203996 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK t - _ . � ,2�39�6 � K " '- • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. I��ENSE 0.�N�2CTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September 19, 1961 COMMISSIONE . _ DATE AESOLUED; That App13.cation G-�211 for the Transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 589�, egp3�r�ng January 31, 1962, 3.ssued to Arline yiner and Albert Sabes at 201�.5 East Fou�th Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Arl�.ne V�ner and L�bb�e Sabes General 4dm3�.ntstratr3.x Est�te of glbert Sabes at the same address. . . _�.,.. Council File No.203996—By Mrs.Donald M. DeCourcy—Robert F. Peterson— Milton Rosen— Resolved;That Application G-4211 for the Transfer of On Sale Liquor License , No. 5894, o expiring January 31, 1982, issued to Arline Viner and Albert Sabes at 201-5 East Fourth Street be and the same is hereby transierred to Arline Viner and Libbie Sabes Gen- eral Administratrix Estate of Albert _ Sabes at the same address. - Adopted by the Council September 19, 1961. Approved September 19, 1981. ' (September 23, 1961) ,.�.�. -� . _� (On SaZe L�ouor Establ3.shment) Transfer L�censees Informally approved by �ouncil September 7, 1961 ��� 191961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ��� 1 9 ��� DeCourcy . Holland ' �proved 1g— Loss In Favor ` ��^ Peterson f � Mayor Rosen � '0 A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis . s en G-G 1 , . 0 3�9�� _ � - � � � ' � CITYOFS . PA`d 9_/ _�'� � ` APPLICATION -FOR "dN SALE" LI UOR LICEN�E Q Arline M. Viner & �,ibb�.e Sabe� � ;A_pplication No.� . Admx e�tate •f Al Sabes Nameof Applicant.---_.._...._._�.._._._.._r...._. .. ......_._.....---.__._..__.__....W.._____._ Ag�.�w_..._.........._._....._...__ Residence Addreas.....1282 Hi�hland P�. L St..Pau1,.Minn_�&_ Telephone No..._...__......_._.....�__...�........_..._ l883 ��w t r E . St. Paul, Minn. Are you a citizen of �he i7n e-d'Sta�'es�l�.�.�...______..._........._........._........._..__....__._...._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or businesa of similax nature? ..._...._...__.........._........._..._...._..._._...�.�.___.._.._. .._..._....._..._...__.._......__.._........_..._r._..._ When and where7.._._....�Present_._locat�,3.��,,,,,�nd the_.Trocadero._Bar..__.:_�_ � If corporation, give name a,nd general purpose of corporation...._...._...._......._......_._......_......_..._..__.._............_._.__..._.............._.... Whenincorporated? .__._...._._....._._...._..._. ......._...._....__..._...._._...__._..r.._.___._. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?...__..._.__......._,�.__....___. ...__.__.._..... How ma,ny members?_.__...._._�__._._.... Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager _ .._...._..._�...._._.._ _ _._..._....._.... .--.--_....__._..._...._...._..__..._..__..._---._...._..._...._..........__.._...... . ._._...._....__...__ � Names and addresses of Stockholders: `� � . . ., . �a .__._._...___.__._.- — . Give name of surety company which will write bond, if l�own Hartford...Accident__& Indemnit.y Co. Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 201.-205 ; E. 4th St� West ; Sible�r . Wacouta Third • � • . � None near. How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ......._..._..._....___........_..._....._...._.__...._._ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?.._.._..S ix blocks. �_ W �..�_.. How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?..._..�ne__Mi le. Name of closest schooL....... Mechanic Arts H.i�h^School ._._....._.__�_„_�_.__.__._.__ .._.__.._..._..._........ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_.._.C omme rc i al_.w_.�_._...___..._._._........._. _..._._.__ __........__� On what floor loca,ted?F i rs t M�_____ Are premises owned by you or lea,sed?_Le$s ed .,� lea.sed give name of owner....._...._...._.._...._..__.........._�_._.�.... If a restaurant give sea,ting capacity?.._._176_._ _._...._.__._._...___..._...._..._..._...._.._._.�.__.._...._..._...._...._........__..____...._._ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?_.._.____.........___..._..---..._..._.._._._........._ _......__...._...................___....._..._... Su ar's Givetrade name---------------�--------------------------------------------•------------------------------------------•-•-------------_......------------------------------------------------•-- Give below the name, or number, or ot�er description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Main Barroom and side room and banquet,.,room�„ w.� ._ _ (The information above mnst be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?..._.._..._....___.______._.............___._._._...__.__.__._._._...._ __...__._._____..._..._....___.__.._._._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)_._.___.._...._.........._..._...._..._.__._........._____.._.........._._..�._.._._ Give names and addresses of three business references:...._...._..._...._.__.._..__.__.�.__.........._.........._...._..._......_...._.......__....._...___.._ 1.�8estaurant China_.Co...,_..1�_.E. 6th ,St.,�..,...St.,�_..Paul�,....Minn,�._..-.---_._._._._......_....__...__...__._._ _.___._ 2.�Ed:__Philli�s &_Sons...�__2�4�..N�E-._.Kenned..ys..._Minnea_polis.,_...Minn..._._...._._.__�._.______ 3 Gri��s—Cooper & Co• , _.1821 University_Aves,�,. St,__Paul,__Minn.,�,__,,,,,_.,..,_._.__.,._.,___._.. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY TH� APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF TIiE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO M14KE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE �