204566 1± Council Flle No. 204568—Sy Severin A.
Mortinson, by request— �
ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK � '� Whereas; T]le� (,`3� (,'Ol1I1C11� 89 F1T0- �����
vided by law, has authorized the� ��
- CITY OF ST. P Department of Parks And Recreation Q,
' And Public Buildings to enter upon�
OFFICE OF THE CI the premises known and descFibed as�
116-122 Iglehart Avenue in the City i
. " Ci NCi� RESOLUTION— of Saint Paul, and to tear down a
�r,e`m�'a'the two story frame.� �t '.�a
� +,i.;,.fiiig .tl:ere;�� .-.d
PRESENTED BY ..��•-... -.����,..�s {.�Q—:�a
COMMISSIONE �.�',;,�,,,�,�;,�;,��,: . �_
;.-s,�*'�� —
REAS, the City Gouncil, as provided by law, has authorized
the Department of Parks ,4nd Recreation And Public Buildings to
enter upon the premises known and described as 116-122 Iglehart
Avenue in the Gity of Saint Paul, and to tear down and remove
the two story frame eight unit apartment building thereon as
being unsafe and dangerous to life, �imb and adjoining propeTty,
and �
WHEREAS, Pursuant to such Gouncil action, bids for the tear-
ing down and removal of said building were duly advertised for
in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, and the
lowest bid was in the sum of $1,440.00 and the expenses of the
Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings in con-
nection with condemnation proceedings and writing specifications
amounted to $80.91, making a total of $1,520.91, and
WHERE�S, There are no funds now appropriated in the Building
Wrecking Emergency Fund for the wrecking and removal of said
building, be it
RESOLVED, That said sum be paid out of the Wrecking Condemned
Buildings Account of the General Fund 31 G 22, and that in
the event said sum proves to be collectible from the owner
of the premises, same is to be credited to the General Fund
Item 31 G 22
f - �
ACT 311g6'�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy 0 CT 3119b°�
Holland Approved 19—
�s n Favor � �
Peteraon Mayor
A gaillst
Rosen )
Mr. President, Vavoulis ����D — � / ���
EM 8-80 �r 2
DUPLICATE TO PpINTER ' ^ • �o'����
_ - ° CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�
WI�ERE/��, '�h� Ci�y �o�nci].� as prov�.deci by law, h�s a�uthori2ecl
th� D�p��tment of Parks And Recreation And Pub�.ic Bu3.l.dings to
ent�r upon �h� psemis�s known �nd deseri.bed a�s 116-122 2g3�rh�rt
Avenv� in the City of Saint Paul, �nct to tear down and r�move
the two s�ory fr�me eight unit �p�rtment building ther�on as
b�ing uns�fe and dang�rous to life, �3.mb and ad�oining prap�rty,
�nd �
WHERE�IS, Purs��n� to such �ouncil act3on, bid� for th� t�ar�»
ing down a�nd r�mtival of �a3.d build�ng w�r� du�.y adv��t�.sed for
3.n �ecordance with the prov�.sivns of the �ity �h�rter, �nd th�
lo�r�st bid �as �.n �h� sum of $�;,440.00 �nd tY�e �xpen�es of th�
Dapar-�ment of P�rks And Recr��tior� And Pub13.c Build3.ng� in �on-
nection with condemna�ion proc�ed�.r�g€� and wri�3ng $pe���.ficat3.Qn$
amounted to �84.91, ma�ki�ng � �Eot�l of �1,��0.9]., and �
WHERE7�S, Th�re a�re no fund$ �aw appropriated �.n the Bu3lding
Wr�cking Emergency Ftand fo� the wrecking �nd semov�l o� s�id
bu�.ld�ng, be it
R��OLVED, That ��id sum be p�id out of the Wr��king Condemned
Buildings Account o� the Caeneral Fund 31 G 22, �nd tha$ in
th� �vent s�id sum proy�s to be cal].ec�ible from the awner
of th� pr�mises, �am� is to be credit�d to th� G�ner�l Fund
Item �1 C 22
, �CT 3119���
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy , ���' � '� �i���
Holland Approver� 19—
Tn Favor
Peterson � Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
ant a-eo �,2 ,