204419 PETYTI�ON
co��� �e rro..��4�
PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ��R en—Flle rro. zo�i�sY Milton
�` Whereas, A written proposal far }.he
and �making oP the following improvement,
Isi e�o Grotto St S fr ma Nebraska Avet
PRELIMINARY ORDER. �to the �north alley approximately 135
�ft. abutting the property known as 743
W. Nebraska, havin , been presented
Theunderai edhereb ro osesthemakin ofthefollowin to tne co�,�il of t'�e citY oE s�t
gn y p p g gpublicimprovement by-P�u��e1'iP,�'6P�S11'iL-t't�ul�'Vh$.-:���-•
construct new sidewalk on the west side of Grotto St. from Nebraska
Ave. to the north alley approximately 135 ft. abutting the property
known as 743 W. Nebraska.
__---------------------------------------------------•---•-•----•-------------•------------------------------.....-----.....----------------------_.----------•--._.._._....---- ----•------
Dated this....._.19t h, day of...................Oct ober , 61
---.....--•-•-•-----•----•--------------------•-•---... .�_._. --�
------------------------------•--.....-- --------••-----------------•-------------------------------
. Councilman.
W�iEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
construct new sidewalk on the west side of Grotto St. from Nebraska .
Ave. to the north alley approximately 135 ft. abutting the property
known as ?43 W. Nebraska.
having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul._.____..............................................................._.__.._..._._
therefore, be it
,' RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed:
� 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the�making of said improvement.
2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
5. To report upon a11 of the foregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of �nance. '
� � OCT19 �
- Adopted by the Council.-------•------------•----------------•----------------._._........-------•-
YEes Neys .
Coun��man DeCou rcy 0 CT 19 198�'
. Loss
Mortinson �• � �
• Peterson
Rosen � �
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Mx. PRF78ID�NT Vavou 1 i s . Ma or.
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