204407 ORIG1r1'.1L�0 CITY CLERK ��'p` �� A��� .;_ � CITY OF ST. PAUL I FOENCIL NO. Ll�r�s� cor��T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �ctober 19s 1-�61 COMMISSIONE . — + �7F RESOLVED: That Application G=�F7r6 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 5872, exp�ring January 31, 1962, issued to Henry and Mary Borndale at 1581 Un�vers�.ty �venue, be and the same- is hereby transferred to the Twins Motor Hotel, Inc. at IIniversity Avenue & Pri..or Avenue (Approximately 1965 II��ersity Avenue). Council File No.204407—By Mrs.Donald M. DeCourcy—Robert F. Peterson— " Mllton Rosen— Resolved, That Application G-4718 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License , ' No. b872, expiring January 31, 1982, _ issued to Henry and Mary Borndale TRANSF'ER at 1581 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to the (Licensees and Locati.an) �� Motor'Hotel, Inc. at University Avenue&Prior Avenue (Approximate- Informall a roved b �ouncil iY isss v�,c�ers►tY Avenue). y PP Y Adopted by the Council October is, Se tember 12 1961 196�1. j� � pproved October 19, 1961. New Location (Octobe� 21, 1961) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��c�11 4 1��_19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy �--i� APProvedCT � � °e � 19— �sg �Tn Favor ' Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis � sM G-(il . t . , . . .�: �oy�D 7 ' . � � CITY OF S . A � /v -/9-6/ APPLICATION FOR "C�N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No._ Name of Applicant....._Twins Motor Hotel� Inc. ._.._._.._..._._..._.___._._ ._. �. � � �t. 1�au1, �nne s ofa: ���'�� Residence Address..Northwest corner of Prior and.Universit�, Telephone No......_.__..._...._._........_.._._�.__ Are you a citizen of the United States? ��esota..cor�oration ���M_�,� Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? No . When and where?__._...._._... ..._.. _ .----.._._._..._....�._.. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.....Twins.Moto.r Hotel� Inc.��_�..._...___ Owners�hip and operation of motel and related.functions and cockta.il loun�e M_� � When incorporated 7_......d�.�px.Q.�d,l�.�-�.�lv Julv ���9�i 1.._..._....._........_..._._.....__._._.---_.�..__._...._ _..�____. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membere?....._......._...._...._..._....._ ____...�.._. How many membera?...._...._._ Names and addresses of president and aecretary of corporation, and name a,nd address of general m�nager _..__Pr.esident.and�eneral mana�er - Faul V. Fahlin�_7521 - l lth Avenue So. , Minneapolis, ' Minne s ota. ' ' - � ..............._...._____......_.._.__...___.___ ......_. `1_ _ + .'.' . .__.__.__...._..._._...._.__..._...._...._._�.._..._...._...._.____._..__...._ ..._....�....�...._._.......���..�....�.�..�.. �..��..�. .�........................�. ' .........._._..__..�....�................�..........�............_..............�.......�...............�.... , . . 1 �_ . . . 11_ ...� Names and addresses of Stockholders: � Curtis W. Kin�bay, 4800 Irvin� Ave. �o. , Minneapolis�_Min.n.esota._ __ ~^Jack Polkinghorne, 475T Hiawath.a Ave. , Minneapolis, Minnesota, �� : ........_...._.__ __.-__ -- __.......__._._ .. ...._....._.._... Parkway Service, Inc. (Jack Polkinghorne and Paul V. Fahlin, Stockholders) " Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known:._�'?:.de�it�yr_and_De�osit�nsurance Co�.,.,, Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Waxd � �� ; University : Northwest corner of Prior a.n.d Univer'sity 11 �__. �:. _ • . , , .� . . How�many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?..,�ver one mile��w�� How�ma.ny feet from a church (measured along streets) ?.._.... Iyiiriam_Park _� �__�_ __ How m,any feet from closest public or parochial grade or high achool �(measured along streets) ?.Oyer 1,.000_feet Name�of closest'schooL___.L.Q.zxg.£el].Q�tst..__ .._....__._.____.___..�.._____..._____....._..._..__._.. . ,�.�:��:a•. .__..; • � Commercial Heav industr .�`'`� � •��- ----_ How are premises classified under Zoning Orduiance._�.___..__.____._..__.._.__..w__._.__._Y._..._..._.__. Y�,_._.__ .- - .�:.: -. First £Loor and basement��'''�' ��`��� � }� ' • ��" On what floor located?_. _ .. _ ,�F<•*.�.c�:_.�.._.._._..._.._....__._..._.........----- =- .�L,. __. _ . _ . . ..� _.=.. ..__ ...r... . � ,; „ n ;,, :",, - _ Are premises owned by you or leased?....Owned.__.� leased give name of owner..._.........._..........�..._..�...�..�.:�...w._....�_.: � ; If a restaurant give aea,ting capacity?y .. Dinin�room �.40_ta.bles;_a��ir�xi.r`nateiy 1_00.`= ___._.__.� --PeOP-Ie =-,� ..r _ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room 7 ._.__.._....__._....__._.__...._._____......__._..__..__.____=°�' ____ '•`= -:-�=-- -. Give trade name-------Twins__Motor.Hotel�--Inc.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------�','---'�'-�-��:''Y-- '.`. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are`inten`ded: �ockta.il loung,.e with approximatelv 20 stools;._dining..room��a_p�roximatel�r 40 ta.bles ___. ._....._........_....___ a.nd 45 chai�s; 6 ban uet rooms in the basement. (The intorm�tion above must be given for hotels and restAUrants which use more than one room for liquor sales). ,, How many guest rooms in�$�..z�o:�.l..�_ ?0 _......._..__.__.__._.___...._.._..w....._._.__.__...__._.._....__.._............._._... Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)...___.�'.au1..V.___Fahlin Give names and a.ddresses of three business references:...._...___.____...._._..._.._........_..___....._.........._..._...._.........._..._...__....__.__ 1._._Fir st.Minnehaha..Sta.te..Bank�__MinneaQoli sa.WMinnes ota.__..._.......__..----.--.-..-.---....__........__. _.�__� • 2._�Al_L ethert,_ Endi cott.on_Fourth, St.. Paul�.._Minnesota.___............._._. _._. _. __._ .__. 3._�Melyin.J._ Silver, Minnes.ota BuilcTin�,..St..�Pau1,..Minnes'ota.�__._....__�.__..�_..._.__.____.__.____... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE _