08-341Council File # 08-341 Green Sheet # 3049431 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 Substitute 4/9/08 Ptesented RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� WHEREAS, the Friends of Baseball have received a STAK �rant (CR 07-807) in the amount of $55,750 for the purpose of ]ighti�g Dunning Field and, WHEREAS, the Friends of Baseball have received a STAR loan (CR 07-865) in the amount of $55,750 for the purpose of lighting Dunning Fie(d and, WHEREAS, the Friends of Baseball have committed $75,000 in matching funds for the pmpose of lighting Dunning Field and, WHEREAS, the total contribution from the Friends of Baseball totals �186,500 from the above sources and, WHEREA5, 2008 City Capital Maintenauce Funds have been ideutified in the amount of $103,500 for the purpose of lighting Dunning Field and, WHEREAS, a budget needs to be established for the Dunning Field Lighting project using these resources and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to SectSon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $290,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following changes be made to the 2008 budget: Financing Plan C07-3M047 — Dunning Field Lighting Project 7328 — Transfer from 2008 CIB 6905—Outside Contributions (Friends STAR) 6905 — Outside Contributions (Friends Match) Ci3RRENT BUDGET C08-3T210 — Park and Library Facility Maintenance 7328 - 2003 Capital Improvement Bonds Spending Plan C07-3M047- Dunning Field LighYing Project 0882- Improvements to Land 0883- Architect Fees C083T210 —Park a�d Library Facility Maintenance 0894 — Constmction General $0 $0 $0 �o $I,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 CHANGES $103,500 $I11,500 $75.000 $29Q000 ($103,500) $261,000 $29.000 $29Q000 ($703,500) AMENDED BUDGET $103,500 $I ll,500 $75 000 $29Q000 $896,500 $261,000 $24.000 $290,000 $896,500 51 Tf-IEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials aze hereby autho�ized to accept the donation 52 from the Friends of Baseball and execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City; 53 and 54 55 BE IT FUS2TF�R RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council approves the budget for the Dunnin� Field Lighting Project. Absent Requested by Department of: Carter Thune �+V BY .�/�-e�,� � �� • -� ���7'biTli�iiL �� �C Approved b / City BY� 7/ `�.Pl� Adopted by Council: Date ' Ap� Adoption Certified by Council $ecretary By: By: / � Approve � or: Dat _��,_ ___ By: ,:.��� � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 08�3� f PR — P� �d Recreation Contact Person 8 Phone: Tom Russell 266-6415 Must Be on Council Agen Doc.Type: E-DOCUmeM Required: N "" - DocumeniCortact: ConWct Phane: 31-JAN-08 _ I Green Sheet NO: 3049431 � veaacucrem aenc w rersan m�uauuaw 0 arks a¢d Recreafion Assign 1 azks and Recreatlon De athnent D"vector �Q� t ��� Number Z '�inancialServices fficeFinaucielServices For Routing � i � Attorne Order q a oYs O�ce Ma or/Assistant -' "' S, boncil GS Couocil 6 �Ciri Clerk Citv Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages _(qip All Location5 for Signature) Authorization of the attached resolution allowing the proper City officials Eo accept a STAR Grant and STAR Loan as well as matching funds from Friends of Baseball to contribute to the financing of the'Dunning Field Lighting Project. ar Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission �. has ihis person/FVm ever worked under a contrac[ for this depadment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrtent city employee9 Yes No Explain ail yes ansWers on seyarate sheet and attach to 9reen sheet Init�ating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Parks and Recreation wishes Yo establish a budget for funding the Dunning Field Ligbting Project. In addi[ion to the Ciry CapiCal Maintenance Funds, the financing will consist of the STAR Grant, the STAR Loan and the matching funds from Friends of Baseball. �Ativantages If Approved: Upon approval, $29Q000 will be available for [he Dunning Field Lighting Project. MAR 13 ZCO$ Disadvan W ges If Approved: None � � �� Disadvantages If Not Approved: Parks and Recreation will not have sufficient fuuding necessary ro implement the Dunning Field Lighting Project �� 7ransaction: $290,000.00 Funding Source: LOefl, Grant, Donation Financial Infocmation: (F�cplain) CosURevenue Budgeted: nj Activity Number: C07-3M047 January 31, 2008 923 AM Page 1 G�-3�i1 GS3049431— Allows the proper City officials to accept a STAR Grant ($55,750) and STAR Loan ($55,750) as well as funds from Friends of Baseball ($75,000) to contribute to the financing of the Dunning Field Lighting Project. It also moves $103,500 from the annual program for Parks/Library Capital Maintenance to use specifically on the Dunning project. A group called the Friends of Saint Paul Baseball was formed and applied for a STAR Grant and STAR Loan. Both were approved along with an outside contribution. Parks describes the project as lighting the main field at Dunning. This resoluuon provides a total of $290,000 from various sources for this purpose. Council File # � � 3 `� Green Sheet #304943I Presented by I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Friends of Baseball has received a STAR grant in the amount of $55,750 for the purpose of lighting Dunning Field and, WHEREAS, the Friends of Basebal] has received a STAR loan in the amou�t of 555,750 for the purpose of ]ighting Dunrung Field and, WHEF2EAS, matching funds from the Friends of Saseball has been committed in thz amount of $75,000 for the purpose of lighting Aunning Field and, WHEREAS, City Capital Malntenance Funds have,been identified in [he amount of $103,500 for [he purpose of ]ightmg Dunning F�eld and, W HEREAS, a budget needs to be estabiished for the Dunning F�eld Lighting project usmg these resources and, W HEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.Q7.1 of the Charter of the City of Saim Paul, does certify that there are availa6le for appropriation, funds of $240,000 in excess of those estimated m the 2008 budget; and W HEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2008 budget: CURRENTBUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BIJDGET Financing Plan C07-3M047 - Dunning Field Lighti�g Project 6210 - Proceeds From Loan (STAR Loan) $0 7306 - Teansfec fcom Capitat Fund (STAR Grant) ,$Q 7306 -Teansfei &om Capital Fund (Puks Cap. Maint.) $0 6905 - Outside Contributions . � ' � �0 TOTAL Spending Plan C07-3M047- Dunning F�eld Lighdng Pro�ect 0882-Improveme�tsto Land 0883- Architect Fees �o $0 $0 $55,750 $55,75Q $103,500 $75,000 $290,000 $261,000 $29,000 $55,750 $55,75Q $103,500 $75,000 �29Q000 $261,000 $29,000 ToTaL � �o �zso,000 �z9o,000 THEREFORS BE IT RESOLVED. that the Mayor and the proper eity officials are hereby aothonzed �o execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement this project on behalf of the City; and BE IT FURTHER 12ESOLVED, that the City Council approve che budget for the D�nning Field Lighting Project. v8 �3 4� Requested by Departmenc of: Division of Pazks and Recreation ��i �� �. _� ' i � � � � Form � Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary Form By: g Approved by Mayor: Date By: Adopted by Council: Date