to several, and they have been enthusiastic about the concept of a cold case unzt, and their possible role in the unit Severat desks are open which will be available for retired investigators to use along with departmental networked computers to assist in their ��::.°.WS 2::.^'. l::V.°.Sug2fiCIIS. T;fa�3: pf t_'._�r_PC� _@hr� ir V85�!a?.iG_S �•,'O�a.2u uiiti� i.�il� legenua.y retire3 SPPD Ho�ieide Unit Commznder 3oe Corco:an who founded VIPI and es+abl�she�rhe practice of having "murder meetings" in the unit. Even though eaeh hom?cide case has a lead investigator who is resnonsible for the case, there is also a se: ond invesrgator assigned as baekup, and in some cases a third investigator is ass?gned if a case is very complex, or::as too much wo:k for two u�vestiaators. Carn�audez r'orcor� star±� hav;ng "�a,,zrder meetings" several hours after each mu:der — all Homicide Unit personnel attended the meetings, went over the facts of thP casP, e�Pred suggesfion� �nd theories about the case developed a task list, and assigned investigators to complete the tasks. Every investigator had a stake in every murder case. Commander Corcoran had tcvo years with 100% cleazance rates, and several years witb cleazznce rates in the high 90% range. We have re-instituted these meetings in the unit, and had a clearance rate of 81 % last year (still actively working several cases} and currently have 6 of our 9 homicides for 2007 solved wlth only a h homicide currently unsolved (but also being actively worked). We understand the concept of tea�wark in hc.-nicide cases, zr.3 so do atl of �: :4 re�re3 invest=�ters. vVe believ� this concept of teat� review cf:eo�ened cases with DNA evidence wiil work we11 to help move cases towards resolution. We will assign the Sergeant to catalog all the open homicide cases, and assign theru to retired investigators for review for the existence of evidence with DNt� potential. t�fter review, the Sergeant w?ll assign the cases that ha�e DNA potential for investigative follow up. Evidence will be located by the retired invesfigators. Search warrants may be required to gather some evidence, and the Sergeant will have responsibiliry for serving as the affiant on all search warrants. Evidence will then be submitted to tfie BCA ior tesring (BCA may require the evidence to be tiuned in by an active officer, so the Sergeant may end up with that duty, but we aze exploring the possibility o£restoring the active Peace Officers Standazds anii 1 raining (POST) Boarci iicenses oi the rerired invesfigators ("deputizing" them if possible), but in any case we wiil have a procedure in piace whatever the requirements of the BCA and the POST Boazd.) After evidence is Iocated and submitted, team case reviews will be conducted to plan strategy for the case work. The Sergeant will kava cases assigned to hi�-� or her to investigate as well, in co?isultation with the Senior-Commander and-the-Homicirie Unitstaff: Team case reviews will be conducted on all cases with potenfial DNA evidence. Tlte open homicide cases wiIl be reviewed first for DNA potential. All potentiai BNA evidence will be locate@, collected (including the use of seazch raan and sub�itted to the BCA for test�ng. Any cases that idenfify suspects or deveIop a DNA profile will be worked with the goal of prosecution for the hoxnicide offense. � oS-3c�3 _- Zf fne Sergeani an�i reiired inve�gator a complete the re�:e�� aad inves+�g2tio� cf al', 104 open homicide cases, tbe Sergeant would be direeted to begin to catalog and review the most recent (20Q6 backwazds towards 2003 - 533 cases toial) aggavated assautt cases involving a gun to see if DNA evidence eJCists in those cases that could be submitted to the BCA for testing and / or comparison to l�own suspects or to develop a profile of an ;;rfi'G�u jiwy�,�.'"�. �`J�°. �°,'ii�.°, ��'.�.15 �tiOT.I�iC �^uyP �°t'..CSt r�J`t..�_+�el i0_ T:..iiTf"aII'j�T �uu Li^vte°.uCO in St Paul by warking hard on some of the most active violent criminals in the city_ u We realize the idea ofbeing able to work on these aggrauated assaults with guns is not l:kely �nside:;r,g Lhe 104 eg� hem.�cides ±o review, but wanted to have a plan in nlace in case the Sergeant aad �oup exceed z11 expectations and e�mplete the homicide cases p:ior to *,he end of the �2nt period, or �rior to the funding being degleted. It takes a sirong personality to work on hexnicide cases, and many of the retired in<✓esugate�s �*e Su.,�h gPeple. �e are aware that conflicts can arise in the investigation of homicide cases, and that those problems could be magnified in cold case invesfigafions. The cturent Senior Commander of the Aomicide Unit was put into place in large part due to his skill in maaaging people with strong pe*sonatities. He will be a resource to help to resolve any conflicts that arise, and he has a long track record of completing proj ects assigned, and overcoming difficult situations in many of the units he has commanded in the past. We feel he is well suited to the task ahead, and will be successful in this project. d. 1VIanagemegt plaff a��' argamiz2hom 'I'he management plan is also pretty simple. The Senior Commander will be in chazge of the new Cold Case Unit and wili have supervisory comxnand and grant management responsibility. He will report to the Assistant Chief - Major (.Yimes I Investigauons and _. —=-- - - e will be responsible for seeing thzt all grant reports, budget dacwnents, and other required paperwork is completed in accordance with the requirements of the grant. The new Sergeant will be the lead invesfigator for the Co1d Case Unit and wili be responsible to catalog the open homicide cases and make case assignments to the retired invesfigators. He will have supervisory control of the ret_ired invesfigators. The Sergeant will be responsible to serve as affiant on all search warrants, and wi1l serve as liaison between the retired invesfigators and any agency they need to urilize for assistance in moving cases forward. He will have responsibility to track cases and progress and make regular reports to the Senior Commander. The retired inves�gators wiIt'�e resporasible for muck �f t'se direct i�vestigato.ry work ia " - the Cold Case iJni� They will report to the Sergeant £or all duties. They_will reyiew cases, serve as consultants in team reviews and "murder meetings", and do whatever is requi:ed to move czses t�wards solttion and prosecution. They will use their expertise and knowle@ge and past history as both strong willed indzv:duals, and cooperative team members, to bring justice to the victims and families affected by homicide and violent cr'vne in St. Paul. We will not assign any cases to the investigator who originally handled 7 �g�3�3 :.: =. the case, as we believe tiiat "fresh eyes" and an unbiased approach to the cases will yield ti2e best resttits. 'i he coid case investigatar �as to cnec� every fact an�' t'�e^ry :o s�acce�. The St Paul Police Department will provide several in-kind contdbutions to the i,old Case tinit that aze not documented on any budget form other than the 3% administrative fee requested. The F�omicide linit will provide office space for the Sergeant and retired i'uJBSusai65� ffii�,°fliBi 2.C^w°SS� i..°^.�.:::2?� 5���� �.u� IOC.B't Q'2t��25� 3^��cSS� !iC�w:tu: S.P.aiG}I access, phones, secretarial services, fas services, effice supplies, a.nd f.he resanrces of cu.^��t O£�SC�*s �d rn��Ps+iaators b*ought to bear on suspects and witnesses with the assistance of the Police Depariment. We feel this will be a strong cohesi�e unit that will �e success£u: in c��r.g s��sgecYS �vi±h the �s�stance of ihe entire department. 4. �gpe��..io��s e. Bibliography / refereuces BJA Bulletin "Cold Case Sauads: Leavine No Stone Unhuned" (July 2003) U.S. Department of 7ustice, Office of 7ustice Programs, Bureau of 3ustice Assistance Geberth, V. "Practical Homicide Investieation: Tactics. Procedures and Forensic Techniques" 4th Ed (2006) CRC Press Ni.i R�port "U�;n� DN?, ta S�lve Coid Cas�s" (�u?y 2v�J2} U.S Begar�ient nf JUYice Of&ce of Jus�ce Pro� Natiaaal Institute of Justice Nyberg, R. "3ustice Served Cold: T'he Nafion's First Officizl Cold Case Sguad Teaches the Baci Guys That There's no Statute of Limitations on Murder" (Octobez 20f14) Poliee Magazine Lord, V. "Implementing a cold case homicide unit: a challenginQ task" (Februaiy 2005) FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Treen, J. "Cold Case Cowbovs" (May/June 2007) AARP Magazine Walton, R. "Cold Case Homicides: Practicai Investigative i echniques" (2006) i.Ri, Press f. List of key personnel (required) Senior Commander Timot,'�y N. Lync'� — Hcr�cide, Cris7e Lab ard Pr��e:ty U^i± Commander - overall supervisor-of the Coid Case Unit pro3 ect and grant manager. _.__ I�n as yet un-named Investigative Sergeznt to be hired and assigned to the Homicide Unit to be lead detective and liaison to the retiree'i detecfive squad. 0 ,. � A pooi of 19 retired St Pat1 Pa2ice Homicide detectives as Iisted i.�t the a�#achatent — seme or ali �+ay be u�lized to help raview cases, Ic:zte evi3eace, s�abnit fo: i??tiTA - — --- analysis (wfiere allowable), hold team case consultations, and work cases. - - g. Resnmes of key personnel (required) .�iZulOi C'Ouuila2lu� i�Illl^v�hyN'. LjuC''.1- a°s�.'rn'i�n ee g_ee�'eeE�''.. � �N�� a Se:g:znt is hie�1 a�d z�i�ed, h_is resume will be forwarded —(this Sergeant will be required to have a miuimum of 10 years �perience as a Police Officer, and at least 3 years of exgerie�ce 2s an Invesfig2±or to be considered for the nosition.) S�e aE�a��e� z��t ^f f Q retire� honicfde investzgsto: s— none have less than 3 years experience 2s a���-nieide inv�shgator, ast�? sever2l have over 10 years experience in ffie job — we will forward full resumes upon their st2rting work in tfie Cold Case Unit. VIPI Executive Director IvIargaret McAbee — resume is attached h. �.fist of �revio�s aac3 cnrre�t NIJ a4vards (required) No cuzrent or prior NIJ Crrants (that current administration is aware o fl— several DOJ grants - currently and in the past. Letters cf coope: a�ian/seagpQ: �r ac3asinis�2teve �greements from organizatioas cuu�bGra�cg ia Etae �: �j€ct (recm:caxe�aes�, ff applicable) See 4 attached letters from L The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Forensic Science Laboratory 2. The Kamsey County Attorney's Office 3. The Ramsey County Medical Examiner's Office 4. 1 he Victim Intervention Frog�am Incorparate3 j. Chart far timeline or milestones (required) We noted 'un the apgiicauon ins� tt;at the � vai11 not be awar�ed for - approximately six months after th� closing-date_ We-pviposely set the startiug date of our grant request for May l, 2008, so as to make sure that if we aze awarded a grant, we will have time ta pr Ya:e for the addirion of personnel, workout any details regarding hiring and status of the retired homicide inves�igators, and still have time to set the cziteria for huing, and conduct interviews and hire for the posifion of Cold Case Unit Sergeant. 08- 3y3 Tuneline / PvIilestones as foilows: — - - - - -- -- • Mid November - Early December 2067 - Award of grant • Early December 2007 - May 1, 2008 -prepaze for addiflon of personnel, setup details for retired investigators, post opening for Sergeant, interview candidates, make seiection oi Sergeant, c�dzr cc�pute: �^.d s�=aare - ivs`�i? f�* �-r�;;;: ;,f sfaff, and do preparatory training for all staff. d • May 1, 2008 - Establish Cold Case Unit in the Homicide Unit - Sergeant will begin by reirieving files from Hoiricide Vault aad :zxzlag�g 2» eid �:..nsolved homicide cases -(believed to be 104 open homicides dating to 1970) Witk �he Homicide Unit secre`�azy, he w�:1 ar. the cases inte e�u IvTurder Book format- (estimate compierion of 6-8 cases a day) • May i5, iu�8 - rirst day 3'or arxtv�i ai r�� :�� �a,;,ic:3e ue:e��:�es. We expect five or six will be available and ready (based on our conversations with them) to start work. Orientation to the mission, visitation with all staff, and trip to the BCA for familiarization with current stafi and facilities. If iime allows, first case reviews will be assigned. • May 16, 2008 - First case reviews assigned - expect 5-6 cases assigned to retired investigators for detexmination of DNA evidence potential - 4here may be more cases assigned should there be enough investigators, or if it is immediately apparent that no potential DNA evidence exists for the cases assigned. May 29, 2008 - Bi - weekly communicaflon will be insfituted between the Sergeant aa� *�se re�ree� �aestega�o: s-- amomtlnly meetfargs ev1l..be set for team ease reviews ! strategy sessions for ease advancement for those cases with potential DNA evidence. Cases assigned for review as manpower and pragress pern��ts - we exgect *,hat 5-6 cases will be reviewed every month with some needing evidence submitted and follow up invesfigations. Some cases will not yield the required DNA evidence for follow up invesfigation. June 12, 2008 - Start of monthly team case reviews / stra4egy for follow up invesfigation - foIlow up investigations will be assigned to boYh the Sergeant and retired invesfigators on completion of the team reviews and submission of any potential DNA evidence - continued assignnzent of cases to for investigators to review for I?NA evidence - expect at least 6 more cases for each month. - -- _ ----- - - - o iPe ezpect thctt some investig¢tors will rotate in an out based on the season anrl -- scheduled vacations out of state etc., but we believe we will have a pool of 5-6 investigators available at all times to work the cases. Once a case is assigned, it will be the responsibility of the Sergeant to determine the rate oj progress - it k�s been our eaperience however, that once assigrzed a homicide case, the investigator generally won't stop until there is nofhing more that can be done. 10 06- 3 �F3 ___ __ _�_ J,xly_ i 0, 2008_- �i _weekly comtnunication con�aues betwe� ±he Serge�t and — -- retired investigators — Monthly mee4ing for team case reviews I sfrategy - - sessiuns for case work and prioritization. We will assign every case with evidence, but the team will decide which cases have the best chance for seaccess in both closnre and pre�aration for trial. Continued assignment of C$S0S i0 TOr iu"vE3ugfli0iS iG i��i.°,W ICT v�; � �i'1•."aEIlCe —�n�.xi "a`� :°cSi a�3 i2v^t.°. cases €or each month • 7u1y 31, 2008 - Quarterly Financial Report due August 14, 2008 — Bi weekJy communica�ion continues between the Sergeant a�d retired investigato�s — P�Ic,~�thly xa°,e�g for team ease reviews 1 strategy sessions for case work and prioritization. We will assign every ezse with e�rider.cP, but the team will decide which cases have the best chance for success in both closure and pTC�52T'3u0Yt iOT' �'i^a.l. �Ofiuial2Cu 25Si�..,.i.�.^.� 3f C.^�S�S +�J fpr in�eS�g3t02'S t0 TCV1eW for DNA evidence — expect at least 6 more cases for each month. August 31, 2008 -- We expect thae we wi31 be activety work�g 1 ar 2 eases with DNA evidence at this point — case(s) will be actively worked towards resolution and / or prosecution — we don't know how many cases we will find with evidence, how many will get ANA "luts", and flie "milestones" will be diffacult to predict in a fimet'rame, but cIearly fne firsY i3P.Tr� �it �viSP be s "milestone" whenever it occurs, the first criminai charge wili be a "nnilestone", the first convicfion would be a°Lmitestone" if we are able ia bring a case to conclusion before the end of the grant period. '�'he eompletion of all case reviews will be a"milestone", and the possible start of the Aggsavated Assa�it case srork woeald be a"milestone" (if we get that far) • September 11, 2008 — Bi weekly communication continues between the Sergeant and retired investigatars — Monthly meeting for teazn case reviews f strategy sessions for case work. Continued assignment of cases to for investigators to review for DNA evidence — expect at least 6 more cases for each monEh. • October 4, 2008 — Bi weekly communication continues between the Sergeant and retired investigators — Monthly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessions for case work. Continued assignment of cases to for investigators to review for DNA evidence — expect at least 6 more oases for each month. • October 31, 2008 - Quarterly Financial Report due — Semi-Annual grogress - - -- — -__ ---- — ----- I2epot @ue -�Cold DNA luts w�I tie docnmented in progress repvrts — brie#'�' -- ----- -- description of case — details of the hit (offender or forensic) and fhe evidence the hit was obtained from. • November 13, 2008 — Bi weekly communicafion continues between the Sergeant and retired invesfigators — Monthly meeting for team case reviews / sh 11 6 �� 3�3 sessions for case work. Continued assi�ment of cases to for investigators to - - ___ ___ ___ *eview for BNA ev�de�ce- e�aeet at le� b�ere ;ases fer eac� mont�. • December 1 l, 2008 - Bi weekly communication continues between the S�geant and retired investigators - Monthly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessions for case work_ Continued assignment of cases to for investigators to TCV18W lOi i 2V'iG�.CuC° — ��°.^y°.,.^,� 2f �A. 3S± E� m�JT2. '(.?.S.°..�i iC? e3Cu L^i��t1. g B 7�z,aary 8, 2009 - 3; w� kly co�m��cation�;ontinues between the Sergeant and retired investigators - Monthly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessions for case work. Con�lue3 assignnzent of c2ses to for investigators to review for �NA evidence - expect at least 6 more cases for each month. • January 30, 2009 - Quarteriy Fiaanci�l Repert due • 1"eb2113Ty 1�� �LVV7 — DI WEEiCi,}� i.GiTuuui.i^v2u0Il C.`J::�.^.U('.3 �JetWPQIl �E .SEI'��3LIt and retired investigators - Monthly meeting for teasn case reviews / strategy sessions for case work. Continued assignment of cases to for invesfigators to review for DNA evidence - expect at least 6 more cases for each month. • March 12, 2009 - Bi weekly communicafion continues betcveen the Sergeant and rerired invesfigators - Monthly meeting for team case reviews / sirategy sessions for case work. Continued assignment of cases to ior invest�gato�s to revie;u ior DNA evidence - expect at least 6 more cases for each month. • April 9, 2009 - Bi weekly communicarion continues between the Sergeant and retired investigators - Yvlonthly meeting for team case reviews I strategy sessions far case work. Con�nued assignment of ca.ses to for investigators to review_ for ._ ___ DNA evidence - expect at 7east 6 more cases for each month. � A�ril 3Q, 2QQ4 - f�tta22.rterly �'inancial report due - Semmai-A�tual �rogress Report due - Cold DNA hits will be documented in progress reports - brief descriprion of case - details of the hit (offender or forensic) and the evidence the hit was obtained from. Continued assignment of cases to for investigators to review for DNA evidence - expect at least 6 more cases for each month. o May 14, 2009 - Bi weekly communication continues between the Sergeant and , re�*ed ��vestigators - Monthly meeting for team case reviews J strategy sessions for case work. We wall have a11104 homicide cases reviewed by this date - we __ ________ _,_ _ expect many will be acfively worked and awaiting DNA evidence return from . - - -- ------- --- the SCA. - - - - June 11, 2009 - Bi weekly commwaicarion continues between the Sergeaxit and retired investigators - Monthly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessior.s for case work. We will assess at this point (or earlier or later if the team has 12 �` completed all hosicide case reviews and case work) whe�lter rva � be able --- --- - to work any of t�e aga ava�e3 a§s�.:lt «gs:E" eases for TtSllA. o July 9, 2009 — Bi weekly communication continues between the Sergeant and retired investigators — Monthly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessions for case w • 7uty 31, 2009 - Quarterly Financiat report due • August 13, 2404 — Bi weekly communication continues between the Sergeant and re�'�'red invzs�gators — Mcnt�hly mee!ing for tezm case reviews / slrategy sessions for case work. • September id, 2Qf3G — Bi weekly cor coatinues be±u�ePr_ the Sergeant and retired investigators — Mon`�hly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessions ior case war�c. • October 8, 20Q9 — Bi weekly communication continues between the Sergeant and retired investigators — Monthly meeting for team case reviews / strategy sessions for case work, • October 31, 2009 — End of grant period — gather report statistics — Final Progress �tepork due —(sanmasnary and assessment of ihe programj — FiaaP �;ns;.cflal Report due. • We will naake the best ease possible at this point to continue the CoYd �ase U�it through funding at the City or Police Department IeveL If we are not successfui; we will-domk at trying ta get positioans reallocated within the fi�vestigatfive Division �o keep �hhe ennit going. �f t}aat is not suceessful, we �^'S�l be tryiug to field a volunteer group to continne the work, or make the diffaeen�� a�eeas4e�� �ea assi�a sommae of mua� very Ifla�ted �esourees to continue the effort. k. Other materials re4uired by the solicitation See attachments in °`Other attached files" We may have included forms we are not required to send — the exact forms were not clearly specified in the grant announcement; so we included any that we thought snight possbly apply. 13 ' __ o�- 3 �l3 26(i7 —1VIJ — �601 St �'atat �C'o�ace �old �ase Unit �3u�get ii���a�i�e — - - - -- ----- -- — . . —__----- — ---_ -- -- — The St Paul Police Department is requesting a total funding aznount of $ 259,976.57 for: -- " - 1. Pezsonnel salary and frin�e benefits costs for a Sergeant position to staff a Cold f i,ase i3nif in we St. Faul Police nom;cide U�t €c: i$ ��L;�. �$ i; v, 2L^.-".-.�'»�} 2. C.CIlSi:�i2Ili i�8'a iOT ti�{ ifi � g i�� uCSIl:� dC T.�P?B�VCS fOI � g tt10RCI1S. ��y�2,VQl7.�v� 3. Trauel cosis to interview wi�esses �,zd s�4sgects o* nather evidence. ($ 8000.Q0) 4. A dedicated computer and soilware package for the Cold Case Unit ($ 2195.00) 5. Administrative fees of 3% to administer the grant, payroll costs, record keeping, insurance eta ($ 7572.13) SEE ATTACHED BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET �" �udget 3�etail �arksh�et CC^d paPRCVAL NC '� t2'-:18R EX?IReS >-9E ;Rev.' �9?; Purpose: The Budget Detail ���orksheet may be used as a �uide to assist you in the preparation of the budget and'oudaet narrative. You may submit the budget and hudget narrative using this iorm or in the fonnat of your cl�oice (plain sheets, yow� own form, or a variation of chis form). Ho«�eve-, all required iuformation (including the budget narrative) must be provided. Any category of expensz aot applicable to your budget may be deleted. A. PeYSannel - List each position by title and name of employee. if available. Sho�e the annual salary rate and the percentage of vme to be devoted to tie project. Compensatior. paid for employecs enga�ed in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant or�anization. Name/Position 0 yr Sgt (to 6e determined) 0 yr Sgt (overtime expenses) m 0 e 71 per hr X 3132Hrs (18 Mo.) 100 % $52 07 per hr X 48a hrs ( app 27 hrs mo-1 B mo) 700 % CosY �$108,711.72 � $25,201.88 � � 0 SOB-T02'AL $1 3 3, 913. 60 €3. F'riatge Benefits - Frinae benefits sbould be based on actual Icnown ec>sts c�r an established fbrmula. Fringe henefits aze £or che persannel lssted in Uudget caYegory (A) and only for the p�rcent�e af eime davoted to the project. Fringe benefits on ovenime nours are iimited to FiCA, �Jorkmzn`s Cornpensation, and Unemployment Compensation. Name/Positio8 yr Sgt (TBD) ��$3471 X 36.327% fnnge =$12.61 X 3132 hrs (,8 mo) yr Sgt (overtime} $52.07 X'17.344 % fringe =$9 05 x 484 nrs (18 ma) Cost Fringe beneft 3 $52 09 X 17,344°lo finge =$9.05 x 484 hrs (58 mo) �� Fringe benefit 4 � Fnnge beneft 5 � �g�g.,�0�qj� $43,8 �'otal Personae3 & FringeSenefits �177'�8$'32 OJ� FORM ]150/1 (5-95) o8 C. Tra��e� - Irenuze trace? expenses of p-oject pe*sonnel by purpose (e.g., stzff ta �rainm�. field intz�views. zdviso!} eroup mezvng, eLC.). Shou� the basis of computatior: (e.g., s�a people co 3-day *,raining at SX airtare. Sl lodein,. Sa subs�stence). ln tra;r.in�, projects. tracat anc meais fo: rrainee shouid be iisied separatet}. Si�o�� the mm�ber oi trarees and cne umt costs irvol�'zd IdennTy tfie locanon of iravei, i1 kno��n. Indiea�e source ofTiaca'. Policies appifed, Appl�cant or Federa! Tra��el Re;uiat;oas. Yarpose of Travel Ilnterview suspects anC Locatton Unknown at this time Item 1 person 10 Trips - aidara Computatian Cost $ 40G.00 Oer rountl tnp Interview sus ecLS antl �nknowr� a ih�5 6me � erson 10 tri s- btl i� esj S Z�OAO pes iri P � p p g g P $2,000.00 witnesses out of state Interview suspects and Unknown at ihis Lme 1 person 10 tn s- per �+iem est S Z00 00 per tr� urtnesses ouc of state � P P $2,D00.00 Tnese trips wnl be determmetl Travel Policy is appl:canCS airtare est based on history lodgmg es[ is 5100 per night � cunng investigatwns Meals - per tliem esbma[e is ��� � 51D0 per day based on past Travel entry 6 �� � �� Tre�ei entry 7 ��� ���� �� TC)7':1L �' 8,000.00 19. Ec�ui�E�11e[1t - List non-expendable �tems that are to be purchased.l�on-expei�dab2� eqmpment i� 6angible property havin� a useful tife of more than t�so years and an acquisition cost of $5.000 or mare per en�t. (l�ote: OroanizaUOn's own capitalization policy may be used for y�ems costing less than 5�,d00). Expendabte item� should be mcluded e;ther in fhe "SUpp[ies" category or in the "Qther' catesory. Applicants should anafyze the cost 6enefits of purchasing ti�ersus leasin� equipment, aspe- ci2lly high cost items and Yho;e subject to rapid technicai advaaices Rented or feased eqnipmenf casts �t!culd be ]isted in the °Con� actua]" category. Explain how the equipnent is neeessary to; 1he snocess �f the project. At'ach a nareatrve describmg the procm�ement method [o be used. Iter� Eqwpment entry 1, one line per entry eqiupmenl entry 2 eqwpmect entry 3 eqwpment entry d eqwpment entry 5 �ost 0 �� � � � TOT.4L $ 0.00 v�- 3�3 E. Supplies - List items by n�pe (office �upplies, postage. trainin� materiais, cop�in, papet, znd expendable eqmpment items costing ler that 55,000 such as books. hand held tape recorders) an� sho�v the basi; for compucation. (V otz: Oraanizationb o�vn capitalization policy may be used for i:e:ns cosdag less dtan 5�,000). Generally. supplies include an} niatenals tha± a*e espendable or cc �s�med curir.s the course of thz project. Suppl} ttems Camput2tion Cost Dedi�'a�etl Coltl Case Gomputer approx S 1700.00 (SPPD Systems Umt estimafe) �1,700.�0 PacKetwriter Software package $ 488 50 $488 50 �supply rtem 3 � ���supply item 4 � supply rtem 5 �--� supply i;em 6 � supply nem 7 �� supply rtem 8 �� swp�y rtem 9 � TOTAL $2 � 9 88.50 �. �onstrucfi(3t3 - As a rule, consiruction cosTS are noY aliowable. In so�e cases. mmor i'epa�rs or ranovanons may be allowable. Check with the program office before budgetinq funds m dus catego�y lines per enVy, use ooxes oeiow or an : for more space rt requiretl of �Vark Cost � �� � � � �� � � B,o�I,AL �8-3�3 G. Consultants/Contracts - Indicate uhether applicant's formal. wnttea Procuremen+ Policc or the Federa! acquisition Re`ulations are follou ed. Consultarit Fees: Foz aach consultanx enxer the r.ame, if laioti�n, servicz Yo be procided, howlc or daily iee fS-how ciapj, and esnmaced :ime on uhe project. Consultant fee; in excess oi 5��0 pe: �ay :equire additionaljustificat;on and pnorappro�al from OJP. �;ame of �onsultant Senice Provided Compntation Cost Hom detectives rtem t, one hne item 1, one Une per entry rtem 1, one line per �� SubIOIQ! $ 72'OOO.OJ Cnnsu/tanz Lzpenses: Lisi atl expenaes io be paid fron. the grant to the i�dr�rduzl consulr�at5 m addirion ro�he�r r'ees (i.e._ tra�-e!. meals, lodgin�, eu_) ltem fl,oca6on C�mautation C'ost Sz�htota! � 0.00 Cbnfracts: Provide a descr�ption of tlie producx or nen�ce w bz prooured by eontract snd an esa�nate oY the cost. Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competi[ion in awardina eontracts. � separate justificatiou must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of SI00,000. Btem lines, offourhnes deteciives will 2v�ew, �nvestigate, I'S40.00 hr X 18G6 hrs with lead Inv and Hom Sr Cdr �� � Cosc on a separate S1ibtOtClj $� `F�1�AL �'72,000 �0 �-3�3 H. Other Costs - List items (e.g., rent reproductior, telephone, janitorial or security szrcicas, and imesn�aeive or confidentiai funds) by major type and the basis of the computation. For examgle, pro� ide rhe square footaee and Che cost per square foot for rznt, or provide a monthly rental cos*. ar.d nox man� montns io ren�. Compntation lines per entry, use boxes ceiow or a� a for more space if reqwred Cost � TC�T!��, � o.�o I, $ndiYCCt CoSfS - Indixect costs are allov:ed only if tl�e applicant has a Federally approv:d �nd�recc cost rate. A_ cooy of the rate appxovaL (a futiy eaecuced, ne<_�QtiaYed a� zcment)_ mnst be atcached. [f the appiicanL <loes noY hace an appro�ed iate, one ean be requested by contac�ng ¢he applieant's co�nizant Fedaral a�ency, whieh wit[ r�view ali doeumentation and approve a rate for th� 2pphcant organization, or if the aprkcanYs aecounrmg system perraits, costs may be allocated in Lhe direci coses catagorias. To�r.� �o.00 � � - 3c/� Badget Summary- t�'hen you hace completed the budget u�orssheet, trar.;_`er Lhz totals for eacL cate�ory to the spaces heiow. Compute the total direc*. costs and rhe toral project costs. Indicace zi�e amount of Federal *equested and the amount of non-Federal funds that wi11 support the pro�ect. Bodget Catenorv .4mount A. Yerson»el 5133,913.60 B. Fringe Benefits 543,874.72 C. Tracel �8.000.00 D. Fquipment 5000 E. Supplies S2,ts8.5o $0.00 F. Construction G. Consuttanu/Contraets H. OYher Tota1 Direct CosYs 1. Indirect �asTs T�TAL PRdJ]E;C"E Cf)STS �72,000.00 �� �� $259,976.82 50.00 �u259,976.82 5259,976 82 Federa! 12equest \or�-Feder3l Amo�snt RES�I.UTl�v OF SAIl�T PAUL, M7NNESOTA Preseflted Bv Reierced To: Committee:Datec 1 V��TBREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received a Cold Case linit Grant from Lhe United 2 States Depaztment of Justice, for the period of May I, 2008 thrauah October 31, 2004; and 5 6 7 8 4 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, this �ani is for the Cold Case Unit which is designed to review unsolved cold case homicides for the last 35 years to detem�uie whether evidence exists that could yieid DNA.; and BE 1T RESOLVED, that couneil accepts this grant and authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief John Harrington to implement the attached agreement with the IJnited States Deparrment of,iustice. 25 26 ' Z7 28 29 30 Adoption Certi by�Council Secretary: BY� _._ /il�y��,.�s-SAir Approved by �: Date /�f g/ Q� gy; A� .�Ll�-X.—� Q1FiscalAffausWO&CF�ZOpg\ColtlCasOUnM1grtS 1_OSthru 70_37 _09.rJs Council File # DS-r1$ Green Sheet #t 3047470 L�3 -3� 3 �� By: �-� f J ,�, Appro ai � Financiai Services: By: Ap ove y ayo for Sixb i n to Coanc�7: By: ,� Requested by Department of: .. . . - -. .. . .�i. � ♦ Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � � �8-q8 pg.�� � ' �Ep i QdfE�[1�3}2Q: : PD �o��� �-�� � Green Sheet NO; 3047970 . Co�Kact P¢�son & Phone_ ����� . � ' WustBeonCouxilAguWaby(Datej: aoa 7yPe: RESOLUTION : � E-0ocumeittRsquked: Y , Do�umertCeataet EvetteScarver ; ContactPhone: 266-$5p7 y Assiry� Number FOr Routing Order , 0 FdiaDeA�4nent � YdiceDec�me� . 3 �diaDwaz4nent PoLceDeoa�t 2 �lf.s A{inrneq (S[v Attoraev 3 3rm�rial Setvices �Q OC�SOSS� M3POt � C!I CO➢oC1I 6 Citr Ckek • G�tr Qerk 7 diceDeparmrent � PoliceDenartm�t 7otal # oi Signature Pages �„ (Clip NI Locations for Signature) �� ncyues'Iea: '; 5ignatnres on fhe attacHed counciS resolution authorizing the CiTy af Saint Pau�, Police Deparhnmt, to emei iato the attac'ned grant � agreement with the United States Department of Justice for a Coid Case Unit Gtant , Recommenda4ons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Persona7 Service Conhaets Must Mswer the Following Quesiions: i Planning Commission j 7, Has thts persoNfirm ever worked �nder a wntraci for lliis deparlmeM? i i CIB Committee � Yes No , � ' Civil Service Commission � 2. Has this personffirm ever been a cM1y empbyee? � Yes No I � � 3. Doesihis persoNfirm possess a skill not rrormalfy po.^,sessed by any �, i curreMCityemployee? � j Yes No I f Expiain all yes a�aers on separate sheet anU attacb M green sheet , �, Fnitiaang Problem, lssues, OppoRunity (Who, Nfhat, When, Where, Wfiy): The gavt is for the Cold Case Unit which is designed to review unsolved co2d case homicides for the last 35 years to determine whether evidence exists that ceuld yield DNA i Advantages 1f ppprpved: ; Opporwnity to use grant funds to help solve coid case homicides. I �._ ..— ; Disadvantagesi{Approved: None_ ; Disadvarttages If NM Approved: : Lost opportufrity to use gcant funds to heLg soive cotd case homicides. 3 � .�fiFb r' S 2�,�J� ' I --���°�'-�.��— j i i i . 1 Oml A1110L(IL OF Trensaction: $259,977A0 F'"'am9 so„rce: United States Department of . . Financiallnformation: `���Ce � ' (E�4+Wio) CosNRevenue 8utlgetetl: activilY Numoer i .. January 14, 2008 3:01 PM Page t City of Saint Paul Interdepartmental Memorandum To: Linda Camp, Actin� Director From: Chris Eitemiller, Budget Analyst Subject: Police Budget Amendment for Cold ase Unit Grant Date: March 20, 2008 0��3�3 This green sheet establishes a financing and spending plan for a federal cold case grant that was accepted by Council on February 8` A copy of the Council Action accepting this grant is attached. AA-ADA-EEO Employec