204364 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � COUIICII FY10 NO. ZO�I3G4—By FT3IllC L. - � 204��4 CI� Wh re eas, The Clty �Architect has COUNCIL ' PILE NO. requested the City Council �to hold a • • _ OFFICE O Publlc•heazing to consider any com- �' J COUNCIL RESO �ei citv of Saint Paul in Te o��g a . dangero structure at 2254 Stewazt PRESENTED,BY — ��+ Avenu�t.Paul,more particularly de- COM,b113510NE scribed as: I.ot 2, Block 3, Youngman and Iamm's Additio.n, Ramsey County; Mie���t�:�.4nd ,..,,6, d � — - - .�t.Yc�i'�Yz �Iia.�i.��.:: ��J,wLG •H� 2i^9�s:1+�� 3.nuc.�.B ��.` o ,`r T '%� oir, ��1HEREAS, the City Architect has reque�ted t?�e City _ • - Council to hold a publ3.c hearing to consider any compl�ints _ ab�izt the-expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a d�n�erous structure at 2254 Stetrart Avenue, St. Paul, more particularly described as : Lot 2, Block 3, Youngman ancl La.mm�'s Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and � ti�THEREAS, it appea-rs that the last known record owners of the property ��e Mr. Irvin E. Averill, � Hastings State � Hospit�.]., Hastings, �Iinnesota; Mrs. Rose Averill, � Ramsey County Home, 2000 jdhite Bear Avenue, St. �P�.ul 9; t�ir. Howa,rd Averill, Gd?�. , 890 Watson Street, St. Paul 2; �3d,�,�:co�� of the proceedings was mailed to Mr. Haines Sabean, Ramsey � � County V�delfare Board, �76 St. Peter Street, St. Paul 2; therefore, be it ` RESOLVED, that the City CQUncil of the City of Saint taul hold a nublic hearing in the Council Chamber at . 10 o ' clock A.P�I. on the 31st day of October 1961, to con— sider any complaints about the expense incu-rred by the City " of Saint Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it � - . . . � __ ..., _.,..�. _ '=---�.•.- FURTH�� RESOLVED, tha.t the City �Architect notify by mail "-�' • � the record owners of 'the property in question at the last kno�m a.ddress" aiid otner intPrested persons o�' record.' ` � - -• �G°� � � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy 0 CT � "� `���, � o and Approved 19_ Loss Tn Favor � L Mortinson Peterson , �Q Mayor . Rosen � , A gainst ���� /� r� � /�,7��' _ 6 � Mr. President, Vavoulis - �� SM O-Gl , �"';r ij DI:�L�CATE YO PRI N7ER �_� T � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�.,�Q' _ . • . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMIriIS510NER DATF �J�iEREAS, the City Arahi�ecti ha� req�ed�Ced the City Counail to hold a publia hearing to Qanaider ariy oomp�.�lt�.nts about the expense lnaurred by the City oP Saint Pau1 in � removing a. dengerous structure at 2254 Stewart Avenue, St. Paul, more pert�.cularly deearibed as: Lo't 2, Hloak 3, Y�noangm�n and Lamm�s Addi�3on, Ramsey Cot�nty, Minneaota; S�fiEREAB, it appeara 'tha� the last known reoord o�ne��i ot the property a�.^� 2dr. Trvin E. ,A.verill, � Hastings Stat'8 Hosp�.��l, Hastin$e, Mi.nnesota; Mra. Rose Averill, � Ramaey County Home, 2000 White Bear Avenue, st. �'aul 9; Mr. xoward .Averill, f�dg. , 890 Wa'�son S�reet, St. Paul 2; a;�d� a:,�o.pq o� the proaeeding� was mailed �o Mr. Hair►ee �abean, Ramsey Coun�y Wel�az�e Boerd, 3?fi St. Peter Street, St. Paul 2; therefore, be it AESOLVED, �hat the City Counail of the City of 9a,int Paul hold a publia hearing in the Couno�.l Chamber at 14 o�aloak A.M. on the 31et day of Oatober 1961, ;�to oon— aider any aomplaints about �he expense inau�red 'ky �he Clty Q� 5aint Paul and to cvn�irm the amoun'� thereo�; be �.'� FURTHER I3ESOLVED� that the Oity Architeat notify by mail t�he rectird ownere o� the property in question at the last , known address and other intereeted persons o� reQOrd. 9�T 1 9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 0 G,T. � 7 �G��� DeCourcq -a�n a � Approved 1g— �gg Tn Favor Mortinson � Peterson �� Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM o�i M� . . 1� _ ! ; Z� FFICE OF CITY CLERK MRS. AGNESH. O'CONNELL � City Clerk +� BUR�AU OF RECflRDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN ' Couneil Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House , St.`Paul 2, Minnesota - �Q�3�4 oct. 13, 1��1 ` � �i � �'a �� � � Mr. Robert J. Swords OCT ��, i��1 . Corporation Counsel C4RPOt�ATdON COY3N,fiEI, B�ia� Dear Sir; . The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution setting a date of hearing in the matter of confirming the cost to the city in the amount of $474.73 in connection with wrecking and removal of a condemned building at 225�+ Stewart Ave.� as more fully described� in the attached letter of the City Architect. ery truly yours, � � } ity Clerk � ) -• -3 �3 , . , � . , �. �� ' III11�N11! •�• n�H iii ��• •h• �. � ��• ��• �:.. I •r• �. • N • �����.. �' ���� 11�� - � �� � � � 1 1 � 1�• � '� �•• � � , ` :�+ . ' ' � d� 1� tl � CITY OF � AINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8� , , ��. . y , � ` ' -- "� � CI;TY, OF SAINT PAU�LI - � •f�� +' r � .. _ . _. I °� - . �� . - � , � �.. ' �,Capita! of Minnesota � -- _ ,-r' /��,. �,.K- � � •,��_�..��� �i � - • ENT OF P� E EAT�. _ ��AND�P�1BLIC BUILDINGS _ ,.,,`� ' :� ' � "��.. 3 � x_—=_�='�` '�� •-;t,s�. .. N; . . ��� -_ �rJ-c:_ , . �� "s.i':� +,�� �t�. ` 'r' - '�[� t '� i _ 4'� Y�'� � � �, �'��i�iit_ ^ �' " ^�p y_/�;c�-1\ '*'�' . .t1 .. �Y' `�+.� „Z_ -- w ■ B �,�,. R /�1 .' l i � '�'_ . , r. - -.'9 ' ia i , �} - =�="`-`..COMMI5510 R :�� -�, :�st,n S ���i�'"'-a y.__.�.`. - L ' �`g���,.��'�.E �` T � `-" .� - , �,� � �,�• •���v ,-,Y. " .�.{. - �(, ��„ �•v . .;� u' I ._L + � ��_ �` '� � _b1{' . 's'a�i��`° y . �l`�''�,,�!,=r,i .;�;�� ' � �;�`l��.7�� � �, � "t^� �' �:� . . ,,,�.� �'k`- a;�> - �t'` � �:,)��4:�"'p�,`'t`:,Ijipu4y CbRUrt�7op�h° ,s,' _ ` r ,'-��� :e>w .� �.�� '_ �.%{, . .r✓ s *:�s f !�r�'�.�.b�,.•�,°�. ,�, � ,, .;r:�� ,o _ -9� rt. �_� - - - " _ ;��_th-�r�}j� _y�.� �i �t�_'� r�,,,f . ., � , ,y - S`�[{: - MfVf ,r •!�.l' BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect 445 City Hall,Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 Ext. 361 , October 11, 1961 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Dear Council I�iembers : � ' A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk on October 9, 1961 for the purpose of creating a lien on the prop- erty known as 2254 Stewart Avenue; described as Lot 2, Block 3, Youngman � Lammts Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. This property is owned by Mr. Irvin E. AveriJ.l, � Hastings State Hospital, Hastings �innesota; Mrs. Rose Averill, ,°6 Ramsey County Ho�, 2000 White Bear Avenue, St. Paul 9; Mr. Howard Averill,, Gdn. , 890 Watson Street, St. Paul 2, and a copy of the proceedings was mailed to Mr. Haines Sabean, Ramsey County Wel- fare Board, 376 St. Peter Street, St. Paul 2. In this matter the following resolutions were adopted by the City Council : C.F. No. 199535, adopted by the Council November 3, -1960 (publish- ed November 5, 1960) , set a public hearing at 10 A. M. on Novem- ber 25, 1960. , C.F. No. 199822, adopted by the Council December 1, 1960 (publish- ed December 3, 1960) , ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in con- trol thereof. _ C.F . No. 200235, adopted by the Council December 28, 1960 (pub- lished December 31, 1960, � directed the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public BuiZdings to enter the premises and wreck and remove the single family dwelling thereon, and do any and all things .therein necessary for the protection of life, limb, and adjoining property. C.F. No. 200984, adopted by the Council February 28, 1961 (pub- lished March 4, 1961�) approved the award of the contract for wreck- ing to Patsy Wrecking Company for the sum of $397.00 in accordance with specifications and Inf ormal Bid No. 2340. • , r .r • • ' - 4 . �2 C.F. 203597, ado ted by the Council August 22, 1961 (published August 26, 1961,�provided that the wrecking expense of $397.00 and expense of the .Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings in connection with the condemnation in the amount of $77.73, making a total of $474.73 be paid out of Wrecking Condemned Buildings,. 31 G 22, and, in the event said sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to be credited to 31 G 22.. The building has now been satisfactorily wrecked and a register- ed bill mailed to the owners. We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten daysr notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. The Council resolution confirming the expense should end with a directive to the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the property. ' . Yours very truly, ' Alf d H. Schroeder CITY ARCHITECT AHS. .A , ,�