204499 - - . - � ._,. . , d��.�.���� ORIOINAL TO � COUNCIL NO• „ • ' CITYGLHAK � CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE = APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM � PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED e,r ernard T. Holland October 20 61 COMMISSIONE DATF 'I9 R E S O L V E D , ITHAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE GOMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- � TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPER[NG THE WORK � - PROVIDED B�y THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSF'ERS ARE MADE. ' CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 31 gAS Detention & Correction Adm. 8, 662.91 31 KA1 . 6,75�•2� 31 xA2 107.15 31 xA3 178. 60 31 xA� � 77.�5 31. gA5 220.�2 31 x�6 � - 1 325.05 8,�2.91 8,6�,2.91 31 KB5 Woodview Detention Home 13,576.05 31 KB1 I 9,312.88 31 gBZ ' 210 03 31 xB3 � l00. 09 � 31 Ks� { 615.77 31 gB� 580.4�s 31 Ra6 i 4�81.87 31 KB7 � - - � 2,2'�5:00 � 13,5�6. 05 13�5�.05 � 31 gCS Ho�e School for Boys 18, 756.�3 31 xC1 ; 11, 860.86 � 31 KC2 � 299•52 , 31 xC3 121.56 31 xC4 �72. 55 31 KC5 , 1,397.R8 " 31 xc6 � 2, 017.66 31 xC7 74.70 31 gC � 2 511.50 ` 18,756.4�3 18,7�.4�3 YES (�/) COUN LMEN (�/) NAYS , S� '� ADOP ED BY THE COUNCI� 19 • I Y APPROVED 19 IN FAVOR • � MAYOR GAINST � COUNT ' SIGNED BY � "' GITY GO PTRO HR M PRESIDENT 600 1-68 �8 � � � ORIOINALTO� ` 1 COUNCIL NO. ����� �",�� � .. � CITYCL6RK � CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM � � ' PER CHARTER SECTION 208 i � PRESENTED BY pA.rF October 2�� 19 pl COMMISSIONER RPrnard T. Holland R O L V E D , THAT FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • TH COMPTROLLER, AS SO DOING AN UNAVOI BLE DEFICIEN IN CER- TAIN I S MAY BE MET BY S TRANSFERS WITHOU AMPERING T WORK PROVIDED Y THE MONEY IN THE EMS FROM WHICH E TRANSFER ARE MADE. I y CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. 31 gDS Workhouse-Work Farm 51,279•3 31 KD1 35,119.1 31 gD2 860.00 31 xn3 6 85.3 31 gD4� 2,312.0 31 xDs . 3,777. 6 31 KD6 ' 1,896.3 31 gD7 1, 079.8 31 KD8 � � 5 5�9: 0 � 51,2�,9�.3 51,?�9.3 � ��_ 31 I�iW Detent on & Correction Ad.m. 3,2�6.1 31 KBW Woodview Detention Home 2,38�•9 31 RCStT Home Schools for Boys 5 ,959.8 31 gDW Workhouse-Work Farm �,4�76.1 - 16,�26. 9. 31 gtT 16,�26.96 16,�26.9 108,301.67 108,301. 67 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/ NAYS OCT 2 3 D@COUSC� - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� ��� 19 • Hol]and �CT � 3 '���� �9 IASS APPROVE IN FAVOR Nlprtinson x Peterson � MAYOR GAINST Rosen COUNT SIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLBR MR. PRESIDENT coo i-ee a�i8 ,� Council FIIe No. 2044�-- — Resolved, That the transfers within •- " ° -' " funds of the various City Departments � heretofore approved by the City Comp- ���,(d�� � tJ �• of llOct.8S20u�1961anazersindi a eds in "'� L� � documents attached hereto and made Notice CITY OF ST apart hereot< by re4erence, as tuuy ]� NO. as 14 the same were set torth fully .t0 �S and completely herein, are hereby , approved, copies of the aforementioned Printer also being on flle in the office of the City Clerk and in the office of the ' (r'Q[JN�i�L �+'S City Comptroller. ` • 1C� Adopted by the Council October 23, 1961. Approved October 23, 1961. (October 28, 1981) RFSOLVED� that the transfers within f as oi-tine-vara:vus-���. - partments heretofore approved by the City Cpmptroller, as such transfers of funds as of c ' a 96 are indicated in documents attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, as fu11y as if the same were set forth fully and campletely herein, are hereby approved� copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in the office of �he City C�ptroller. . , � � 0 CT 2 319�1 � l , Adopted by the Council 19 � JOSEPf� J. N1ITCHE�.0 ' pCT 2 31��� City Canptroller � . Approved 19._. By .�. I. HAUW1l.LER