204456 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE F Peterson , DATE Ootober 24, 1961 9P�iEREAS, �he Ca�isaioner of' Publio Safety hae reported, in aaoordanae with Section,�53 of the City Charter, the eaiatenae of an emergenay during the period from Oatober 1, 1961 to Oatober 31, 1961, which rendered necesaary the employment of aartain employees in the Dep�rtment of Publics Sa,fety for more than eight hours per day, or forty hours per wsek, in doing tha f ollowing work= � Clerical work in the Bureau o� General Administration (Offiae) ar�d �RHERFAS, this emergenay arose by rea�on of the following facsts and aircumatancess • Laok of personnel to type reports and keep curren� records up to date. � THEREFORE BE IT RESfILVEDs That the proper city offiaers are hersby authorized to pay = Ihe employeee who performad �uch work in aaoordance �rith the provisiona of' the Councilta Salary Ordinance No. G446. . Councll File No.204456—By Robert F. Peterson— � Resolved, That the proper city oSi- , cers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department - of.Public Safety, Bureau of General, Administratio�► for extra employment� as described in the resolution. - Adopted by the Council October 7A, 1981. ' Approved October 24, 1961. � (October 28, 1981) � .,B � 0 CT 2 4 196� = COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - � vecourcy . OCT 2 4196�t Holland Approve 19— ° Loss 1 Tn Favor -- � Mortinson � � Aating Mayor , Peterson Rosen � � gainst . ` i en , a sM G-(il ' tl