204459 Y Council File No. 204459—By Mllton ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK,(� •• ' � - � Rosen— , ������ ' Whereas, By authority of the Laws C�� o#Minnesota Por the year 1959, Chapter COUNCIL r '" FFICE isz2is'en'Proved Mayr2t'�sss,btheCCity F��E NO. _ of St. Paul may pay a portion of the C� L RES cost of•sidewalk construction, when such cost$, exceed the beneSts to the „�1 property oWners, and PRESENTED BY Whereas, It has been determined / COMMISSIONE that the parcels of property listed OBER 1. O�. herein be relieved of the following ----'--- ---°------ — amounts of assessable costs for side- - � �walk constructlon: CONTRACT 59-M-1$7—L-6087: • ' I.ot 30,Block 2, Davern's Rear. �'� of Blocks 4, 5 and 8, Lexing- ��AS b a.u.thOr,i ' ton Park Plat,10 . , y ty of t �•--�,-.r,,,��••�,��-w:�r�naso°Ea' for tYx� year 1559� Chapter 330, H. F. 217, and ratified by C.F. 192216, approned �Y 2, 1959� the Ci�Ly of St. Paul may pay a portion of the cost of sidewalk construction, when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owners, and • WHEF�AS, it has been determined that the parcels of property listed herein be relieved of the follovuing arnounts of assessable costs for sidewalk construction: � CONTRACT 59-bT-187 - L-6087: � Lot 30, Block 2, Davern' s Rear. of Blocks �, 5 and 6, Lexington Park Plat 10 . . . . . . . . � 160.09 CONTRACT 59-Rn.-188 - L-6088: � Lot 31, J.R.Vt�eide t s Sub. of Block 24, Arlington Hills Additi�n . . . . . . . . 63.00 West l+� feet of Lots 31�. ar�d 35, J.R.1iVeide� s Sub. _ of Block 21�., Arlington Hills Additi on . . . . . -- 11�..38 Lot 11, J.R.VPeide' s Sub. of Block 27, Arlington Hills Addition - . . . . . . `. . . . . . . 86.63 � �" Except the West 1�.8 feet; Lots 3� and� 35,-"'J:R:YPeide��s-" -,- - - ` Sub. of Block 2I�, Ar1.in�ton Hills Addition . . . . � 95.00 � TOTAL + � 51+9.10, and WHEF�AS, the total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is Y ��- ' � � 549•10, now' tY�er ef ore; �b�"�it "-� " RESOLVED, tlaat tkie Commissioner of P��e�V�s be and he is here by authorized to pay from the eermanen / evo ving Fund, Code 3001, the - portion of the co ats of sidewalk corfstruction expended under the 1959 Sid�.walk Contracts, M-187 and 1�-188, L Numbers b087 and 6088 respect�,1,�'�m�unting to � 51�9.10 in Levies Number 7 and '9; said Permanen ��'evo ving Fund to be reimbursed from tlae Local Improve- : ment Fund 31E-1 (1961) . +�CT �� 1q6r J�y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy �cT 2 4 �9r,;i Holland Approved 19.— Loss • �-- " In Favor . ` Mortinson �. - Peterson �8tlltg' Mayor -� Rosen gainst I�n /_/ � `7 U/ ; v � . , ' YUSLISHED , snt G(il n • � DUrLICATE TO PRINTER J � � � • ��j��`�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL J +�� '�f � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � COMM SS�IONER DATE OCTOBER 2I�., 1961 , � -- — � VPHEREAS b authori of the Lawe of �innesot� for t� ear , � � � 1959� } Chapter 330, H. F. 27.7, and ratified b� �.F. 192216, approved '.usy 2, �959, the City of �t. P�ul may pay a portion of the aost of sidewalk conetruation, when suah cos�s exaeed the benefi�s �o the pPOperty o�nera, and � t VB13Ef�AS, 3t ha� been ,dstermined that the parcel� of propert� ; listed herein be relievaci of the Pollor�ing amount� of aese�$eble # aost8 for �idecralk con$truations . , ; CONTRACT 59•�a-187 - Ly6o87 s - . . . . : Lot 30, Bloak 2, Davern� e ear. of Bloek$ �.�5 an,� 6, ; Leaington �ark Plst 10 . . . . . . . . � 160.09 � CONTRACT 59�-8�-188 - L-6o88: ' , � Lot 31, J.R.Weideis Sub. of Elock 2�., A�lingtvn : f�il�.a Additic5n - � . . . . . . : . 63.0� ' West �.8 :Ceet of Lota 3�. ar� 35, J.R.�e3deta �ub. t of Bloak 2I�, Arlington �ill.� Addition . . . . . 1�..38 � � Lot 11, J.H.Weide� � Sub. o�' Block 27, Ar�.ington ` H311� addition . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . 86.63 ,` Fxcept the We�t �.8 �eet; Lots 3�,�. and 35,. J.R.�Ueide� S � Sub. o� Block 2 1.�, Arlingt on Hills Addi ti on . . . . 95•� ' T�TAI, � 549•�o, an.d. i ' WI�R�gS, the total am.ount of a�aessa.ble coetm �he City may pay ie � � 5�.g.10, no� tl�r ef oFe, be it . � RESOLVED, tbat t,he Comaniesion�r of Public VPorks be and he i� hereby � � aut�.ori.sed to pay z"som the Permanent Revalving Fund, Code 3001, the � portion of the ao st� of eide�►aZk cons�ruation expended under the t 1959 sia��a�x contraats, �-187 snd �-i88, L Numbers 60�7 and 6088 � � reapeatively, amounting to � 5�.9.1d in �evie� I�umber 7 and 9� �aid � Permanent Revolving F�nd to be reimburs�d from t}� LoQal ��mprove- ment Fund �lE�l (ig6i) . . ! + 0 CT 2 4 �96� ` COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— f � ,Yeas Nays � DeCourcy ��T 2 4 ��� i � Holland Approved 19— ', �gg Tn Favor . Mortinson � Peterson Mayor � Rosen -;�-�gainst ��r� ��eei�c�.t, Va�•��,�;� 1 sM G-(fl ' �