196623Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE 0TY CLERK COUNC�k RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORK PRESENTED BY A COMMISSIONER / l' — "\ DATE COUNCIL FILE NO ..:°. - -4:, 3 ril 7, li60 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from SPERRY OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY General Fireproofing Furniture to match present furniture at the Woodview Detention Home at a cost of $690.94, without advertisement or competitive bids as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge: 1047 - $6204. V. //' 31 -KA -5 - $70.00 Joseph J. Mitcholl 41)4ty y Co�lptiroll 1 By Co�np"�colle>r Council File No. 198023 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to pur- chase from SPERRY OFFICE FURNI- TURE COMPANY General Fireproofing Furniture to match present furniture at the woodview Detention home at a cost of $690.94, without advertisement or competitive bids as these are pat- ented articles and no advantage could be gain thereby. Charge : 1047— $820.94. 31 -YA -5— $70.00. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1980. Approved April 8, 1960. (April 16, 1960) �g6u p�pt� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy , Holland `� ppr ved 195 — i�e8., y In Favor Mortinson Petersen jn9 Mayor Rosen 0 Against w�;,�� �� �l�a.d`7lillnn 5M 2.57 QQD. 2 Duplicate to Printer 196623 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ���+++ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 7 TUt th6 VurO"106 Apat be *Ad be it herobT motimWi "d Vitt thi covoent of tin Oamtroilar, tq- pwmhw `t" xpsm wt QWAW r "ire ). JUWrofing ftroltai to motob 'pro"ut iaraltus at tb* xiew iknatton Rase dt * a"t of $690.949 xx t 04l"rdsomnt grgdWatitivo bids ." t> #m p#t *Aged uttelss aad no 6ftinta" Maid bs S.nad thsr a:�. Ow o: 1047 - 0620.94. 31�w# - X70.80 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland M&r7 1Q W Mortinson Pgt' Rosen SM 2 -57 2 In Favor U Against Adopted by the Council APR 8 19695_ APR 8 196 �- Approved 195— Mayor