204583 � Council File No. 204583—By George J. �t �
� Vavoulis. mayor— �O��jQ�
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK � _ • LL , ;� ; Whereas, The Council did by Reso- � t �����
. CITY OF t 13ti196NSo�authorizeptheVissuancemand c�� NO.
OFFICE OF TH ewage, D1�sspo�lS ystem B n�ts�S
�� COUNCIL RESOLUTIG��i°=-`F���= b� �ated ,o��,,,�,,��9��:
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�. PRESENTED BY � . ,, �.;.a2j 114'�' t,�[1 :UTI`P"
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T�REAS, the Council did by Rssolntion No. 203906, approved September Z3, 1961,
a;uthorize the issua.nce a.nd sale of $296,000.00 City of Saint Pau7. Sewage Disposal �rstem
Bonds, Series No. 8, to be dated October l, 1961, a,nd as the proper city officers have
fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required
sealed bids to be snbmitted on October 31, 1961, a,nd as the bids were submftted and opened,
eaa,mined a.nd tabulated by the Council, and the �joint bid of the The First National 8a,nk of
Chi:aago, The Northern Trust Co., Continental I1linois Nationa,l Bank and Tru.st Company of
ging, Quirk & Co. Inc.,
Chicego, Equitable Securitisa Corporation, I,aidlaw & Co., Stroud & Co. Inc.,�Robert W.
Baird & Co., Ync. New York Ha.nse�.tic Corporation and Anerican DTational Bank of St.Paul
was found to be the moat ad.va.ntageous, therefore be it
RESOLVED. that the bid of the above syndicate be accepted and said bonds awarded
at a price� na,mely, par and accrued intsreat with a coupon rate of 3.4U� �.nd a premium of
F[TRTHER RESOLVFD, that the Conncil hereby ratifies a.nd approves each a,nd every
act of the Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the eale of said bonds.
' .�,n�
��' 31 �9�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy ��-r �� ��
Holland A proved 19—
T__ ._
� �— � Tn Favor
Mortinson '
. Peterson Mayor
� Rosen gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis ��J$LISHED — — �(O�
SM 8-60 �Z ^I
DUPLICATE TO PRINTE�C�� � � � . ^ /a j/��[�
- � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`'"��� �9�
'�1REAS. the Council did by Resolu�lon No. 203906, approved September 13. 1g61�
anthoriza the iasuaace and eale of �296�000.00 City of Saint Paul Sekag� Diapose.l. Syetem
Bondg� Seaies Ao. 8, to be dated October l. �.961� and as the proper city ofPicerg have
ful].y caug�d the aaid bonds to be advertised for sal.e and said adrertf.sement required
sealed bide to be �a.bmitted on October 31. 1961� �.d a� the bfds were anbmitted and op�ned,
easmined and ta,buls.ted b�r ths Council. �nd the �oint bid of the The, Firgt Nat3onal �ank o�
Chicego. Tli.e Northsrn �ruet Co.. Continenta7. Illinoia Natianal Bank sad Truet Compat�y of
ging, Quirk � Cp. Inc.,
Chicago, Equi.table Secv.rit3ea Corporati�on� Laldlaw & Co.� Stiroud & Co. Inc..�Robert W.
Ba,i.rd & Co., Inc. New ?ork Eanseatic Corpoxatlon and American Hationa]. Bauk of St.Pev.l
was found to be the most e�ci.va.ntageons� ther�fore be f�
RESOT,Ym. that the b3d of the a'bove syndicate be accepted and said bonda a�rded
at a price� nanely. �ar and accrued it�tereet With a.COUpon ra� o� 3.1V0,� and g premium of
�2�431.00. '
BUR�'"�TER RF:SOI,VED� that the Counci�. hexeby ratifieg a.nd approvea each, and e�ery
act of the Sinking �a.n.d Co�ittee in connection �sith the �al� of �aid bona�.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council9�i� � 1 ��6� 19_
Yeas Nays
Holl�nd APprovec3��� � � ��6� 1g—
—sn Favor
Peterson � Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
sM a•so �2