204320 ,.,, � ; ,�_,., �.. ItESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- � I ING ,ASSESSMENT AND FIXINCi NO �p4320 TIME OF HEAIiING THEBEON � Councll FYle No. 204320— Presented by Commissioner In the matter of the assessment of beneHts, cost and expenses for�grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Iiazel Park Di- vision No. 8, from Ruth St. to Luella St.; also constructing a sewer in the i �- �alle�y from 40 ft. west of the west line �-rr., �• ,,-ctrg��,.......-�`�r�.r,ew�r ir _ • ty . . CITY OF ST. PAUL ` � r I�esolution of Council Approvi_ng Assessment and Fixi.ng Time of Hearing Thereon In the matter af the assessment of benefits, eost and expenaes �or �rading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block �+� H�zel Park Division No. 8� from Rtzth St, to I,uel].a St.t also constructing a aewer in the alley from �+0 ft. west of the west line o� Ruth St. to the exiating sewer in Ruth St. +v under Preliminary Order 1Q1�F20 , approved Ma.rch 1Q��,Q59 , Intermediary Order 192�'75 , approve� MaY 26��:4�9 �, �nal Order 192837 , approvec� June 23, 1959 , � ;• The assessment of benefits,} cost and exnenses for and in connection with �� the above improvement having been aubmitted to the Council, and.the Council having considered same _ � -,. _ and found the sa,id assessment satiafactory, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the said�assessmen�t be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. ' RESOLVED FURTHEl�, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 8th day of November�,961 , at the hour of 10 a'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House a,nd City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fi.nance give notice of said meetinge; as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of heaxing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the natice is directed. � � File 14429 � ,q= COLTNCILME'N �ldopted by the Counci� �� ''�'�'�` Yeas Nays �'"' ���� � � ��� ,: -. , '� ' �� . • A oved , ___.... .. , ... .. � "''• Tn FaVOI' � , j� �9Ctl��` Mayor �. '� �J A ga,inat /� 1`� . PUBLISHED � —�`�'� C 7 �� , , ';�. znz i.so �s ; �. �