204304 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • ^ -- � ` � - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' . w - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY [/% �� � , COMMISSIONER �.L:�1:�-!i�/�— DATF — WAEREAS, The City of St. Pau1 entered into an a��eelnent on Maxch 2, 1961 with the Soil Exploration Company of St. Pau1 to perform professional services for soil investigation for foundations for a bridge to carry the tracks of the Chicago� Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Ra3lroa.d over the Elwa,y Connection from Montreal Avenue to Shepaxd Road, which agreement contemplated five borings, two at the bridge site and three along the Elway Connection with an approximate total o� 95 feet at an est3mated cost of less than Nine Hundred Dollars� and WHEREAS, Ad.ditional borin�s were found desirable �t the bridge site and. along the Elway Connection to determine the extent of right-of-way and slope easements that would be required for the roadway; �nd W1�RF�,S, Both the Chicago, Milwa.ukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroa.d. and the 1Vorthern States Power Ca¢npany required that the Soil Exploration Co�.pany ' f�rnish special insurance covering bodily in�jury and property damage li�bility, and the finding of tumble rock necessitated the use of rotaxy coring equi�ment, all resulting in additional cost to bring the entire cost to $1,9�+.15; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That the bill of $1,9�+.15 of the Soil Exploration Camipany for Soil Investigation for the proposed Elway Connection to Shepard Road be hereby approved; and be it _ _ • Ft7RTHER RESOLVED, That the Caffinissioner of Public Works be �nd he is hereby authorized to pay the sum. of $1,94�+.15 from the Permanent Improvement Revialving F`und� said Permanent Improve,ment Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from Bond Fund 200 ST-29: Council Flle No.204304—By Hobert F. • Peterson— ; _ Whereas, The City of St.Paul entered into an agreement on March 2, 1981 �S with the Soil Explorarion Company oi ,' . St. Paul to perform professional serv- ices for soil investigation for founda- t ,-,,_ tions ior a bridge to cazry the tracks �-- of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul p � �.�,'� and Paci&c Raiiroad over the ETway Connection from Montreal Avenue to Shepard Road, which agreement con- . � tet�plated;r�a� ,borings, two_ at thQ ' �^ '„ s � a�or� *' El..,. `, irw � �� < � � 0 CT 11 1961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas ' �Nays DeCourcy � �,�T � � 1,961 � �Approved 3 19.— Loss •- '� ,f n Favor ,���-. ���� _ Mortinson `y Mayor .._ Peterson , �'��IJi�' ' A gainst ;,, �i - .- I��( � � �usr�r�r:�� l� . �, SM (j-(jl , • ' rf � 1 ' • , � DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER ��� � �`^ �����;y(j ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� t'-a � � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ �AS� '�h� �3ty of St. Pa�u1. eatere� i'nto � e�pree�ent on I�irch 2y 1961 �rtth the� �oil Exp].oration Caa�eu�y ot St. Peaal to peri��t pa►q�essio�l �ervice� !or �o#,i inve��ig�tion �or tour�d,+�tione► �or a bz�.dg� to a� th� t�rackr of the Chia�go� Miltx�atcee� St. �,ptu3, and �c3ti.c Ra►ilraa8 ov�r the �],w�yr' Connection � �ra�a Mor�tr��►1. !1'venutt to Shepa�rd �toa�d� which agree�ant caonte�glst�d tive boringr�� �t�ro �1t the bridg� �i�e �tad three a7.ong 'th� $�xs� Conaeatioa t�t�th a►n appz�oxisat� tot�1 �' 95 te3et �t a� ea��Ci�sted Qo�t oP lc��r� ttun �fine Hu�a.dred Do11�rb; snd e �, Additiona7. bor3rig� �nere �otind .de�irab].e art �he bridge �ite and �,7.dng the �1Way Gonaect2on to d�ax�ine the �ctai� of righ�-o���j► end slope ea��nt� th�� #roald be �eq��ed. !or the road�qjrj ean� �AB, Both �h� Ghiceigoa }�31��� St. Pau3. and .P�tc3t3e Rai.I.ro�d and the 2forthern $�e►t�et R�taer Caa�r r,�quired thd►t the Soil �lorl��ion Co�qpa�ny �Lirni4h apecial in�uranee co�r3n8 ��Y ���J' � P?�'oP�Y dt�B� li�bilitY: �nd. the l�ndit�g Qt tu�ble s•or�t �ecseseftated the �e o!' rot�r toring �qt�.�ent, aLl reau�.ti�g 1n �d�dl.tion�]. coe�t to briag th� eatixR co�� to $1:9�+•151 �j T�F, � �'I' 1�OL�A� Th�t the bil7. of $1�9�+.15 ot th� 8oil �xpl.or�t�an Cam�aay ior �oil �nves�tigation ror �lie p�opo�ed El�y Covnectian to Shepe�d Roatid be h�reby approveas �na, �e it FtI�R R�'SOL�'ED, That the Cae�i�sion�r or Publia Korlr� be �nfl h� i� h�rebr authorized to ,�y ths � tft $1,�9�+..15 � th� P�ertes� 3�rov�eat Re�iviag Fund� �,t8 �er�uent 3�p�ov�n� R�w�olving Fu�aci to 'be reiiabur��d. � Bond Fund 200 ST� 1 f 0 CT 1119G'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy oC`i' � �. ���'�� �Fa'�,,��u —� Approved 19— �ss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst �— Mr�- si ent, Vavoulis SM G-G1