203983 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' ' �OJ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL ' F°E"��� NO. _ �►-°' ' �"� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESO TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY " COMMISSIONE DATE � WHEREAS, under authority of Council File 1Qo. 203330, �pproved Au�ust 2, �g61, construction was authorized for the Slmmm.tt Avenue Bridge over the Short Line Road and tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company; and ' WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Public Works Department and the City Engineer that the shop inspection of the structural steel for sa3.d bridge be caxried out by the State Highwa,y inspection force, and the State Highway Department, through the Cauaaissioner of Highways, has incticated its willingness to perform such service upon proper authorization for reimbursement to the State by the City of St. Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to request, by letter to the Co�issioner of Highways� that the State Highwa,y inspection Yorce perform. and caxry out'the shop inspection of the structural � steel for the aforesaid Sw�i.t Avenue Bridge, this resolution to be authority for such request by the City Engineer; and be it FURTBER RESOLVED, that the proper City offieera be and they hereby are authorized and directed to charge the cost of satd inspection servic� to .• ,: PIR Fund 3001, L-6i76-8, and the proper City officers are further authorized � and directed to pay out of said �nd the charges for such inspection services to be performed by the said Highwa$r inspection force, upon receipt by the City , of verified claims f�?bm the Commtssioner of Highways. �, - r�, ' ' - Council F'ile No. 203983—By Miltoa � -.. Rosen— - Whereas, Under authority of Councll File No. 203330, approved August 2� 1961, conatruction was suthorized tor � � ' the Summit Avenue Bridge over the -@-�-=_' - . Short Line Road and tracks oP the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacifia Railroad Company; and' Whe=eas, It is the desire of the Public Works Department and the - City Engineer that the shop inspection of the structural steel for said bridge . be carried out by the State Highwa� • - inspection force, and the St?t!�,�-��� way Department,t,hrr��3!^ " • �,�.,��ci��PYclf__�I1s" .a SEP� 9 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— J Yeas Nays � DeCourcy ��P 1 � 4�� Holland � �= A roved 19— Loss Tn Favor , Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst ' . Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED ���� 9�� s M (i-(f 1 ' � s DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER ���y��J � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. _ �-'� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE ' W�t. �#ad.er muthor3ty of Co�iva31 Fil� Fq. R43330s aPP�� �st 23 lgfl� construetioa waa �tt.thori�� �or the Sim�t A�►nu� Brtdge over the �rt Ltne Road un�. tr�c� mS the ChicagQ� 1�Y�u]cee� 6t. �ul �md P�,c3fic Rsilrc�a�d Ca�pany; l�n�. �S, it ia� �th� de$ire ot tlie Puulic Works Dep�xt�,ent and the City �nee�c th�t the ahop in�p�c3tion o= the a�x�ui�turai.t i�teel ror ��d 'bridge be earried o�� by the 8t�ts Htghwmy inspection farcey a�ad the St�e, Htgh�► Dep�rt�ent, through the �aanir�ion�r of Highw�y�� h� �.adic�►ted. �t� tril�.ingne�� to perrora �uch ��rv3c� upon psoper e�.tt,hor.�z�t3oa �or . r�imbur�e�aen� to the 8ta�te by the �ity o4 S�. P�ul; �ortt� ther�tore� be it R�8(�LY�lD, tha� the C�t�* �ngine� i� hareby autharit�l and. dir�ctad to r�equeat� by letter .to the Ca�ie�ioner o� High�; �t the Bt��e Hightaa�y inapeat9.vn Sorc� parforat euc� c�,rry cv.� the iahop iz�a�pECtton oP the s�ructural. steel tor th� �ora�id �it ,�venue Bric�ger th�� re�o�,ntion to ba �uthority !or such �qumat by the City Engin�r) an,�. b� it � I�OI,i�D, tlu�t t� pa•oper Gity ot'ficer� bar �nd. '�h�r hereby a►re �uthorized � directed to charge the cost o� +�.td inapect�.00� eQs�rl.ce to �TR �`und 3001� L-61`j6�8� an,d. the �zro�r City o!Y'icexs, �,re �.irther a�u�ori�ed. and. directe8. Lo p�y c�u� pf �,i.d $iu�d th��eh€�►ge� Por �ch irupeetioa servic�� to be pas�!'oraed by thQ se,'!d High�t�,y in��tion to�ee, upon rec�igE by the Eity of vrl�ifi�d c.l� �3em th�,Ca�.��ioner at Hi�h�. . , , SEP l. 9 � COUNCILMEN• ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' Adopted by the Council ' 19— Yeas Nays , . �E� �, � �',�� , . DeCourcy � , � , Holland Approved 19— Loss � ` ' ' Tn Favor -�orti� , . Peterson � � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM c-ci