204368 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �0�3�g _ �. ` � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ � �"'+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - CO NCI R TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �J� CO M M I551 O N E CB"��—DATE - WHER�AS, Registered Bill No. 3-3262 in the sum of �1$.11 ' i��ued to :Albert Broberg and �. E. Bartlett, w�s sued upon in Conciliation Court on �eptember �, 1961, �.nd judgment was found for the de�endants, be it RESOLVID, that the proper City o�ficers are authorized to cancel �aid Registered Bill No. ?-3262. Council Flle No. 204368—By Severin A. Mortlnson, by request— Whereas, Registered Bill'No. 3-3262 in the sum of $18.11 issued.to Albert Broberg and D. E. Bartlett, was sued ,upon in Conciliatton Court on Septem- � .ber 8, 1961, and judgment was found ,for the defendants, be it • - r Resolved, �That the� proper Clty officers are aukhorized to cancel said Registered Bill No. 3-3262. - Adopted by the Council October 17, �1981'. - Approved October 17, 1961. (October 21, 3981) ' _ - � " . - - ` . OCTP7 �� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19� • Yeas Nays DeCourcy ��� � � ���� pproved 19— L°sg � Tn Favor • Mortinson � Peterson . Mayor - A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM G-cil _ DUrLICATE TO PRINTER "�43�f� -•- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� ~ "� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER pATE WH�REAS, Registered Hill No. 3-3262 in the sum of �18.11 iseued to Albert Broberg and l. L'. Bartlett� was sued unon in Conciliation Court on September $� 1961, and 3ud�ment was found for the defendanta� be it RE��'OLVED, tha.t the proper Cit�y o�ficera are suthorized to cancel eaid Hegiatered Bill No. 3-3262. �CT � 7 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYs �Cl„ ^ DeCourcy 1 � � . �e}�a–_� Approved 19— ��g Tn Favor Mortinson • Peterson � _ Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM u-c�i