203977 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLER� . � � ��39`�'� . _ • ` , _ , CITY OF ST.�PAUL , FIOENCIL NO. _ � � ' _ . OFFICE �OF THE CITY CLERK � ' � _. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY �Q�cQ_^ COMMISSIONE DATF ' RESOLVED,�upon the application of the �nherst H. ti�ilder Foundation for a City of Saint Paul permit �.uthorizing its construc- t3.on, maintenance, �nd opera.tion of a �1,-car off-street parking facility and motor vehi.cle g�rage in the proposed a.ddition to sai.d , r �applicant's building on the South 2 of Lot 2 �.nd �11 of Lots 3 �.nd 4, Block 26, Rice �.nd Irvine�s gdc�ition, �.butting on the south line of Ea,gle Street in the City of Saint P�.u1, that sai.c�, permit be and hereby is granted, upon the conditions, that the sub3ect off-street parking facility and g�xage shall conform to the �approved plans therefor submitt�d with said �.pplication� and that sai�. �.pplicant shall make c�.ue compliance with �l •�applicable oxtilinances �nd .rules an� regulations of public �uthori.ties ha.v3.ng cogniz�nce in connection �herewith. � Councll File No. 203977—By Frank L. Resolved, Upon the application o4 I _ the Amherst FI. Wllder Foundation „ • _ � • .. _. _ for a City oE Saint Paul permit author- � -- �--�"""�-�"� '"�� � izing its construction,maintenance,aad - operation of a 24-car ofF-street parking ! facility and motor vehicle garage in the proposed addition to said appllcant's j ' building on the South 1� of Lot 2 4 _ _ �nd��l};nf:Lo}s.,:is�nsl a,�3o�s 26,�ice , : '. ' 1 'h�' : 9 r SEP 19 '� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 19 �� DeCourcy _ ��P Holland A roved 19— Losa � - In Favor , nr�1�39� �. ,�-:. � , Peterson � , Mayor A gainst � Rosen ' , l �/ ' Mr. President, Vavoulis ���� � �''� SM G-(il . - . � i � OFFIC� OF CI �Y ' CLERK MRS. AGNESH. O'CONNELL � • ' - • City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN 386 Ciiy Hall and Court House � Council Recorder St. Paul 2, Minnesota ��,� ' .. ,��� sept. 14, 1961. � � � �� � � � SEP �� ��9� CORPORAT�t�N �Q�.11`lSEL P'�r. Robert J� Swords, Corporation Counsel. , Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a Resolution granting the application of Amherst H. Wilder Foundation to provide private parking in the addition to their present building on the west side of Eagle St.. between W. 7th. � and Exchange Streets. Very tru],p yours� � �) City Cle rk � . `3 1' r � � I 1111/►NI!! �•��• �•.• ��• �h• ��� � ��� •�• �� •�� �. I !�• � . . w 11111.. y " / � �� �� 111f �dl - •i. �.• � � . i •�� Y � � _ � ' ` l� = � '� � � � � �! 1� � � � - C I�T-�Y�-O-F�S_A�I.�N-�T P A � L M I N N E S O T A f� y:. y '�.'.�'.'��.•Y'.'.'::�.:.:...�...:..��..'J•.'� :�;:��:�.::::;:::�;�:;;�'R D O F Z O N I N G, � C 1 T 1( O F S A i N T PA U L ••••• ::::••:+i7i�k'�}J.si.oit�nsi-sss-ass 1713 CIT7 HALL AND COURT HOUB� SAINT�AUL 4,MINHI80TA September 12, 1961 - l�rs. Agaee fl. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear �sdam: - This is ia the taatter ot the applicatioa of the Aa�herst H. Wilder Foundatioa to provide private e�ployee parking space in the addition to their present building to be conatructed on property located oa the south side of Eagle Street between W. 3eventh and $agle Streets. The property is described as the south one-half of Lot 2 aad all of Lots 3 aad 4� Block 26, Aice and Irvine's Addition. The property is zoned com�erciai and tigbt indu�trq. The site, in part, is presently developed Nith the Wilder Health �Building Nhich includes the Ni�der Public Baths and pool, the St. • Paul Rebabilitation Center and the Family �iursing $ervice. The pro- posal is to construct a two-story addition to the existing buildiag, the ground tloor of phich �rill be used, in part, for off-atreet park- iag for eaploqees. Tbe ad�oiniag and sura�oundiag are�[ uses are pre- do�iaantly commercial in character. Field investigation discioses no basic obfection to the proposal and the plaas indicate that the pro- posed parkiag area ie auitable for this purpose. The Traffic �agineer has reviewed the pians and has epproved saBe. Ia consideration of the above factors, tbe Board oY Zoning recon�aends � the granting of the applicatfon for a private e�ploy.ee parking garage on the above described propertq ia accord�nce with plaas approved � August 17, 1961. 3iacerely, _ ��. C. 'L!/�-� H. C. IYIELAND Secretary Board of Zoning �C�t:FGI Bncl. Z. F. 4782 V � � - ' � • � , �� F��Ep . : City of Saint Paul, l�innesota � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE H�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � �uG � A� �Q 03 y6 the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � C1TY �L�.KK'S 4F�1G Application is hereb made to �e��'-er-recon��rete�--an-ex�sting �, -c ��,��� k11NK y install and operate a new parking lot�`cross on�A�ut) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : r No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (eus�ome�$) (employees) (�r#vat�-�tse� (p�l��-t�se) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot Maximum 24 To be used in connection with: Wilder Health Center Building at 319 Eagle St. � MISCELLA�TEDUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : 319 Eagle St. , which is on the West side of Eagle St. between Seven Corners and Exchange St. Legal Description : Lots 3 and 4, and S 1/2 of glock 26 Additi Lot 2 Ric e &�rvine',s Applicant's Name s Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Home or Office Address: 305 Wilder Building St. Paul 2, Mi.nn. Phone Number : Capital 2-0311 FOR/BY TAE AP ICANT, Amherst H. '�.der Foundation , August 3, 1961 Signature) e etary (date Address : 305 Wilder Building, St. Paul 2, Minn. � Phone No.: Capital 2-0311 When completed: file three copies o3 this application �orm and three prints of the prelimivary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota • Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.