204306 Council File No. 204306—By Robert F. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Peterson— ('� • �/ Whereas,By authority of the Laws of �l 9��� � • ~ ^1_ �I, 1 rMO,nH.�F. 217,tandYratified9,byhCPtF FOENCIL NO. '� OFFICE OF �lszzis, approved May 2, is5s, r,�e ci�` '� �' ' �y • of St. Paul may pay a portion of the C O U N C I L R E S O L U cost of sidew a l k cons t r uction, when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owners, and PRESENTED BY Whereas, It has been determined COMMISSIONE that the parcels of property listed herefn be relieved of the following �mo�,of,asse?asable costs,for side_, ,u,j_..__:_ � WHEREAS, by authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959� Chapter 330, H. F. 217, and ratified by C.F. 192216, approved �day 2, �959, the City of St. Paul may pay a portion of the cost of side�ualk construction, when such costs exceed � the benefits to the property owners, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the parcels of property listed herein be relieved of the following amoun.ts of asses- sable costs for �ide�►alk construction: _ Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Cushingt s Additiom . . � 1�5•57 Lot 1, Block l, Tilsen� s Essex Park Plat 1 . 130•22 " Total �175.79, and WHEI�AS, the total amount the City ma� pay is � 175.79, now _ ther ef'ore , be i t • - - ' _ . . _, RESOLVED, that the Commiss�oner of Public YVorks be an.d he is hero by autriorized and direct ed to pay from the Permanent Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the non-assessable portiom of the costs of sidewalk construction in the amount of � 175.79, done under the �959 Sidev�alk Contract, L-6o88, District Number 3, Levies Numbering 2 and 10; said Permanent Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the Local Improvement Fund 31E-1 (196�) . � OCT 11 '�� �� COUNCILMEN + Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas rTayg OE;T � � ��n� DeCourcy N__ n___nll- � Approved 19— Loss Tsn Favor Mortinson � Peterson .i�tln�' Mayor � , A gainst n , avou is �L1SL�ShL�'1? � f�� /` � / SM G-(il DUrLIGATC TO rRINT@R JO��V� - � - - � ` "` CITY OF ST. PAUL • couNCi� `�'� , , _" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DATF Y'J�iEREAS�, by authority •of tYie La�vs �of Minnesota �or the year 195�, Chapter ,330,• H. F. 217s and �ratified by .C..F. Zg22�,6; approved May 2, 1959y the Gity of St. Paul may pa� a portioa of the c o�t of side�valk aonetPUC tf on j •when Sueh�cost� eace ed the benefite to the property owner�, end. � • • WHEREAS, it h�a bee� determined that the parcels of property lieted herei n be relieved �o€ the folloNing a.mounte of a.s�ee- eable costs fpr aide�alk construal:ions • � Lot 8 and 9, Block 3, Cuehing� a AdBitio�• . � . � 45•57 I,ot 1, B1ock• 1, Tilaent a E$sex Park Pla� 1 . 130•22 � ' Total ' ' ' �175.79, and WHE�AS, ths to tal amoun.t the City may pay ia �� 175.79; now ther af ore, be i t � ' ' ' RE30LVED, that the Commiea�oner of Publia VPork�' be and he' 3s he�by authori�ed and direat ed to' pay' from the Permanent Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the non-a�eessable' portiom of the coeta of aideaalk construation in the � amount of �' 1'j5:79, done under the 1959 sidewalk Contrect, L�-6o88,� D3.s't��.ot �iumbsr �j, I�evies Numbering 2. and i�;, said Permanent Revolvin FunB ta be reimbursed from the Local Improvement Fund� 31E=1 (x96i�.' : ; � , � . . . . OCT �11 1961 COUNCZLMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �CT � � �� DeCourcy LT�„ ��_ Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson - Peterson � Mayor Rosen— • - A gainst Mr en , avou is • 6M �-(S1 �