205394ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK A 204394 CITY OF ST. PA Council File No. 204394 =By Mrs. Donald Q k M.•DeCourcy- OFFICE OF THE CIT� Resoled, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing COUNCIL ESO )N— GrCommittee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing Incandescent, -- j iFluorescent and Mercury Vapor Lamps? $RESENTED BY to the City of St. Paul to HAGEN j COMMISSIONER/ LIGHTING withGCitOy�speeci�flcat specifications therefore _ hereto attached and the 3'Sormal Bid . ' No. 8531 of said Hagrni, Light�31 q d g as_ -�s: RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the awar`'Ajf= F'� _sr ''�►ing Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing Incandescent, Fluorescent and Mercury Vapor Lamps to the City of St. Paul to HAGEN LIGHTING CORPORffION in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attabhed and the-Formal Bid #8531 of said Hagen Lighting Corporation for period of one year from and after date of City Comptroller's countersignature on contract or at the option of the Purchasing Agent a contract price of approximAtely $35,000.00, with 44 -1/4% discount on all orders for incandescent, fluorescent and mercury vapor lamps, broken or standard packages, such bid being the lowest meeting City specifications and said bidder being a reasonable and reliable one, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to dray up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Formal Bid #8531 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis am a•so 2 Y In Favor Against Adopted by the Coun0i 1' $ 19 n-r I R 1961 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 'PP,ESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATE COUNCIL NO. FILE 204394 XWMVW# That Us Comoil, bareby approves the award of the Porchasiat COWIttee therefor, and hereby awards oaatraot for fuknisbint In s+ornt, Plnoresoemt and iltrowry Vapor Lmpm to the City of 9t'. pava to RAM LIBRTING CflMPORKI ON In accordance with City specifications tberefor hereto attWM*d and the Formal Bid A855]. of said new Ughtift Corporation for period of one "or frcm and after data of City Comptroller's ooeatersf naturre on ciatraot or at tw option of the Purchasin Ageat a efttraot price of approxiwitely $55,000.00, with 44 -1/4% discouAt an all orders for Ines ciescont, flsoresoent and nercimry vapor I&Vs, broken or standard paoks"s, mob bid being the lowest meetizig City speolficitions and said bidder bebw a reasmoble aW reliable one, cad this Corporation CoMsel be cad hereby is directed to draw up the proper fora of aottraat t1erefor0 obd the proper City officials hereby are "thoridcUd to eascWte said contraot on behalf of the City of 8atat Paul. Forssal Bid 08551, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM 5.60 aj!jD. 2 J�- Tn Favor 0 A gainst Adopted by the Ccuge,18 0 19— OCT 181 -T Approved 19— Mayor