D001733CTTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR anlvmvis�� o�Ex � Appmved Copies to: - Ciry Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept rro: 1S D l7 3 3 Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs Professional Development Institute is sponsoring a 2 coutse entitled "Field Training Officer" and, 3 4 WHEREAS, this course is scheduled for December 6-10, 1999, and will be conducted at the Metropolitan 5 State University's Midway Campus, Room LL4. 1 BE TT ORDERED that pursuant to the 1999 City Budget, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to 8 remit an amount not to exceed $5,310.�0 to Field Training and Associates, 2225 Draper Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI 9 48197. This is to cover expenses incurred for consulting cost to accommodate this training course. 10 11 12 13 14 � $ 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ,� A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Funding source: Account Code 436-34117-0219-40017. . Approved b: rty tt ey Date ��.�-- �T-��--e-� App ov by: Fin ce DirecWr Date Department 292-3588 ASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �noi9v GREEN SHEET Ho. 9726 ' INRWJDATE . INITULL/DATE 1 � //�' �� �'�" �AnOP1E'(�j;� � lart41FR1( � �euucu,.sQev�som._ 1 S IPpuxcu�-sErsvu«r� 1�1 ❑uavors(oaassoiur�_ �urnnrswxis 6 (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQUESiED g and approval of attached Professional Services Ageement. PLANNING CQMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVlL SERV{CE COPAMISSION Has Mis persoNfirtn everworked under a coMtact forthis tlepartment? YES NO Has Mis personlfirtn ever been a dry employee? YES NO Doas this perso�mi possess a skill not nortnalty possessed by any curtent cRy empbyee? YES NO Is Mis persoNfirm a targetetl vendoR YES NO :plain all yes answers on separate sheet anA attach W green sheet Saint Paul Police Departtnent is tesponsible for iraining new Recruits thtoughout FTO. Veteran O�cers ase instrumental in this ess. This seminaz sets the stage for the veteran and Aecruit to become awaze of what is expected of a Saint Pau] Police Officer. Saint Paul Police Deparlment Officers would participate in this seminaz and become certified FTO's at a nominal cost to the noted. Ten Saint Paul Police Officers would �Ye to be certified FTO's. C v L9 �U� 21993 CtTy CtERK ,� �I�SI� 26 1993 - !; 7A4 AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 5�310.00 � uNOiac souece 43634ll 7-0219-40017 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (GIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTINTY NUMBER NANCIAL INFORMA7lON (EXPWN)