204303Orizinsl to City Clerk
f Council File No. 204303 - 0rdinance No.
12087 —By Robert F. Peterson —
O �R D I N A' Cities Service ordinance to onnect
their property at 1346 North Sndlling ���
Avenue, Village of Falcon Heights, the .
same being the N. 38.33' of the W. 70'
and the S.•51.67' of the N. 90' of the
W. 73' of Tract A. Registered Land !� p
i Survey �#2, Ramsey County Minnesota, .
to the ewer system of the City of
Saint —__.�
An ordinance granting permission to Cities
Service Oil'Company to connect their property
at 1346 North Snelling Avenue, Village of Faledir,
Heights, the same being the N. 3$•33' of the
W. 70' and the S. 51.67' of the N. 90' of the
W. 73' of Tract A., Registered Land Survey #2,
Ramsey County, Minnesota, to the sewer system
of the City of Saint Paul, in North Snelling
Avenue, for the disposal of sanitar sewage,
and regulating the conditions the of. This
is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary,,,
for the preservation of the public peace,°
health, and safety.
Section 1. That permission is hereby given to
Cities Service Oil Company to connect their property at
1346 North Snelling Avenue, Village of Falcon Heights, the
same being the N. 3$•33'' of the W. 70' and the S. 51.67' of
the N. 90' of the W. 73',of Tract A, Registered Land Survey
#2, Ramsey County, Minnesota, with the existing sewer of
the City of Saint Paul, in North Snelling Avenue, upon the
following conditions:
1. Said permittee or his successor in interest in
respect to said real estate shall ay to the City of Saint
Paul the sum of Six Dollars ($6.0 per per frontage foot of
said real estate on North Snelling.Avenue, for an aggregate
frontage of 90.0 feet, said sum being in lieu of special
assessments aiad tazr,- ^, and upon payment of said sum, said
permittee -or -his successor in interest shall be given a
permit to construct an extension to the Saint Paul public
sewer system as extended on North Snelling Avenue.
2. Said pe'rmittee or his successor in interest shall,
in addition to all other requirements, annually pay to the'
City of Saint Paul such sum as the Council shall by resolu-
tion determine from time to time, provided the said sum shall
be as nearly as possible equal to the amount charged through
taxation to properties of similar value located within the
limits of the City of Saint Paul, as and for the proportionate
share of the annual cost of the maintenance of the sewer system
of the City of Saint,Paul, while the aforesaid sewer connections
shall be maintained.
3. That said permittee or his successor in ingest
shall pay, in addition to all other sums required to be paid
or to become payable hereunder, all sewer rental charges
rendered from time to time against said property for or on
account of said City's apportioned share of the expenses of
Yeas 'Councilmen Nays
Rosen _
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
1M 6 -60 4b.8
City Clerk
Passed by the Council
" Tn Favor
f .
2 -
the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, and other'
related expenses of said City, pursuant to the ordinance
or other provisions`of law having regard to the location
of such real estate without the corporate limits of the
City of Saint Paul.
4. That the necessary sanitary sewer extension to
connect said premises shall be installed, maintained and
operated at the expense of the permittee or his successor in
interest, and shall be made with-.the approval of the Com-
missioner of Public Works -and under his direction in ac-
cordance with such rules and regulations as he mar -from
time to time prescribe. All plans and profiles of said
extension shall be approved by the Chief Engineer' -of the
City, and all parts of said extension and connections thereto
located on any public way shall become a part of the sewer
system of said City.
5. The Chief Engineer of the City of Saint Paul shall
be given the right to enter upon said premises and inspect said
extension of said sewer and the connection thereto at any time
deemed necessary by him.
6. That the permit hereby authorised shall be subject
to revocation by the City Council,in the event of default by
said permittee or his successor in interest relative to-any
of the conditions herein specified if such default continues
for more than thirty days from and after written notice thereof
given by or• at • ttie�n direction of the Council to the- party in
default; and said permit' shall or may be revoked` and terminated
by the Council in the event it shall find that the sewage from
said connections cause an overload upon the sewer system of
the City of Saint Paul. That such hereby authorized con-
nection of said real estate with said City's public sewer
system shall be restricted to the drainage, for disposal pur-
poses of sanitary sewage materials originating on said real
estate. That such sewer rental charges hereunder made payable
additional to other charges shall be paid by or in behalf of
said permittee or his successor, in interest in respect of
said real estate, unto said City of Saint Paul as rendered by
said City, from time to time, on account of said sewer con-
nection, against said real estate, pursuant to applicable
City ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations and
statutes of the State of Minnesota.
Original to City Clerk '
O R D 1',N A N C E
w� �
Said permittee or his successor in interest shall
at no time permit storm water, rain water leaders, ground
drainage water or cooling and condenser water from air-
conditioning units to be directed into said sewer.
8. Permittee or his successor in interest shall
agree to indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul
from any liability arising from the construction, maintenance,
operation, or connection of said sewer system with the system
r of the City of Saint Paul.
9. Permittee;or his successor in interest shall,
within ninety days from the passage of this ordinance, file
written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to all the
provisions, terms, and conditions herein, and upon compliance
therewith the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized
to issue a permit for said sewer extension, subject expressly
'.to the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be
an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation
of the public peace, health, and safety.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ;
force from and after its passage, approval, and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Ham. d a
T Mortinson
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Attest: X/
City Clerk
IM 5 -60 qEB0.8
OCT 31 196'
Passed by the Council
In Favor
A gainst
Approved: OCT 311991
I /�7
Duplicate to Printer
y Olb I N A N C E l
COUNCIL FILE NO. ?04-31 03
An ordinance granting permission to Cities
Service Oil Company to connect their property
at 1346*Nortli Snelling Avenue, Village of Falcon
Heights, the same being the N. 38.33' of the
W.: 700 and the 5.'51.679 of the N. 90' of the t Ramsey County, Minnesota,etodthesewervsystem
of the City of Saint Paul,. in North Snelling
Avenue, for the disposal of sanitary sewage,
and regulating the conditions thereof. This
is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary
for the preservation of the public peace,
health, and safety.
Section 1. That permission is hereby given to
Cities Service Oil Company to_conneet their property at
1346 North Snelling Avenue, Village of Falcon Heights the
same being the N, 38.33' of the W. 70' and the S. 51.971 of
the N. 90' of the W. 73' of Tract A Registered Land Survey
#2p Ramsey County, Minnesota, with the existing sewer of
the City of Saint Paul, in North Snelling Avenue, upon the
following conditions:
1. Said permittee or his successor in interest in
respect to said real estate shall pay to the City of Saint
Paul the sum of Six Dollars ($6.00) per frontage foot of
said real estate on North Snelling Avenue for an aggregate
frontage of 90.0 feet, said sum being in fieu of special
assessments and taxes, and upon payment of said sum, said
permittee or his successor in interest shall be given a
permit to construct an extension to the Saint Paul public
sewer system as extended on North Snelling Avenue.
2. Said permittee or his successor in interest shall,
in addition to all other requirements, annually pay to the
City of Saint Paul such sum as the Council shall by resolu-
tion determine from time to time, provided the said sum shall
be as nearly as possible equal to the amount charged through
taxation to properties of similar value located within the
limits of the City of Saint Paul, as and for the proportionate
share of the annual cost of the maintenance of the sewer system
of the City of Saint Paul$ while the aforesaid serer connections
shall be maintained.
3. That said permittee or his successor in intrest
shall pay, in addition to all other sums required to be paid
or to become payable hereunder all sewer rental charges
rendered from time to time against said property for or on
account of said City's apportioned share of the expenses of
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
iM a -so ,mss
Passed by the Council
Tn Favor
A gainst
,7.- A.
the lia-SalAt.- Paul Spn ta F, Dlstrt6t -_.Ot
related -expeno a,
od of -,.B' id. City, _OurjiOlant
or other'• Prdv is ions
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g. .,regard, t 'the -160 iti
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'City of -Sal , PA U! I I- . "
'sanitary sewer-
'Ponneq gaJ4 r em ises shalige Inital Ied ,mainta nid and'
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.lme.,...o ime=prescribe': 'All -plane' -an& I
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oxteiiiiog -and- idonnectlone thereto-
poated o i, 4ny steal. bacoiw,"a '-.part, ,of.- 'the
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71 15 City, Saint 1. -Sha
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given, t .
h6-r119M OL}.ento
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extension ,
of said 96wer,:An4
deemed necesisa
by, tLU horiked"04 Vbe' 4jeot,
That' thaperm t t
'in the '.' v t 6 -d'fault by-
to. revocation. bi th6 -City, Council of e
q .to amt h 0
the-', conditions, herein'- 000difted if.."8uc4,defaUjt poAtitueo
--;,f or more thaii= thirty. .days froii�k-- and, after wr, itt6if,notide thereof'--,-
:,- , J., - racoon 9f : t , , i o the- party, 1 11
given by:.,or'at..-il�e dir',66 the
said 'bay. b revoked xid't6mblatad
0ouncilj` and permit, .!hall,, or : e
by-th6 - aVent, it 0hall-1-_:tihdthat the AewSge fr6M
said,, connections' cause .,an overl6ad,Uppn.'the sewer i Sti5m,
--df-Saitii�-Pa That, "such h6reby- au hoftto4, poft-�,
the Cit: ul. t
; t ep ate' 'Itih,taid City s pUblic"seW
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Jp.psesbf tan a d real-. -
hat'sii0h surer rental TZ' ',r-
a or .hereunder made. payable
-, additional to -other,' a -be-paid by or"An behalf of
ha,tgoo. shal " 1;
said eii6r'-..h1s. succeig-0:0 iht4r6o, "iii. respeot ''of pieftitt in
.estate "unto.' aid 0 ren •sald.rtal e'St _a t�y of ,Saint, dered -by,
neotio'n' t _t�
dity:,ordi a noest!resolutioa aeo •an d,-reAul
statutes. of rthe
Duplicate to Printer
7. Said permittee or his successor in interest shall
at no time permit storm water, rain water leaders, ground
drainage water or cooling and condenser worter From air -
conditioning units to be directed into said sewer.
8. Permittee or his successor in interest shall
agree to indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul
from any liability arising from the construotion, maintenance,
operation, or connection of said sewer system with the system
of the City of Saint Paul.
9. Permittee or his successor in interest shall,
within ninety days from the passage of this ordinance, file
written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to all the
provisions, terms, and conditions herein, and upon compliance
therewith the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized
to issue a permit for said sewer extension, subject expressly
to the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be
-an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation
of the public peace, health, and safety.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage, approval, and pubITcation.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
IM c-so s
oCT 31 101
Passed by the Council
,UJ1 Tn Favor
y Against
LW `
Approved: PCT 3
Saint Paul, Minnesota,
Nov. 6, 1961.
To the Honorable, the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Gentlemen and Madam:
We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by
all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 204303, being Ordinance
No. 12087, adopted by the Council on October 31, 1961.
-/;y ;
-- • lst�: % v _ 2n
Laid over to
3rd and app /� -Adopted
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
*,*�eCourcy DeCourcy
\ Holland .01
�,oss - -beef -
�ortinson S '�� Mortinson
�eterson Peterson
n Rosen /
Mr. President ?ftvun Mr. President Vavoulis