08-342Council File # �- 3 y �- Green Sheet #�14$�S4 . Presented By: ReFerred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Committee: Date: WF�REAS, the Saint Paul Police Poundation was formed in 2005 to help the police department in many ways insuring that public safety for our citizens remains the number one priority for our city; and 33 WHEREAS, the Samt Paul Police Foundation Board has approved the donation of ^ �78,373 to the Saint Paul Police Department, and, WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, would like [o accept this donation; and WHEREAS, [he Saint Paul Police Department will use $35,480 to purchase 200 shotgvn/AR15 type patrol rifle racks for squad cazs, $1,500 of miscellaneous supplies for the Child Safety Progam, $6,393 for cel] phones forensics, $35,000 for registration fees, admission fees, uniforms, equipment, food and other costs associated with the Police Athletic I.eague (PAL) program that provides services for youths in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the pubiic purpose of this donation is to mcrease officers and citizens safety; educate families about how they can transport their children more safely using safety seats and belts; enhance retrieval of digital evidence from cell phones; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sect�on 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are funds of $78,373 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget; a�d WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2008 budget; CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436-Police Special Projects N�nd FINANCING PLAN: 34274-Sai�t Paul Police Foundation Donations 6905-Contributions & Donations 75,000 78,373 153,373 ToCal Changes to Financing 78,373 SPENDING PLAN: 34274-Saint Paul Police Foundation Donations 0228-Cell Phones 0299- Miscellaneous Services 0349- Fees- Other- Eqmt-Parts- Supplies 0357- Athletic/ Recreation Total Changes to Spending 6,393 6,393 I,500 I,500 35,480 35,480 35,000 35,QQ0 �$�9�' 38 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Conncil accepts this generous donation, extends its sincere thanks to 39 the Saint Paul Police Foundation, and approves these changes to the 2008 budget. Yeas Adopted by Council: Date: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Absent Requested by Department �//.� -. . ,�.� � .. �.�•� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary: Form By: By: Approved by Ma� : � � Appr� sy: s �7�',3'7� Q\FlSCaIAftair5�,40&CR�2008\DOnafion St Paul Police Fountlabon $EbFE79sls :� Services: � , / City Attorney� �.t.�. . 1 !'z�C.�C�, • for Submi,s,cion,tp Council: 3I�g1�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � o8-3�a- DepartmeM/officelcouncil: � Date Initiatetl: � Po -po�;�e� i,a-��,-08 ; Green Sheet NO: 3048954 CoMact Person & Phone: � Chief John Harting[on � 2fi6-5588 Must Be on Counoil Agenda by (Date): ; Doc. Type; PUBLIC HEARING (RESOLUI '� E-DOCUment Required; Y ' Document Contact: Evette Scarver ' Contact Phone: 266-5541 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Lxations for Signffiure) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PdiceDepar�eni PoliceDepar�en[ J _,_,_ �Yolice Deasr�ent � Police Depaz�ent �l'nantial Services ' D'n'ector, FSO ' '3�� City Attomey i Citv Attorney ;__ __ Mavor s Otfice Mavor � Council ' CiN CAUncil _ _ _ __ Citv Clerk __ CiN Clerk ' IPoliceDepazhnen[ � PoliceDenarOOeut__ ______ I Signatures on the attached council resolution accepting a donation from the Saint Paul Police Foundation. iaatl0n5: HppfOVe (H) Of HeJeCt (H} i Personal Servlce Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission ' 1, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee I yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has tMs person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any 'I current city employee? , Yes No I Explain all yes answers on SepaYate sheet and atlach to green sheet , __- _ ._ ______.__. _ __--___,_' _ ___ _. .__._—_—___.—__— _ - _ . _ � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � � i The donatian of $78,373 will be used to assist the Sa1nt Paul Police Depaz[ment in purchasing shotgun iacks foc squad cazs, , � miscellaneous supplies for the Child Safety ptogram, cellphones for forensics, registration and admission fees, uulforms, equipment, ' i food and other costs associated with The Police Athletic program (PAL), ; ' Advaniages If Approved: ' , Ability to use funds to improve the Saint Paul to assist the Saint Paul Police Department. I �i DisadvanWges If Approved: None. ; Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: �, Lost opportunity to use funds to assist the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent. � Total Amount of Trensaction: �78,373.00 GostlRevenue Budgeted: Funaing source: Saint Paul Police Foundation ���ay numnef: 3q274 Financial lntormatlon: (Explain) February 19, 2008 1122 AM Page 1 �'� City of Saint Paul Interdepartmental Memorandum �d �3��- ������C� NAR 19 2�08 To: From: Subject: Date: Linda Camp, Acting Director Chris Eitemiller, Budget Analyst� , : �. Police Budget Amendment for Police Foundation donation March 2Q 2008 This green sheet establishes a financing and spending plan for a Police Foundation donation. It would allow the Police deparhnent to accept a donation from the St. Paul Police Foundation and to establish a financing and spending plan for the money. The donation, totaling $78,373, would be used for shotgun racks in squad cars, supplies for the Child Safety programs and costs for the Police Athletic League (PAL). The resolution has a detailed list for specific amounts and items to be funded. AA-ADA-EEO Employec