08-321Suspension 3/26/2008 RESOLUTION 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 CtTY Presented by Council File # 08-321 Green Sheet # 3051431 SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA GUIDELINES FOR A DOWNTOWN FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WI�REAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in Council FIle No. 08-188, has commenced to amend Administrative Code Chapter 65 to provide that certain improvements to designated heritage preservation structures and non-designated stmctures located in the B4 and BS Zoning Districts have a public purpose and that it is in the City's interest to levy and collect an assessment to pay all or part of the costs of those improvements having such a public purpose as these improvements can benefit the general public primazily by preserving the City's cultural, social, economic and azchitectural history as well as maintain and enhance the vibrancy of the City's downtown area; and WHEREAS, upon the enactment of Council File No. 08-188, the City Council desires that applications for improvements consistent with the intent of Admin. Code Chap. 65 should be processed for approval as expeditiously as possible; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in order to facilitate the expeditious processing of such applications, finds as a matter of policy that presently designated historic structures, as weli those structures which have been certified or considered eligible for the National Historic Register by the State Historic Preservation Office, or have been studied and recommended for historical designation in the St. Paul Historic Context Studies: Downtown St. Paul, 1849-1975 but have yet to be so officially designated should, given the limited availability of funds, receive priority consideration in keeping with the City's stated policies of safeguazding and enhancing the City's historical assets; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of guiding City staff and petitioners through the requirements and review of such applications, the City Council, upon the advice and recommendation of the Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Department of Safety and Inspections — Heritage Preservation Cominission staff, hereby establishes the following requirements which shall be applicable to applications for certain improvements to designated heritage preservation structures, as well structures which have been certified or considered eligible for the NaUOnal Historic Register by the State Historic Preservation Office, or have been studied and recommended for historical designation in the St. Paul Historic Contezt Studies: Downtown St. Paul, 1849-1975 but not yet designated, for the assessment of the costs of such improvements. NOW, TI�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that applications presented to the City for certain improvements to designated heritage preservation structures, as well as those structures which have been certified or considered eligible for the National Historic Register by the State Historic Preservation Office, or have been studied and recommended for historical designation in the St. Paul Historic Context Studies: Downtown St. Paul, 1849-1975 but not yet designated as historical, as authorized by Administrative Code Chapter 65, must for approval purposes comply with the following requirements and criteria: 08-321 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 a) The petition must be by written application on a form provided by the City and shall comply with all of the applicable requirements of Admimstrative Code Chapter 65, including the submission of plans, specifications, and a cost estimate. The City shall reject any application not on a form of the City and any application that does not include all information required by the City. b) Structures eligible to participate in this special assessment program must be in a B4 or BS Zoning District and listed either on the National Register of Historic Places, localiy designated as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Site, or have been certified or considered eligible for the National Historic Register by the State Historic Preservation Office, or have been studied and recommended for historical designation in the St. Paul Historic Context Studies: Downtown St. Paul, 1849-1975 but has not yet been designated as historical. c) Improvements eligible through this special assessment program must be visible from the public realm, and include but may not be limited to: historical awnings; replacement of missing decorative features; restoration or replacement of doors and windows; removal of non-historic materials or additions; approved exterior lighting; design and engineering fees related to the proposed improvements; historic preservation-related maintenance which requires specialized care or expertise, including tuck-pointing and cleaning. All improvements are subject to City's approval. d) Improvements not eligible through this special assessment program include but may not be limited to: any interior work; work done to a building's roof; major landscape improvements; plants; building improvements not visible from the public realm; building additions and new construction; improvements completed or in progress at the time of application; building acquisition; exterior painting, except for painting related to other eligible improvements; routine maintenance. e) All proposed fa�ade improvements will be reviewed by staff of the Heritage Preservation Commission, and must meet the Secretary of Interior Standazds for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings. fj The petition sha11 be prepared and signed by all owners of the subject property, and proof of record ownership thereof shall also be submitted with the petition. g) The petition shall contain a statement that the owner(s) shall be responsible for contracting for the actual construction of the fa�ade improvements using contractors and installers licensed or registered with the City of Saint Paul or the State of Minnesota. h) The petition shall contain a signed statement by the owner(s) waiving all rights which they may have to a public hearing on the proposed improvement and assessment and 08-321 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 further specifically waiving any and all rights which the owner(s) may have to appeal the adopted assessments to the District Court. i) The amount to be specially assessed for the improvements shall not exceed the amount of the approved construction estimates, plus any administrative costs incurred by the City and interest chazges. Administrative chazges may include the costs of providing a disbursing agent, engineering inspection services and other costs associated in the review and implementation of the improvements. No property may receive more than $500,000 for fa�ade improvements under this program. j) The petition shall contain a statement that the owner(s) shall be responsible for the difference between the approved construction estimate and the actual construction costs, in the event the actual costs exceed the approved estimate. k) No payment shall be authorized until the assessment is ratified and the completed work is reviewed and approved by the Departsnent of Safety and Inspection for compliance with all applicable building codes and consistency with the proposed improvements. Any approval by a City division or department shall be only as to compliance with existing codes and is not a warranty of quality of materials or workmanship. 1) Special assessments shail be for a period not to exceed 15 years for projects receiving $250,000 or less, and for a period not to exceed 20 yeazs for projects receiving in excess of $250,000. m) Assessments shall bear interest at the highest rate applicable for any other special assessment levied by the City in that year. n) The pefltion shall contain a statement that in the event the petitioners request the abandonment of the special assessment project, all costs incurred by the City shall be reimbursed by the petitioners and in the discretion of the Council may be collected in the same manner as assessments. o) Unless specifically waived by the City Council, all petitions must be received and approved by the City Council before construction or installation of the proposed fa�ade improvements. p) Consideration of all petitions shall be subject to a case-by-case determination and approval of the City Council and shall be solely within the Council's discretion. q) The owner(s) of any non-designated structure that has been certified or considered eligible for the National Historic Register by the State Historic Preservation Office, or has been studied and recommended for historical designation in the St. Paul Historic Context Studies: Downtown St. Paul, 1849-1975, and any mortgage holders for said property, must grant the City an easement in the facades upon which improvements aze made under this program. - �o 135 136 137 138 08-321 r) All petirions must be received and approved by the City Council no later than June 4, 2008. Services .St211C Thune Yeas � Nays � Absent �I Requested by Deparhnent of: t� £ f,� ✓ J $Y' �� � '� - Approved b Ci�ty / Attorney BY� �W.li✓OYVxG-. 3� 2/— p 8' Approve y for Sub ''o to Cqapcil By: � �� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Cerkfied by Council Secretary BY� ✓/ /D✓//��A. `/1��,0l� Approved by Ma r: Date �'y/ Q�_,r,�J �j �� a�� BY� �4ctt,t�°��lli�.us��{ _ OS-321 � Green Sheet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartrnenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: pE — Planumg&EcouomicDevelopment 2�-�a-08 Green Sheet NO: 3051431 Coirtact Person 8 Phone: Martin Schieckel 266-6580 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DocumeM Required: N Document ConWct: CoMad Phone: � Deoarhnent Sent 7o Person 0 lamin & Economic Develo me Assign 1 lannin &ErnnomicDevelo me De arm�entDirector Number Z ancialServices MattSmith For Routing 3 or'sO�ce Ma or/Assistant Order q oancil Dave Thane 5 ' C[erk Ci C(erk ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) Sign Resolurion establishing guidelines for a downtqwn faqade improvement progam. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrect for this departrnent� Yes No 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not rrormally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Ciry desires to insritute a pilot program for providing funds [o owners of certain historically designated and non-designated buildings in the B4 and BS zoning districts for the putposes of making fapade improvements. The funds will be repaid through a special assessment on the participating properties. Advantages If Approved: Allows unplementation of a pilot program designed to enhance the vibrancy of the City�s downtown azea. DisadvaMages If Approved: None. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Downtown pilot fapade improvement program won�t be able to proceed. Trensaction: Funding Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. Financiai Information: Funding for this program will come via a sepazate budget resolution. (Explain) March 25, 2008 10:53 AM Page 1 08-321 Downtown Saint Paul Fa�ade Improvement Program FACT SHEET Purpose 7he Downtown Fagade tmprovement program ts designed to benefit the general pubiic primarity by preserving the City's cultural, sociai, economic and architectural history as well as maintain and enhance the vibrancy of the City's downtown area. Eligible Applicants Owners of eligible structures may apply. Eligible structures must be located in a 64 or B5 Zoning District and: 1) be tisted either on the Nationai Nistoric Register of Historic Places or tocally designated as a Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Site, or 2) have been certified or considered eligible for the National Historic Register by the State Historic Preservation Office, or 3) have been studied and recommended for historic designation in the St. Pau! Historrc Context Studies: Downtown St. Paul, 1894-1975, but not yet been designated as historic.. Eligible (mprovements Eligible improvements (subject to City approval) must be visible from the public realm, and include, but may not be limited to: • historic awnings • replacement of missing decorative features • restoration or repiacement of doors and windows • removal of non-historic materials or additions • approved exterior lighting • design and engineering fees related to the proposed improvements • historic preservation-related maintenance which requires specialized care or expertise, including tuck-pointing and cleaning All proposed fa�ade improvements will be reviewed by Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission staff, and must meet the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings. Selection Process A written application form provided by the City must be submitted along with plans, specifications, and cost estimates. Each project will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and approved by the City Council before construction or installation of the proposed fa�ade improvements. Applications wiil be availabie on Monday, March 31 Building owners are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Program Funding There are approximately $2 Million in funds designated for the Fa�ade Program. No property may receive more than $500,000 for fa�ade improvements under this program. Special assessments shail be for a period not to exceed 15 years for projects $250,000 or below, and 20 years for projects in excess of $250,000. Assessments shall bear interest at the highest rate applicable for any other special assessment levied by the City in that year. Media Contact: Natalie Fedie, Department of Planning & Economic Development 651-266-6549 or natalie.fedie@ci.stpaui.mn.us (3/21/2008) Patricia Lindgren - TEXT.htm � Page 1, 08-321 Pat , Pleas forward this message onto the Ciiy Council. Thank You Dear Council President Lantry and members of the City Council, The Downtown Building Owners Association (DBOA) wishes for me as Chair Person of the organization to convey our strong support for the proposed Downtown Fasade Improvement Assessment Program in downtown Saint Paul. We will only take an official position when all our members support a position. This pilot program as outlined and proposed by Councilman Thune, meets that criteria. John E. Mannillo Chair Person Downtown Building Owners Association (DBOA)