203971 i 7 ,�f{ — `'+�' G'ouncil File No. 203971—By Bernazd 2�3�,� IGINAL TO CITY CLERK � , r T. Eiolland—Robert F. Peterson— � ' � CITY OF $T. PAU th�'is5� Se on'didt p �e�laaure dia OFFICE OF THE CITY +ch pter 812Lwhichplaw�cr ated lnew • ' COUNCIL RE 'OLUTIO —GE p°we� and duties in addition to tnose duties already possessed by the Port� ;Authority of the City of Saint Paul,' PRESENTED BY said powers and duties consisting oP{ COMMISSIONE �e creation and development of in- dustrial development districts within — the City of Saint Paul by such Port' Authority in line with the newly added; duties and responsibilities refened to,, a d p eoifically�g�ting aa etho bud e j WHEREAS, The State Legislat e ����n �'�ie �'�� �es�3on did pass an act described as Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, which law created new powers and duties io addition to those duties already possessed by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, said powers and dutiss consisting of the creation and development of industrial development districts v�. thin the City of Saint Paul by such port Authority in line with the newly added duties and respor�sibilitie� ref erred to, and specif i- cally granting autho�ity to said Port Authority to make a b�dget f or i.ts operations in the ,��ndustrial development f ield under said new Act, ar�d grar�ti"ng the power to said Pnrt Authority to request the City Coancil to levy such taxes for stach purposes, a nd . WHII�EAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saiat gaul has informed the Council that it has prepared and made its budget for industrial development operations in 1962, under and parsuant to the provisions of the Laws of the State of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and that said budget f or industrial develop- ment is in the amount of $90,000.00, ar�d VVHEREAS, The s�id Port Authority has f iled' with-this �� � � Couc�cil a certified copy of the resolut ion pas��ed by said Port Authority �eq�esting that nnder said law the City Council levy � as taxes f or the benef it of ac�d expenditure f or industrial development by said Port Authority of said amount, and tha� there be imposed upon the property legally taxable in the City a levy suf f icient t� produce the amount of $90,000.00, but ia no e�ent to exceed 35/100 of one mill upoo the dollar of s�ch ` assessed valuation of a].1 taxable property in said City, excludirag money and credits, now theref ore be it RESOLi�ED, That under and pursnant to said law ref erred to, Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812, and f or the purpose of making available said sum of $90,000.00 for the s�pport of the indnstrial dedelopment program of said Port Authority of the City of , Saint Paul and sub,�ect to the maximum legal tax levy provided in said . r - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � DeCourcy ' • Holland • ' Approved i9.— Loss ' In Favor ' Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen • ' Mr. President, Vavoulis � SM c-c�i � ��!'di� ' �� 2�3��1 � ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoENCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONER pq7E _ � - Page 2. law, there be ar3d is hereby levied �or the support of said Port Authority of l�the City of Saint Paul on all property �Gaxable theref or in said City, a tax f or the year 1961, colleetible in 1962, suff icie�t to produce the amount of� $90,000.00, bu� in no event to exceed 35/100 0� one mill as provided by law, as � set out in the budget of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and duly made of record in the minutes of the meeting of � said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, and be it FUF3THER �3ESOLVED, That the City Clerk is directed to certif y a copy of the tax levy as af oresaid f or the year 1961, collectible in the year 1962, to the County Auditor of Ramsey - Couaty, immediately upon the adoption and approval of this - resolution. _ � S E P 19 ��� COUNCILMEN . , Adopted by the Cou��l��� ��,'��. - 19__ Yeas Nays �� DeCourcy $�p � � '��� Holland / �proved 19— Loss �O In Favor ' T�n�S��� � Peterson �` Mayor R,osen Against ���� Q(p` PUBI.IS� Mr. President, Vavoulis � h s nf G-(i I ' �-�DUPLICATE�TO rRINTER e � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������� 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ • � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS , The ��ate Legisla�ura in the 1957 �ession did pass an act d�scribed as �.aws o� Minnesota 1957. Chap�er $12, which �.aw c�eat�c� n��t po�rers and dut3.es in addition to thosa duti�s already no�sas�ed by the �o�� Author�ty o£ the ��t of Sain� Faul, said powers and d�ties Gonsisting af th� crea�ior� and d�vslopment af inc�ust��al dewelopment distric�s u6. th�n . �he City o€ �aint Faul by sucl� por�., Author�.�y in line with the z��w3.y a�ded duties and r�sponsib�.li�ies referred to, and specifi- � ca��y g�;ant3,t�� authar3.ty to said Port Authority to make a budget f or its �op�rations in �he �ndust�eial development f3eld under said nev�';Ac�, and �rant3.n� the po��er to said �?art Authari�y �to r�qu�s� ��ha C�.�ty Counc �. to Zev� such taxes f oP s�sch pe�t,rposes, a r�d � , � Y�I�E�tEaS, The Aor�G Authority of the Gity of Saint �aul llas �.r�£orr7�d the Gounc�], that it has pr�pa�ed �nd� made its , bcad�et for indus�rial deve�.opment operatio�s in ].9E�2, under and p�rsuant to the prov�,s�.ons o� �h� La�vs of �h� S�a�e of Minnssota 1957, �ha�ter 812, and �tha�' said b�dge� �os industrial develop- , mont 3.s in the ar�ount a� $90,000.00, and WHEREA$, The s�a.c� �ort Au�I�Qr�.�y has filed a►ith this + Council a c�rtif ied copy of the resoi�tion passed by said Port Author3.tjr rac�uest3ng t�ta� under sa�.d law the C3.ty Council Zevy as •�axes f or the ben���,t , of a�d expend�tur� f or industrial. developmer�t by said Fort Authori�ty of said amount, and �hat there be im�osed upon �he ,prnperty lega�.l.y taxable �n the C�ty � a levy suf f�cient �bo produce the ama�nt of �90,000.00, k,4� i.n no event to exceed 35/lOb o� one mill upon the dollar af such assessed valuation af , all taxal�3e p�oper�y 3.n sa3.d C3.ty. excluding money and credi�s, now thezef ore bQ it RESOLVED� Tha� ur�der and �urst�a�t ta said law �ef erred �o, �,aws of t�inriesot� 1957, Chapter 8�2, and f ar �he purposQ of mal�ing ava3lable said sum of $90.000�00 for the support of the ind�s�trial dovelop;�ent pro�rara of sa�d �ar� Au�hority of the Gity o� , Ssi�n� �au]. and stib�ect to the maximum legal tax levy provided in sa�d COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst R,osen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM c-ui � Dis�'LICATET O rRINTER /����1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `'' -� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. • � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. 1aw, ��here b�� a�d is hereby levied for the support� o£ said �ort Authority of �he Git� of Sa3.�:t �aul o� a].1 property �axab3.e thsref ox iri said �3.ty, a tax f o� the year 196Y, col7.ect3ble in i962, suf f ic3ent to ��oduce the amo�ant of �90,�00.00, k�u� in no event to exceed 35/100 of on� mil]. as provided by law,. as �et out 3n the budget vf the Fort Authority of the City of 9a3n� ' P-aul and duly made of record in the minu�es of the meetinq of ' said Port Author�.ty o� the City of Sair�t p�au1, ac�ct be it L FURTH&F�. R&SOLVED, That the Gity Clerk is directed to certif y, a copy o� the tax levy as af oresaf.d f or �he yea� 1961, • coYlect3ble i� �he year 1962, �o the County Audito� of Ramsey Coun�y, irn�-�ediately upon tha adaption and apProval of this resolu�ion: S EP 19 i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP 19 ��►� DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Peterson ,O Mayor R,osen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis $M u-ui ^ _ J ��7 .;�. .;�, . . �°1 ,��3�,� .�s � , �. �'\ ,,q�a`1 � (I) _ I I /�111 v/"- . - � P O R T A U T H O R I T Y ° 60' EAST FOU RTH STRE ET OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA - CAPITAL b•3483 ___ _`_ `__`= August 24, 1961 �; � �,�, l,� rti)_�J;��NarV� � n . . t�„ L. t;J;f�J,/ � � ���G � �19 F��C� �1�,�, " 61 � Honorable George J. Vavoulis ������/����$I� Pa� and Members of the Common Counci].,,._� „� l�/��¢ of the City of Saint Paul ' Gentlemen: � .. , � , - 'Please be advised that during the regulaT meeting of the Port Authority on Tuesday, August 8, 1961, the members of that Commission adopted the necessary resolution for submission to the City Council of a request to the County Auditor for a .35 mill tax levy for the fiscal year 1962 as authorized by Laws of Minnesota 1957, Chapter 812. . We are, therefore, attaching a resolution unanimously adopted by the Port Authority, to carry out this request. Very truly your , . �� � � . . . . Lyle E. Kinvig � General Manager LEK:d . - �--�. PHILIP H. NASON, President WILLIAM L. SHOVELL, Legislative Advisor LYLE E. KINVIG, General Manager RICHARD C. RADMAN,JR., Vice Pres. HAROLD W. SCHULTZ, Legislative Advisor FRANK E. CLAWSON, ROBERT W. JOHNSON, Secretary BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner Director of Industrial Development NEIL H. GRIEBENOW, Treasurer ROBERT F. PETERSON,Commissioner. A.J. BRAND, Member PHILIP W. FITZPATRICK, Consultant . � ��� ' . ' " PORT AUTHORITY No. ` s � CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. • �� " RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM - ' Au�us�t �3, 19bZ . .. = DATF HESOIV�D,� By the Fart A��hs�xity of the Cifi�► af - Saznt Paul that it h��eby resp��t�ully reques�ts -�he C�.ty Cauncil of �the City df Saint Paul to 1.�vy as -�axes �'c�r th� � benef�.t of and �xpen�i•tur� for i�ts 1962 �udge� for industra.al d�ve�.opm�n-t, by such Part F�u-thority, a� amaun-� e�' [�iin�ty Thousand Dol3.ars (�90,000.U�) or such amount as �:�zl.l nt��t e�cCeed 35�100 af ane mill upan the dollar c�f thE assessed rralua�cion of a"11 �axabl.e property in sa3.d City, �xcl��dinc� money and cx��ditss be it FURTH�I� RESOLVED , Tha� tr�e Cify Coune�.l i.$ hereby advi�ed by the Po�t Autharity that the mon��vs to �e ob�ained from the 1�yy of su�h 'auth�r3zed tax (Laws of th� Sta�te d�' Minne�mta 1457, Chap�er f3I2, Sec. �.8} are �ts en�hl� �ne Part Au�hc�rity of tre City ��' Sa�nt Pau�. �fficien-��.y and 3.r� fhe public in�er�st ta �a���.nu�e fia c�xxy �a�� t�e �ims and purpas�s of �he afarer��n�ianed Aet in the ���rat:�on anr� expans�v�z of its Industrial D��telopm�nt D�.stri�� �� prb�►3ded 3.n �fie afax�� mention�d A�t. Adopte �� u�� $ i9b� 195— - \ �Philip H. N�son 1M 11-57 �� - President, Port Authority