204582 r----.
� f ; Council File No. 20458�By George J.
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK `� L 1 'V3VOU�S, mayor— �����^
CITY OF ST� �ereas, Tne Council did by Council p
File No. 203951, being Ordinance No. A1O
izest�epssuance�and sale�of6$9A0 OOO.QO i �V
OFFICE OF THE I city of Saint Paui Joint Court House f
,,, .'y'1' COUNCIL RESOLUTION= ���S'i�'o.�l�tn be adat dtiOctoberal;l
�w �B, a;.c', at t�,• ,'lrC;rn�" �<�;•�.n_FJ�^^__
PRESENTED B ' QT f:li.s.,^:�i:'�.,,.. ,�Y:!I�EFl.—CA,c
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Council File � � -� J
W�REAS, the Council c�d by Re�a�.tb�r No. 203951, being Ordinance No. 12058, �
approved October 3, 1961, authnrize the isauance and sale of $200,000.00 City of Sa3.nt
Pau7. Joint Court House and City Ha11 Rehabilitation Bonds, Series No.l, to be dated
October 1, 19b1, �.nd as ths proper city officers h�.ve fu11� caused the said bonda to be
advertiaed for sale a,nd said advertisement required sealed bids to be submitted on
October 31. 1961, and as the bids were submit�ed andFopened, eaamined a.nd tabulated by
ths Cov.ncil, and ths �oint bid of The First National Bank of Chicago, The Northern Tru.st
Company, Continental Illinois National Ba.n.k and '.I'�st Compan,y of Chicago, Equitable
Securt#ies Corporation, I,a,idlaw & Co., Stroud 8a Co., Inc. ging, Quirk & Co. Inc., Robert
W. Baird & Co., Inc., New York Hanaeatic Corp. a,nd American Nationa]. Bank of St.Paul
t�as found to be ths moet advantageous, therefore be it
RESOZVED, that ths bid of ths above synd3cate .
.�... -
be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namel�, par a.nd accrued interest with a
coupon rate of 3.40 per cent and a prer�ium of $1,801.00.
b'UR'�R RESOI,VID, t}�at ths Cov.ncil hsreby ratifies and approves each and eveiy
act of th�e Sinking �nd C�immittee in connection with the sale of said bonds. _
OCT 3 Z 1�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yea,s Nays . �
veCourcy D�T 3 Z �9��
Holland Approved 19—
Tn Favor �
Mortinson '
� �� Peterson ^ Mayor
O A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis �"���S��g`�
an+a-eo' �2 � ����D � ' � �
DUrLICATE TO PRINTER � � ` f ` �o���^�
Council File
WHEREAS. the Counc3l did by �,e�n�t�ien Ho. 203951. being Qrdinance Ao. 12058.
approved pctober 3� �961. a,nthori�e the i�suan.ce and eale of $200�000.00 �i�y of Saint
Paul Joint Court Houge and City ga3.1 Rehabilitation Bonds� Seriea No.l� to be dated
October l. 1961, �,nd as ths proper city officers have fully caused the ��id bondg to be
advertiaed for sale and �aid ad.verti$ement required sealed bids to be submitted on
October 31� �961. and as the bids were submitted and opened� e�mined and tabul�.ted by
the Coun.cil� and the �oint bid of The F3rg� Natiomal B�nk of Chicago. The Northern Txv.st
Compauy. �ant3nental Illinois Na,tiona3-Bank and '1'�8t Company of Chioago� Equltable
Secur�tiea �orporation. Iaidlaw & Co.. Stroud de Co.. Inc. King. Qp.irk � Co. Inc., Robert
W. Baird � Co.. Inc.. Ne� York Hanseat.ic Co�p. and 14meric8n National Bank of St.Paul
was £ound to be ths �ao�t a.d.rantageo�xs. therefore be it
BESOLFLD, �hat ths bia of the above ayndicate
be accepted. and said bond$ �trard.ed at a pxfc�� namely, par and accrued interest with a
coupon r�te of 3.40 per ceut and a prenium of $1.80I.00.
1'UHTHER �7SOLYED� that t�.e Gounc3l hsreby ratffiee a,nd approveg aach and every
�ct of the �inki.ag �nd C�amittee in connection with �he aale of said bond�.
�cT s � 1s�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcp OCT 311969
Holland � Approved 19—
� Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen �gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis