204579 ` �����n7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��� �r�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 31, 1961 COMMISSIONE �� DATE � WHEREAS: The Twin Ci.ty Irish-Amex�can �'1ub holders of License No. 889, expiring September 21, 1962, permi.tting them to conduct Bingo Games each Friday ' Evening, between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00 p.m. �lsl at 3452 IIniversity Avenue, and WI�REA,S: The Twin �ity Irish-�erican �`1.ub have made application for the transfer of such l�cense to 90� Rice Street (Second Floor) , therefore, be� it � RESOLVED: That License No. 889, 3�ssued to the Twin �ity Irish-American �lu� be and -� the same is hereby amended to read "90� Rice Street, (Second Floor)" effect�ve November 17, 1961, � . —� Council FIIe No.204579—By Mrs.Donald ; M. DeCourcy—Robert F. Peterson— Milton Rosen— Whereas, The Twin City Irish-Amer- ican Club holders oi License No. 889, I expiring September 21, 1962, permitting _ them to conduct Bingo Games each i - - - ' - Friday Evening, between the hours of . � 8:00 and 12:00 p.m. at 3453� University ] Avenue, and' � � Whereas, The Twin'City Ifish-Amer- ican Club have made application for , the transfer of such license to 904 Rice � Street (Second Floor), therefore, be it Resolved That License No.889,issued 1 ' to the Twfn City Irish-Amerlcan Ciub be and the same is hereby amended to read "909 Rice Street, (Second Floor)" efPective November 17, 1981. Adopted bY the Council October 31, 1981. Approved October 31, 1981. ' �Y'�g. Appn. G��$ (November 4, 1981) � (Am.endment of address on license) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�I�iT � 1 �� 19_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy �C�f 31 �� Holland Approved 19— � Tn Favor � Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen , gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis sM G-(il