204414 � � . ,. I3 . P�ETITYOIV 20,���A �� Council File No--------------,.......�. ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Couneil File No. 204414 — By Milton - Rosen— • � •-�Whereas, A written proposal for the and s making oi.the following improvement, vfz.: ' Construct or reconstruct the side- walk on the south side of Fourth St. PRELIMINARY ORDER. appTOXt�mately 137 tft.�abut ng,athe property known as 568 N. FIazel Ave., having been presented to the ,CQupcil Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by�fie't�ity'o��sint Paul;vis.: construct or reconstruct the sidewalk on the soath side of Fourth St. ._-•-------••-------------------•---._....---------...---------....._..------•-•---------------------------•---------------•---........----------•---•-------•-------.....-----....._..---------- from Hazel Ave. to the east...alle�!..approximately____137.__ft_,_..abutting _the._._ _---------------------•----•--•-------------------------------------•-- ---- - ---••----- _�r op e r t.y.._k n ow n___a s___568.__N,___.Ha_z e 1_..Ave_.. ------••-------------•-------------------------------....------•--•----••------....-------------- ------------•-•----••----•-------------•.....-----........__...._..--------------•--------------------•--•---------•-•--------•--.....----------------------------...----•-------- - __......_.. Dated thie.._18t h....-----day of---------------------------OC t ober -----� 19� ..----•......................... 61• ----------------------•-------�---_.....`..__......._ ... ... ----------..... - ------ �Councilman. ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. , WIiEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: construct or reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of Fourth St=.. _----------------------------•------._...---------•--...---.....-------.._......---•---------•---------------•-•--------...._-•-----•--••--•----•----•-----•--------------------•------•------ --�_�.QlA---F�����.._AA�....--�-�--.�.he---.e�s_L.._alle-3r---��.Rr-oxi_ma.t�ely---13.?-...fx,.-•--ahu.t ti.u.g---t�.e----- � �r op e r ty---k n ow n._.a_s_._5 68 N ----�a;Z�1---�0.�.---------------------------------------------•-----...-------....-----------.....--------••---- ....... ----------------------------•--------------•--------------••-•---------•------------------- ---•------•--------._... ---•------•---- -• --•--------:..�_._.._.._..._ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......................._._____._.........__________..___.__.............._...._.._._. therefore, be it . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed: '` . 1.� To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid impronement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownera. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commisaioner'of Finance. Adopted by the Council----•---•---------------------------------Q�'T �. 9 ���-•--- . ` YEAB +� NeYS - ' - _ � �� .. =�'f Councilman DeCourcy • OCl- a 9 '�� . �. _ � r . � '�� ' PP �,;� . : � rove ----------------------------------•----._...------------.....__.._....._-- ' � Loss �4::� .�,.,,.�.' . � :�;:� . �.. �.. �� Mort i nson �,� , �.� -z_ • � . " '�Peterson �� �=- ����` `'� , . Rosen � ----------- ---•--- ----�-----•---------------__......_.___... ----• -•-- - --------- ��'�' �� • MB: PAEBIDENT VBVOU� i S Mayor. ��r. rx^-- � � . � {�,y',� `�. 3000 7-b4 ' . r d, ,�` ' � - l9� � , � ��J� � -_ � . �s a -