204311 G-14og �����1 Council File No..............••-..---_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and , PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposeathemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: .....---�r.ad�_.ancl__�tAr_f a��_.�ti.�.h__b i tumi�QS��.._ma�er.ial._.Aga�e..�t....f.r..+�._�lessami.ne.Av�e.---ta............. Geranium Ave ' -----------------------------}------------------•------------------------------•-----•----------------------.........-----•------------------------•---------------•--------._...-----------•---- ...__..-•-•--•------------------------------•----------------•-------------------•-----------------------------------....------------------------------------•---....----------------------------- ----------------------------------------••--------..............---•--------._....._..........-------....---_._...--•-----.....--------------•-------------------•---------------•-•----•-----•--- Dated this•-----�-�-th---.....day of.---------•----October ' ----- ------------------- 19'61.. ------------------------- --------•--- ---- .. . �_.��.k•=!��-=--=-• ---- --------------- ° Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: •-----Grad�--an�_.�u�'.f.���._s�i_�h__ki_��mi_nous..�u��.er.i.a 1...Ag.a�t�__St�__fx�tn._J,essamine_.Axe..--tn---------._.. ����f.!]_4!m..Q_Y.�.---....--•--------------------•-...._..........___......._...-•-............---------.._...._.._...----•--............– counc� Ftie rro. zo4aii—sy Rouert F. Peterson— � � -----------•----------•....................•-------._._..__...--°-------..___.._..__........_....._...---------°°--°--------..._...--------...°°' Whereas� A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. ,viz.• � . -------------------------°------•------°------------......._....-----...___ --._..--•---------------------------°----------;-----------°--------•• materialAgate.�i. Frr.r,�'th ituminous Grade and surfac�--w� „ � - r r .�,mir}e Ave: � . . . . � . . -----------------------°� to Geraniur.- . .o. �1 �i.vf .en pr�= ": having been presented to the Counc�l of the City of Samt Paul_______________ s�taP�o,r�._��,.�.m���_:�S:;r.,���t�of ^; RC•C'ol••, [.c9ri ot• �d ..i�T'a tt �y.�f therefore, be it - P ?,�; �y,'Ji4=z�zajai''"' ��`�q� i RESOI.VED, That the Commissioner of Public VPorks be and is hereby ordered ��� ds',NaTTN oF CERDTIFICATl" �9J ��f�r.,. `3'� ' . TRADE NAME• - , � 1e 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvemen STATE OF MINNESOTA, COTJNI,1� 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and th� of Ramsey, �. _ � `� We, the undersigned, hereby certif'y 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. that we are the persons who are con- ducting and transacUng a commercial business at the City of White Bear 4. To st�te whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or Lake in the County oi Ramsey,stete o� Minnesota, under the name and style 5. To report upon all of the foregoin�pp�tt�gr�t� Commieaioner of Finance. CentralteV hite Be rgLak�that tne �'� l and ae�e true indlvidual name of each conducting oretrans c in e sa d bustness AdOpted by the COUnCII............................................................................ under said name, to�e�her witn tne post office address o each of them as follows, to-wit: YEA$ NAY$ Charles Atkinson 618 Debra, White Councilman �eCou rcy 0 C� 1 1 Approved----------------• ---- -----------._........._..-----•--•------._..__.__ Loss Mortinson Peterson RIISerr— -- - --- - - --•--...._____....�._..__....__..._-- Mayor. 3000 7-54 A(�'t(n�' � �� �